Young Turks on the Newly Built Ram Mandir in Ayodhya | What Significance Does it Hold for Them?

  • last year
Join our Young Turks as they delve into the profound significance of the newly built Ram Mandir in Ayodhya! In this engaging discussion, our panel of young minds explores the cultural, historical, and social importance of this monumental structure. Gain insights into what the Ram Mandir means for the younger generation and how it reflects on our shared identity. Don't miss this thought-provoking conversation on the evolving landscape of beliefs and values. Subscribe now for a fresh perspective on the cultural tapestry of India!

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00:00 Hello there, well quite an important day, a red letter day as far as India's history is concerned and needless to say
00:07 The spiritual tourism has found a new address, Ayodhya
00:11 Yes
00:12 That's the way, that's the place where every road is heading to
00:15 Joining me on the broadcast are two youngsters and today we discuss what the Gen Z's feel about Ayodhya
00:22 What is it in the religion that attracts them as well? Is that that very
00:28 Important Instagram reel that they want to make? Is that the followers that they want to increase or is it something beyond that?
00:35 Arushi, beginning with you, what is the relevance of Ram Mandir for you and for Gen Z's like you?
00:41 Okay, so for me, it's not the Instagram reel
00:45 It's not just a thing to show off to the world, but it's a sense of pride
00:51 I think
00:53 Ram Mandir holds a lot of significance for Gen Z's or rather I would say for the younger generation
00:58 So as you were saying the tourism has increased
01:02 Yes, it has indeed. It holds a lot of cultural significance with us and definitely the religious significance is there
01:10 So it's not just about Instagram reels. It is for some Gen Z's, but for me it is a sense of pride
01:18 It is something which I will go abroad and say that this is something happening in India
01:23 And you should be going and visiting and knowing the Indian culture, the Indian heritage
01:28 So it holds a lot of significance rather than the social media part
01:33 Right, so more than just you know, the social media reels and Instagram posts
01:38 Do you believe that Gen Z would also be
01:43 Associating themselves with the Ram Mandir just as their parents would do?
01:46 Yeah, of course, I believe that is going to happen and it is actually happening
01:51 I have not seen that kind of enthusiasm for last several years
01:55 But coming to this Ram Mandir, I am talking about myself and the other generations, I am talking about the younger generation
02:00 so yes, there is an enthusiasm and
02:02 not, I mean, how can I say it? It's somewhat like a
02:07 Awakening of something, something of spiritual things here. So yeah, so they believe that this is something big and we should go there
02:15 This is something glorious to us. This is something that we should embrace in our culture
02:20 So yes, this is more about the culture and this is happening. More about the culture
02:26 Definitely, I mean the One India team spent almost a week in Ayodhya including me and
02:33 As Ansh is mentioning for generations who are now
02:37 You know upcoming who are in standard say 8th or 9th, maybe standard 6th
02:43 They are the ones also who found attachment. I met a few students there
02:48 They had come from Pune in Maharashtra and I asked that very young fellow
02:54 That what is it that he liked about Ram Mandir and trust me at that time Ram Mandir was under construction
02:59 So he said I like its design. So that
03:03 Architectural marvel. So the aesthetics also take it beyond just the social media fervor. What do you think? I think
03:11 It is indeed an architectural marvel for us because till now like
03:15 the generation which we are in we have seen
03:19 Akshardhan temple and big
03:22 Architectural temples, but we haven't seen something built in front of our eyes
03:27 This is something which has been built in front of our eyes, which we are gonna tell our future generation
03:32 That makes it more significant
03:34 Yeah, that Ram Mandir the huge the historical temple was built when I was there. I saw that I reported it
03:41 So it indeed
03:42 holds a lot of
03:44 architectural thing and that also becomes a point of being aesthetic on Instagram because nowadays the aesthetic part
03:50 That aesthetic factor plays a huge part
03:53 So the architecture is being connected to that aesthetic thing where people can go the young generation and show off their aesthetic part
04:01 All right
04:02 Beyond aesthetics also unsure if we take a look at it because you know
04:07 Undertaking that journey to Ayodhya from different parts of the country or from different parts of the world
04:11 Couldn't be and wouldn't be just about
04:14 you know
04:17 Clicking some pictures or maybe appreciating the beauty there
04:19 It's also beyond that, you know the spiritual part that we are talking about
04:23 Do you believe that?
04:25 Gen Z is that religious also? I can't say exactly
04:29 But yes, I believe that yes, the spirituality is rising and it is happening as I mentioned it already before
04:34 so yes, there is some religious factor and people are getting more religious and see Ram is something that
04:40 Unifies a whole community. That's what I would like to say about this. Okay, because it's not just about one nation
04:46 It's about many more nations from if you go to Malaysia and even Indonesia, you'll find you'll find the mention of Ram there
04:53 so yes, that's the thing and definitely Gen Z is getting spiritual and
04:58 Of course Ram Mandir is going to play a spiritual part in this. That's what I'm trying to say. All right
05:03 Please go ahead. Yeah, but I think there is a term here which is social media bhakts
05:09 I would like to say what it is exactly
05:12 So nowadays what the younger generation or Gen Z's are doing they have
05:17 correlated this whole religious and spiritual thing to
05:21 Looking cool. So I have seen people who go visit temples like one of the main
05:27 like point of them going is to this Vrindavan
05:32 So they go there they click pictures and they posted all those tika and all and they show off that
05:38 VR spiritual. You forgot Kedarnath. They also go to Kedarnath just for this
05:42 Just for the pictures, just for content, just for the videos. That's why we do this show to understand
05:48 What is it that the young Turks are thinking and you're right even I have seen my you know colleagues and trust me
05:56 I'm not Gen Z
05:57 but
05:59 My colleagues of my age maybe a couple of years younger or elder
06:03 They have been off late. I have been seeing most of them journalists have been
06:08 Paying visits to these religious places and they have been flaunting it. They have been putting it on social media Twitter
06:14 formerly called Twitter now X or
06:17 Instagram do you believe that you know somewhere beyond these
06:21 the hustle bustle and the glamour and the glare of a
06:26 Decent picture. Do you believe that the essence of Ram in Kalyug Ansh is something that we need to retain?
06:33 This is yes, of course. It's it needs to be retained and
06:37 Well, that's something that we that
06:42 How do you how do you do it on yourself? What do you do in order to retain that Ram in you?
06:49 See, first of all, the most important thing is that we write. Yes that do whatever is necessary first thing. Okay, so
06:56 What exactly is ideal what you have to do? So as a problem
07:02 I'm sucked if I grab the baby to the term cup Island can do what is righteousness if you don't follow that
07:08 Now what exactly is the term is not exactly that many up who you don't have to do this
07:13 You have to eat in a chain of winning. No exactly. What exactly are your duties to a specific thing?
07:19 Okay, so if you're not fulfilling your duties, then you are not exactly a dharmic person
07:25 I'm a dharmic person. I mean duties
07:27 duties for a car near ticket it body critical term a joint share mention current and
07:33 very
07:35 Relative terms in talking about and very contemporary things of late. We saw two
07:41 You know long
07:45 weekends, okay or accept the joke goes around that
07:49 If Friday is a public holiday Saturday Sunday is weekly often people tend to take a Monday holiday
07:56 So I'm trying to club it or sandwich it
07:58 Wampa duty for free coming a little behind a man a little bit to make a rishi's a downer. How do you see?
08:04 He's a bath with the around keep a job. I'm sure they're a job
08:08 Idol hand jokey caradoc. Oh, can you can't be dharma?
08:14 So come with a BK a little bit up a lot. I have a steel man. You can you keep up key key?
08:20 Can you after calm a bus? Keep it ready?
08:23 Yes, a mista be kind of I think I you'd like to say a line here
08:28 But it's not just about saying jessery down. It's about following
08:32 Shriram values and teachings
08:35 So if you follow
08:37 Jesse down you say and if you follow his values what round it in
08:41 His life if you follow even 10% of it in your daily life, like for example, I work in a corporate world
08:49 I am a media person and
08:51 If I follow how wrong worked hard for his people, I am also serving two people giving news
08:56 so if I learn from him how he served his people and how he made
09:01 Everyone like he how he served
09:04 So if I take that in my life, then obviously that karma part and that
09:09 Will go or relate so it's about following his teachings not just saying that I am following Ram
09:15 You have to follow that and implement that in your own life, whatever you are doing
09:20 I am a media person I'd implement it in my way if you are a teacher if you are anything any profession you can implement
09:26 it in your life
09:28 Before this show, but she had promised us
09:30 Backstage that she would be completing all her working days not taking any leaves
09:35 Well, I'm sure you know Gen Z's those who are just
09:46 You know 19 20 21
09:48 One crucial thing that is coming up is elections 2024
09:52 Do you believe that this Ram temple would be on Gen Z's mind while casting the vote or would it be something else?
09:58 Maybe swanky roads better roads to drive on facilities somewhere down the line. What would be the case?
10:04 well, definitely Ram Mandir would be an election issue and
10:07 Personally talking of me and voters like me of the age 2020 and even the young generation voters see
10:15 I'm not taking the name of the ruling party. But yeah, they do they made this election product. We will construct it and
10:22 They fulfilled that. Okay, so they will definitely campaign for it that we did it see we did it and coming to the next part
10:29 Is that when there's roads bigger roads in it? So
10:32 If I talk about Ayodhya specifically, so temple construction, it's actually this whole city is getting revamped right now
10:39 You're getting new airports. You are getting new roads. You're getting a new railway station. So
10:46 Definitely a cheesing heavy and definitely it is going to play a huge part and
10:50 I'm going to vote for that only
10:53 Yes, I'm going to vote for that only
10:55 But people are often saying that it's a PR activity that you are doing all of this before the general elections
11:02 They are targeting BGP saying why now like in 2024 when the general elections are going to be held
11:10 I mean it was in their election manifesto may have to also defense man devil's advocate banjata who
11:15 Yeah, he will get defense may their political parties that they will use it definitely
11:20 But but I mean this has been if you go to Ayodhya every second person would tell you that
11:25 Ponce's all pala Raja Vikramaditya name Ram Mandir Kuhu renovate karate of Jackie of your eyes
11:31 So 500 years is a long time there. I do rest. I I mean turn on 10 for that
11:37 And I think so I'll head up here exercise that I believe see I mean
11:41 Even social media once again is most of the times used to promote something
11:47 Okay, so our Gen Z would be more clued in talking about you know
11:52 How to flaunt your new watch or how to flaunt your new ring or whatever it is. Well, I'm gonna keep up a little bit safe
11:57 Cup jar a haplogram if I get a chance to go on the inauguration itself, I would love to know
12:05 No, no, no, no, you can't go on your mission Prime Minister Modi has said don't be there
12:09 But 23rd you can yeah
12:12 I'll definitely go as soon as possible because now that I have heard a lot about it. I am giving news on it
12:19 I can't resist myself from going and witnessing the beauty. They are you must ask what's the plan? Well, I'll go job
12:27 for a shantajaya
12:29 Then I'll get a when I'll get an appropriate time to at least see how exactly it's made
12:33 Kase bana hai what exactly have they done things there?
12:36 The poor are ready ho jayega and the rush exactly is not as much of a B
12:41 Kuki hype it is other that's why even Prime Minister's right now saying to be a beaver top
12:45 To buy school. I don't get to make a home. He's basically trying to say that
12:48 Obviously as I said in the beginning that all roads are leading to a or there needless to say
12:53 Yes, Prime Minister Modi has said be there on 23rd, but not on 22nd
12:58 Don't change much. I mean troubles can tell me what you have to watch it on TV. I'm at the age of IE
13:02 That's what he has said. But one thing is for sure and the engineers so basically involved from Larson and to bro and
13:09 Tata Tata consulting engineers is the firm that is constructing the whole periphery of Ramani
13:17 They said he has selfie learning about my leg up in one of our interviews
13:21 You can watch all our coverage on our playlist on YouTube one India English
13:25 Where we have listed all these stories that we have filed from my oh, yeah, and one gentleman there. Mr
13:31 Dubay from TCE says selfie points be home
13:34 That's actually a good thing because I think it's so beautiful
13:39 No, but actually it's not allowed in several temples like maybe because I like a solution
13:45 I'd get so they're not that is there. Ha won't be up. Maybe ha ha ha
13:50 Sanctum Sanctorum may obviously one would not do it. But otherwise, I think it's a feast for eyes
13:56 Julia with a promise from our she that she would be completing all her work days also and also take a break in the first
14:07 month of January to go to a that that exception can be made and
14:10 Spotted they are also weighing in how does the Gen Z?
14:15 feels and also looks at this Ram Mandir
14:18 we will see you on 22nd of January with all the
14:21 Broadcast and all the highlights of the mega launch and also would be bringing you voices from across the world
14:27 To weigh in on how does the world feel on this inauguration of the Ram temple?
