发表言论缺乏敏感性 阿克玛:倪可汉愚蠢如政府肉中刺

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 行动党木威区国会议员倪可汉建议审查伊斯兰法委员会纳入非穆斯林专家,巫青团长阿克玛认为,倪可汉愚蠢而且缺乏敏感度。(主播:颜江瀚、黄宇恒)


00:00 First, let's talk about a topic related to the Islamic affairs.
00:03 The Democratic Party's Muwei District Member, Ni Ka-han,
00:06 made a suggestion yesterday,
00:07 which caused a big wave of criticism.
00:09 It's because it's related to the Islamic affairs.
00:13 The central government recently established a committee,
00:17 led by the former chief justice, Tun Zhaji.
00:21 The committee mainly studies the conflict between the Islamic law and the federal constitution.
00:26 But the committee was full of Muslims.
00:31 So Ni Ka-han suggested that the government should appoint non-Muslim experts to join the committee,
00:38 so that they can consider the interpretation of the federal constitution before making any changes.
00:45 Also, Ni Ka-han thought that the committee should appoint a representative from the Malaysian Law Society.
00:51 In short, his premise is to consider the opinions of non-Muslims and protect the rights of non-Muslims.
00:57 Ni Ka-han's remarks immediately caused a rebound in the Muslim community.
01:01 Even Simon's current teammate, Wutong, couldn't help but stand up and criticize Ni Ka-han.
01:06 First, the Chief Justice, Akhmar,
01:08 thought that Ni Ka-han's suggestion was stupid and insensitive.
01:13 Islamic law is only applicable to Muslims.
01:16 So he thought that Ni Ka-han didn't have to make such a suggestion.
01:20 He also described that such a leader is like a thorn in the flesh for the United Front.
01:25 So he urged the leaders of the Action Party to take care of each other's sensitivity for the United Front.
01:31 And protecting Ni Ka-han would affect the relationship between the United Front and the parties.
01:37 For this topic, Wutong, Roufou, Secretary Zhou, and the last member of the Adul-Halin,
01:41 he couldn't help but give a warning.
01:43 First, he said that he saw the leaders of the Action Party recently
01:46 seem to be constantly saying some test-water words on those topics that cannot be compromised.
01:52 He gave an example.
01:53 He said, "Look, the senior of the Action Party, Lin Jixiang,
01:56 mentioned that he tried to propose that non-Malaysians can also be prime ministers if they follow the constitution.
02:03 Then, the President of the Federal Sub-Committee of the Action Party, Chen Guowei,
02:05 recently proposed that the local elections in Kuala Lumpur should be restored, etc.
02:10 He said that these are things that Wutong can barely bear and accept.
02:14 In order to consider the overall situation and maintain the relationship between the government and the parties,
02:18 they can do nothing but comment.
02:20 But he said that this time is different, because Ni Ka-han's remarks have crossed the line.
02:25 Because he intervened in the Islamic affairs,
02:27 he said that this time Wutong cannot remain silent.
02:31 Adul-Halin said, "The Malays and Muslims of our country
02:34 do not need non-Muslims to interfere in Islamic affairs,
02:38 especially on behalf of other ethnic politicians.
02:41 There are already many experts in the Muslim community who can suggest and study the Islamic teachings.
02:46 There is no need for the leaders of the Action Party to worry.
02:48 At the same time, Muslims will not interfere in the religious affairs of other races."
02:53 He also reminded that if the Action Party really wants to continue to build a good relationship within the United Government
02:58 to build a diverse Malaysia,
03:01 such sensitive issues should not be mentioned again,
03:04 and more common sense should be used to express speech.
03:07 Do not provoke the sensitive emotions of the Malays and Muslims.
03:10 Then there is the leader of the Youth League of the Tupou Party, Yuan Huai-shou.
03:15 He also came out to fire.
03:16 He said that Ni Ka-han's suggestion was not only extreme, but also violated the federal constitution.
03:20 So he thinks Ni Ka-han must withdraw his speech and apologize.
03:23 He also asked if Ni Ka-han realized that his proposal
03:27 may cause concern among the Muslim community.
03:30 He said that everything related to Islamic affairs
03:33 is within the jurisdiction of the national leaders and the Malays.
03:36 If non-Muslims are involved in the review of the constitutional rights of the Islamic law,
03:42 it means that non-Muslims have begun to interfere in their Muslim affairs.
03:47 Even if Ni Ka-han is really worried about the ability of the Constitutional Council to formulate Islamic law,
03:51 he thinks that Ni Ka-han can only suggest that Muslim constitutional experts enter the committee,
03:57 and not non-Muslims.
03:59 For this matter, the secretary-general of the Action Party, Lu Zhao-fu, came out to put out the fire soon,
04:04 and also expressed the position of the Action Party.
04:06 Lu Zhao-fu said that the fire was a sign of respect for the decision of the Snowy Sudan
04:09 on the national Islamic religious affairs committee.
04:15 Ni Ka-han's suggestion was incorrect.
04:17 This would make people think that the Action Party wants to interfere in Islamic affairs.
04:22 Now this speech has aroused controversy.
04:25 Lu Zhao-fu said that the Special Committee on Review of the Islamic Court of Justice
04:29 was presided over by the Snowy Sudan to provide some suggestions to strengthen the Islamic court.
04:34 But any legislative amendments that involve non-Muslim rights
04:38 still have to go through two levels, namely the cabinet and the Congress.
04:41 So he said that non-Muslim groups don't have to worry too much about this issue.
04:47 Lu Zhao-fu emphasized that the Action Party is committed to maintaining the principle of mutual respect,
04:52 and the harmony between religion and race is the common responsibility.
04:56 The Action Party has already expressed their position.
04:59 The Minister of the Prime Minister's Office in charge of religious affairs,
05:01 Mohammad Naim, also issued a statement.
05:03 This should be the government's position.
05:06 He said that Ni Ka-han's suggestion was not reasonable,
05:08 and called on all parties not to issue any statements that may cause public unrest.
05:13 Any administrative policy involving Islamic affairs,
05:16 including legal and judicial issues involving Muslim affairs,
05:19 the Prime Minister's Office will consult the National Islamic Affairs Committee,
05:23 led by the Snowy Sudan,
05:25 and will also consult the Islamic religious authorities in each state.
05:28 The study results and suggestions of the Islamic Law Committee
05:32 will be submitted to the National Islamic Affairs Committee,
05:34 MKI, and the Malaysian Rulers' Council.
05:38 (Music)
