Roy Hodgson on Crystal Palaces unfortunate 2-1 loss

  • last year
00:00 Roy, can I start by asking you about the decision at the end? What do you think?
00:07 I mean, I'm tempted to say, "John, what's the point really? We just have to accept there's two referees every game."
00:15 And every time something happens on the field of play and the referee makes the decision, you still have to wait several minutes just in case someone in the studio,
00:23 someone hasn't whispered in his ear that he's seen something different. So that happens. People will discuss and look at it themselves.
00:31 Was it? Wasn't it? But the fact is we are taking away the decisions or we're trashing, if you like, the decisions of the guy on the field close to it
00:40 and handing it over to someone in front of a TV screen.
00:43 Do you think he moves? Because once he sort of stood there, it feels like the referee probably didn't get there enough there.
00:51 It wasn't my obvious idea of what a penalty looks like, of course, but that's the same thing.
00:57 There are so many penalties I see given on my obvious idea of what a penalty looks like because I suppose I'm conditioned to some extent
01:06 by having seen penalties given and not given for many, many years.
01:12 So, I've got to be honest with you. I have no real interest in discussing referees and BAL.
01:28 I think you have to allow me that leeway. I'll cut a lot of the questions short.
01:34 I thought we played very well and I thought that we deserved to get something from that game.
01:38 I think we really could have even said that a performance like that should have got us the three points.
01:43 It's got us nothing. So, then the next question, am I frightened to death now because we're only a few points above the relegation zone?
01:50 I'll answer that one for you as well. No, I'm not.
01:52 Because it doesn't matter to me who's top of the league at this moment in time.
01:56 It doesn't matter that Aston Villa could go top last night but lose and finish third or fourth.
02:01 It doesn't bother me. What bothers me is 38 games and where we're going to be.
02:05 What I think is that with this team and the way we've played the last four games,
02:09 home to Liverpool, where we certainly did not deserve to lose that one,
02:13 Man City, where we defended well and got ourselves an incredible point,
02:17 Brighton, tough team, 1-1, decent performance, Chelsea here today, one of the top teams in the country, if not the world.
02:26 We've come out here and we've matched them, I think, step for step.
02:29 That gives me great hope and great heart for the future and I'm sad at the moment
02:36 because I think that I should be sitting here now with at least one point behind
02:40 and of course that would change the nature of a lot of your questions.
02:44 You'd be saying what a good performance it was to draw 1-1 rather than ask me how devastated I am because we lost 2-1.
02:51 It was a good performance and you're right, you have been playing well. So is that making it all the more frustrating?
02:59 No, that's football. It's making it football. That's what football does.
03:03 But the worst thing in football is when you're not getting any points and you're playing badly.
03:08 Losing players and not feeling confident that the players you've got are going to be able to get you up the table and get you wins,
03:15 that's the worrying time, that's the frustrating time, that's the disappointing time.
03:20 This is part and parcel of football. You don't get what you think sometimes you deserve in football.
03:27 That's not changed in my 47, 48 years of working in football and I dare say it won't change in the next 50 years for the people who come after you.
03:35 Okay. After you.
03:38 I wanted to ask two questions really. You spoke about your side's brilliant performance, where do you think your team's match shall seem in particular in this game?
03:55 And my second question to you was, you might have a release date, so how happy were you when you saw that release date?
04:06 Yep. One is he's already scored. That's the second goal he's scored and the other one he made, so the goals we're scoring he's been behind them.
04:16 He's playing extremely well. He's a very, very dangerous player.
04:19 I think we matched Chelsea. I thought our pressurisation was good. I thought we stopped them building up play for long periods of time.
04:25 We had a good period in the first half. We started the game very well.
04:28 We had a period after maybe 15, 20 minutes where they cut through us once or twice, but after that I think we sorted that out.
04:36 I thought in the second half really there was possibly more action in and around their penalty area than even there was around ours.
04:44 I was comfortable with our passing throughout the game, but like everything else you need to convert those opportunities and half-opportunities in and around the opponent's penalty area.
04:57 into goals, otherwise unfortunately you run the risk that you'll get something at the other end.
05:04 Okay. Are there any other questions on this evening? No? Okay. In that case we'll leave that there.
