Born Again: Unveiling Predatory Mechanics of the New Roguelike MMORPG

  • last year
#bornagain #mmorpg #roguelike


Born Again MMO: First Impressions of a New MMORPG Adventure!
Join me for a first look at "Born Again" as we explore the immersive world, intricate gameplay, and the potential it holds as a new MMORPG release in 2023.

Predatory Mechanics in MMORPGs: Navigating the Challenges! ‍♂️
Delve into the discussion about predatory mechanics in MMORPGs and how "Born Again" may present challenges for players. From in-game purchases to progression hurdles, we'll examine the potential pitfalls that can affect the gaming experience.

Born Again MMO Gameplay: Unleashing the Power! ️

Experience the action firsthand as we dive into "Born Again" gameplay. From the character progression system to unlocking new characters, we'll showcase the mechanics that shape the MMORPG adventure. Discover the strategies for overcoming challenges and achieving success.

How to Unlock New Characters in Born Again: Tips and Tricks! ️

Unlocking new characters is a key aspect of the roguelike MMORPG experience. Join me as we explore the strategies and tips for unlocking new characters in "Born Again," enhancing your gameplay and expanding your in-game roster.

F2P MMORPG: Is It Fun or Pay-to-Win? Unveiling the Truth!

Addressing the elephant in the room, we'll discuss whether "Born Again" is a genuinely free-to-play MMORPG or if it leans towards pay-to-win mechanics. Join the conversation as we analyze the balance between accessibility and in-game purchases.

Subscribe for More MMORPG Adventures and Reviews!

Stay tuned for future updates, gameplay reviews, and in-depth discussions on MMORPGs. Subscribe now to join the community and share your thoughts on the exciting world of "Born Again" and beyond!


00:00 - Intro
01:13 - First Run
03:37 - Fighting Mummunt
05:34 - Steam Reviews
07:16 - Fighting Stone Giant
08:04 - First Death
09:01 - Discussing Problems With Character Unlocks
09:52 - Second Run
13:28 - Fighting Kobukin King
13:50 - Second Death
14:30 - Third Run
15:41 - Fighting Giant Gloop
24:50 - Hammurabi's Sanctum
26:11 - Third Death
25:59 - Final Thoughts
00:00Welcome on back to Slaugnargs Nerd Cave.
00:02Today we're going to be checking out a
00:04game called Born Again.
00:06This is a MMORPG with a permadeath
00:09roguelite flare to it.
00:11Game reminds me a lot
00:12of Realm of the Mad God.
00:14I don't know if you
00:14guys have ever played that.
00:16Essentially what you have here is an
00:17MMORPG where you're going to run out
00:19on missions, collect loot, try to stay
00:21alive as long as you can.
00:22And then when you die, you start on over.
00:25I love roguelites and permadeath games,
00:26but I've always kind of bounced
00:28off these MMORPG with the roguelite
00:30feelings to them just because they're
00:32kind of contradictory.
00:34But with that being said, I went through
00:35and I played for about a half hour
00:37already, ran through one character and
00:38subsequently died because I bit off
00:40more than I could chew.
00:41So I figured we'd jump back in now that I
00:43have an understanding of how this works
00:44and show you what the
00:45gameplay is all about.
00:46The one point of contention is you can
00:48only start as a warrior.
00:50You have to unlock these meta currency
00:52things up here on the right hand side
00:54that kind of look like
00:55a sliced open tomato.
00:56And you have to collect 50 of those to
00:58unlock your next character.
01:00Now I died one time and upon death, I
01:02unlocked eight of those.
01:03So figure that's probably going to take
01:05about five runs to
01:06unlock a new character.
01:08Well, let's jump in
01:08with our warrior level one.
01:10All right, here we are in the world.
01:11So this is like the town hub, right?
01:12This is where we all come in.
01:13I have my gear down right
01:14here because you have storage.
01:17Where you was a guy drop.
01:19Check that out.
01:21You have a storage, but you cannot sell
01:23anything except to other players.
01:24So I'll show you. Here's a bank.
01:27Maybe doesn't want to open open earlier
01:29when I played. Interesting.
01:33There we go. That one open.
01:35So here are a few things
01:35I collected on other runs.
01:37Once you want to go back to town, you
01:38just press B and you can come back here
01:39and drop in your goodies with this guy
01:41drop of city and sword 30 to 40 damage.
01:44Man, that guy hooked it up.
01:45So we're going to take that.
01:47So I was just using a
01:48sword that was 20 to 30.
01:50So boom. Thanks, random guy.
01:52I appreciate it.
01:52So now we know where
01:53we can store our goods.
01:55Here is our weapon slot
01:57right down here on spacebar.
01:58You hold down space and you do attack.
02:01Right. Trigger also
02:01does a smaller attack.
02:03Q can throw out some bombs for the
02:05warrior class and E allows me to jump.
02:07Normally, there's multiple little pillars
02:09you can go through here,
02:09but it looks like the dragon pillar is
02:11the only one available.
02:12So to go and do combat, this is how you
02:14enter the world of combat.
02:16Here we are in the realm of dragons.
02:18Now we're level one because
02:19we died. We start all over.
02:22This is the starting gear,
02:22minus what I picked up before.
02:24Now you can see there's
02:25this square icon down here.
02:27This is where we're going to want to go
02:28because that's like a boss to fight.
02:30That's the whole gameplay.
02:32You level up.
02:33You kill some people on the way to level
02:35up a little bit more
02:36and you try to take down the bosses.
02:39The bosses will give you gear drops.
02:41That's when I've seen gear drops.
02:42OK. And this guy dropped me an apple.
02:45Pick up the apple.
02:45That's going to heal me.
02:47You see, these are all
02:48other players running around.
02:50You definitely want to
02:51stick with the other players.
02:55And you see how this quest
02:55keep changing pretty quickly?
02:57It's because the other players are
02:58killing the enemies
02:59before we can get there.
03:00So let's go down this way. We'll work
03:01towards the stone golem.
03:03We'll use our E to jump down
03:04because we fancy like that.
03:05Yes, at lower levels, you're definitely
03:07going to want to stick
03:08with some other characters.
03:09OK, here's a boss.
03:10Here's our first boss fight.
03:11So I threw out my little.
03:15Well, that seems to be hurting them.
03:16Maybe I'm too weak.
03:18Threw out my little grenade.
03:21Let's see.
03:23Keep saying new quest.
03:25Is this glitched out?
03:26These guys are invisible.
03:29Well, they leveled up.
03:31Maybe the game is
03:32glitching out on me right now.
03:35I feel like the game is glitching on me.
03:37All right, let's go somewhere else.
03:38We can jump over things like that.
03:42I died right here in the desert last
03:43time, so let's hope it
03:43doesn't happen again.
03:45Oh, now this thing's taking damage.
03:47Let's get back over here.
03:48Oh, that's done.
03:49OK, we're hitting them, though. We're
03:50hitting them, though.
03:52All right, we got to.
03:53So now look, we're already level three.
03:54That's how you pick up new gear, right?
03:56You kill a boss, they drop them.
03:57You click on it over here.
03:59I cannot use this.
04:00This is unusable by my class.
04:02So I'll hold on to this
04:02and put it back in my bank.
04:04It's a very
04:04straightforward gameplay loop.
04:05You run around, you kill things, collect
04:07gear, try not to die.
04:09Because when you die,
04:10you start on over again.
04:11Let's talk a little bit about the visual
04:12styling of the game.
04:13I think that's pretty apparent.
04:15This is a strong
04:16pixelated looking graphic.
04:18Oh, crap, we're getting hit on right now.
04:20I like it. It's cool.
04:21Keeps it simple.
04:23Keeps it from getting too overwhelming.
04:24I'm getting mobbed on right here.
04:26I'm getting mobbed.
04:27Let's jump back down here.
04:29I like the little pixelated
04:30styling they got going on.
04:32I definitely need a teammate.
04:34It fits right in with the
04:36game realms of the mad god.
04:37Like I said, they all these rogue light
04:40and M.O. RPGs tend to go
04:42for this graphical styling.
04:44Combats also not something to
04:46really like write home about.
04:47It's serviceable, but it's
04:49not like impressive, really.
04:51Now, what had happened when
04:54the last run is when we killed
04:55a certain amount of people in this area,
04:57I got teleported to like this huge boss
04:59room and almost died.
05:01So I'm not sure what
05:01exactly triggers that mechanic,
05:03but let's go back over here.
05:05Jump up over here.
05:06We're going to get the same boss again.
05:08Let's first kill this guy.
05:11OK, we'll throw our grenade down.
05:13He's free. Got
05:14someone else coming in here.
05:16I've picked up another cherry right here.
05:19Yeah, so the only class you
05:20can play right off the bat,
05:21it looks like that
05:22guy can throw out traps.
05:23The only class you can play
05:23right off the bat is the warrior.
05:26So I wish that wasn't the case.
05:27Looks like I have a
05:28Santa hat or something.
05:30And I've seen people
05:31complain about it in the steam.
05:32I'll throw up a
05:33little steam review of it.
05:34But people are complaining
05:35about how it takes so much time
05:37to collect enough of the meta currency to
05:39be able to unlock a new class.
05:41The devs said they're working on that.
05:43So we'll see what comes of that.
05:46They said the reason that it takes so
05:47long is they tested it
05:48at level 30 characters without
05:51considering the impact
05:51that would have on brand new characters,
05:54which seems kind of short sighted.
05:56If you ask me.
05:57Another complaint.
05:58Well, let's get out of there.
05:59Oh, I jumped right into it.
06:00That's not what you want.
06:01Another complaint I saw, which I think is
06:03a very valid complaint.
06:05All this pick up some stuff here
06:07is that they have cosmetic items you can
06:09buy for real world money.
06:11Now, that's not too
06:12unusual for MMOs, right?
06:14That doesn't surprise any of us.
06:16But here's the thing.
06:17The cosmetic items that
06:18you buy drop on death.
06:21These guys are fucking powerful.
06:23They're taking everybody up.
06:24Yeah, cosmetic items
06:25you buy drop on death.
06:27So say you spend a dollar on a hat and
06:30your character dies.
06:31Well, you're out that hat.
06:33You'd have to go buy a brand new hat.
06:35The devs also had a response to this and
06:37they said, oh, well,
06:38they're trying to create that connection
06:40to your character and your gear.
06:42Yada, yada, yada.
06:44We'll have to look into changing that up.
06:47So that's very short sighted.
06:49And I think probably the main reason they
06:51did that is to get
06:51people to spend more money.
06:53I don't think that
06:54was a surprise to them.
06:55I think they knew right
06:56away what they were doing.
06:57And they just wanted to see
06:58if they could get away with it.
07:00But they can't. So
07:01hopefully they'll adjust that.
07:03I'll put both of those reviews I just
07:04mentioned on the screen
07:06so you guys can take a look at it
07:07yourselves with the bad
07:08reviews out of the way.
07:10Let's see if I can't get down here.
07:11The stone column. Let me get in there
07:12before they kill them.
07:13The bad reviews out of the way.
07:14What do I like about this game so far?
07:16So I do like the graphical styling of it.
07:17I'm kind of a sucker for these.
07:19You guys know I love roguelites.
07:20Let's try to get a hit off on this guy.
07:24Again, the combat's like
07:25nothing's too impressive.
07:26People don't play these kind of games
07:27because the combat super fun.
07:29Another drop. That's good.
07:31Too bad I'm only getting
07:31things not for my class.
07:33So that sucks.
07:34But I do like the general game loop.
07:36I do like the roguelike element of kind
07:37of that tenseness of when you die.
07:39It's like a Diablo 2 hardcore run, right?
07:41Like when you die,
07:42you're all you're done.
07:43You have to start a new character.
07:46The proof in the pudding
07:47for this will be, though.
07:48Oh, these guys hit hard.
07:50Good thing I leveled up
07:50there and got some more health.
07:53How fun that loop continues to be.
07:55This is my second time through.
07:58And I haven't seen anything new.
08:00I don't think you're
08:00going to see anything new.
08:01I think it's all going to
08:02be about the same. Oh, shit.
08:05This level is hard.
08:06Oh, I'm going to die right here.
08:08I'm going to see.
08:09OK, so they were dead.
08:10We're dead. It's really quick.
08:11You can die really easily.
08:13Now, I my first character,
08:14there was a different gate open
08:16and I was able to go through that gate
08:17and it seemed like an easier area.
08:20But this is only
08:20available area to me right now.
08:22Well, let me write you can leave a death
08:23message, which is always fun.
08:25Well, we'll just write subscribe.
08:29Subscribe YouTube.
08:31There we go. Now we've left
08:32a death message on my body.
08:34And then you can see.
08:34So from that whole run, I got two of
08:36these tomato looking properties
08:38that we can use to unlock new characters.
08:40But again, I need 50. So now I have 10.
08:42So I have to do a bunch more of these
08:43runs to try out a new character.
08:45I do like how they show you a little
08:46replay down here in the left hand corner
08:48of how you died.
08:50That's a nice little touch.
08:51But all this gear I had right here, the
08:53sword that guy gave me, that's gone.
08:55This is all gone now.
08:56So now I need to start over.
08:58So we'll show you what that looks like.
08:59So after our death, we're
09:00brought back to the screen.
09:01Now, as you can see, I can create this
09:03warrior character right here.
09:04This is going to be the starting gear
09:05that they just give you.
09:06I only have 10 of these.
09:08When I click on here to unlock the next
09:09cheapest class, more expensive.
09:11As you go up the class, which I imagine
09:13means they're better.
09:14But if I wanted to get
09:14the next class in line,
09:16that's going to cost me
09:1650 of these currencies.
09:18So right now I'm at 10, but about 40
09:20minutes into the game now at this point,
09:2150 minutes in the game at this point.
09:23So I could see that being a
09:24really sore spot for people
09:26who don't want to play a warrior.
09:27Not everybody wants to
09:28play a warrior in an MMO.
09:30So I think they should definitely open
09:31this up and let you choose
09:32between at least three
09:33classes to start with.
09:34Maybe a warrior, a
09:36ranger and a wizard. Right.
09:38Give those three basic classes, because
09:40that's going to push
09:40a lot of people away.
09:41A lot of people aren't going to want to
09:42play the warrior for five hours
09:44just to play the next class that they
09:46then have to grind for for five hours.
09:48I will go. We'll jump back
09:49in, create another character.
09:50We'll see how far we
09:51can get this time shows.
09:52There's 166 people playing right now.
09:53So that's not too bad for
09:55a game that just came out.
09:56This came out on December 15th, and it is
09:59sitting at mostly positive.
10:01See, now we have two gates.
10:02So I bet Dragon is like
10:03one of the harder gates.
10:04The gate I originally went through was
10:06right here and it was called Snake.
10:07Let's see if we have
10:08anything in our inventory
10:10that might help us out here a little bit.
10:12Anything better than our starting gear.
10:13That bank can't be used.
10:14I think there's too many people using a
10:16bank that you can't access it.
10:20What's going on here? Maybe the servers
10:21are just glitched out.
10:25There we go. I got in here.
10:25All right. Anything
10:26better than what I have.
10:27So I can't use this.
10:29I can use that. That's 20
10:29to 30 and that's 18 to 28.
10:32So let's switch out our
10:33bronze sword with our rusty sword.
10:35I can't use these brontiorukens and I
10:37can't use a bronze armor.
10:38So I can't use anything I
10:40have in here that I picked up
10:41because I don't have
10:41access to any of those classes.
10:43I also have this finesse crystal.
10:45No idea what that does.
10:46I'm just keeping it in there.
10:47So you can't sell any of the items you
10:48pick up either, which
10:49is kind of annoying.
10:50If you could pick up
10:51and sell some of the items
10:52you're not going to use for this currency
10:53to unlock new characters,
10:56then I think that would be
10:56fine having unlocked at 50.
10:58But you can't do that.
10:59So again, that whole mechanic
10:59just kind of like hamstrings
11:01the whole new player experience.
11:03And I think the last thing you want to do
11:05when you come into one of these games is
11:06feel like you're being hamstrained
11:08immediately. It's a MMO.
11:09It's a MMORPG.
11:11You want to be able to create your
11:12character and
11:13identify what your character
11:14and they've completely
11:15taken that away from you.
11:16So when you load in a level
11:17two, you have these coachmen.
11:18So I could travel to any place that I
11:20wanted on this starting island here.
11:22But we'll just go.
11:23We'll go on our ground.
11:24We'll go foot level.
11:26See what we can find.
11:27I think being teamed up
11:28is definitely a good call.
11:29I don't have anybody to play with.
11:31My only other friend that might even play
11:32this with me only plays well.
11:35I can't get him to play
11:35anything else but well.
11:36So we're just going to
11:37be grinding right here.
11:39You see, like it's not an easy game.
11:42These beginning little slime monsters are
11:44doing a ton of damage.
11:46Like I could easily die right here.
11:49I made it to level 11, I
11:51think, was the highest run I had.
11:53We'll try to level up here
11:55killing these slime monsters.
11:58You also can't like invest any of your
11:59skill points, right?
12:01So that kind of takes away from the RPG
12:03elements of the MMORPG.
12:05But I'm not sure if these roguelite style
12:07games really offer that.
12:08I'm not sure if Realm of the Mad God or
12:10any of the other variations
12:12of these roguelite MMOs.
12:15Really highlight that or offer that.
12:19We got that guy good.
12:20That was a good hit.
12:21See, like I said, right click
12:22is going to be my basic attack.
12:23That's what we're doing right now.
12:26And then spacebar does
12:26like my super powerful attack.
12:29OK, we got a lot of guys right here.
12:30Let's drop a bomb on him and then we'll
12:32hit him with our big attack.
12:34Already taking a lot of hits.
12:36I think I just leveled up right there,
12:37and that's the reason I didn't die.
12:40We're just going to run around in
12:41circles, try to kite some fools,
12:44give ourselves a little protection.
12:47Now it feels kind of wonky to
12:50obviously like the sound effects aren't
12:51really great either.
12:53We got to get out of here.
12:54It's really easy to die in this game.
12:56Roguelites are
12:57supposed to be challenging,
12:58but with how restrictive
12:59the choosing the classes are,
13:02it feels a little bit worse
13:03in this game than other ones.
13:05How's a good hit, though?
13:08Are we going to get this big bastard?
13:11He dropped another cherry,
13:12picked that up for heels.
13:15Yeah, he's he is
13:16hard. We got him, though.
13:18We got him. OK, we're
13:18almost at level four.
13:20And a new quest for a boss up here.
13:22So let's start wandering out that way.
13:24I want to try to find some gear.
13:25Feel like you primarily
13:26only get gear from the bosses.
13:28I don't think I recall getting gear from
13:29anybody that's not a boss.
13:30We might die right here,
13:33though. That guy hits hard.
13:35I got hits hard and I
13:36don't have any homies around.
13:38Let's try to kite around.
13:40We'll wait for somebody else
13:41to come in and help us out.
13:42Now we'll go back in a little bit.
13:43We'll drop another bomb on him.
13:45OK, I missed. Good. Love to see it.
13:49And then you just get
13:50mob by all these tools.
13:51Oh, shit. See, I'm already dead again.
13:52This game is definitely like
13:53going to be super frustrating.
13:56Let's see. I got to
13:56level three that time.
13:58How much of the meta
13:58currency did I get here?
14:00I got zero. So I got zero.
14:02So for that run, I made
14:03absolutely no progress. Right.
14:05That's going to be
14:06frustrating for a lot of people.
14:07Should definitely be able to, like I
14:09said, have access to
14:10at least three classes
14:11to play around with because I do have
14:12some armor and stuff
14:14that I picked up on my last run where I
14:15didn't die immediately.
14:17And that's just sitting there in my in my
14:20bank and I can't use it.
14:22Easier starting areas.
14:23Those have disappeared.
14:24Now I'm forced to go over here, Panda
14:26Land, where it's going
14:27to be a little tougher.
14:28And then I'm not going to be making very
14:30good progress at all
14:31because I'm going to
14:31get wiped right away.
14:32So I want to like this game because I do
14:35love roguelites and I do love MMOs.
14:39But how they have the new player
14:40experience set up is a
14:42little disheartening.
14:45I would love to come in here
14:47with a range attack as a mage.
14:50That would feel great. Or even as an
14:52archer or something,
14:53you know, some different kind of
14:54playstyle and not just keep dying
14:57the same way over and over again because
14:59I don't have the gear
15:00to tank any of the hits.
15:02And if I try to go get
15:03the gear to tank the hits,
15:05I just get killed because
15:06the bosses are too powerful.
15:08And we use a regular big boy attack.
15:11Ooh, see, look, I'm
15:11already almost dead now.
15:13I fought one mob. I
15:14got a cherry over here.
15:15I can try to go get.
15:17Another cherry right there.
15:18I will take that
15:19cherry. We'll eat that cherry.
15:21We'll throw out another bomb.
15:23That was a good hit.
15:24We got a good hit there.
15:25OK, let's pick up this other cherry.
15:28Also wish so you have to click on that.
15:30Each anything you want to pick up, you
15:32got to click right there.
15:33I feel like there
15:34should be a hotkey for that.
15:35Give me like F or something where I can
15:37easily pick up items
15:39rather than having to reach across the
15:40screen to try to get that done.
15:43Sounds like we got somebody
15:44fighting a boss over here.
15:45Let's see if we can get in on this and we
15:47can ride on his curtails.
15:50Oh, that hurt.
15:52All right. OK, I healed up.
15:56Throw a bomb in there for him.
15:58OK, well, I killed one slime with that.
16:01I can't see him
16:02because he's in the trees.
16:03So that's not super helpful.
16:04Let's see what we can do.
16:06OK, I did something, but I almost died.
16:08I did something, but I
16:09almost said I'm out of healing.
16:11So hopefully something
16:13magical just happens.
16:14It looks like he's almost got this guy.
16:16Oh, back up.
16:19There we go. OK, so something dropped.
16:20What do we get?
16:22Oh, I'm going to die
16:23trying to pick up loot.
16:24Knock it out, bro.
16:26Let me pick up this and I'll heal it.
16:29OK, so we got one boss down.
16:31Let's see what a job for us
16:32after we kill some enemies here.
16:34Now we did hit level three.
16:36So that's good.
16:37This guy's getting kind of bombed on.
16:39Let me help him out.
16:40Let me help him out.
16:42Teamwork is dream work.
16:43OK, now we hit level four and there's
16:44another boss to go after.
16:45But let's see what we got here.
16:46We got the blessing of the toad.
16:47He'll heal after killing enemies
16:49furthering your survival capabilities.
16:52Support on enemy kill.
16:53He'll double click to use.
16:56OK, so that goes up here on like my
16:57helmet thing, right?
16:59So that's cool.
16:59They do have cool
17:00little abilities to pick up.
17:02It's just getting them can be
17:04frustrating as a new character.
17:07And then when you die, obviously, it's
17:08frustrating to lose good abilities.
17:10But that's all the nature of a roguelite.
17:12So I'm not even mad about losing the
17:15stuff I'm collecting.
17:16I play Roguelites all the time and I
17:19understand that that's fine.
17:21But when you have the MMO
17:22aspect kind of put into it,
17:25I feel like you want to give people the
17:26ability to at least grind
17:28this stuff on the classes
17:29they actually want to play.
17:31I like melee classes, but if
17:33I didn't like melee classes,
17:35this would be absolutely awful.
17:37This would be a terrible experience
17:38because I'd be forced playing a class.
17:40I have no interest in
17:41playing for like 10 hours
17:44just to get a class
17:45that I might enjoy playing.
17:47Forgot to equip any of these.
17:49Amulet of dexterity.
17:50We'll put that amulet of dexterity on.
17:53And then I have a bunch of stuff that I
17:54can't use by this class, right?
17:56So you kill enemies, feels good.
18:00And then you pick up loot and then you
18:02can't even use that loot.
18:05And then if you do
18:06manage to get it back to town.
18:09Which is pretty easy to do, right?
18:11You just have to press.
18:12Well, that was a good hit.
18:13You just have to press B and you'll
18:15teleport back to town.
18:17We got another we got a bow.
18:18See, another thing I can't even use.
18:20And I almost died right
18:21there picking that up.
18:21So you go back to town and the bank
18:23itself only has like six
18:24slots to store things in.
18:26So it really restricts you.
18:27And then, of course, you can get more
18:28slots if you give them real money.
18:31So between the real the
18:34limited inventory spots,
18:36the ability not to choose a character you
18:38want to play right off the bat
18:39unless you grind a
18:40bunch or spend real money.
18:43And the fact that they sell cosmetics
18:45that you lose on death
18:47for real money makes me feel like this
18:49could potentially be a
18:51money grab of a game.
18:53That's just trying to play off the
18:54curtails of Realm of the Mad God.
18:57So I would go into this game definitely
18:59with some, you know, be open minded.
19:02But I wouldn't spend any
19:04money on this game right now.
19:06I'm just telling you, I would not spend
19:07any money on this game
19:08until they figure out
19:10a less predatory model.
19:15And what do we get here?
19:16We got some shoes for for boots.
19:17And it's for something.
19:18What does that actually do?
19:20I think it just gives me a
19:20little bit more protection.
19:22And I got a mud bomb.
19:23Can I use the mud bomb?
19:24I can use the mud bomb and that gives me
19:26slightly more damage,
19:27but the same radius.
19:28But it is slightly better.
19:29So I'll take that. I'm OK with that.
19:32See what let's see if it
19:33has a different animation.
19:35Yeah, it does. OK, at least it has a
19:37different animation.
19:38Yeah, there's a few warning
19:39signs here for sure, as far as
19:42how they are planning
19:43to monetize the game.
19:45I've gotten past like
19:45being bitchy about cosmetics.
19:48I used to hate any game that
19:50would have cosmetics for sale.
19:52It always just
19:52irritated the shit out of me.
19:54I felt like you should
19:55have to just collect them.
19:56But for people who do like to buy Cosmo
19:59and I don't buy cosmetics,
20:01but for people who do like to buy
20:02cosmetics, having that cosmetic loss
20:05on your death is really shitty.
20:08It's a shitty feeling for the player, and
20:09it's honestly a shitty move
20:11from the dev team for them to
20:13say like, oh, we didn't think
20:15that would upset you guys.
20:16We figured you just like.
20:18Be like, yeah, I was really
20:20attached to that character.
20:21Oh, well, putting the
20:22loss of cosmetic items
20:23on the permadeath nature of the game is a
20:26cop out, in my opinion.
20:31We'll keep going through here.
20:31We did. So it does look
20:32like you can get drops not from
20:35targeted bosses, but just
20:37any kind of like larger enemy.
20:39So that's cool. I like that.
20:41Let's kill this guy so I
20:42can kind of check my gear.
20:45So I'm going over there.
20:47What did I pick up?
20:48I got a tiny amulet of defense versus my
20:51tiny amulet of dexterity.
20:53I think for the warrior class, the
20:54defense will be better.
20:56And we got tadpole robes, three defense.
20:58This gives four defense. So where are the
21:00tadpole robes robes?
21:01Another positive I will say
21:03about this game is even though
21:04it's not super detailed, it does appear
21:06that your different weapons
21:07and your different robes does change the
21:09cosmetic of your character.
21:11So I do appreciate
21:12that. It's not all bad.
21:13There's just like things to keep an eye
21:16on any time you're playing a new game.
21:19I don't know anything
21:20about the devs here.
21:21Who knows what their
21:22intentions are, right?
21:23There are definitely some questionable
21:25choices being made by the dev team.
21:28But I do I am a big fan of
21:31it showing you the cosmetics.
21:32OK, we got another thing that I can't use
21:34support going for the party.
21:36OK, looks like they got some cool
21:38itemization going on,
21:40kind of like Diablo like
21:41itemization, but it's just too bad.
21:45I probably won't get to see
21:46any of that for like 50 hours
21:49until I unlock new characters, because it
21:51seems like all the cool itemization
21:53is on characters
21:56that you have to unlock
21:57way down that tree. Right.
21:59So the first character
22:01unlock is an assassin.
22:02And that costs 50 of these tomatoes.
22:06I don't know what they are, actually, but
22:07they look like tomatoes.
22:09That costs 50 of these
22:10tomatoes. Next one costs 150.
22:13So as you can imagine, it's going to be
22:14exponentially more of an investment
22:15each time you want to
22:16play a new character.
22:17That plan, I'm putting a little bit more
22:18time into this game,
22:20seeing kind of where it
22:22falls on the predatory market.
22:24We got a lot going on here.
22:26We're level six now,
22:27so we've been surviving.
22:29Been surviving that defense might have
22:30helped us out a little bit.
22:31I feel like we're taking less damage.
22:33Again, there's definitely like a market
22:34for this type of game.
22:35This is not going to be
22:35everybody's flavor of gameplay,
22:38not only due to the roguelike elements of
22:40it, but also due to the graphics.
22:42Some people are going to graphically see
22:43this and just say like, absolutely.
22:44No way. I don't mind pixel graphics.
22:47I mind predatory gameplay
22:48mechanics. That's what I mind.
22:50I don't care how good
22:51or bad your game looks.
22:52If you have predatory gameplay mechanics
22:54mechanics, like I'm going to call it out.
22:58This guy is taking he's a
22:59he's a fucking tank man.
23:03We're going to try to get him, though.
23:04It's the last thing I do here. We're
23:05going to try to get this guy.
23:07When I first ran through, I don't know if
23:08there's just less
23:09people playing right now,
23:11but on my first play through before I
23:12decided to record a video for this game,
23:15there were other players everywhere.
23:18I was just running around with like a
23:19whole party of people unintentionally,
23:22and it went much smoother.
23:24So maybe this isn't prime hours here, but
23:26I can tell you doing it solo,
23:28Al doing a solo is
23:29definitely more challenging.
23:32I'm trying to get through this without
23:34pulling the whole rest
23:35of the damn forest to.
23:38We're kind of holding our own, though.
23:41See if we can get him over
23:41here and throw this bomb at him.
23:43There you go. That was a good hit.
23:45Looks like we scared him away.
23:46Try to jump out of that.
23:47Always forget holding down E gives me a
23:48jump, which is on a cool down as well.
23:51I think you might actually be
23:51able to get this guy, though.
23:53There's another big hit.
23:54We got to watch these
23:55slimeballs coming out.
23:58And then again, so you can see that
23:59little square with the
24:00icon in the middle of it.
24:01That's like a quest boss to go attack,
24:03but we're going to
24:03finish killing this guy.
24:06OK, we got another facing and some shoes,
24:08but my inventory is full.
24:09Let me drop something I can't use.
24:11Hey, stop it. We're close to this guy.
24:14What did I get here?
24:16Another on kill. Can I double equip that?
24:19No, it looks like you
24:19can only have one of those.
24:21What else? I got something else.
24:22OK, these boots down here.
24:24I already have a pair of those for boots.
24:26So that's not going to
24:26do me a whole lot of good.
24:29Realm sealed.
24:30I don't know what that means.
24:32I don't know what that means.
24:35I don't imagine it's a
24:36good good news for me.
24:37Does that mean that I can't leave your
24:38blade claim by the life of my comrades?
24:41You cannot hide.
24:43Oh, man, something's happening.
24:45I don't know what's happening, you guys.
24:47Something's oh, oh, this
24:49is what happened last time.
24:50So eventually you got you get brought
24:52into these sanctums here.
24:53Right. And you got to
24:54fight these mega bosses,
24:56which is like pretty crazy when you're
24:57pretty low level, you know.
25:01Let's focus on this guy back here.
25:02This isn't even the mega boss.
25:03There's some really tough bosses in here.
25:06I pretty much just ran
25:06around and hid last time.
25:09Dropping nuke on them.
25:11Yeah, the mega bosses over here.
25:12Here, I'll show you guys before I die.
25:13So you get brought in like this crazy
25:15pandemonium of a situation
25:17where you can't even tell what's going on
25:19because there's so many red bars.
25:22There's just shit everywhere.
25:23I do like my little mask I got, though.
25:26I don't know where I got that home from.
25:29We're just going to
25:29kind of kite around here.
25:33Now, it seems like the
25:34bosses do have mechanics.
25:36Eventually, yeah, I see they start
25:36throwing out these things.
25:38And my goal is just hide behind here.
25:40This is my super tough
25:41guy mechanic that I play.
25:44My warrior hiding these
25:46fools will fuck you up.
25:48Yeah, so I'm not sure exactly how this
25:49room gets triggered.
25:51Maybe after you kill a certain amount,
25:52not you particularly,
25:54but people in the lobby kill a
25:57particular level up, I guess.
25:59Kill a particular amount of those quest
26:02bosses in the lobby.
26:03Then you get this like
26:04basically dungeon that pops up.
26:08You see, people just get in here.
26:09They're going crazy.
26:11I just took a fucking
26:12butt ton of damage, though.
26:13Did I die? I died just popping in there.
26:16I got killed by Lord, whatever.
26:18This whole fight is chaos.
26:19Like I just went over there and I
26:20couldn't even see what happened.
26:21And I died.
26:23All right, subscribe again.
26:26Might as well pander.
26:31Might as well pander.
26:32This shows me again down here on the
26:33bottom left hand corner.
26:34Kind of how I died.
26:35So from the whole half hour
26:36that we were playing right now,
26:38I only unlocked five of these tomatoes.
26:42So you figure it's about
26:43five tomatoes per half hour run.
26:47It's going to take a long time to unlock
26:49the new characters to play.
26:51So I definitely think they need to make
26:52some adjustments to that.
26:54Without a doubt, there needs to be
26:55adjustments to that.
26:56So this was born again.
26:58I just wanted to jump in and kind of show
26:59you guys what this is all about here.
27:01Born again is a
27:02permadeath roguelike MMORPG.
27:05I think it is flawed
27:06in its current state.
27:08I think the devs need to do a close look
27:10on how they want the new player
27:12experience to be, and I think they need
27:14to revisit how they monetize
27:16cosmetic items. It's available on Steam.
27:18It's free to play.
27:19And it came out on
27:20the 15th of this month.
27:22Well, thank you so much
27:23for watching, everybody.
27:24If you enjoyed watching this video today,
27:26if you could be so kind as to leave me
27:28a like and think about subscribing for
27:30more of these MMORPG games,
27:32roguelike games, play test
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27:36I'm your source for
27:37all variety game content.
27:39Well, thanks again. And
27:40until the next video. See you.
