Fish Idle 2 - A Calming Fishing Tycoon Game - First Impressions

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#fishidle2 #tycoongames #freetoplay

Fish Idle 2 is a brand new free to play game that just launched on steam. This first impressions video will cover the first 40 minutes of gameplay. The basic upgrading system and how to generate passive income with Johnny's Farm
00:00Alrighty, welcome back everybody today. We're gonna be checking out fish idol 2. Our goal here is to build a fishing
00:07Empire, this is my first impression. I'm just jumping into it right now
00:12But I do love fishing and I enjoy my occasional idol games. So we're gonna go ahead and give this a shot
00:17It's free to play on the Steam Store and released on August 2nd, and it's currently sitting at very positive reviews
00:24So, let's see here. Our cargo is full. Let's talk to this guy stuck on a raft
00:29Okay, we're gonna have quest two looks like we got a message in a bottle. We'll get ten gold
00:34Somewhere around here is a mysterious message. Okay, so I got to find that message first
00:40Target detected or a car goes full. So I think we're probably gonna have to handle that real quick first
00:46What is this caviar?
00:49Exchanger no, okay. We want to go to the home base. It's like we can eventually build a submarine
00:54So there's gonna be quite a bit of grindy in here. Okay, what we got here
00:58Catching speed we increase our catch speed from 16 to 17. Let's do it
01:03So it looks like we automatically empty our cargo when we come on to here
01:08Let's go get our target species
01:10Being a lot of nice grinding here
01:13There we go. Oh, we got a message in a bottle
01:18Interesting well, we filled up our cargo quick. We're gonna have to upgrade that as soon as possible, but let's turn in this quest
01:24Hello quest giver
01:27It seems to be a message from Johnny
01:29All right. Well, thanks for the ten gold Johnny. So our car goes full as we can see
01:34I think we just got to drive to the lighthouse. Yeah, and then we automatically drop it. All right, perfect
01:38Let's grind away
01:40Okay, we get experience points to you see on the upper left hand corner that shows our experience. We're level one right now. I
01:49Imagine we're gonna be able to increase the speed of our boat and all that good stuff
01:52So these guys are worth two gold. How much are these guys worth? How much are the orange guys? Oh, the orange guys are seven
01:59I like the little fishing reel that comes out the front. That's cool. All right
02:03Well, we're obviously gonna want to grind the highest. Oh, I see a goldfish. Let's go get the goldfish
02:09This little sparkly gold guy we want to get him the green guys are only worth four gold
02:14But this guy's worth 28 smackaroos right here
02:18Well, bam, ooh, that feels good
02:20Well, bam, ooh that feels good, all right, let's take care of all these orange fish first cuz they give us seven gold I
02:28Can't wait to upgrade my boat. I've been doing a ton of
02:31Shore fishing lately in real life. So I saw this game on Steam and I was like, you know what?
02:38Let me get a little fishing action on let's get some of that fishing going
02:43I've definitely caught more fish playing this game right now, then I have in like two months of actual fishing
02:49So that's a bit more rewarding looks like the more expensive fish take up more space, but that gold guy already spawned back
02:57Let's go get another let's go get another gold guy. No, give me this goldfish
03:02Cuz that's where 28 that's good money right there
03:06Let's see what our next available upgrade is we can take cargo. Yeah, I think cargo capacity is gonna be a good bet
03:13And maybe even move speed. Yeah, let's go cargo capacity
03:16We're gonna upgrade that as much as we can right now. We got 26 gold left over. Let's increase the speed on her boat
03:23I'm get that faster. Looks like this goldfish just keeps coming back. So I'm alright with that
03:28Movie, it's pretty easy in this game. You just hold down your left. Click wherever you want to go and it will do that
03:34I'm trying to catch this goldfish though
03:37Come on come on Goldie boy come to me Goldie boy Goldie boy doesn't want to be caught right now
03:43Our car goes full we're gonna have to come back for him
03:47Can't really tell a difference in my move speed. But I mean the increase in cargo is definitely a win. Come here gold boy
03:53I want this gold boy. Oh
03:55My god, it won't give me the gold boy. Oh
03:58Oh, what do I happen here though? Oh we leveled up. Okay level two
04:03New gate unlocked perfect. I still want to catch this goldfish though. Oh
04:07No, that's still that's not him
04:10Oh, no, that's still that's not him. Oh they doing us dirty
04:15Let's go drop off this haul
04:18For the submarine it looks like we need oh we see more goldfish the waters are too shallow for us
04:23Finish the submarine so we can explore underwater worlds. That sounds cool. I definitely want to grab these gold guys
04:30Come to me. Oh that gives us premium currency, too
04:33But they take longer to catch but they're worth 50 gold
04:36Looks like we could just park here. This is where the idle aspect comes into it. I imagine we got to keep them in this radius, right?
04:42Here he's trying to escape us. He's never gonna get away
04:48Got him
04:49So I imagine the green currency up here on the right hand corner. That's gonna be some kind of
04:55Premium currency, but I'm not really sure
05:01We messing up these goldfish today, oh
05:03Yeah, oh and that's on a timer. Okay, so that's on a cool-down good to know. Let's see what this quest is
05:09Give us flippers and we will be ready to go. Okay, so I guess we'll end up fishing up some flippers somewhere. Oh
05:16I see. So the exclamation marks on these fish. They will have a chance of dropping us our
05:22Quest related item. Let's upgrade our boat again. Let's increase our catch speed and
05:28We'll keep pumping in the catch me. Looks like you'll have a chance to drop off some goldfish
05:32Looks like you'll have health. I wonder if something ends up attacking us
05:37Let's try to get these flippers. I
05:39Don't know why my man needs flippers in a kayak, but maybe he's gonna be doing some spearfishing. I
05:46Talked to a spearfisher today. Actually, I took the kids to the beach and we did a little
05:52Surfing and I didn't do any fishing today, but we did a little surfing
05:56Anyways, when we were leaving we spotted a guy cleaning his fish
06:00You know filleting it up and he caught what he called an angel shark. It was huge. It was probably four feet long and
06:09Apparently, it's a critically endangered species, but I checked and you can still fish it. So that's interesting
06:14Well, I don't know that fish looked magical swimming away from us
06:18Yeah, so that guy was doing some spearfishing there's actually a lot of spearfishing going on
06:23In my area where I live. I live in Southern, California
06:26And I'm standing there on the shore fishing not catching anything
06:29and these guys who are brave enough to go out there and
06:33Dive in the water to do spearfishing. They're coming back with some good fish
06:37Talk to one guy two days ago, and he was out there and he caught a couple Corbina and some halibut
06:43So they're definitely having better luck than I am with my shore fishing
06:49Okay, so these guys will automatically drop us one flipper so we should have that quest done pretty quick
06:55Let's go turn back in our hall. Oh, we getting good upgrades now. Let's see
06:59We will let's increase our boat speed
07:02So we can get back to turn in or catch quicker. Oh
07:08Yeah, you can feel the increased movement speed now, that's what I'm talking about, I don't know what I just picked up I
07:16Will just hang out here. Oh, no, we got to stay on top of them with our catching radius
07:22You can't move the camera in or out this view is a view you're getting I want to see what's up with this fish
07:27What's up with this fish? That's super fast
07:29Come here. Oh, he gives me the caviar. Oh
07:35But he left my radius so we got to chase them down we well on our way to getting these flippers
07:40Definitely gonna increase my catch speed next upgrade we get
07:44Let's go. I think that movement speed was a big deal that helped a lot. Yeah, so the caviar upgrade from that
07:52Orangey goldfish swimming around is right here and it's an exchanger. Oh, we can exchange that just for a hundred gold
07:59Okay. Well, that's easy money
08:01Let's increase our catch speed some more. I wonder if we actually get like boat upgrades, too
08:05That would be pretty cool if we could get a bigger boat
08:07We finished the flipper quest and we got one like pirate doubloon or something. Oh
08:14And we give it to this pirate that makes sense that all checks out. Let's go see what he's up to. Oh
08:20We got main quest do I do like that?
08:22There's a little quest help me get my team back and I will give you unprecedented power
08:26All right. All right, Johnny
08:29It's a deal. What's up over here? What do we got here?
08:33Johnny's farm. Oh
08:37How do I upgrade this oh, so this is gonna be our passive income, okay, so let's try getting this increase to
08:44This fish is worth seven. How much is this one worth?
08:4723 yeah
08:50Was it's like a striped bass or something
08:52I think they would be a lot cooler in this game if they had like actual names of the fish
08:58Now we're like real-life fish that would give me a lot more pleasure
09:01We're gonna farm these guys up and we're gonna unlock some passive income over here at Johnny's farm
09:06Oh snap, this green fish will give me caviar, too. Okay, so it's not just those
09:11That fast orange goldfish we saw this guy will give me caviar too. We're gonna want to do that. I'll give us a hundred gold. Oh
09:20Yeah, that's what I'm talking about
09:22See, I thought only these guys gave caviar right here
09:25But it turns out other fish do too, let's go turn her in our one caviar point
09:30This game is pretty relaxing. I gotta say I
09:34Enjoy, you know, I play a lot of ARPGs and MMOs and I and I can enjoy a good relaxing idle game
09:40Let's go unlock Johnny's farm
09:43We got enough money now income per minute from zero to ten. All right and
09:48Maximum capacity, so I wonder if we'll have to collect fish from here. Let's just dump in
09:54The passive income. Let's try to get this totally leveled up because it only goes up to level 10
09:59So I feel like we'll be able to accomplish that
10:01We'll go back to farming these gray fish because there were 23
10:05Okay, and that green fish that gives the caviar is spawned back. That's probably about three or four minutes
10:10For this green fish to spawn back in but every time we get this caviar, that's a hundred gold in our pocket. So that's good
10:18I'm down with that return
10:21Let's go upgrade Johnny's farm a little bit more get our passive income coming through
10:25Okay, so it looks like you have to come here and actually collect your gold from here
10:30So it's not completely idle. You still got to come over here. Once your capacity gets full and
10:36Collect your gold. So let's upgrade our capacity a little bit more. We'll keep farming these guys
10:41We'll go turn in our caviar and we'll turn in our fish once our car goes full and we'll see what we have
10:47Okay, our green fish is back even more caviar
10:50I've already turned in one caviar, but it's such easy money. You see I'm at 250 gold now
10:55I'm just trying to build it up a little bit and then I want to fully unlock or fully upgrade
11:01Johnny's farm over here get that passive income, you know
11:06The one complaint I have so far is that the music that's in the background
11:10There's only one track and it just constantly loops over and over again
11:14So I've been playing this now for about 20 minutes and
11:18I'm already you're gonna want some other music playing in the background, you know, bring up Spotify
11:23have some other music playing because
11:26Even though the soundtrack it's a nice little
11:31Relaxing almost like lo-fi beat
11:34But it's gonna get pretty lame pretty soon
11:38Let's keep upgrading Johnny's farm
11:40Collect a little more gold. I imagine we just got a level up and once we level up or lock a new area
11:46I'm gonna use my residual coins to to increase my catching speed
11:52Well, let's see if we can finally get one of these suckers those guys were 50 gold
11:56You might zoom out of the way though. Yeah, we don't have a chance for that
11:59We'll go back and we'll keep grinding our little gray fish over here. Alright, so it's been about another 10 minutes
12:04We got a nice little chunk of money going on here. Let's keep upgrading Johnny's farm
12:08I've upgraded a few things. Let's just max out if we can
12:14Collect that 248. Let's max out our income total here. Oh, we almost got our max out income
12:21The one thing I will say about this game is I wish they had more like customization options, right?
12:25So I can crease my catching speed my cargo capacity and my movement speed
12:30But my boat doesn't change the way it looks it would be a lot more engaging since there's not a whole lot going on
12:37If the actual boat customization change from what I can tell nothing on it changes
12:42So maybe if I upgrade the move speed you can see like a bigger wake or when I upgrade my catching speed
12:50The pole on the front of my boat would look a little bit different
12:53Upgrade my cargo you see little
12:56Cargo shelves built on the boat anything to add a little more feeling of progression because right now it's been about
13:0326 minutes of gameplay and I've just been in this one area
13:07farming these fish
13:09driving back to the lighthouse and
13:12Trying to upgrade the farm over here actual like visual progression would be a nice addition here
13:21Because the level ups are super slow if you look at the upper left-hand corner, I am NOT even halfway through
13:29To level three. We're gonna we're gonna max out this farm here
13:34We'll go back to grinding these same fish because these great fish right here are worth the most amount of money. Here we go
13:40We can finally max out Johnny's farm the income. So we're gonna go from 200 to 250 for 700 gold
13:46Let's do that. We got this maxed out
13:49Now we're gonna increase our capacity a little bit to just dump everything
13:53We got into capacity and I'll collect that passive income. We got some upgrades, too
13:57Let's increase our catch speed a little bit more they definitely need more like random events happening
14:05Just something to spice it up a little bit because it's been pretty much like 30 minutes of
14:09Just what you're seeing right here. The upgrades do make a difference
14:13I can tell a difference in my catch speed from that last upgrade
14:16But I've played idle games or tycoon games that give you a little bit quicker sense of progression
14:23This one's definitely gonna be a slow burner
14:25We have 700 more gold to go before we could fully max out Johnny's farm. That's our mission set forth here today
14:32They definitely need to increase the speed of like the level ups
14:35Because just being stuck in this one area for about 30 minutes is gonna turn a lot of people off the game
14:41I know a lot of people like idle games tycoon games little simulation games like this
14:46But if you feel like you're not making any progress
14:49I'm stuck in the same exact area for 30 minutes with the same soundtrack
14:54Looping over and over and over and I think the soundtracks literally only like five seconds long
14:59So I can see people getting burnt out on this pretty quickly. We did get some more caviar gun caviar quite a few times
15:06I've probably made a thousand gold just from the caviar alone. So that's been good
15:13We're definitely getting getting into the grind here with this. I think after one more haul and
15:18Collecting our passive income. We'll be able to fully max out the farm
15:22But I wish I could get to like a different area
15:25Or there'd be like random fish that would pop up right like all of a sudden you'd have a bigger fish pop up in this
15:32Area that's on some kind of respawn cooldown
15:36That would give you a bunch of gold something to make it just a little bit more exciting
15:41Like how cool would it be if a whale just popped up right here?
15:43And you could try to catch the whale or shark swam up and you could try to catch the shark that might be in later
15:49Levels, but if you don't have anything happening in the very beginning of the game
15:54Like the first 30 minutes of the game. A lot of people are just gonna stop playing it
15:58let's see if anything interesting happens when you max out Johnny's farm now if
16:04Visual styling of the building doesn't change that's gonna be kind of a disappointment
16:08Now see so it's still all the same
16:10So now what I'd have to do for another 30 minutes is just sit here and farm these fish and collect my passive income
16:18To level up and then I imagine once I level up one of these areas open up
16:23But for the time being I'm just gonna be driving from here to the lighthouse
16:30to the farm and doing that for like another 30 minutes, so with all that being said this was
16:36Fish Idol 2
16:38It's a cute little simple game to play if you're looking for something just to kill 20-30 minutes before you go out
16:45Then you know this might be a choice for you, but if you're looking for a game that gives you a sense of progression I
16:52Don't know if this one has it. There's just not enough going on here
16:56It's far too simple, but if you're looking for an idle game to play
16:59That's completely free and new to the Steam Store
17:02That's completely free and new to the Steam Store then Fish Idol 2 is for you again. It has very positive reviews
17:09118 reviews that are very positive if you guys want to see me play more of this and see how the progression fares what these
17:15New areas hold go ahead and leave a comment down below if not stay tuned and we'll have another free-to-play game
17:23For you guys to check out later this week
17:27Well, thanks for watching everybody y'all have a good one
