Angelo Leo vs Nicolas Polanco (01-11-2023) Full Fight

  • last year



00:00 She's in the dressing room.
00:01 Check yourself at all times. Touch 'em up.
00:03 Scheduled for ten rounds, 21-1 Leo
00:11 against 24-1 Nicholas Polanco.
00:16 Let's go, Angelo!
00:17 [Indistinct shouting]
00:19 First fight in two years,
00:21 four months, and 14 days for Leo.
00:24 Here we go! It's time to fight.
00:27 Angelo Leo in the red and black
00:30 with a little bit of gold trunks.
00:32 Polanco in the black and gold.
00:35 [Indistinct shouting]
00:38 La Pantera back here on Pro Box TV.
00:44 Polanco's coming out with a nice stiff jab.
00:46 Yeah, both guys actually, right?
00:50 Polanco fighting at 126 for the first time
00:55 since February 6th of 2016.
01:00 I mean, if it means he's gonna be more aggressive,
01:02 which we're seeing here in round one,
01:03 this might be a better weight class for him.
01:04 Yeah, I was gonna say, it was like coming out
01:06 and not just starting out with a stiff jab.
01:07 He's starting out aggressively in general.
01:09 Big opportunity for Polanco.
01:13 [Indistinct shouting]
01:15 Leo showing there why he has that pedigree.
01:19 Nice, sharp counter on the other side.
01:21 Now he tries to follow the side of the right hand
01:23 after initially trying to come from the inside
01:25 with a body shot counter.
01:27 And Leo just rips into that body with the left hook.
01:30 And Leo's one of those guys, he only has nine knockouts
01:33 and 21 wins, doesn't come across as a puncher,
01:35 but when you look at him and you see him fight,
01:37 he throws for real and has some real heat on those shots.
01:42 The accumulation of damage.
01:46 Double jab by Polanco.
01:47 Also the level of opposition that Leo has been in with
01:50 in recent years doesn't tend to have a lot of knockouts.
01:54 He did go the distance in that low loss
01:56 against Stephen Fulkner.
01:58 [Indistinct shouting]
02:00 Very nasty work with the left
02:05 from all kinds of angles here in round one.
02:08 Changing the trajectory now by kind of massing Polanco.
02:12 Polanco in that last-left corner.
02:13 Pro Box TV fight, guys.
02:14 I'm telling you, they have come out
02:17 ready to put on a show.
02:19 Leo is sneaking in some very, very tricky body shots
02:22 on both sides of the flanks of Polanco,
02:24 right hand and left hook.
02:26 Polanco smartly threw a body shot there
02:27 as Leo was looking for--
02:28 smartly threw an uppercut there
02:30 as Leo was looking for that body shot again.
02:33 Polanco also being very dangerous.
02:34 He's looking for that left hook upstairs
02:35 to counter the body work from Leo.
02:37 [Indistinct shouting]
02:48 Great start for Angelo Leo.
02:52 Final 30 seconds of round number one.
02:54 Another shot to the body of La Pantera.
02:57 [Indistinct shouting]
02:59 Oh!
03:01 I'll tell you, that kind of got Polanco's attention.
03:03 Nice double jab right hand,
03:04 but then Leo catching his--
03:07 It's a body shot. It's a body shot.
03:10 Little stutter step, but confidence
03:12 with Polanco now at the end of this great round.
03:16 Well, guys, we got a firefight.
03:18 What else is new?
03:19 "Pro Box TV" every other Wednesday.
03:20 [Bell ringing]
03:22 [Shouting]
03:24 [Cheering]
03:26 [Indistinct shouting]
03:28 [Shouting]
03:30 [Indistinct chatter]
03:32 [Shouting]
03:34 [Speaking Spanish]
03:36 [Shouting]
03:38 [Speaking Spanish]
03:40 [Shouting]
03:43 [Shouting]
03:45 [Shouting]
03:47 [Speaking Spanish]
03:49 [Shouting]
03:51 [Speaking Spanish]
03:53 [Shouting]
03:55 [Speaking Spanish]
03:57 [Shouting]
03:59 Great round one.
04:01 [Indistinct chatter]
04:04 All action from opening bell.
04:06 These guys trading bombs throughout.
04:09 Great body work from Angelo Leo.
04:11 Excellent balance, but Polanco, man, dangerous guy.
04:14 Looking to counter those shots.
04:16 He's trying to counter those shots over the top,
04:18 landing some good punches of his own.
04:20 Neither one of these guys looks like they want to go
04:22 ten rounds tonight.
04:23 Not the way they've started out.
04:25 Round number two, red and black with the gold trim
04:29 for the former WBO Super Bantamweight world champion,
04:33 Angelo Leo, Nicholas Polanco in the black and gold trunks,
04:39 training under Jose Rodriguez at the Plant City Boxing Gym.
04:44 [Indistinct chatter]
04:47 Great start of round one by Leo
04:50 and a strong finish for Polanco.
04:53 [Shouting]
04:55 You can see Polanco, he's been on the slide in recent fights,
04:58 but he definitely came in here tonight to win.
05:01 [Shouting]
05:03 [Shouting]
05:05 When you look at Polanco's setbacks, though, Chris,
05:10 one was he called a grand theft of Panama,
05:12 21, N.O. Albert Bell, 17-2, Jaime Arboleda,
05:18 and Javier Fortuna are a few of the people
05:22 who have defeated Nicholas Polanco,
05:24 and there's no shame in that.
05:26 No, not at all.
05:27 There's no doubt, as what we're seeing here,
05:29 Polanco can fight.
05:30 [Shouting]
05:32 Leo's still stroking.
05:33 Leo will be better off cutting the ring off,
05:36 trying to cut that corner down of Polanco
05:38 as Polanco's trying to turn the corner, trying to jab.
05:40 Leo closed that gap quickly with that double jab.
05:43 He's used it a couple of times.
05:46 I'm gonna say it again.
05:47 I think Angel Leo targeting the body
05:49 is a very smart tactic early on.
05:51 And he's doing it in a very sneaky way, too,
05:53 getting inside that jab with Polanco at times,
05:55 using it on the counter.
05:56 And there, so they've changed levels
05:57 on the right hand from the top.
05:59 [Shouting]
06:02 Oh, and a shot to the body again.
06:04 That one hurt. That one hurt.
06:07 That impacts Polanco a little bit.
06:08 Yeah, Polanco's feeling that.
06:09 You can see it in his legs.
06:12 Leo looks for it again, and he got it.
06:14 Oh, big right hand over the top, too.
06:16 Still over a minute on the clock here in round number 2.
06:23 Leo is a sturdy guy, man.
06:24 He has a very good sense of position.
06:27 Yeah, I was commenting on his balance.
06:29 He's got excellent feet,
06:31 puts himself in position for power.
06:32 [Shouting]
06:35 And stalking, cutting off the ring very, very at edge.
06:38 That's just gonna say, now he's cutting off the ring.
06:40 Get off his head!
06:41 Let's go, let's go!
06:43 Coached by his father, Miguel.
06:46 Fourth time scheduled for 10 rounds
06:49 for Angelo Leo, again to the body.
06:52 Love that double left hand.
06:54 Polanco less active as he's more and more on the back foot,
06:57 but more and more less active.
07:00 Right hand lands to start things out.
07:04 He came out boxing more in this round,
07:06 but Angelo Leo is mugging him now.
07:08 Those body shots, Jim, like you said.
07:10 Oh!
07:11 And now he's coming over the top with the right ball.
07:14 Bob was active when he was dipping this round.
07:17 Laser focus from Angelo Leo here.
07:20 [Shouting]
07:22 [Bell rings]
07:24 [Cheering]
07:27 [Whistle blows]
07:30 [Shouting]
07:33 [Shouting in Spanish]
07:35 [Shouting in Spanish]
07:38 [Shouting in Spanish]
07:41 [Shouting in Spanish]
07:44 [Shouting in Spanish]
07:47 [Shouting in Spanish]
07:50 [Shouting in Spanish]
07:53 [Shouting in Spanish]
07:56 [Shouting in Spanish]
07:59 [Shouting in Spanish]
08:02 [Shouting in Spanish]
08:05 That wicked left to the body of Palenco right there
08:10 eventually sets up the overhand right.
08:12 Yeah, that was the one that buckled the knees of Palenco.
08:14 He took a backward step after that
08:16 and spent most of the fight--
08:17 most of the round on his back foot.
08:19 And Leo's smart, switching things up.
08:21 He already makes you think he's going to the body,
08:22 then comes over the top with the right hand.
08:24 Great level changes and sneaky punches.
08:27 Round number three.
08:29 WBA continental North America featherweight belt
08:34 goes to the winner of Leo in the red, black, and gold.
08:36 Palenco fought here in January
08:39 against young Oscar Alvarez.
08:43 Accidental headbutt and a technical decision
08:45 that went the way of Alvarez,
08:48 but Palenco looked good in that fight.
08:50 Yeah, he did.
08:52 May have been winning on the scorecards.
08:53 Nonetheless, big opportunity here,
08:56 and he's got to get back on the pedal against Angelo Leo,
09:00 who was in destroy mode in round number two.
09:03 Yeah, Palenco came out very aggressive in round one,
09:05 but in round two went into boxer mode
09:07 and has been doing that since.
09:10 Leo's father born in Mexico,
09:15 mother born in Albuquerque.
09:17 [crowd shouting]
09:25 Palenco switched southpaw now.
09:27 Oh, good body shot there.
09:29 Palenco switched southpaw with the body shots
09:31 and still getting there.
09:32 Yeah, left hand still lands.
09:33 That's the thing, when you put that right side in front,
09:35 the liver is now in front,
09:36 so that left hook is that much closer.
09:39 Palenco known to switch stances frequently in his fights.
09:44 This one may be to protect the body
09:49 like you guys have alluded to, if it works.
09:52 Has not deterred Leo, though.
09:53 Not at all.
09:55 Nice head movement there.
09:57 Still getting that left hook to the body in there.
10:00 And again, Palenco's activity is much less
10:04 than we've seen earlier in the fight.
10:06 Well, we talked about Leo earlier.
10:08 A high-pressure fighter likes to mix up combinations
10:12 to the head and body,
10:14 and that is exactly what he has done thus far.
10:16 Yeah, and you say high pressure,
10:17 but he's also not a face-first high-pressure guy.
10:19 He's defensively responsible as he closes the gap,
10:22 gets it to the body, and then lands those punches.
10:25 Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing, smart pressure.
10:28 When asked about this being his first fight
10:31 in a couple of years,
10:32 he said it was two years of hard training,
10:34 sparring with champions, and he never stopped.
10:38 Now Palenco returns fire.
10:42 What a fight!
10:44 [crowd cheering]
10:46 Bone booth stuff, guys, bone booth stuff.
10:49 [crowd cheering]
10:52 So you won a fight on Pro Box TV.
11:00 Dig in!
11:02 I know I sound like a broken record,
11:03 but if you're not watching these fights on Wednesday nights,
11:06 what are you doing?
11:07 Yeah, especially as a boxing fan,
11:09 I mean, this is high-level stuff.
11:12 Ten seconds, gentlemen.
11:15 Palenco answering late in the round.
11:19 Catch and shoot there by Palenco.
11:21 He needed to inch a little bit.
11:22 [crowd cheering]
11:25 Man, it's an honor and a privilege
11:33 to be a part of this beautiful panel, man.
11:35 It's for the diehard fans, man,
11:37 people that just love watching boxing.
11:40 All the matches are always competitive,
11:42 and they put on great shows.
11:43 [rock music]
11:46 ♪
11:50 Round number four
11:52 of our co-main event of the evening.
11:57 Leo, much like round one, came out, landed a lot,
12:01 but Palenco, much like round one, finished strong.
12:05 Great, great two-way action.
12:06 Palenco stood his ground, landed some big shots,
12:09 did some really good work.
12:10 I still gave it to Leo.
12:11 He was more consistent throughout the round.
12:13 But either way, excellent round, back-and-forth action.
12:16 These guys get well in the phone booth.
12:17 Once they start exchanging,
12:18 neither guy wants to give an inch.
12:22 Might be early, but I think Palenco should stay at 126.
12:25 He's looking really good tonight.
12:27 Really good.
12:30 Palenco's last three opponents
12:32 have had a combined record of 45 and 2.
12:37 Tonight, he takes on the former world champion,
12:40 who is 21 and 1.
12:46 High-level competition for both men.
12:50 Oh!
12:52 High level of aggression in this fight thus far.
12:56 Leo doubled it, countered with the right hand
12:58 and then led with it.
12:59 Man, Palenco's got some beard.
13:01 He ran into two big right hands there.
13:03 Oh, that body shot.
13:06 Palenco with the one-two.
13:09 Turns away from the body shot there.
13:13 Nice leg flip there from Palenco.
13:14 It's funny, 'cause Palenco doesn't really back up
13:16 on the head shots, but the body shots
13:17 will get him backing up.
13:19 That's what I was saying about Leo being smart,
13:20 going down to the body.
13:21 He obviously did his homework.
13:24 Palenco gives us a wink.
13:25 Yeah, give a wink and a smile.
13:27 He said, "Hey, guys, I'm having fun. Don't worry."
13:28 Yeah.
13:31 A real pro is Palenco.
13:34 And when you have taken the number of body shots
13:38 that Nicolas Palenco has taken already in this fight,
13:41 and he smiles at us at the commentary table,
13:45 you know he is a true boxer.
13:47 You know, you always got to be a little bit crazy
13:48 to get in there.
13:50 Well, I know you two are.
13:51 That's for sure.
13:53 Big swing and a miss by Leo.
13:54 Oh!
13:55 Just missed that.
13:56 He was looking for a time-out.
13:59 Leo is not deterred if he misses that counter.
14:01 He takes the momentum in.
14:03 There he goes again.
14:04 Carries that momentum and closes the gap.
14:06 That's because he's got that excellent balance.
14:07 Even when he comes in, overthrows a shot,
14:09 he lands with his feet in the right position.
14:12 Like that.
14:13 Yeah.
14:14 Leo's last fight was in Houston, Texas,
14:18 June of 2021, on the undercard of Jamal Charlo
14:24 and Juan Mantillo.
14:26 Keep your punches up, Red.
14:27 Don't let them go.
14:28 Don't let them go.
14:29 Don't let them go.
14:30 Don't let them go.
14:31 Don't let them go.
14:32 Don't let them go.
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17:00 Don't let them go.
17:01 Don't let them go.
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17:05 Don't let them go.
17:06 Don't let them go.
17:07 Don't let them go.
17:08 Don't let them go.
17:09 Don't let them go.
17:10 >> He's been great here tonight.
17:11 He looks very, very sharp.
17:12 And he's gotten better.
17:13 He looks like he's been out of
17:14 the ring, but I don't see any
17:15 rust.
17:16 >> Sometimes stepping away and
17:18 letting those little injuries
17:20 heal, breaking it down, putting
17:22 it back together isn't all that
17:24 bad.
17:25 >> No, going back and working on
17:26 things is something you've got to
17:28 do throughout your career.
17:29 >> Nice start with the uppercut
17:32 into the body over the top of the
17:34 leg.
17:40 Polanco trying to work the body.
17:43 >> And although Polanco's being
17:45 at work, he's thrown just enough
17:47 to stay in there.
17:48 >> The thing is, it's not
17:50 working to keep Leo off of him,
17:52 and he's paying a price for it.
17:54 Leo is forcing him to engage more
17:56 and more as Polanco looks for
17:58 more and more rest.
17:59 >> Midway point in round five.
18:01 >> In a ring this small, and
18:03 ProBox TV, there is no rest.
18:05 >> Yeah.
18:06 >> I love how Leo is so
18:17 systematic with his
18:19 combinations.
18:20 >> He's about 6'7" to 1".
18:22 >> Punch disparity.
18:23 >> Yeah.
18:24 >> What Polanco's doing on the
18:25 inside.
18:29 >> Good head movement there from
18:30 Leo, even on the inside.
18:31 Like you said, champ, he is
18:33 defensively sound even though
18:35 he's aggressive.
18:36 >> Polanco landed a moment ago.
18:39 45 seconds remain in the fifth.
18:46 Only loss for Angelo Leo was a
18:50 12-round unanimous decision lost
18:53 to Stephen Fulton.
18:54 >> Nice little spin there.
18:56 That's the old pyramid, as you
18:57 say.
18:58 >> The pyramid, yep.
18:59 >> Fulton ran into the monster.
19:06 >> Pivot move to the side.
19:07 >> Especially when you've got a
19:09 guy who is starting to flinch on
19:11 your shots.
19:12 You blink and the guy is not in
19:14 front of you.
19:15 Where do you go?
19:16 Staying invisible.
19:17 >> Wow.
19:18 >> Stop.
19:19 [ Bell ringing ]
19:20 [ Cheers and applause ]
19:21 >> That's a good one.
19:22 >> That's a good one.
19:23 >> That's a good one.
19:24 >> That's a good one.
19:25 >> That's a good one.
19:26 >> That's a good one.
19:27 >> That's a good one.
19:28 [ Cheers and applause ]
19:30 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:32 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:34 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:36 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:38 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:40 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:42 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:44 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:46 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:48 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:50 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:52 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:54 [ Speaking Spanish ]
19:56 >> They tell him, "Polanco, you
19:57 can't fight."
19:58 He's like, "You try out there
20:00 and do it."
20:01 He's probably thinking...
20:02 >> I don't think he needs to be
20:03 told to fight.
20:04 He's doing that.
20:05 But he needs to find something
20:07 that's going to stem the tide and
20:08 keep Leo off him.
20:10 >> Father Miguel in Angelo's
20:12 corner.
20:14 [ Whistle blows ]
20:15 [ Indistinct shouting ]
20:17 [ Indistinct shouting ]
20:20 >> Six-round.
20:22 [ Indistinct shouting ]
20:24 [ Bell rings ]
20:25 >> Polanco.
20:27 >> Polanco and Leo both made
20:30 their professional debuts back
20:32 in 2012.
20:34 [ Indistinct shouting ]
20:37 >> Leo still looking for that
20:39 counter right hand.
20:40 The thing about Leo, he counters
20:42 Polanco's jab both on the outside
20:44 and on the inside.
20:45 Goes to the right side and from
20:46 the outside of it with the right
20:48 hand or on the inside with the
20:50 left hook set ahead into the
20:51 body.
20:52 >> Ooh, nice little slip there
20:54 from Polanco.
20:55 [ Indistinct shouting ]
20:57 >> Polanco looks for the body.
21:00 [ Indistinct shouting ]
21:03 >> Leo has shown the full
21:05 arsenal through the first half
21:08 of this title fight thus far
21:10 tonight on Pro Box TV.
21:12 [ Indistinct shouting ]
21:16 >> And rarely do you see the
21:18 same combination twice in a row,
21:22 three times in a row.
21:24 Leo has mixed things up
21:26 brilliantly.
21:27 He's got a physical jab and more.
21:29 >> Yeah, beautiful punch
21:30 variation.
21:31 Good right hand there from
21:32 Polanco.
21:33 Still doesn't get Leo to back
21:34 up.
21:35 >> Leo's feeling it.
21:36 He doesn't want to give any
21:37 psychological gifts to Polanco.
21:40 He wants to keep him on that
21:42 edge.
21:43 Good body shots here again.
21:45 >> That body shot and that
21:47 chopping right, Paulie.
21:48 >> Stop, stop.
21:49 >> And honestly, that's how you
21:51 stop a guy like Polanco.
21:52 You don't give him any room to
21:53 breathe.
21:54 Keep hitting him, keep banging
21:55 him.
21:56 Yeah, he's got a good chin.
21:57 He's got a good neck.
21:58 But you want to break him down
21:59 psychologically, like you said,
22:00 champ.
22:01 >> Polanco has never been stopped
22:04 in his professional career.
22:07 >> You can see why.
22:08 He's got some beard on him, and
22:10 he's taking some hellacious body
22:12 shots.
22:13 >> And he's fighting back here.
22:14 Oh, another good body shot.
22:15 The fight's back just hard
22:16 enough to keep him in the fight.
22:20 >> Arboleda, Fortuna, Bell, none
22:24 of them were able to stop
22:26 Polanco.
22:27 >> And to Polanco's credit, he's
22:29 not losing his technique either.
22:30 He's still doing some good moves
22:31 out there, slipping, sliding at
22:33 times.
22:34 But he is being broken down.
22:36 >> He's got to try to catch and
22:37 shoot on that body shot.
22:39 He's got to give Leo a chance to
22:41 at least a reason to doubt that
22:42 body shot because Leo's getting
22:43 way too comfortable throwing that
22:45 body shot, and there's no
22:47 punishment really for it.
22:49 So it's just going to keep on
22:51 coming at him.
22:54 >> A rare break in the action
22:55 there.
22:56 >> And Leo showed us something
22:57 different with the lead right.
23:00 >> You see Polanco, every chance
23:02 there's a break in the action.
23:04 He's stretching out, taking in a
23:06 deep breath.
23:12 >> Ten seconds remain here in
23:15 round number six.
23:21 Polanco snapped back the head of
23:22 Leo.
23:25 >> Leo comes right back, working
23:27 the body.
23:28 [Cheering and applause]
23:39 >> That right hand by Polanco,
23:41 that's the one you were talking
23:42 about, Jim, that didn't get Leo
23:43 to leave him alone.
23:45 >> Yeah, it pushed his head back
23:46 and then he came right back into
23:48 punching range.
23:49 >> Keep going to that body.
23:51 Keep going to that body.
23:53 Come up to the floor.
23:54 >> He's got a lot of power.
23:56 >> He's got a lot of power.
23:57 >> He's got a lot of power.
23:58 >> He's got a lot of power.
23:59 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:00 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:01 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:02 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:03 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:04 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:05 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:06 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:07 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:08 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:09 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:10 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:11 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:12 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:13 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:14 >> He's got a lot of power.
24:15 >> The corner of Polanco, Jose Rodriguez from Plant City Boxing.
24:21 What a co-main event.
24:23 Scheduled for ten rounds for the WBA continental North America featherweight belt.
24:29 Round number seven.
24:32 Red and black with gold for Leo.
24:34 Black and gold for Polanco.
24:38 The pace has been incredible.
24:40 >> And Leo again using that double jab to close that gap.
24:44 >> Polanco's walking himself into corners now, though.
24:46 That's not a good sign.
24:52 >> First fight at featherweight since 2016 for Nicholas Polanco.
24:57 Second fight here on Pro Box TV.
25:06 >> Good left hook there from Polanco.
25:08 Partially caught in the glove by Leo, but got some flack off that.
25:14 >> I mentioned that Polanco has never been stopped.
25:18 The one loss Leo has on his record against Stephen Fulton also went the distance.
25:25 >> And that was a war.
25:26 >> Yes.
25:27 >> They were going back and forth.
25:28 Talk about fighting a phone booth.
25:29 >> Yeah, and you can see Leo.
25:31 Leo doesn't mind it one bit.
25:33 Three years off, he went right back where he left off.
25:36 >> And that was a fight actually with Stephen Fulton when you realize that he could fight
25:39 on the inside that well with a guy like Leo who's very good at it.
25:44 >> Polanco trying to stay busy.
25:51 Match the output of Leo here.
25:54 Midway point of round seven.
26:01 >> I sensed a little reprieve in the action last round from Leo and it kind of started out in this round as well.
26:13 >> Polanco back.
26:16 >> Overhand right catches Polanco right on the chin.
26:19 >> I'll tell you, the beard of Polanco.
26:21 I know Leo's not a big puncher.
26:22 He's got nine knockouts and 21 wins, but still, these are shots that they've been cleaning.
26:26 >> Big right hands.
26:29 >> And champ, it's while they're training, too.
26:30 Those shots always hurt more.
26:32 Polanco doesn't even blink.
26:35 >> Polanco's technique a bit better now here on the inside.
26:38 >> How good is this?
26:39 My goodness.
26:43 >> Toe to toe, guys.
26:44 Oh, man.
26:45 >> Crowd in a fever pitching here.
27:02 >> Justifiably so.
27:10 >> What a battle.
27:13 >> Ten seconds, gentlemen.
27:23 [ Bell ringing ]
27:25 [ Cheers and applause ]
27:39 [ Music ]
27:49 >> He's tired, right?
27:50 And he's fucked up.
27:52 He's trying to get to the upper zone.
27:54 >> He's trying to get to the upper zone.
27:55 Watch the upper zone, okay?
27:56 He's trying to get to the left upper zone.
27:59 >> He's tired already.
28:09 >> He's tired already.
28:10 >> He's tired already.
28:11 >> He's tired already.
28:12 >> He's tired already.
28:13 >> He's tired already.
28:14 >> He's tired already.
28:15 >> He's tired already.
28:16 >> He's tired already.
28:17 >> He's tired already.
28:18 >> He's tired already.
28:19 >> He's tired already.
28:20 >> He's tired already.
28:21 >> He's tired already.
28:22 >> He's tired already.
28:23 >> He's tired already.
28:24 >> He's tired already.
28:25 >> He's tired already.
28:26 >> He's tired already.
28:27 >> He's tired already.
28:28 >> He's tired already.
28:29 >> He's tired already.
28:30 >> He's tired already.
28:31 >> He's tired already.
28:32 >> He's tired already.
28:33 >> He's tired already.
28:34 >> He's tired already.
28:35 >> He's tired already.
28:36 >> He's tired already.
28:37 >> He's tired already.
28:38 >> He's tired already.
28:39 >> He's tired already.
28:40 >> He's tired already.
28:41 >> He's tired already.
28:42 >> He's tired already.
28:43 >> He's tired already.
28:44 >> He's tired already.
28:45 >> He's tired already.
28:46 >> He's tired already.
28:47 >> He's tired already.
28:48 >> He's tired already.
28:49 >> He's tired already.
28:50 >> He's tired already.
28:51 >> He's tired already.
28:52 >> He's tired already.
28:53 >> He's tired already.
28:54 >> He's tired already.
28:55 >> He's tired already.
28:56 >> He's tired already.
28:57 >> He's tired already.
28:58 >> He's tired already.
28:59 >> He's tired already.
29:00 >> He's tired already.
29:01 >> He's tired already.
29:02 >> He's tired already.
29:03 >> He's tired already.
29:04 >> He's tired already.
29:05 >> He's tired already.
29:06 >> He's tired already.
29:07 >> He's tired already.
29:08 >> He's tired already.
29:09 >> He's tired already.
29:10 >> He's tired already.
29:11 >> He's tired already.
29:12 >> He's tired already.
29:13 >> He's tired already.
29:14 >> He's tired already.
29:15 >> He's tired already.
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29:17 >> He's tired already.
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29:19 >> He's tired already.
29:20 >> He's tired already.
29:21 >> He's tired already.
29:22 >> He's tired already.
29:23 >> He's tired already.
29:24 >> He's tired already.
29:25 >> He's tired already.
29:26 >> He's tired already.
29:27 >> He's tired already.
29:28 >> He's tired already.
29:29 >> He's tired already.
29:30 >> He's tired already.
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29:32 >> He's tired already.
29:33 >> He's tired already.
29:34 >> He's tired already.
29:35 >> He's tired already.
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29:38 >> He's tired already.
29:39 >> He's tired already.
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29:41 >> He's tired already.
29:42 >> He's tired already.
29:43 >> He's tired already.
29:44 >> He's tired already.
29:45 >> He's tired already.
29:46 >> He's tired already.
29:47 >> He's tired already.
29:48 >> He's tired already.
29:49 >> He's tired already.
29:50 >> He's tired already.
29:51 >> He's tired already.
29:52 >> He's tired already.
29:53 >> He's tired already.
29:54 >> He's tired already.
29:55 >> He's tired already.
29:56 >> He's tired already.
29:57 >> He's tired already.
29:58 >> He's tired already.
29:59 >> He's tired already.
30:00 >> He's tired already.
30:01 >> He's tired already.
30:02 >> He's tired already.
30:03 >> He's tired already.
30:04 >> He's tired already.
30:05 >> He's tired already.
30:06 >> He's tired already.
30:07 >> He's tired already.
30:08 >> He's tired already.
30:09 >> He's tired already.
30:10 >> He's tired already.
30:11 >> He's tired already.
30:12 >> He's tired already.
30:13 >> He's tired already.
30:14 >> He's tired already.
30:15 >> He's tired already.
30:16 >> He's tired already.
30:17 >> He's tired already.
30:18 >> He's tired already.
30:19 >> He's tired already.
30:20 >> He's tired already.
30:21 >> He's tired already.
30:22 >> He's tired already.
30:23 >> He's tired already.
30:24 >> And lands nicely.
30:25 >> And Polanco comes right back with a right hand of his own.
30:27 Doesn't land, but it shows you the heart and mindset of a fighter.
30:35 >> Strong amateur pedigree for both men.
30:38 About 400 amateur fights for Polanco, longtime member of the Dominican Republic National Team.
30:52 >> You know a fight's good when Polanco actually puts a bib on.
30:55 We got sweat and blood flying.
30:59 >> You got to protect the outfit, guys.
31:01 >> You got that nice sharp tie you got to protect.
31:08 >> Man, the way that he digs to the body with the left and chops with that right is beautiful.
31:14 >> The right hand has been the story of this round for Leo, man.
31:17 He has landed some vicious chopping right hands over the top.
31:20 >> And that's why his attack is so difficult to time, too.
31:22 He goes from attacks at both sides, different angles.
31:26 [ Bell ringing ]
31:28 [ Applause ]
31:31 [ Crowd noise ]
31:34 [ Crowd noise ]
31:37 [ Whistle blows ]
31:40 [ Crowd noise ]
31:43 [ Crowd noise ]
31:46 [ Whistle blows ]
31:49 [ Crowd noise ]
31:52 [ Crowd noise ]
31:55 [ Crowd noise ]
31:58 [ Crowd noise ]
32:01 [ Crowd noise ]
32:04 [ Crowd noise ]
32:07 [ Crowd noise ]
32:10 [ Crowd noise ]
32:13 >> I mentioned that the right hand was the story of that last round.
32:16 There we see a nice beautiful straight right hand from Leo.
32:19 And to your point, champ, he mixes up his attacks so well.
32:22 >> Yeah.
32:23 >> It's very difficult to defend against a guy who throws both sides equally as good.
32:27 >> And on that replay, you see how he created the space with the jab.
32:30 Polanco makes the mistake you're not supposed to make, which is going straight back.
32:33 You go straight back, you wind up on the end of the right hand, especially with Polanco actually dipping towards that right hand as well.
32:38 >> Yeah, I saw some interesting body language from Polanco in the corner last round.
32:42 It seems like that left hand might be compromised in some way.
32:47 And you see him coming out with that left hand down at the hip.
32:50 >> Yeah, and he's throwing right hands only.
32:52 >> Yep.
32:53 >> Interesting. If this is the way it's going to be.
32:55 >> We'll see if he's able to finish the distance here.
32:57 >> Good catch there, Chris.
32:59 >> I couldn't tell if it was the hand or the shoulder, but he walked back to the corner with that left hand looking very awkwardly pinned to his side.
33:05 >> Very shallow we just took there. Nice.
33:07 >> Nice.
33:08 >> Round number nine.
33:11 >> Yeah, and you notice when he went down, he didn't brace with the left hand. He just went to the knee.
33:16 >> And he kind of motioned and stretched out that left arm earlier.
33:22 I thought maybe he was trying to set something fancy up, but he may have pulled something earlier in the fight,
33:28 because it is very obvious now that that left arm is compromised.
33:33 >> He'd be smart of Leo here to start attacking that shoulder.
33:36 Start jabbing it, punching the elbow, hit whatever you can.
33:39 >> Whenever I had a guy who would do that, hand down, I would be cracking that shoulder.
33:50 >> Bianco is one tough dude.
33:52 >> Double tripling up his right hand. Hand fighting on the inside too to get position.
33:59 >> Basically fighting one handed right now.
34:02 >> It's hard to fight one handed when it's your lead hand that's hurt too.
34:06 >> Yeah, and especially when you've got a guy putting so much pressure on you like Leo is.
34:09 >> And it's not that he can't throw, he can't defend on that side either.
34:13 >> Great point. Great point. We were talking about that right hand last round.
34:17 You can't keep that left hand up. You only have one way to defend, that's get out of the way.
34:22 >> Uh-oh.
34:23 >> Gonna check it right now.
34:24 >> Yeah.
34:26 >> Is it a glove issue or is it injured?
34:38 >> Why would they be checking usually?
34:42 >> Asking him where it hurts.
34:45 >> Might be the shoulder.
34:46 >> Could be a torn bicep tendon. This fight is over.
34:49 >> No, no, he said that. He's saying no.
34:51 >> Polanco. Yeah.
34:57 >> Wait, no, no, no.
34:58 >> Polanco's saying no. The ref's saying yes.
35:02 >> You should be able to fight with an injured arm.
35:05 >> No.
35:07 >> But you also can't tell somebody it's hurt and then want to keep fighting.
35:12 >> Right.
35:13 >> That's the only thing. Because an arm injury or a hand injury is something you don't have to admit unless you want to.
35:18 And that's why I'm not saying he should continue or not. That's up to him.
35:21 >> Right.
35:22 >> What I'm saying is if he truly wanted to continue, he wouldn't mention the injury.
35:26 >> It's coming from someone who's had a lot of hand injuries.
35:29 >> Yeah. Yeah. You and me both, partner. You and me both.
35:33 >> The doctor just told me it's up in the shoulder area and it's shoulder was -- it's not the bicep tendon, but the shoulder was popping in and out.
35:43 And that's why he couldn't use it.
35:44 >> Might be a dislocated shoulder then.
35:45 >> That's what he talked about. Yep.
35:47 >> And you see, you know, he's fighting with that hand down. He was only using the right hand that entire round.
35:52 Like I said, and that's where I noticed, he did not put the arm out.
35:55 >> Yes. Yes.
35:56 >> And if it was your hand, you still would have been able to put it out there.
35:58 Shoulder, though, a little different. You don't want to brace when you're going down.
36:01 He went down to his knees rather than post with that left hand, that injured arm.
36:06 >> Incredible performance by Angelo Leo.
36:13 And take nothing away from his opposition tonight, Nicholas Polanco, who was willing to fight two more rounds with one hand, basically.
36:26 >> Yeah, he's motioning to the shoulder.
36:47 >> All right, to make it official, let's get it to Mark Lichtenfeld.
36:56 Ladies and gentlemen, the ringside position stops this contest at 1 minute 59 seconds of the ninth round due to injury.
37:05 Your winner by technical knockout and now the WBA continental North America's featherweight champion, Angelo Leo.
37:19 [cheers and applause]
