• 2 years ago
Father David explains how the £80,000 project is close to be completed and how to make donations


00:00 Hello, my name's Father David Charles. I'm the vicar here at St John's Church, the parish church of Burgess Hill.
00:07 And we're currently in the middle of a project whereby we're trying to restore an 1880s Bynns organ.
00:14 We're very lucky to have the instrument. It's a three manual large organ and we're the only Ankh-and-Church in the area
00:21 which has all organ accompanied services and a fully robed choir.
00:26 But the project to restore the organ is costing us £80,000 at the moment and we're still a little bit short of funds.
00:33 But once the restoration is complete it will be a fantastic facility not only for the church community but hopefully for the wider town as well.
00:41 And any donations that members of the public might wish to make will be immensely and gratefully received.
00:48 You can either be in contact with the parish office here or have a look at the website or our Facebook page
00:54 where a QR code will take you to a direct link to make a donation to the organ restoration fund.
01:00 And very many thanks in advance once again.
