In the Czech Republic, a 24-year-old student killed more than 15 people on Thursday

  • last year
In the Czech Republic, a 24-year-old student killed more than 15 people and wounded dozens more at a Prague university on thursday, and it is considered the country's worst shooting in decades. teleSUR
00:00 The Czech Republic, a 24-year-old student, killed more than 15 people and wounded dozens
00:04 more at the Prague University on Thursday, and is considered the country's worst shooting
00:08 in decades.
00:09 The shooting erupted at the Charles University's Faculty of Arts, a shared authority, after
00:15 confirming the attacker was eliminated.
00:18 The deadly violence in the city's historic center sparked evacuations, a massive response
00:22 by heavily armed police, and warnings for people to stay indoors.
00:26 Emergency services reported nine serious injuries, at least five mid-series and up to 10 light
00:31 injuries.
00:32 Czech Interior Minister Vit Krakusan added that there was no link between the shooting
00:37 and international terrorism.
00:39 He added that no other government has been confirmed and called on people to follow police
00:44 instructions.
