Vegas Larfield vs Albert Nolan (13-09-2023) Full Fight

  • last year



00:00 professionally listen for my instructions obey my instructions at all times when i say break or
00:05 stop you stop punching take a step backwards understand me beautiful touch them up so the
00:12 rat's tail won't be in all of its glory it's been taped up for vegas lafield as he embraces his team
00:19 before heading out to battle with a fellow undefeated fighter he's up at featherweight
00:26 on this occasion is lafield nolan he's comfortable there with his belt on the line as we get started
00:34 this one eight three minute rounds lafield and nolan
00:40 good shots there from albert nolan in the early stages and he will want to establish something
00:49 early against a highly credentialed and very very talented young man in vegas lafield
00:56 so
00:58 jab there from lafield got straight through
01:06 coming from a great stable of fighters vegas lafield obviously liam wilson
01:15 benjamin hussein is here tonight it's benjamin hussein and i'm sure
01:21 liam wilson will be watching we can't wait to see both of them back in action very shortly
01:27 body shot from nolan
01:34 counter shot there from lafield over the top with his right hand
01:40 so
01:50 if there are any criticisms of lafield last time out when he
01:55 fought on the zoo acampo undercard they were that ollie box very nicely he did get hit a little bit
02:01 and perhaps too much in a fight like that so i'm sure he'll be looking to make some improvements
02:08 there against nolan who gets through with the right hand and you know ben none of us really
02:16 want to get hit but when you've got an opponent in front of you they're trying to hit us so it's
02:19 that's what the sport's about me hitting you you hitting me and obviously not getting it but there
02:23 sometimes when you're in against the good opponents very hard not to get hit it is a part of it
02:28 hard to argue
02:33 can't all be as fast as harry garcia but yeah that's real good no rubbish
02:37 trickle toes jack
02:40 because i don't like getting hit
02:43 i'm really loving the dominance here from vegas
02:48 great right hand from nolan the commentators curse for harry garcia there for a moment
02:58 but yes he was starting to establish some things and looking really strong so let's see if he gets
03:06 back into that pattern after that right hand crept through from nolan who tries it again
03:10 good work from both fighters in the corner there they
03:22 some good shots and both defended nicely
03:27 they're both really well off the ropes there
03:29 one round down
03:34 what did you see harry i really love the story i was about to say the stalking of the front foot
03:40 really the pressure that laffield was showing he's throwing some really really awkward shots
03:44 though his opponents so you've got to watch out for those big shots especially when you're coming in
03:48 okay so just go first don't crowd yourself you can start punching a little bit further away
03:54 a little bit further away start with your faint you're boxing great
03:57 i mean that's faint going get that front hand moving it doesn't have to be landing you got
04:00 to get it moving okay you gotta stop reaching with it you're just throwing it over all right
04:04 it's like keep it close to your face and dig into the body to choose
04:08 you got great defense yeah you're honest in your defense use your rolls dig the body hard
04:14 be smart with that front hand okay we're gonna get it going yeah you got to move it you don't
04:18 need to move it nothing crazy you crowd yourself a little bit too much okay on the inside don't
04:22 get too close right just half a step heavy weights are next for us and this man jackson murray has
04:27 been out of the ring for over a year he'll return as an undefeated fighter against louis masters so
04:34 that's up in our co-main right now vegas laffield and albert nolan
04:40 all the potential of the world has the big fella jackson murray
04:45 just hope he can now get where he needs to be
04:48 it's just good to see him back in the ring and that'll happen very shortly for murray
04:57 as nolan shows some awkwardness but also some ability here against laffield he's a very hard
05:07 man to read nolan you don't really know where his shots are coming from blood from his nose now
05:15 took a good shot there from laffield and it's opened that nose right up
05:19 for nolan that won't help him one bit
05:22 counter shot there from nolan is the right drive from
05:28 laffield got through oh big shot from nolan as they tangle really awkwardly
05:37 he just tries to clear that nose there's no one but there's a lot of blood there
05:41 oh
05:48 every time nolan jabs he's going straight into the right hand carpool need just to step on the
05:53 outside of that jab and bring the right hand over isn't he just trying to punch over it
05:57 get to the side of it there it is every time one two he goes and he's coming back there and staying
06:04 out of trouble for a moment is nolan but better stuff is from vegas laffield in round number two
06:11 one two and three from nolan body shot from laffield don't hold hands free
06:17 left hand around the guard of laffielders break don't wrestle nolan just tries to get himself in
06:30 a good spot and then he takes some shots better stuff from laffield again and he is starting to
06:36 have some real success in those exchanges as nolan looks for that right hands
06:41 measuring right hand from laffield short of its target
06:49 you'd like to see laffield lean a few more body shots bring those hands down because
06:54 his opponent is starting to really feel the punches over the top slowing him down
07:02 jabbing laffield staying out of trouble as well and he'll try and work on the inside
07:07 come on hands free punch out of there just crowding his work a little bit here laffield
07:14 no one knows from that distance is in trouble as he stays in close he's got a little bit of
07:24 a chance of landing something but not getting hit from the distance um laffield hasn't missed
07:29 our main event this evening it features dylan biggs who's a chance of taking on nakita zoo
07:47 if he can win tonight all right thank you we're watching in pally hoping to get the w
07:55 all right
07:57 last time out
08:10 and big old jackie brubaker that was pavilion tonight to me he said jeff get on pavilion
08:18 which i didn't of course but i you know i listened and i watched now great choice tonight jack
08:24 he's a good judge he's a great entertainer and he's a very tough man as well as we saw
08:32 just over the road at the horton pavilion recently he arrived here with his mate big
08:37 paulie gallons in the crowd today yeah he's here having a look is paul gallon enjoying the action
08:42 you'll be thinking of a comeback paul they did plenty of rounds didn't he with jackson murray
08:49 along the way so you'll see a former sparring partner in our next fight
08:53 colin reaches out this is better stuff from him he gets through with a couple of shots
09:01 two to snowman and now they go wild well i think they told him they must have told him after last
09:08 one you've got to do something you've got to turn this around because you know and laffield
09:11 was getting way on top in the second round turn to southpaw two for a moment did nolan
09:18 but he had success with some shots so he'll take confidence from that right hand just creeps through
09:24 come on hands free punch out done around the place from the nose of course of nolan also
09:32 from the mouth of laffield who just goes back nolan comes back oh big right hand it was from laffield
09:38 really big right hand got through from vegas laffield to end
09:44 a willing exchange where both fighters scored with good shots nolan over the top with his right
09:49 hand he goes back to southpaw just stays out of trouble there for a moment the right hand of
09:54 laffield misses come on hands free boys hands free punch out measuring his laffield he's waiting on
10:06 this shot nolan disrupts it tries to counter with that left hook there's nolan don't hold in there
10:14 alvin don't hold hands free right hand from laffield don't hold boys nolan right on the end
10:24 of his shot good shot there from vegas laffield nolan just backs off for a moment he's vulnerable
10:34 in this corner oh uppercuts of beauty from nolan body shot and over the top goes laffield nolan
10:42 digs in with a left rip to the body over the top is laffield again with that left hand that got
10:47 through under the jaw of nolan but he's tough is albert nolan who took some big shots there
10:54 and then he comes back with that big left hand turned himself to southpaw through the power
11:01 shot from that position and scored one two three and four is vegas laffield and over the top as
11:06 well as nolan just hangs on inside the final 30 seconds of this third round and it's been
11:12 the most entertaining of the fight both of them throwing plenty of shots not even halfway through
11:20 the fight ben i reckon it'll be uh who's got the bigger motor oh big uppercut there from nolan
11:26 beautiful uppercut from albert nolan step back he was right against the ropes laffield pressing
11:34 forward and he found his shot he backs off again and they finish what was an outstanding round of
11:39 action wow the first fight was great the second fight was great this third fight's great as well
11:43 what a it's amazing tonight the the match-ups have been great now there's a big cut over that right
11:49 eye of nolan which goes with the damage from his nose as david cyphers gets to work look for the
11:56 body you catch him in the head he's going to get his hands up a bit more good albie that ball
12:04 that's all right let's get into the championship rounds
12:08 i was a bit going on there for albert nolan in between rounds and this is why because
12:14 there was some swelling over that eye and then it turned into a cut and vegas laffield just
12:22 refreshed the action throughout but nolan he came back with plenty continuously came back giving that
12:28 laughing gave him he tried to give it back so awkward and tricky as well very hard man to read
12:36 now that he's switching to south for and throwing wide shots with both hands from there it's
12:43 an even trickier read for vegas laffield as no one does exactly that
12:50 oh and again and ducks underneath and throws a right hand over the top and then an upper cut
12:57 from nolan there from nolan and laffield just marches forward here
13:12 count a shot from nolan's a good one
13:14 just touching away there is laffield trying to set something up
13:20 gets his supporters going and again big left hands
13:29 beautiful shot there again from nolan he's having success he turns that left hand around
13:39 nolan having his best moments in this fight goes one two
13:44 against the young star in vegas laffield who's found himself in a serious fight here in round
13:50 number four nolan backs off laffield he shows he's up for the battle and he
14:01 just misses and three we're both happy to hang on for a moment as we hit the halfway mark here
14:07 of round number four it's been nolan's best round by far
14:11 short with that right hand there is laffield
14:18 body shot there from nolan one and two he goes again straight into the guard of
14:25 laffield but he just weaves out of the way of that one body shots are good
14:28 right hands of beauty from laffield as well
14:31 he just uses his feet there laffield but no one's happy in this corner he shouldn't be
14:37 because he takes a huge uppercut oh there's a nice right hand and an uppercut as well the right hand
14:43 doubles up for nolan left hand laffield body shot and an uppercut from nolan who brings out a left
14:50 hand as well what about the action we're seeing here in round number four right between vegas
15:03 laffield and the super impressive albert nolan who's arrived what a fight
15:09 how about hands free hands free two boys giving their all hands free who can uphold this tempo
15:16 for another four rounds yeah it's a it's a big that's good i think that'll be the big question
15:21 who's got the big engine right hand there and there's a better one laffield 10 seconds left
15:29 in this round we now get to see exactly what albert nolan is made of because he was hit with
15:35 an absolute bomb and he's still there's another he might come through the ropes so the referee was
15:43 that far from stopping the fight i don't know how we never went down ben i don't know how he didn't
15:48 finish up on top of us because he was nearly through the ropes he took absolute bombs about
15:54 four of them and somehow stayed on his feet albert nolan he's a warrior wow and laffield
16:02 would turn that round around the last 40 seconds that was the best round from nolan and all of a
16:08 sudden he just turns around look at this look at the action down there that right hand was
16:12 enormous from laffield and then he finds another just here i think it's a left hook there it is
16:21 the left hook that right hand as well and it was right on the bell caught by the ropes there ben
16:28 well you can argue that the ropes kept him up but seconds down when he got hit the lights are out
16:36 make sure he hits the the bottom rope then he switched back on well vagus laffield had to
16:44 weather a storm in that round and he showed his quality to do so and he just about had albert
16:49 nolan out of there but nolan has surprised plenty already in this fight let's see if he can continue
16:57 to surprise under all sorts of fire here all right hands from laffield just short but oh
17:06 nolan comes back but laffield stands straight up to it body shot from nolan
17:17 one two goes laffield keep him up left hook was a good one in short
17:22 nolan comes back with another with his left hands well this is amazing these two guys are showing
17:32 skill toughness the heart everything they're showing everything you need to know for a great
17:38 fight in fighting in this this neutral corner that has become their home
17:46 vagus laffield just goes to work he's trying to force will sulos to make a decision our referee
17:53 who says show me something but gee nolan is throwing plenty back oh there's one and there's
18:02 another nolan gets the crowd going again one two and three now what's laffield got left up
18:09 the long slot that he produced in the early stages of this round because nolan he looks to have
18:15 plenty unbelievable willful off asked for something he's shown him something all right
18:20 he's shown him more than we thought he had that's for sure one two three and four from vagus laffield
18:26 but nolan just picked shots and picks him with power and now he finds his way into a different
18:31 corner and he goes one and two does nolan laffield over the top misses a hook from albert nolan
18:38 right hand falls short from nolan
18:40 laffield goes to the body inside the final minute of round five
18:47 one two goes laffield as nolan just backs away into yet another corner and welcomes the battle
19:01 and turns around the left hands nolan oh one two goes laffield and there's a right hand from nolan
19:11 a right hand from laffield uppercut from nolan and this is an all-out war between vegas laffield
19:22 and albert nolan and they are trading throughout what has been a supreme round of action nolan
19:32 laffield comes back with that left hand one and two from nolan
19:37 what a rounds this has been here on fox sports between vegas laffield and albert nolan
19:52 and they deserve this rest
19:54 and if you're just joining us on fox league you're tuning in for something incredibly special because
20:07 our main event is dylan biggs and ryan mitchum who have had two fights so far they have both
20:14 been memorable and this might be the best one yet vegas laffield and albert nolan have been
20:21 trading in an absolute war laffield with the rat's tail he is an outstanding young boxer nine
20:29 and oh nolan from canada has surprised plenty there is blood absolutely everywhere and it's been
20:38 a memorable battle already with still plenty of time left laffield the star on the rise
20:47 and nolan the surprise packet up tonight hey boys you know how we say fighter of the year
20:51 could this be the show of the year already these first three fights have been amazing
20:56 incredible stuff that you are watching here on fox sports this evening ben damon commentary
21:03 alongside jeff fennec and harry garcide what have they got left for us here laffield and nolan
21:11 as we get into round number six every time nolan looks in trouble he comes back with something big
21:18 jeff oh definitely so this has just been an amazing competitive fight all of a sudden when
21:23 you think one's out the other one just comes back i've been looking at game i've been gaffer i really
21:27 don't know i don't know what to say if i'll body shot no every time i go to say something something
21:33 else happens nolan now trying to find that left rip to the body doubles up his jab
21:39 anyone who just tuned into homeboy or boy did they turn into something special
21:45 what they've missed out on a lot too let me tell them just tuned in yeah we'll watch it back later
21:50 because we've still got jackson murray louis masters and dylan biggs against ryan mitchum
21:54 and whatever is left of this ridiculous fight here between laffield and nolan
22:01 yeah this and i don't want to call this up but what these two guys have shown
22:05 their mental capacity amazing what they've got what they've got through in training did
22:10 to bring this into the ring is just crazy this has been one of the greatest contests i've seen
22:15 for a long time what albert nolan has been able to do the further we've got into this fight is
22:21 come from different angles and consistently surprise vegas laffield who's thrown with power
22:30 and precision at times but just can't do anything about these crazy shots that arrive from nolan
22:37 from those sorts of angles and both corners will them on i'm not sure if there was something wrong
22:48 with our clock there or i think it was with the timekeepers it was a short round it was a short
22:55 round by a minute so let me just say something the boys deserve it they deserve it can they get
23:01 two minutes break then perhaps that's the first time i'm happy there was a mistake good on you
23:06 guy good on you timekeeper give these boys a rest they deserve it this is the corner of laffield
23:11 okay he's heading down here on this right side paint the right hand come up with a
23:15 point change your entries you're going to go first change your entrance because the jam going
23:20 from a single jab it's a double jab double jab right hand but not the singles change your
23:25 inches a little bit you can bring the three you can bring the five you can bring the six
23:28 variations variations
23:30 so a conversation there in the final in the final seconds between vegas laffield and his team
23:44 as we return for what is round seven of this eight rounder
23:50 well i'll tell you what for laffield having nine fights this is what a preparation this is for
23:59 the rest of his career this is something you you can't pay for this experience harry the experience
24:04 that these both guys are getting but laffield in particular because this is the guy we're talking
24:08 about this guy we're all you know raving about it can be world champion you're not going to get a
24:12 bit of serving a bit of apprenticeship with these tonight what both boys are showing tonight as well
24:17 you can't teach yourself the grit the hunger the motor these are things they either have or they
24:25 don't done a great job on that cut as well for no one over his right eye which hasn't led much
24:35 since it occurred and it's a pretty nasty one as they just get away with jabs on each other there
24:44 for a moment and tangle now into the second minute of this seventh round let's see how the timekeepers
24:50 perform in this one body shots a good one from vegas laffield but it's a warning on the run
24:57 about it being low from our referee will sulos stop holding hands and you have to remember there
25:03 were times in this fight where it looked like will sulos was going to stop it on behalf of
25:08 vegas laffield with nolan in strife and nearly coming through the ropes at a point but he's
25:14 continued to dig deep he tries to find that uppercut here it is good shot from nolan again
25:24 the left hand uppercut got through on the laffield but he's got a chin on him as vegas laffield
25:29 gets free for a moment to slap you but nolan just happy to hang on and maybe starting to feel the
25:40 pace of this as he turns that left hand around laffield smiles at him hands free come on hand
25:45 free every time i feel that the fight is turning one way it comes back the other way oh right hand
25:53 from lafford was a beauty but nolan again he threw the next two punches after it
25:58 and he throws another that gets through and another does nolan
26:03 and he ducks under those shots that's a good shot from laffield the uppercut got through
26:11 with nolan against the ropes he's happy there though right hand from nolan body shot nolan
26:17 and he looks one two and three there's a shot from laffield big left hand and a left hook gets through
26:23 nolan somehow bending back over the road scores with an uppercut the right hand of vegas lafford
26:31 gets through as well step back and we have 10 seconds left here in round number seven
26:37 they step out and throw bombs at each other body shots from albert nolan as laffield tries to find
26:44 a big one but it's the right hand of nolan that finishes the rounds well he's quite frankly not
26:50 human albert nolan oh wow it's ridiculous every time he looks gone he comes back and throws six
26:58 punches you've got to win this round you're winning the fight for sure but you've got to win this
27:02 round all right you can stop it yeah stop him man it's up to you stop it last round we'll touch gloves
27:10 come on man i'm leaving nothing
27:16 i want you to work hard albert get the jab working shorten your punches up okay
27:20 okay you got one round left to win a fight this is your belt you've got to win it okay
27:26 you're going really well albert last round i want a big round i want the biggest round of the fight
27:33 okay can we get much bigger well if it's the biggest round of the fight it's gonna be quite
27:42 spectacular vegas laffield and albert nolan step out for the final rounds of the third fight
27:51 of a fascinating and dramatic and entertaining night of boxing right hand from vegas laffield's
28:01 a beauty body shot from nolan comes back right right step back right hands at range from laffield
28:12 but he just can't find the target of nolan who moves just ever so slightly again and throws
28:18 into the gloves of laffield there's a shot on the inside from nolan and a big shot from laffield as
28:24 well but nolan comes straight back as you'd expect one two three nolan body shot nolan right hand
28:33 from albert nolan as well regardless of the result boy oh boy i want to see a rematch
28:42 regardless of the result i don't want to see rematch
28:52 not much on that shot from nolan but he can deceive you one two three shots with that free
29:00 hand from vegas laffield and we said he's had fights on big cards here in australia and in
29:10 the us is vegas laffield but he will not have learned any more than in a war like this
29:17 with gadadar's albert nolan who goes one and two as he bounces off the ropes and
29:23 this is where he lives against the ropes in the corner under fire and throwing back
29:31 just weaves out of the way of that one body shots from laffield nolan breathes deeply but
29:43 when he gets his shots right step back okay we have now one minute left of
29:50 this war just think about it round five referee was saying have you got anything left he's got a
29:57 lot left laffield working hard and trying to get through with the big shot but he misses again
30:12 nolan goes one two laffield responds big right hand over the top from albert nolan
30:17 trying to find him puts his head on the chest as nolan throws an overhand right that gets through
30:26 and another laffield's forced to back off for a moment through goes laffield
30:35 as nolan works hard again and takes this one into the center of this ring and albert nolan
30:44 from gadadar and the young star on the rise in vegas laffield have produced something special
30:51 what a fight between laffield and nolan oh my goodness
31:00 wow i'm not going to ask you guys who won because i don't know who won
31:04 i've lost the words jeff i've lost the words what a fight
31:07 this is turning into one of the craziest nights of boxing we have seen in australia
31:15 wow i can't remember watching three fights in a row the first three on a card
31:25 i cannot recall in the history of me watching boxing i got goosebumps i've got everything
31:31 i'm shaking wow these two guys amazing what did you say about australian boxing ben harry what
31:40 does it say i mean i mean i mean for me that's vicious as i've ever seen it wow it says a lot
31:44 for our sport harry just tell those who may have joined us late as we watch the highlights
31:49 what's happening here it has to be one of the best fights i've seen in a long time
31:54 you almost ruled out nolan how many times throughout the fight and then he kept coming back
31:59 he kept landing big shots the catching counter from nolan was amazing but it's going to be a
32:04 hard one to pick vegas laffield showed showed his skills showed his grit and what a test it was so
32:09 so early in his career i'm going to ask you who do you pick who did you want because in the corner
32:15 in the seventh round the end of the round the trainer of um um nolan nolan said you're winning
32:21 the fight you've won the fight but um me uh i'm gonna i'm gonna have to say vegas just a touch
32:27 i'm with you i'm with you vegas vegas maybe by two points yeah maybe yeah if again if it's one or
32:37 draw i'm not going to complain it's an amazing fight but i think you know um the laffield
32:42 definitely um landed the cleaner and better punches well we know we want to see vegas
32:47 laffield again we knew that coming here because he is a star on the rise but
32:51 now everyone knows they want to see when albert nolan fights again he is so talented so tough
32:58 so unorthodox but so brilliant and that was just a really really good entertaining fight we can
33:08 find out who's won it now yeah that's the wbc building there which is prestigious and um let's
33:14 see who's gonna have this green build around their waist here's lieutenant dan fighters to the center
33:19 ring please ladies and gentlemen we have just witnessed an incredible featherweight championship
33:30 fight a round of applause for these two fighters after eight rounds of action we go to the judges
33:41 score cards for a decision judge charlie lucas scores the competition 75 77 george pullis 74 78
33:50 and shane stamford 78 77 for your winner by unanimous decision and still the wbc
34:02 australasia featherweight champion
34:11 oh
