• 2 years ago
Les scientifiques prédisent des tempêtes solaires si puissantes qu’elles pourraient paralyser Internet pendant des semaines. ️

Avec des perturbations magnétiques solaires, cette tempête pourrait gravement affecter Internet et les communications satellites.

Le Soleil, tous les 11 ans, inverse ses pôles magnétiques, créant des conditions propices à ces tempêtes.

Les taches solaires suivent un cycle d'environ 11 ans avec des pics d’activité solaire élevée et un risque accru de perturbations météorologiques spatiales. ️

En utilisant ces informations, les scientifiques prédisent un pic d'activité solaire en 2024, rappelant l'événement de 1989 qui a plongé six millions de personnes dans le noir au Canada.

Sources : New Scientist, CNN, The Times of India

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00:00 Scientists are warning against a powerful solar storm in 2024
00:03 that could disrupt the world's internet network for weeks.
00:05 Although it is difficult to predict the intensity and consequences of these storms,
00:09 their impact could disrupt satellite-based services,
00:11 including communication and navigation systems.
00:14 In fact, every 11 years, the sun knows an inversion of its magnetic poles,
00:17 coinciding with variations in the force of the dipolar field.
00:19 When disturbances occur in the magnetic fields of the sun,
00:22 they can lead to the formation of solar storms,
00:24 including eruptions and coronal mass injections.
00:26 These have the potential to release a powerful radiation and plasma magnetized in space.
00:30 If these events are directed towards the Earth,
00:32 they can damage satellites and communication systems.
00:34 In the past, solar storms have already had notable consequences on Earth,
00:37 such as the 1989 event,
00:39 where a medium-intensity solar storm deprived more than 6 million people of electricity in Canada.
00:43 Solar storms follow a cycle of about 11 years,
00:45 with peaks of high solar activity and an increased risk of space meteorological disturbance.
00:50 Using this information,
00:51 scientists have put in place a method to predict the peak of the current solar cycle.
00:54 Their analysis indicates a maximum potential in early 2024,
00:57 with an uncertainty margin extending until September 2024.
01:00 And you, do you think there will be a solar storm in 2024?
01:03 Share your thoughts in the comments.
