FTS 12:30 20-12: Argentina: Social Movements ready to protest economic shock measures

  • last year
FTS 12.30
*Hamas delegation in Egypt to discuss new humanitarian pause
*France: new immigration law unleashes govt. crisis
00:00 Argentina is getting ready to take the streets in rejection of economic measures of shock
00:16 as the new ultra-liberal government vows to repress and detain any protest actions in
00:20 the public space.
00:24 Palestinian resistant movement Hamas confirmed that a delegation headed by the leader of
00:28 the political committee, Ismail Haniyev, is in Cairo, capital of Egypt, for ceasefire
00:33 talks.
00:36 And the French National Assembly approved a restrictive immigration law unleashing a
00:40 political crisis in the government of President Emmanuel Macron.
00:47 Hello, welcome to From the South.
00:52 My name is Belén de los Santos and from the Telesurf studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin
00:56 with the news.
00:58 On Wednesday, hundreds of Argentines will gather in the historic mobilization against
01:01 the government of Javier Millet.
01:03 In this sense, the main unions warned they have turned to the International Labor Organization
01:09 in the face of the application of repressive measures that violate human rights.
01:13 The General Confederation of Labor, the Central Union of Workers of Argentina and the Central
01:18 Autonomous Workers warned of the complex and desperate socioeconomic scenario posed by
01:23 the libertarian government, which began ruling on December 10th.
01:27 For this reason, they requested the intervention of the International Labor Organization before
01:32 the application of the repressive public order protocol presented by the Minister of Public
01:37 Security, Patricia Bulrich, who has threatened protesters with detention, use of force and
01:43 suspension of social plans.
01:45 In this context, the workers ratified they will defend their rights in the streets.
01:54 On Tuesday, the President of Argentina, Javier Millet, met at the Casa Rosada with 23 governors
02:00 of the country in order to review the economic measure package of his new administration.
02:05 The first working visit of Millet's government lasted almost two hours and according to official
02:11 sources the main topic was the economy, the measures announced by the national government
02:16 and their profound impact on citizens.
02:18 It is worth mentioning that eight governors warned about the loss of co-participation
02:23 resources, the break on public works and the economic plan, which has included a 118% devaluation
02:31 and which they claim does not defend the government but the people.
02:42 You also agreed to talk in the coming days about the treatment of the load that will
02:46 be sent to Extraordinary next week and asked for the support of the governors, also for
02:52 the treatment of these norms that will allow to generate a transformation in the economy
02:58 that the government of President Millet intends to carry out.
03:03 The presidents of China, Xi Jinping and Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, agreed on Wednesday to upgrade
03:08 their bilateral relations and become strategic partners.
03:12 In the framework of the second anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic relations
03:16 between the two countries, Xi Jinping and Daniel Ortega held a telephone conversation
03:21 in which they appreciated the strength and the rising development of friendship ties
03:26 between their people and governments.
03:28 The Chinese president reiterated his appreciation for Managua's adherence to the "One China"
03:34 principle and assured that Beijing had the confidence of the Nicaraguan president in
03:39 his proposal for global cooperation.
03:41 On the other hand, both leaders committed themselves in an official document to continue
03:46 strengthening the alliance and contributing to a multipolar and peaceful world.
04:02 And our multimedia TeleSUR is again recognized for its communicational work.
04:06 In this opportunity, it is the Municipal Award of Journalism 2023 in the city of Caracas.
04:12 The program "Texto y Contexto" of TeleSUR has been awarded the Guillermo García Ponce
04:17 Prize in the television mention.
04:19 It was awarded this Tuesday during a ceremony held at the City Council of Caracas, which
04:25 highlighted the journalistic work and the commitment to truth and objectivity that this
04:29 program has demonstrated.
04:31 The production team of the program is made up of Guillermo Malín Pacheco in production,
04:36 Ricardo Romero, editorial director, Luis Brandón as host, Winely Soto, production assistant,
04:43 and Guillermo Mesa as editor.
04:45 At TeleSUR, we are honored by this recognition and reaffirm our commitment to continue offering
04:50 quality journalistic content that contributes to public debate and the exercise of the right
04:55 to information.
05:00 And Brazil moved back into the top 10 largest economies in the world by advancing two positions
05:05 in 2023 to ninth place, according to the International Monetary Fund.
05:11 With a gross domestic product growth forecast of 3.1% this year, Brazil will have a nominal
05:17 GDP of US$2.13 billion, allowing it to enter the list of the 10 largest economies on the
05:24 planet, surpassing Canada with an estimated GDP of US$2.12 billion.
05:33 Last year, Brazil ranked 11th, and according to the International Organization, by 2026
05:38 it could move up one position to become the eighth largest economy on the planet, with
05:43 an estimated GDP of US$2.4 billion.
05:47 For Brazil, the International Monetary Fund forecasts economic growth of 1.5% next year,
05:54 lower than the projection of 1.8% given by the Organization for Economic Cooperation
06:00 and Development.
06:06 In Cuba, President Miguel Díaz-Canel received the General Secretary of the World Councils
06:11 of Churches, Reverend Jerry Pilay, at the Convention Center in Havana on Monday.
06:16 The President expressed his gratitude for this visit, affirming that it gives "strength
06:20 and energy to the country" and expresses the support and sensitivity of the World Council
06:25 of Churches towards the Cuban people.
06:28 Referring to the situation the island is going through caused by the blockade, he explained
06:33 that they are working on measures to overcome it and acknowledged that this also implies
06:38 complexity and risks that they will work together to overcome.
06:42 For his part, the religious leader, who is coming to the island for the first time as
06:46 Secretary of the Council, sent a message to his government.
06:52 My message to the United States and the government is that they must stop with this narrative
07:00 that has been fabricated about the fact that there is no freedom of religion in Cuba, because
07:05 it is a narrative that is used to justify the atrocities that are carried out in the
07:10 name of the blockade, in the name of other unjust condemnation that the Cuban people
07:15 receive.
07:17 And in Haiti, gang violence gives no respite to the population.
07:21 On Monday, houses were set on fire in Gantier, Crac de Bouquet, in the Department of the
07:26 West.
07:27 The attack provoked clashes with the police and left many homes affected.
07:31 The number of dead and wounded is still not known.
07:34 Another similar case occurred last October when the armed group took control of the commune
07:39 of Tomasewa, where they expelled the police station officials and installed themselves
07:45 in public institutions.
07:46 This same gang was the one that in October 2021 kidnapped the missionaries from the United
07:52 States and Canada, a fact for which both governments took measures that have not alleviated the
07:58 serious crisis of violence that is plaguing the country.
08:10 And a court in the United States sentenced former Haitian Senator Joseph Joel Joan to
08:17 life imprisonment for the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise in July 2021.
08:24 Joel Joan, before the judge of the Miami court, asked for clemency after recognizing his implications
08:30 in the fact, but clarifies that his intention was to kidnap the president and bring him
08:34 to justice.
08:35 However, he declared that his accomplices decided to assassinate him and he could not
08:40 refuse because he feared for his life.
08:42 The condemned man conspired, planned and financed part of the operation and became, together
08:48 with a Chilean Haitian businessman, Rodolfo Yarjar, and the former Colombian army officer
08:54 Germán Rivera, the third person convicted in the United States for the assassination.
09:04 In the United States, the Colorado State Supreme Court disqualified Donald Trump from running
09:08 in next year's presidential primaries.
09:11 The court claimed that a clause in the U.S. Constitution disqualifies anyone who has called
09:17 for an insurrection from running for public office.
09:21 The court found that Trump incited an insurrection by his role in the attack on the Capitol on
09:26 January 6th, 2021.
09:29 In addition, the Colorado court removed him from the state's primary ballot, the first
09:33 entity to bar him from running.
09:35 In view of the situation, Trump's lawyers declared that they will appeal any disqualification
09:41 before the highest court in the United States.
09:49 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok @TelusorEnglish where
09:53 you will find news in different formats, news updates and more.
09:59 Other stories coming up.
10:00 Stay with us.
10:00 [Music]
10:20 Welcome back.
10:38 Palestinian resistant movement Hamas confirmed that a delegation headed by the head of the
10:42 political comedy, Ismail Haniyev, is already in Cairo, the capital of Egypt, for ceasefire
10:47 talks.
10:48 This visit is estimated to follow a meeting between Iran and Qatar on Tuesday, and is
10:53 likely to lay the groundwork for talks on a new humanitarian truce and the release of
10:57 Israeli and Palestinian hostages.
11:00 Egypt has confirmed a first meeting on Wednesday between the Palestinian delegation and its
11:05 intelligence chief, General Abbas Kamel.
11:07 This meeting is aimed at reviewing obstacles and conditions for requesting the new path.
11:17 Meanwhile in Palestine, while most of the members of the states of the United Nations
11:21 are trying to reach a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, the Zionist army intensifies its
11:26 aggression against the population of the Strip.
11:29 On the 75th day of the Israeli genocidal operation, the health authorities in the Palestinian
11:34 enclave confirmed 19,650 dead, 70 percent of them women and children, and the number
11:42 of wounded is close to 53,000.
11:45 In turn, the authorities in Gaza warned that these numbers could increase considerably
11:49 in the coming hours, considering that the occupation has bombed the center, south and
11:54 north of the Strip in the last hours.
12:00 And the Malaysian government decided to ban immediately the entry of Israeli ships into
12:05 the country in solidarity with the Palestinian cause.
12:08 The Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim, assured that the measure responds to the fact that
12:13 Israel is committing massacres and brutality against the Palestinian people.
12:17 The Malaysian executive's decision also implies the prohibition for any ship to route
12:22 to Israel to load goods at Malaysian ports.
12:26 The restrictions come into force immediately.
12:29 The Southeast Asian nation thus joins the list of countries imposing economic sanctions
12:35 on Benjamin Netanyahu's government for crimes against humanity.
12:39 The U.S. Senate closes 2023 and warns no more aid for Ukraine for now.
12:58 The President Joe Biden had guaranteed the resources to his counterpart Vladimir Zelensky
13:02 during his most recent visit to Washington.
13:05 The Democratic and Republican leaders of the U.S. Senate confirmed at the decision on Tuesday
13:11 that Washington will not be able to approve new aid to Ukraine before the end of the year,
13:15 as the two sides continue to search for a compromise.
13:19 They said they would continue to work in good faith to finalize their agreement.
13:24 Both Chuck Schumer, leader of the Democrats, and Mitch McConnell, leader of the Republicans,
13:30 agreed that there are priority domestic commitments.
13:33 This October, many warned that the spigot for Kiev was going to be turned off.
13:56 Russian President Vladimir Putin assured that his country is the sole warrantor of the sovereignty
14:01 and integrity of Ukraine.
14:03 The head of state made these statements during his speech at an enlarged meeting of the Board
14:07 of Directors of the nation's defense ministry.
14:10 The Russian leader emphasized that the West saw that it was impossible to achieve its
14:14 goals by legal means, since Russia was working with the Southeast, so it decided to stage
14:19 a coup d'etat.
14:20 The President pointed out that after the separation from the Soviet Union, it was only Moscow
14:25 that defended the integrity of the Ukrainian territory.
14:29 However, he stressed that if they do not want to receive Russian help, he would respect
14:33 the decision of Kiev.
14:39 Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday inspected modern weapons at an exhibition
14:44 in Moscow and awarded medals to soldiers taking part in the special military operation in
14:49 Ukraine.
14:51 Russian Defense Chief Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov guided
14:56 Putin through the display at a defense ministry showcasing the state-of-the-art weapons of
15:01 the Russian army, including drones armed with explosives and various rifles and military
15:06 vehicles.
15:07 Putin also awarded soldiers with Golden Star medals, praising their courage.
15:12 He said he knew of their attitude and the attitude of all the soldiers and commanders,
15:17 and therefore was confident that they would achieve their goals securely, protect the
15:21 people and the sovereignty and security of their homeland.
15:50 Welcome back.
16:12 The French National Assembly, with the vote of the extreme right, has approved a restrictive
16:16 immigration law, unleashing a political crisis in the government of President Emmanuel Macron.
16:21 With 268 votes of the ruling party, the conservatives and the extreme right, against 186 votes of
16:28 the left coalition, the law limiting the regularization of undocumented immigrants and extending the
16:34 waiting period for legal immigrants from six months to five years, among other aspects,
16:40 were fixed.
16:42 After the result, Aurélien Rousseneau, Minister of Health, resigned.
16:47 The fissures left by the parliamentary process in Macronism forced the French president to
16:51 call an emergency meeting at the LSEM, which did not alleviate the situation.
17:00 And the Iraqis voted on Monday in the first provincial council elections held in a decade,
17:05 which were expected to strengthen the dominance of pro-Iranian Shiite Muslim groups.
17:10 The vote comes at a time of widespread political apathy and disillusionment in the oil-rich
17:15 country of 43 million that is still recovering from years of war and plagued by corruption.
17:22 State media reported that polls closed as planned at 6 p.m., with the election commission
17:27 saying preliminary results were expected 24 hours later.
17:31 Until polls closed, AFP journalists observed low attendance at three polling stations in
17:36 Baghdad and in the southern city of Nasiriyah, where voters arrived one by one.
18:00 Severe flooding has hit northern Australia as the result of passage of Cyclone Jasper.
18:06 Canadian Emergency Management Minister Moray Watt reported that at least 150 people were
18:11 deployed on Monday to assist with emergency relief and evacuations in several towns that
18:16 were cut off in the far northeast of the country.
18:20 The government sent emergency helicopters to evacuate residents of the towns between
18:24 the indigenous community of Wuha Wuha and the town of Port Douglas, north of the city
18:29 of Cairns, which are the areas most affected by the flooding.
18:38 And on Tuesday, Argentina's Meteorological Service issued a red alert for extreme heat
18:42 and a yellow alert for storms in some provinces of the country.
18:46 Authorities informed that a heat wave of up to 32 degrees is expected in the provinces
18:51 of Jujuy and Misiones, while the provinces of Corrientes, Formosa, Chaco and Neuquén
18:58 will be affected by rains, thunderstorms and possible hail.
19:01 The nation's meteorological services recommended citizens to stay hydrated, avoid physical
19:06 activities and not to expose themselves to sunlight.
19:15 Violent fighting in Khartoum, Sudan's capital, over the past 72 hours caused more than 300,000
19:20 people to flee the country.
19:22 According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,
19:27 almost all refugees in the Wat Madani camp, south of the capital, have left the area.
19:32 Violent clashes between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary rapid support forces
19:37 have unleashed terror.
19:39 According to the International Organization for Migration, these people have set out on
19:43 foot as there is no fuel for any means of transport.
19:47 The Sudan director of the Norwegian Refugee Council, William Carter, warns that they have
19:51 very little to survive on.
19:58 In Thailand, the cave where the football players and their coach were trapped will be partially
20:03 reopened for tourists.
20:05 The cave was the scene of an episode that shocked the world in 2018, where the teenagers
20:10 of the Wild Boar football team and their coach were trapped for more than two weeks, triggering
20:16 an almost impossible rescue operation carried out by divers, sailors and hundreds of volunteers.
20:22 In this sense, more than five years later, the cave was reopened to the public, consolidating
20:27 it as a tourist site.
20:29 Guided tours have a maximum of 10 people per group, and only two groups per day are allowed
20:34 to enter.
20:35 During the three-hour tour, a local guide explains the operations to visitors while
20:40 they can observe the tools used in the rescue.
20:43 Tourists can witness with their own eyes the area from which the boys and their coach were
20:51 rescued.
20:52 Although Chamber 3 of the cave is only 800 meters from the entrance, it takes about an
20:58 hour to cover a distance of a guided group tour.
21:00 During the rescue mission, which involved about 300 to 400 people, it took about an
21:06 hour to get the boys from Chamber 3 to the entrance.
21:09 It would be an incredible experience for tourists.
21:13 And like this, we have come to the end of this news spread.
21:15 But before saying goodbye, we want to thank our Caribbean audience, especially the audience
21:19 of Trinidad and Tobago.
21:21 We are pleased to share our newscast and contribute to provide an alternative news source of the
21:25 latest world events.
21:27 You can find these and many other stories at our website at tellastoryenglish.net.
21:32 And also join us on social media, Facebook, X, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
21:39 For TELUStory English, my name is Belén de los Santos.
21:41 Thank you for watching.
21:42 [music]
