(Adnkronos) - “Il progresso fatto da AbbVie in ematologia è assolutamente identitario: i primi dati scientifici risalgono al primo giorno in cui è stata fondata e sono quelli che hanno portato ai pazienti la possibilità della inibizione del bcl 2, una molecola fondamentale nella regolazione dei processi di morte naturale regolata dai tumori del sangue”. Con queste dichiarazioni, Annalisa Iezzi, direttore medico di AbbVie, è intervenuto a margine del convegno nazionale “Leucemia Linfatica Cronica: tempo per vivere” promosso da AbbVie, che ha riunito a Roma clinici ed esperti per fare il punto sullo stato dell’arte rispetto alle nuove prospettive dei pazienti.
00:00 What is the role of AVI in hematology?
00:04 The role of AVI in hematology is a real vocation.
00:08 I always define the progress made by AVI in hematology as absolutely identical.
00:14 The first scientific data, we are moving with the rapidity of science,
00:18 date back to the first day when AVI was founded
00:22 and they are the ones that finally brought to the patients the possibility of inhibition of BCL2,
00:30 an absolutely fundamental molecule in the regulation of the natural death processes regulated by blood tumors.
00:37 It is therefore more than 10 years that we are investing in research in hematology
00:42 and today we reap the fruits of what is a product that represents a pipeline in itself
00:50 and that of chronic lymphatic leukemia is the first experiment made with a drug that represents the first and only in its class.
00:59 Research has made incredible progress and probably the best expectation is to restore to patients quality of life and time of life.
01:09 We all know how a diagnosis represents for a patient a new life partner who never abandons him.
01:16 What we can do with the new target therapies is to interrupt the therapy.
01:22 As you will hear, the current possibility is to conduct an important and effective therapy for a year, two years and then allow us to interrupt it,
01:32 thus moving away from the patient both what we call the burden of the disease,
01:37 therefore the weight of the disease, but also having to take drugs that have a normal effect of toxicity.
01:44 Therefore, the supply of an effective drug, but which is possible to interrupt for a year or two, greatly reduces the risk of toxicity,
01:53 thus bringing an advantage to both the patient's quality of life, which is the first thing for us,
01:58 and to the management of the doctor, who thus manages more patients at the same time.