坚决反对恢复地方选举 伊党:隆市恐成华人天下

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 行动党议员陈国伟昨日重提在吉隆坡恢复地法选举,但立刻遭到多位马来领袖反对。伊党直辖区主席阿扎哈和巫统元老慕斯达法更是站在同意阵线,认为如果恢复地方选举,只会让火箭得利益,最终只会把吉隆坡变成只有华人代表的地方政府。(主播:蔡心慧、黄界錤)


00:00 Those who have been a voter and voted in the general election know that
00:03 generally, two votes are required to vote for a member of Congress and a member of state.
00:09 But looking back at history, in the early days of our independent China,
00:11 there was actually a third vote for the mayor and the city councilor,
00:17 which is the so-called local government election.
00:19 But in 1976, after the local government law was abolished and the local government election was abolished,
00:26 the mayor was changed to be appointed by the state government,
00:29 and the city councilor was changed to be appointed by the state government.
00:31 The third vote of the people has since disappeared.
00:35 Later, in the era of the People's Union and the Ximen,
00:37 they all promised to restore local elections in their campaign proclamations.
00:42 But to this day, there is still no news.
00:45 Until yesterday, when the Federal Sub-District of the Action Party did not chair Chen Kuo-wei to attend the Action Party Congress,
00:50 they reiterated the need to restore local council elections,
00:54 to draw attention after the issue of returning the rights of the people, and to evoke some people's concerns.
00:59 First, Chen Kuo-wei believes that it is not necessary for the whole country to hold the same event,
01:03 but instead, it can start with Kuala Lumpur.
01:05 But why Kuala Lumpur?
01:07 He said that the voters of Kuala Lumpur only have the right to vote for a member of Congress,
01:11 and do not need to vote for Zhou Yixi.
01:12 So at least the voters of Kuala Lumpur have to restore the right to vote for the third vote,
01:17 and elect the mayor and the city councilor through popular vote.
01:20 Later, after Chen Kuo-wei's suggestion was widely reported by various media,
01:25 it immediately attracted fierce opposition from many Malay leaders,
01:28 especially the Uyghurs and Yidang, who have broken off and severed relations,
01:32 and are rarely on the same front.
01:35 They think that if the local elections are really restored,
01:38 I am afraid that the Chinese will monopolize the local government of Kuala Lumpur.
01:42 Yidang's Federal Sub-District Chairman Azarha said,
01:45 "The voter structure of Kuala Lumpur is not even.
01:47 It is like a fake cave, and it does not fall.
01:51 The four corners of the five-level lantern are all the land of rockets."
01:54 He said that if Kuala Lumpur holds a local election,
01:57 it will definitely allow the Chinese to win in the areas where there are many Chinese people.
02:03 This Yidang leader asked,
02:05 "How many seats does the Action Party want to win in the Federal Sub-District
02:09 before it proposes to restore the local election?"
02:12 In addition to Yidang,
02:13 the Uyghur elder Mus Dafa, who is now in the unity camp,
02:16 today issued a statement criticizing
02:18 the existing administrative structure of Kuala Lumpur has been completed.
02:21 The local council members who represent all the elected members of Kuala Lumpur
02:23 and the local council members formed by the groups
02:27 will assist the mayor of Kuala Lumpur.
02:28 So he thinks that there is no need to restore the local election.
02:32 This Uyghur elder and Yidang leader agree with each other,
02:36 the Action Party's proposal is ultimately just to turn Kuala Lumpur
02:39 into a local government with only Chinese representatives.
02:41 And this Chinese representative refers to the Action Party's representative.
02:46 And the Uyghur leader Akhmar
02:47 also directly shouted at the Rocket Leader today,
02:50 asking them to speak carefully,
02:52 and not to make provocative remarks.
02:54 He directly named the Action Party's senior official Lin Jixiang,
02:57 and issued an early statement
02:58 that the remarks of non-Malaysian prime ministers
03:00 have offended Malaysians.
03:02 Now it's the turn of the National Council of State to restore the local election.
03:06 Akhmar thinks that the Rocket Leader
03:08 does not need to say these words that will destroy the harmony of the Malays.
03:12 Even if the Uyghur leader is now in the same government as the Action Party,
03:15 it does not mean that the Uyghur must agree with everything.
03:19 He said that the unity of the government is not the government of the Rocket,
03:22 but the government that can be formed because of the Uyghur.
03:26 The Uyghur League will never compromise on these issues.
03:29 For the action leader's suggestion that Kuala Lumpur
03:31 should restore the local election first,
03:34 but it caused concerns in the Malays.
03:36 The Minister of Communications, Fahmi,
03:37 was asked by the media during the event today,
03:39 and only gave a brief response,
03:41 that the local election should be handed over to the Prime Minister of the Uyghur Republic,
03:44 Zaliha, to deal with the issue.
03:47 She also reminded that Zaliha's financial department
03:50 was transferred to the direct-transfer department,
03:52 and that she needs to be given some time to deal with this matter.
03:55 After all, restoring the local election is a very important matter,
03:58 and it cannot be decided hastily.
04:00 (Music)
