"I'm refusing to buy my wife a Christmas present this year - because she always returns them"

  • 6 months ago
A husband says he won't be buying his wife a Christmas present this year - because she always takes them back.

John Kernohan, 62, has labelled partner Fin Kernohan, 45, a "serial returner".

The couple live an unconventional lifestyle in a 304sq ft cabin on the shores of Lake Oconee in rural Georgia.

John says he and Fin aren't materialistic but, in years gone by, he would have bought her a present.

But this year he won't be - and is making a donation to charity instead.

John said: “Fin doesn't like candies or chocolates - and she always returns my gifts.

“I bought her an Apple Watch years ago. She returned it and then bought a used one a week later!”

John and Fin previously lived busy lives - he in Miami and she in London.

But in 2012 they decided to swap the rat race for life in a remote part of Georgia.

They bought the cabin for just $6,500 and are now surrounded by views of the 350-mile shoreline.

The couple are looking forward to Christmas and say their secluded affair is s much better than big get-togethers.

Instead they “have breakfast in bed, chill out, kick back, feed livestock in morning, and just relax”.

John said: “Before, Christmas was mayhem and madness - it was always a huge thing.

“My ex-partner one year spent $11,000 dollars on Christmas gifts - it was crazy. It's a total contrast to Fin, who I can't buy anything for!"

“It was a whole different lifestyle before, we’d celebrate at a big country club in a huge house, now it’s much more relaxed.”

The pair get all their festive decorations for free - owing to “very wealthy people” who live nearby.

John and Fin say the neighbours leave things outside their homes in winter when the place is “deserted.”

Instead of having a big celebration with friends and family, the pair prefer to “sit, have a big roaring fire, and put music on.”

They have now gotten used to living in such a small space together, but admit that when they first moved in 13 years ago it was a bit of a shock.

John said: "When we started out, I thought we made a mistake because we were always on top of each other and never had any space.

"It's what you make of the space, not its size - personal space doesn't have to be a room.

"If we ever get annoyed at each other, we just get over it real quick - we resolve the negative vibe and move on.

"We have friends in big houses near us on the lake and we go there for parties - but now I can't believe we used to live that way."

The pair both work as short-term getaway hosts and event organisers, living by the adage that you can live off-grid “without roughing it."

Despite the cabins size, the unique space boasts a bathroom which doubles as a greenhouse, and an outdoor kitchen with a pond full of koi carp.