THE DRAGON - By Jason Ring

  • 15 years ago
The Dragon is a device which lets you vanish virtually any Small or medium sized handheld object. And then instantly appear to destroy it, with a loud smoke filled mini-explosion. Dazzling your spectators with the vanish, and then scaring the pants off them with the ending. It's a killer, and destined to be the ultimate finish to any routine.

The Dragon can be set to use without looking, and incorperated at any point in your exsisting routine. Once the Dragon is un-leashed virtually anything is possible. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Use to enhance any of your current routines or create new ones.

Suggested uses: Have someone draw a little cartoon bomb on a napkin or piece of paper. Take the piece of paper and wad it up into a ball. Amaze everyone as you vanish the cartoon bomb and explode it! Bam!

Use with: Cards - Coins - Pens - Borrowed objects Vanishes, Explosions, Transfigurations, etc. etc.
