Rashee Rice: An Emerging Star for Fantasy Football Investment

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - There was a great stat of the day on Rushy Rice,
00:06 which kinda has made me cold to him,
00:09 but 6,500 on Fandle, 6,100 on DK,
00:12 considering the game script and the potential.
00:15 Talk me in to a lineup with Rushy Rice.
00:19 - Well, you can't run on the Patriots.
00:21 I mean, you just can't do it.
00:22 So you have to throw the football.
00:23 And what do we talk about?
00:25 Volume being king, right?
00:26 So although he might not be, you know,
00:27 he has a high drop rate this year,
00:30 the trend is going in a better direction.
00:31 So if you're lukewarm, come here,
00:33 come get under the blanket, I'm gonna give you a cocoa,
00:35 I'm gonna warm you up to Rushy Rice again, because-
00:37 - My hand is between two pillows.
00:39 Those aren't two pillows.
00:40 - Those aren't pillows.
00:42 Eight receptions, 10 targets against Vegas.
00:45 Eight receptions, nine targets against Green Bay.
00:48 Seven receptions, 10 targets against Buffalo.
00:52 He's got two touchdowns in those games, right?
00:55 Two in the last three.
00:56 So Rushy Rice is kind of emerging as the guy.
00:59 And at this point, I don't think they have a choice.
01:02 I think they have tried everything they possibly can
01:04 to make it Arias Tony and Sky Moore,
01:06 and this guy and that guy, everybody were MBS.
01:08 It's not working.
01:10 The one thing that's working is Travis Kelsey,
01:12 and he always works, and Rushy Rice is the other piece.
01:15 And Rice was one of my, you know,
01:16 look, you go back and look at the shows in August, right?
01:18 How many times we talk about, you know,
01:19 at the end of drafts, who the names were taking?
01:21 And how many times did we talk about Rushy Rice
01:23 and the reason why?
01:24 Somebody's going to emerge here.
01:26 And Rice to me was that best bet.
01:27 I drafted him everywhere in every dynasty league that I had
01:30 and drafted him late because why?
01:32 'Cause the tape was good and the quarterback is great.
01:35 And I know everyone's complaining about Patrick Mahomes
01:38 and him losing his mind against the rest.
01:39 Listen, Patrick Mahomes lost his mind against the rest
01:41 'cause Patrick Mahomes is frustrated
01:42 with the way the season's gone.
01:43 So it just came out and it was misdirected.
01:46 And I'm sure Patrick Mahomes would be the first guy to say,
01:48 yeah, that was kind of stupid.
01:49 Like I just kind of lost my mind.
01:50 But he has been so frustrated with these guys all year.
01:53 The Chiefs have been a frustrating team all year.
01:55 Again, you're going to New England
01:56 where you cannot run the football.
01:57 This Rush defense is terrific, the best in the league.
02:01 So you're not running the ball on them.
02:02 Plus there's no Isaiah Pacheco in this game.
02:04 And we'll talk about that in the next hour.
02:06 So what are you going to do?
02:07 You're going to throw.
02:08 And Rice has touchdown equity.
02:09 Rice is a great investment.
02:10 I can't see a lot of lines where I don't have Rice in there,
02:12 especially because you look at the price for him,
02:14 6,500 on Bandle, 61 on DK.
02:16 That's a pretty good return on that volume we're getting.
02:18 And he also has that red zone look and we love that too.
02:21 So Rice is a good investment today.
02:24 Drops are part of the learning curve for rookies.
02:27 Big moments, big situations.
02:27 - Please catch the ball, Mr. Wide Receiver, thank you.
02:29 - But look.
02:30 - We really appreciate that, it helps.
02:32 - Right, but if you look at what he's done
02:34 the last couple of weeks here,
02:35 again, 10-target, eight of 10, eight of nine, seven of 10.
02:38 That's pretty good.
02:39 We'll take that to the bank and I think you will today.
02:41 (upbeat music)
02:44 [MUSIC]
