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00:00 Welcome back, cubs! My name is Quobblecup and this video is not AI!
00:04 This is actually me and we are back in Minecraft!
00:08 Oh boy, this feels so flipping good!
00:11 I'm just going to start chopping this tree.
00:14 I want to start a brand new Minecraft let's play and that is this!
00:18 Quobblecraft is absolutely back and no AI is allowed!
00:23 Alright, okay, maybe AI to enhance my voice and make it sound really good.
00:27 But no AI Quobblecup is allowed on this server so please don't!
00:33 No thank you! It's just me and the cubs like in the good old days.
00:38 Because I've heard you, everyone said "Jordy, we want you back!"
00:42 So we are back! Let me finish chopping this tree and then let me explain what exactly we will be doing.
00:49 Okay, this is actually really nice. Thank you so much for the tree.
00:53 So here's what we're doing. We're playing Minecraft.
00:56 That's all! Okay, yep, thank you so much!
00:59 I'm going to start a super nice base here.
01:01 I don't really know where. I got bees over here.
01:04 We have a little cow over here. Oh, that's two cows, three cows.
01:08 A little sapling. I love you Mr. Sapling.
01:11 And then we have another cow over here.
01:13 Oh boy, this is so nice! We got a little river over here and some clay.
01:17 I feel like this spot is a little bit too basic to start our base.
01:21 So why don't we go and explore a little bit.
01:24 But first, I'm going to slaughter some cows.
01:27 I have not played Minecraft in ages, as you might have expected from, you know, all of this stuff.
01:34 Because AI, yeah, AI has been playing Minecraft for me.
01:37 So I hope I still know how to... There you go.
01:40 I still know how to build everything and craft everything.
01:43 There you go! Okay, is this still how to create...
01:46 Oh, I was going to create an axe, but I need more sticks.
01:49 Is this still how you do that?
01:50 Oh, yes! Okay, alright, perfect.
01:53 Mr. Cow, I'm sorry, but you will be sacrificed!
01:56 For the greater good.
01:58 I need to sacrifice you and I need to sacrifice everyone in this world!
02:04 You shall perish for the greater goods of Quebblecraft.
02:08 I don't know if anyone remembers Quebblecraft.
02:10 I do. I loved Quebblecraft.
02:12 Quebblecraft was one of the best series ever.
02:15 It was just me and you just having an absolute amazing time.
02:19 I'm just going to chop a little bit more wood.
02:21 Just having an amazing time playing Minecraft.
02:24 We need to start a base.
02:25 I cannot have Quebblecraft without having a base.
02:29 So let's walk around this forest.
02:32 Is that Mr. Chicken?
02:33 Mr. Chicken!
02:34 Die!
02:36 Oh, that didn't work.
02:38 Mr. Chicken, hey!
02:39 Okay, now it's awkward.
02:41 Hey, it's too awkward.
02:44 I'm not going to kill him when he looks at me like that.
02:47 With those cute little eyes.
02:48 You can't do me like that, boy.
02:50 Don't... oh, there's a river?
02:51 I love rivers.
02:53 Whoa!
02:54 Whoa!
02:55 Oh!
02:56 Okay, that looks cool.
02:57 That looks...
02:58 Whoa!
02:58 There's a whole jungle behind it.
03:00 Oh, yes.
03:01 And there's a cave there.
03:02 This is actually a really cool spot.
03:04 Maybe on top of that hill, we should start a little mountain.
03:08 There's also fish here.
03:09 We can start fishing here.
03:10 This is actually a really good spot.
03:13 There's some sugar cane here, which I'm going to grab
03:15 so we can make a nice little sugar farm in the future.
03:19 I love myself a little bit of good old sugar.
03:21 Also, there's no mods on this, uh, uh,
03:24 Quibblecraft server.
03:24 We could add mods over time, but then again,
03:27 I kind of like vanilla Minecraft.
03:29 It's just so nice and simple and basic and, uh, yeah.
03:33 Why not?
03:34 Oh, look at this.
03:35 This is so cool.
03:36 I feel like Spider-Man right over...
03:38 We should install Spider-Man.
03:39 I'm joking.
03:40 I'm not going to do a Spider-Man mod.
03:41 That...
03:42 That doesn't make any sense.
03:44 Okay, what if we build a base up there,
03:45 and then we have a cave to explore right underneath it?
03:48 And this ravine just looks so cool.
03:50 It could make like a bridge across.
03:52 And then, oh, oh, and then we can make some really cool things.
03:54 What is that?
03:56 Wait, what is that?
03:57 I've, I've not played Minecraft in quite a while,
03:59 but that, that seems like the stuff pandas eat.
04:02 Oh, Mr. Panda, would you wanna, would you wanna eat this?
04:07 If I chop the bottom down, is the whole thing going to fall?
04:11 I've not played Minecraft since it's released.
04:12 Oh, yeah.
04:13 Okay, that's nice.
04:14 Oh, so it's so much fun to come back to Minecraft
04:17 after some time and, and then all of a sudden,
04:19 there's so much new stuff.
04:21 Ooh, there's another cave.
04:23 Oh, there's some coal over here.
04:24 Okay, this is a great spot.
04:26 And then there's a massive ocean for us to explore
04:28 with our yacht soon,
04:30 'cause we're going to be building yachts.
04:31 That's a new Minecraft update, right?
04:33 I hope so, at least.
04:35 Okay, well, let's just, let's just continue.
04:37 I'm going to chop this.
04:41 We need a little bit of coal.
04:42 Hey, Qubblecop with the C and the double P in the chat,
04:46 'cause my username's been taken out.
04:47 I forgot my Minecraft logins and everything.
04:49 Okay, just gonna get a little bit of coal.
04:53 We just gotta get everything.
04:55 I actually, let me just make a stone pickaxe,
04:57 'cause I know everyone's getting super annoyed.
04:59 I still got the gaming skills, okay?
05:02 Oh, man, it feels so good playing Minecraft again.
05:04 It's been absolute ages since I played Minecraft.
05:07 Like, genuinely.
05:09 I only play Minecraft on, on YouTube.
05:11 So, you know, if you've seen my last video,
05:14 then you probably know that it's been quite some time.
05:17 And let's make a little sword, 'cause why not?
05:21 Okay, stone pickaxe should be a little bit faster.
05:24 The golden pickaxe is the fastest.
05:26 It's a fun little fact, right?
05:27 That I think, I think so, at least.
05:29 Oh, there's another one.
05:31 Oh, there's more?
05:33 There's more?
05:34 There's so much coal here.
05:36 This is great.
05:37 I never have to visit this place ever again.
05:40 I never need to get any more coal after this.
05:43 We will start a coal farm.
05:45 I'm gonna start my little coal.
05:47 There's coal.
05:48 The United States of America wants to know your location.
05:50 Oh, that's oil.
05:51 I mean, it's pretty much the same, right?
05:53 Coal used to be trees.
05:55 That kinda, is that it?
05:59 You know, a lot of people think, big misconception,
06:01 that all the fossil fuels used to be dinosaurs.
06:05 And it's actually, it used to be the trees
06:07 that were prominently living amongst the dinosaurs.
06:12 Okay, we need to swim around.
06:14 This place is beautiful.
06:15 Oh my goodness, this is great.
06:19 Yes, I'm gonna climb this,
06:21 and I'm gonna start a base all the way up here.
06:23 Okay, we just need to go and get there as steadily as possible.
06:28 I'm sorry I did that with the, I'm so sorry.
06:30 People are gonna get furious.
06:32 I'm not trying to speed run, okay?
06:34 We're not trying to beat the game.
06:36 This is more of just, you know,
06:39 just starting a nice little server and having a good time.
06:42 Oh, just like that.
06:46 Okay, oh, ah, stop taking damage.
06:49 I'm getting hungry.
06:50 We need to make ourselves a furnace.
06:52 Okay, but first, get to the base.
06:56 It's going to be nighttime soon too,
06:58 and I've not found any sheep.
07:00 Oh my goodness, this place is crazy cool.
07:03 I can, oh, sheep, yes!
07:05 Okay, can I get iron?
07:09 I need to get iron.
07:10 Yeah, I definitely need to get it.
07:12 I'm not going to kill these sheep.
07:14 That would be a waste,
07:15 and then they might not even drop stuff.
07:17 Okay, slowly start the base somewhere over here,
07:22 and then cook some food.
07:25 Oh, perfect, right next to this cave.
07:28 Okay, we can make a base on the cliff.
07:31 Yes, yes.
07:35 I mean, what could go wrong?
07:37 Oh, this is the perfect spot.
07:40 Should I increase my render distance real quick?
07:42 Boom, look at that.
07:45 Okay, this view is great.
07:46 This is a perfect spot to start my base.
07:50 I'm going to make a nice little house right away.
07:53 Oh yes, this is so nice.
07:55 Are we going to chop all the trees down?
07:58 Do we chop all the trees down?
08:00 I kind of want to keep the trees here
08:02 and just keep that natural feel and look,
08:04 so I'm going to chop this one down,
08:09 and then, because this tree,
08:11 I don't care about this tree,
08:12 and then, you know,
08:13 we want to save the planet a little bit.
08:15 I think the sustainable look is very nice.
08:18 And then we can get this one.
08:22 Yes, please.
08:25 And then we need to get some chairs,
08:27 because I want to spend the night here,
08:29 and I just want to have a good time.
08:31 I just want to have a blast.
08:33 By the way, these episodes are going to be long.
08:35 They're going to be nice and juicy.
08:37 Everyone wants to see me, apparently.
08:39 Apparently, instead of the Qubble Cup AI,
08:41 so I thought, you know, Minecraft Let's Play
08:43 that lasts for quite some time, why not?
08:46 Why flipping not?
08:49 Okay, I just need to get the iron real quick
08:52 before the zombies show up,
08:53 and I need to get a furnace.
08:55 I'll be fine, okay?
08:57 I will be totally fine.
08:59 I'm not going to die.
09:00 I should have made this hardcore.
09:02 Imagine we made this hardcore
09:04 and I died on the first episode.
09:06 That would be terrible hardcore.
09:08 Let's see if we can find some iron here,
09:09 because I need to make myself a bed,
09:11 and else this will be my bed for the night.
09:14 What is that?
09:15 Okay.
09:16 Ow! Iron!
09:17 Yep, yep, yep, yep.
09:19 And just looking like this.
09:21 Oh, we need two.
09:22 Perfect.
09:23 Not too little, not too much.
09:26 Just like that.
09:27 Not wasting a single penny.
09:30 Okay, okay.
09:31 You can see there's a guy there.
09:32 Whoa.
09:37 Ah!
09:38 Ah!
09:39 Ah!
09:40 Ah!
09:41 Ah!
09:43 Yo, get out of here!
09:44 Get out of here!
09:45 I don't want to die already.
09:46 Are you kidding me?
09:47 Oh my goodness.
09:48 Okay, difficulties are normal, by the way,
09:50 just so you know.
09:51 I have a sword.
09:53 I got an apple.
09:55 I got a sword apple.
09:56 Hey!
09:56 Actually, you don't have an apple.
09:59 Oh my goodness!
10:00 Are you kidding me?
10:01 What is happening?
10:02 Okay, we need to be quick here.
10:05 I'm just going to stand right here.
10:07 Enderman can't reach me here.
10:08 Where did the sheep go?
10:10 I need the sheep.
10:11 I need the sheep.
10:13 Oh my goodness.
10:14 Since when is Minecraft this hard?
10:15 Or am I just starting to become a boomer?
10:18 Oh no.
10:19 Okay, there's a skeleton right there.
10:22 I could easily take you on, boy.
10:24 I could easily.
10:26 Do you know who I am?
10:27 Swords are not the best.
10:28 I should be using other weapons.
10:30 Okay, there you go.
10:32 Easy.
10:34 Easy peasy.
10:36 Okay, Mr. Sheep.
10:38 Please.
10:40 Mr. Sheep's still here.
10:41 You still around here, Mr. Sheep?
10:44 Oh, wait.
10:46 I forgot to cook it.
10:47 Okay.
10:47 Okay.
10:48 The first night's always the most intense night.
10:50 If you can survive the first night,
10:52 then you're good.
10:54 Then you're good.
10:54 Yo!
10:56 Why are there so many mobs here?
10:58 And how is that guy so strong?
11:02 Wait.
11:03 How does he?
11:04 Oh, my sword!
11:05 I dropped it.
11:06 Pick it up.
11:07 How does?
11:07 Since when is iron looking like that?
11:10 That's funny.
11:11 Okay, I've not seen iron look like that ever.
11:13 Okay, Mr. Sheep.
11:15 Mr. Sheep.
11:16 Okay, perfect.
11:16 The sheep's still here.
11:17 Let me put some more torches down.
11:20 So let's mob spawn.
11:21 They're gonna spawn on the trees too, by the way.
11:25 Yo, what?
11:26 What is this guy doing?
11:27 Get out of here.
11:28 This is my neighborhood.
11:30 This is my neighborhood.
11:31 Get out.
11:31 Get out, sir.
11:34 No.
11:35 There was a skeleton.
11:36 Is there a skeleton shooting at me?
11:37 Oh, boy.
11:38 Oh, boy.
11:39 Oh, boy.
11:40 Just like that.
11:46 Pro move.
11:46 Pro move.
11:47 Oh, boy.
11:48 Speedrunner's got nothing on me.
11:49 Just jump, jump, jump, jump.
11:51 Here.
11:52 Okay, I still got the Minecraft skills.
11:55 I have not unlearned any of these.
11:57 Why do I keep dropping stuff?
11:59 Did I just drop my sword?
12:00 I don't know what happened.
12:01 Give me.
12:02 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
12:05 Oh, where are the spiders here?
12:08 Okay, do you have enough wood?
12:09 Yes, I do.
12:10 I just need to find a safe spot now and then I can sleep.
12:14 And then it's daytime and we will have survived our first night.
12:18 Should I just make a hole in here?
12:20 Should I just do that?
12:22 Yes, I will.
12:23 Just get it.
12:25 Put the sheep right there.
12:26 Okay.
12:28 Oh, yes.
12:31 Nice and safe.
12:33 You know, remember it always in Minecraft.
12:36 You got your your base for the first night.
12:38 Are you kidding me?
12:40 Is someone going to jump in there?
12:41 You better not.
12:42 You better not.
12:44 There is no way you're going to be doing that.
12:48 Look at that wide bed.
12:49 I'll love myself a bit.
12:51 But why can I not place it?
12:53 I need my room to sleep in.
12:56 Okay.
12:56 There we go.
12:59 Okay, we're sleeping.
13:01 This is great.
13:02 Nice and chill and relaxed.
13:04 And oh, yes.
13:06 Oh, yes.
13:07 And everyone die.
13:09 Okay.
13:12 Okay, that didn't work.
13:14 I thought it was going to be cool.
13:15 Yo, yo, yo, you lit me on fire.
13:18 You lit me on fire.
13:19 Are you kidding me?
13:20 Where's my sword?
13:22 Give me my sword back.
13:23 Okay, Mr. Chicken.
13:24 Now you die for the greater good.
13:26 Okay, he's dead.
13:29 All right, we're good.
13:31 Perfect.
13:32 Nice.
13:33 Mr. Sheep, why don't you give me some more?
13:35 We can finally continue the relaxed playthrough.
13:38 It was a little bit scary right there.
13:41 But we are back on track to make the most epic bubble craft city in the world.
13:47 Town.
13:49 Oh my goodness.
13:49 Skeleton.
13:50 Get out of here, skeleton.
13:52 Okay, we got raw chicken.
13:55 I love myself some chicken.
13:56 Oh, snap.
13:57 We need to get ourselves some armor.
13:59 We need to buff ourselves up a little bit.
14:00 We need to build a little base.
14:02 Let's make some shelter first.
14:06 That's definitely the most important thing.
14:08 We have our base inside of the mountain, but that's not really what we're here for.
14:14 You know what I'm saying?
14:15 That's not what we're here for.
14:17 We're here to eat chicken.
14:18 That's what we want to do.
14:19 Yeah, baby.
14:22 That chicken tastes good.
14:24 Okay.
14:24 Actually, I would love to get myself some better tools.
14:28 But I also need to get myself some food.
14:31 Whoa, is that a watermelon?
14:34 I love watermelons.
14:35 We can start a watermelon farm.
14:37 Oh, that's going to be so cool.
14:39 Because then we could just eat watermelons forever.
14:41 Mr. Chicken.
14:42 Die.
14:43 Okay, he's dead.
14:44 Hey, drop some eggs.
14:46 I love myself some eggs.
14:48 I love myself some chicken.
14:50 I love myself a cow.
14:51 Yes.
14:52 This is such a good spot.
14:54 I just don't want to get lost.
14:55 Did we just walk in circles?
14:57 Is this where we spawned?
14:58 Give me all the meat you got.
15:01 Give me everything.
15:02 Give me everything.
15:04 Give me your meat.
15:05 Give me your meat.
15:06 Yeah.
15:06 We got the meat.
15:10 And some more here.
15:13 Oh my goodness.
15:14 I'm so looking forward to all the episodes that are coming up after this.
15:18 We're going to build a nice little base.
15:19 We're going to name some pets.
15:22 I got some pets right next to me, actually.
15:24 They're chilling right over.
15:25 You guys want to see the pets?
15:27 The pets that we're also going to-
15:28 I tried sharing the cow.
15:30 I'm such an idiot.
15:30 I have to kill you.
15:31 I'm sorry.
15:32 You want to see the pets?
15:33 Yo, uh, oh wait.
15:34 Check this out.
15:35 This is Gizmo.
15:37 He is so sweet.
15:40 This is the first time I'm recording next to Gizmo.
15:42 Since his birth, actually.
15:44 And he has no idea.
15:46 He's just relaxing.
15:47 He's just enjoying it.
15:48 And then this is Baloo.
15:51 Imagine AI could be doing this.
15:53 That'd be crazy.
15:54 Baloo is the absolute sweetest.
15:55 Oh, don't lick the microphone.
15:57 That's my job.
15:57 I'm going to continue licking this microphone.
16:01 Because I love it.
16:03 Oh yes, a steak.
16:06 Baby girl, don't try to eat a steak in one go, guys.
16:11 I tried it yesterday.
16:12 I ate about 400 grams of steak.
16:15 I made a steak just for me, myself, and I.
16:17 Okay, um, this is the end of this cave.
16:21 Oh wait, is this going to go to the water?
16:22 We could also make a cave house.
16:24 That'd be cool.
16:25 That requires quite a lot of work.
16:27 Okay, I'm going to close you off.
16:30 Because else monsters are going to come in here.
16:32 What is in here?
16:33 Iron baby!
16:36 Yes, yes, yes.
16:37 What's that?
16:39 Oh my goodness, you scared the living crap out of me.
16:44 I thought, I thought that was a creeper.
16:47 It's just a vine.
16:49 Okay, all right, perfect.
16:54 Okay, let's continue.
16:55 We're good, we're good.
16:57 Let me, I'm literally going to grab everything that I can find.
17:00 We just got started here.
17:03 We need coal.
17:04 We need, we need everything.
17:06 We need iron.
17:08 We need lapis lazuli.
17:11 Lapis lazuli?
17:12 Is that what it's called?
17:13 What is that?
17:15 Whoa!
17:16 Can I mine this?
17:19 What's gonna happen?
17:20 Oh, nothing.
17:24 Did I mess that up?
17:26 I thought that was like some diamond juicy stuff there.
17:29 But it was absolutely nothing.
17:31 Okay, all right.
17:33 Yo, yo, yo.
17:37 Did he see me?
17:38 Yo, he saw me!
17:39 Get out of here!
17:40 Oh, okay, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good.
17:44 What is that?
17:44 What is this?
17:46 Whoa, is that copper?
17:50 Make something with the copper.
17:53 It's not making anything with the copper.
17:55 Copper is useless.
17:57 Oh!
17:57 Get out of here with your ugly green head!
18:05 Stop bullying me!
18:08 Whoa!
18:09 Oh!
18:10 I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
18:11 I just heard something.
18:13 I thought there was another one.
18:14 There is another one.
18:15 There is another one.
18:16 Get out of here!
18:17 Get your ugly ass out of here!
18:20 Who do you think you are with your scrunny ass, scrunchy ass?
18:24 Okay, all right, let's continue.
18:27 It's this stuff again.
18:28 Can I share it?
18:30 Let me try to share it.
18:31 I'm gonna try to figure out everything on my own.
18:34 Oh, you can also post some stuff in the comments what you want me to do.
18:37 Yeah, actually, go to the comment section.
18:39 Tell me what you want me to build.
18:41 Is there something you want me to build in particular?
18:43 Once again, this is a single player server.
18:46 No one will be able to join.
18:47 And I'm not gonna do any mods.
18:50 So, those are like the rules.
18:53 You can provide me with some suggestions.
18:55 We can get pets.
18:56 Okay, let me try.
18:58 Yes!
19:00 What? What did we get?
19:01 Glow-lition?
19:04 Is this on German?
19:05 [laughing]
19:07 Glow-lition!
19:08 [laughing]
19:09 What does that mean?
19:10 Whoa.
19:12 Whoa!
19:13 There's another water cave.
19:14 This is so cool.
19:15 Okay, let me explore this.
19:17 Let me put this.
19:18 So, oh, stop.
19:19 Can I still breathe, heck, like this?
19:21 Did I just break all my torches?
19:27 No, okay.
19:28 I cannot do that.
19:29 Okay, let me go down here.
19:31 Swim!
19:33 Swim!
19:34 Okay, I'm cave exploring to the extreme right now.
19:38 This is great.
19:39 Have you ever seen those cave explorers?
19:42 I just think that's absolutely crazy to go into like these super tight caves.
19:45 And that just scares the living crap out of me.
19:48 I don't know why anyone would do that.
19:50 Okay, I think this cave is explored.
19:53 Mission accomplished.
19:55 We didn't get anything.
19:56 Did we get?
19:56 We got copper and the glow-lition.
19:59 Glow-lition!
20:00 Ich bin German!
20:01 Oh, boy.
20:03 I have German blood.
20:05 Okay, I have German last name.
20:06 I can make these jokes.
20:08 Let me go to my ghetto, like, base in the mountains that I think was here.
20:15 Yeah, the wool block.
20:18 That's why I got you there, boy.
20:20 Okay, time to sleep.
20:21 Oh, my goodness.
20:22 We've already been going for 25 minutes.
20:24 I think with these episodes, I'm aiming for like an hour.
20:28 That way everyone can really get into it.
20:31 And I can get into it because I mean, imagine this would be it.
20:37 Or, you know, that'd be way too quick.
20:39 Way too quick.
20:41 Give me your glow-lition.
20:43 Nah.
20:43 Do I don't get it?
20:45 Yes, there's another cave here.
20:47 Wait, did I grab it?
20:49 So what does the glow-lition do?
20:51 Lition?
20:52 Lichen?
20:53 I don't know.
20:54 Okay, here it is.
20:55 Let me...
20:56 Oh, it glows!
20:58 Really?
21:00 I'm such an idiot.
21:01 Of course it glows.
21:02 What's here?
21:04 Nothing.
21:05 I can grab these vines and climb up the vines too.
21:08 That'd be cool.
21:09 That'd be really cool.
21:11 Okay, give me iron.
21:13 Give me a lot of it.
21:15 Give me a lot.
21:16 Give me a lot.
21:19 What's down here?
21:20 Is that lava?
21:21 It's glowing.
21:22 No, it's a glow-lichen again.
21:23 Really?
21:25 And there's copper!
21:26 Is there copper armor now?
21:27 Or can we make like wires?
21:30 Is that what you can do with copper?
21:32 I don't know.
21:33 If it's like real life, we could make other crazy things with it.
21:38 Oh, look, airplanes.
21:40 Airplanes are made out of copper.
21:42 Well, partially.
21:43 That's a lot of copper here.
21:45 Let me get all of it.
21:47 We see the glow-lichen again.
21:51 I'm gonna say thank you for lighting up my day.
21:53 Whoa!
21:55 Whoa!
21:56 Whoa!
21:57 Whoa!
21:59 Okay, we need to save our pickaxe because I need to...
22:04 Did I just hear a chair?
22:05 Because I need to get some more iron.
22:08 What am I doing?
22:10 Torches.
22:11 Yes, torches.
22:12 Okay, I'm just gonna jump in here like...
22:14 Yes!
22:15 Okay.
22:15 Oh, yes, a ravine.
22:17 This is not a ravine.
22:18 It's a cave.
22:19 That's it was a trap we're being shot at!
22:22 Stay underwater.
22:23 Okay, there's iron right there, but there's no way I can mine that underwater
22:27 with these terrible pickaxes.
22:28 Go underwater.
22:29 Okay, don't tell them you're here.
22:31 All right.
22:32 Bat, you need to shut up.
22:34 Don't say a word.
22:35 Whoa.
22:36 Whoa!
22:38 Yes!
22:39 We got the magma blocks, whatever they are called.
22:42 Okay, this is perfect for the iron pickaxe.
22:44 Yes.
22:46 Did it just...
22:47 Okay, it's just floating on that little magma block.
22:49 Okay, give me my pickaxe.
22:51 We're just gonna go in here.
22:52 I'm gonna make a little pickaxe.
22:53 And we need this.
22:57 That's a lot of it.
22:59 Did... did something just fly in front of me?
23:01 What is that?
23:03 What is that?
23:03 What the heck was that?
23:09 Okay, okay.
23:10 I'm getting really scared of these brand new Minecraft updates.
23:14 Was that a good guy?
23:15 Because that scared the living crap out of me.
23:21 That thing was like flying through the walls and everything.
23:24 Okay, I think we're safe.
23:26 Um, let's see.
23:27 Yeah, what does the iron look like?
23:29 Oh yeah, it's this.
23:29 Okay.
23:30 It was like right here, just like right in front of me.
23:35 Okay.
23:35 It was like right here.
23:38 Did you just see it?
23:39 Like, am I going crazy or...
23:40 I swear there was something here.
23:45 What, was that just water?
23:49 I hear something.
23:52 It sounds like a fairy.
23:54 It's probably a good guy.
23:55 No one's trying to sneak up.
23:58 Yes, there is someone trying to sneak up.
24:00 I mean, give me this stuff already.
24:01 Let me whoop his ass.
24:04 You tried to get here, boy, you're dead.
24:05 Don't, don't you try to challenge me.
24:09 You tried to challenge me?
24:11 Yeah, you're gonna drown, you idiot.
24:14 With your arrows underwater.
24:15 That's, they don't work that way.
24:17 Okay, he's dead.
24:18 Okay, we're good.
24:20 I swear I could hear something there.
24:24 Uh, okay, we need some more sticks.
24:27 Oh, just, that's enough.
24:31 That's enough sticks.
24:32 Sticks and stones may break my bones.
24:34 But the iron pickaxe won't.
24:37 Okay, and an iron sword.
24:40 That's going to save my life over time.
24:43 All right, let me organize this a little bit.
24:45 Are we already running out of meat?
24:47 Okay, what was that?
24:49 Please don't kill me, whatever that thing was.
24:54 I, I, he sounds friendly.
24:55 Whoa, it's a magical squid.
25:02 Whoa, it's a magical squid.
25:04 Okay, I think he's friendly.
25:06 I think he's friendly.
25:09 That's so cool.
25:10 There's like an underwater cave here.
25:12 Where'd he go?
25:13 What's that noise?
25:16 Let me just breathe real quick.
25:18 Okay, what was that?
25:21 This is way too scary to explore.
25:25 There's some iron there.
25:27 Just go down already, I'm gonna suffocate.
25:30 Okay.
25:32 All right, that's, we're cool, right?
25:36 Magical squid?
25:37 Okay, he says we're cool.
25:39 You bring all the cool with me.
25:40 Oh boy.
25:43 Okay, some more iron.
25:44 That's what we're here for.
25:45 Oh, and copper.
25:48 Do we really need that much copper?
25:50 Yo, I swear this magical squid, I keep on hearing him.
25:55 He's freaking me out.
25:56 Squidward, get out of here.
26:00 Okay.
26:02 Oh, that's so much.
26:04 Yes, we got eight.
26:06 Okay, we can finally start making armor.
26:08 Oh yes, please.
26:11 Oh yes, please.
26:14 Okay, perfect.
26:16 Perfect, perfect, perfect.
26:18 Oh, there's more there.
26:21 The magical squid is, he's protecting me.
26:24 The magical squid is protecting me.
26:27 The magical squid.
26:29 Squidward's protecting me.
26:30 Thank you so much, Squidward.
26:31 Oh, this is such a nice place to be.
26:34 Hey, just like that, placing torches like a professional.
26:38 I am a professional Minecraft player.
26:41 Like, I'm literally a professional Minecraft player.
26:43 You know, it just means that I'm getting paid to play Minecraft.
26:46 I've been paid the dollar once for playing Minecraft.
26:48 And since then, I would say I'm a professional Minecraft player.
26:51 It's on my resume.
26:52 If I'd ever apply to a job, then that would be it.
26:56 My job's playing Minecraft, so I could say that I definitely have experience.
27:01 I just don't know about the new squid animal thing.
27:04 I don't even know if there's any more crazy animals like that.
27:08 Okay, let me just grab this.
27:12 Yup, that, this is so much.
27:15 This is a lot.
27:17 This is a lot.
27:19 Yes.
27:21 Yes.
27:23 Oh, I'm not gonna do that.
27:24 Okay, perfect.
27:26 Oh, 21.
27:28 How much was it again?
27:29 You needed 28 for an armor set.
27:32 Okay, well, I'm just going to melt it.
27:34 It is 8 plus 7, 15 plus 9, 24.
27:41 All right, so we're close.
27:43 24 is what we need.
27:45 22 is what we have for the armor set.
27:50 And then just a few more tools and we should be good.
27:55 He is jumping on all these things.
27:59 I love jumping on all of them.
28:01 But Lapis Lazuli, Lapis Lazuli, my bully.
28:06 Okay, I just got to grab one.
28:08 What?
28:10 I didn't get it.
28:11 I need diamond and diamond pickaxe for it.
28:13 Okay, is that, what is that?
28:16 That's gold.
28:18 Okay, then diamonds, diamonds, diamonds.
28:21 We found diamonds already in episode one.
28:24 Are you kidding me?
28:25 Oh, yes.
28:26 Thank you so much, Minecraft.
28:30 You're the absolute best.
28:32 Yes, diamonds.
28:37 Oh, okay, we just got one.
28:38 That's actually, I make a diamond spade.
28:40 That's what I could do.
28:42 That'd be nice.
28:43 Yay, diamond spade.
28:45 That's so nice.
28:46 Okay, we needed a little bit more for the armor.
28:53 And then maybe we could get some more diamonds.
28:55 I mean, that'd be nice.
28:56 What?
28:58 Oh, it's floating.
29:00 Okay, that's what it's doing.
29:02 We don't need, what do we not need?
29:06 We don't need the bones.
29:07 Where'd it go?
29:11 Come on.
29:14 Don't want to take damage.
29:18 Okay, we took a little bit of damage.
29:20 I should breathe.
29:21 Learn how to breathe.
29:22 Okay, let's go explore this real quick.
29:26 Yo, dude, is that, is it okay?
29:30 Is it like okay to go and explore like underwater caves?
29:35 Or is that like a big no-no in the new Minecraft updates?
29:38 Wait, there's the lapis.
29:40 There we go.
29:41 Oh, okay.
29:42 All right, thankfully, we got everything we came for.
29:47 Just a little bit more, but I'm gonna wear some armor while I do the rest.
29:51 Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes.
29:54 Okay, give me the, give me the boots.
29:56 Give me the helmet.
29:58 Oh, yes.
30:00 This feels so good.
30:01 I'm strapped.
30:04 I got everything.
30:05 I got a diamond.
30:06 Look at that beautiful, juicy looking diamond.
30:08 You're so nice, diamond.
30:10 Okay, and then, and then there's this cave right there.
30:13 And then is there something else?
30:14 These caves look nice though.
30:17 We should make ourselves a little bit more food.
30:21 I just have like one chicken left.
30:23 Oh, seven, seven.
30:24 I got seven raw pork chops.
30:26 Guess we're gonna have to eat the pork.
30:28 I am so sorry.
30:29 I am so sorry, Mr. Porky.
30:31 Porky, bye.
30:33 Okay, I'm just gonna make a little food one right here.
30:36 Perfect, perfect, perfect.
30:39 Maybe if I just randomly dig this way, we're gonna find something like diamonds.
30:44 Like just, just sometimes I just randomly dig and hope I find something.
30:50 Could, could just, could just keep on randomly digging.
30:53 Why not?
30:54 Like, why not, right?
30:56 Like, is there something we're gonna lose?
30:59 It's not like there's like crazy creatures now in Minecraft or something, right?
31:04 Just randomly strip mining like in the good old days.
31:08 Until we hit the bedrock.
31:10 I've totally lost track on how to leave this cave, by the way.
31:14 I am just enjoying Minecraft.
31:18 Because Minecraft is, that's what you do in Minecraft, right?
31:21 Wait, what's that?
31:23 What's this?
31:26 Is that a new rock?
31:28 New recipe.
31:31 Cobbled deep slate.
31:34 What is that?
31:36 Whoa!
31:38 More iron.
31:40 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
31:42 I am so happy.
31:43 I am so happy.
31:44 I am very happy.
31:47 With this.
31:48 Thank you.
31:49 Okay, this looks cool.
31:51 Just gotta keep on digging down.
31:53 I don't know what it does.
31:55 Does it, does it really matter?
31:58 We've got some iron already.
31:59 So that's good.
32:00 Oh, water!
32:01 Why is there so much water?
32:03 Is there like water caves?
32:05 Is that the...
32:06 Oh my goodness!
32:07 It's a squid again!
32:08 Get out of here.
32:10 Get out of here.
32:11 I don't, I don't, you know, Mr. Squidward, I like you and all.
32:14 But I think you're just a little bit scary.
32:17 Like a little bit too scary.
32:21 I'm not gonna swim in there.
32:22 Like I am unprepared.
32:24 I don't, don't have much on me.
32:26 Okay, let's just go back up.
32:28 Relax.
32:30 I feel my anxiety levels rising right now.
32:33 We got what we came for.
32:34 And that was just a little bit of iron.
32:37 We are ready.
32:39 My pickaxe is almost broken.
32:41 The food should be, should be done.
32:43 Dinner can be served.
32:44 Okay, let's make this.
32:46 And then let's make the plate body.
32:47 We got ourselves a full set of iron, baby.
32:50 Okay.
32:51 Yes, baby.
32:53 Okay, we're good.
32:55 We have five more iron that should give us an axe and a spade.
32:59 I am ready to leave this sapling.
33:03 I don't need, oh, actually I don't need these tools.
33:07 That's what I don't need.
33:08 Okay, we're good to go.
33:10 We're good to go.
33:10 We got diamonds.
33:11 We have everything.
33:13 Then, then now let's just leave.
33:15 Let's just leave.
33:17 Stop it.
33:18 Stop it, bat.
33:19 Okay, so somewhere up here I jumped down, right?
33:22 I think it was, is it?
33:25 I think that was the hole I jumped down from.
33:27 So if we just go up here.
33:29 Yeah, just like that.
33:33 Perfect.
33:34 And then we just keep on moving a little bit.
33:38 Oh, almost fell down to my death.
33:41 Brutal.
33:43 Oh, sorry.
33:44 Sorry for wasting you pickaxe.
33:46 Okay.
33:48 Okay.
33:49 Okay.
33:50 Now, where was it?
33:52 It was here, right?
33:53 Are you kidding me?
33:57 Are we really this lost?
33:59 I swear it was here.
34:02 I swear there was a hole here.
34:03 We jumped down.
34:04 You kidding me?
34:06 Do you have to go and mine this whole thing up now?
34:09 I don't have that much time.
34:12 Oh, okay.
34:17 Well, now, where was it?
34:18 Where was the hole?
34:19 I can't find the hole.
34:22 Was that the hole?
34:25 Or is that the hole?
34:27 That's the hole.
34:28 No, that's where I went.
34:29 That's not the hole.
34:31 There's no way we jumped down that hole.
34:33 Was that the hole?
34:35 That's not the hole.
34:36 That's where we just jumped.
34:38 Wait, it was right next to it.
34:40 Are you joking?
34:41 We just have to keep on going.
34:43 Sometimes, that's the biggest lesson I got in life.
34:47 Just keep on going.
34:48 All right.
34:49 Just keep on going.
34:51 And then we would have gotten there if we just said like,
34:54 "Really?
34:56 How did I not see it?
34:57 How am I stupid?
35:02 Stupid, stupid, stupid."
35:04 Okay.
35:05 I bet it's like the next block.
35:09 Are you kidding me?
35:10 Am I blind?
35:10 It was right there.
35:13 Am I too high?
35:14 I'm too high.
35:16 Ah, there you go.
35:18 Okay.
35:20 All right.
35:21 All right.
35:21 Okay.
35:23 We survived this cave exploration.
35:25 We haven't died yet.
35:26 We can finally start working on our base now.
35:30 Maybe I'm going to come back here because there were quite a few like magical squids in here.
35:36 And I feel like they all drop like some cool stuff.
35:39 Or maybe you kill them and then they kill you.
35:43 More copper, really.
35:44 What do you use the copper for?
35:46 Like for real, someone's going to tell me.
35:48 You'll be the absolute best.
35:50 Is it nighttime?
35:50 Are you kidding me?
35:51 It's nighttime.
35:51 Okay.
35:52 We got our armor.
35:53 We have a cave here.
35:55 Just get to the safe space.
35:58 Just get to the safe space.
35:59 Just get to the safe space.
36:00 Okay.
36:03 Mr. Cow, thank you so much.
36:06 Let's just get to the safe space right over here.
36:09 Perfect.
36:11 We're ready to sleep again.
36:13 Oh my goodness.
36:14 And we can finally start building the base.
36:16 Base time.
36:18 Base, base, base.
36:19 Okay.
36:22 That was an epic fail.
36:23 Yes.
36:25 So I'm going to chop these trees down.
36:28 I'm going to make myself another furnace.
36:35 Hey, you stupid little zombie.
36:37 That's what happens when you try to leave during the daytime.
36:42 It's my job.
36:44 Okay.
36:44 Daytime is my job.
36:45 Perfect.
36:47 And then we can start chopping down some trees in this area.
36:49 Because like no one cares too much about these trees.
36:53 They don't look that nice.
36:55 I don't want to do much landscaping, by the way.
36:58 I just want to chop trees.
36:59 I just want to chop all of them like that.
37:03 And then I want to chop this one.
37:05 And then I want to climb in there.
37:07 And I want to chop all of them.
37:09 We're going to make like a little jungle house.
37:11 Because I love jungle houses.
37:13 It's like you live in like a tree house.
37:15 How cool is it to live inside a tree house?
37:18 But first I'm going to chop down this really big tree.
37:22 Yes.
37:24 This is why we're here.
37:26 So much wood.
37:27 So much wood.
37:29 Enough wood for the rest of eternity.
37:32 We can make a tree house.
37:34 That would be so cool.
37:35 But for now...
37:36 We climb in here.
37:39 Let me chop this down.
37:42 Let me chop down the whole flipping thing already.
37:46 Look at how quick this goes.
37:48 Yes.
37:49 And then we can do magical...
37:52 Pro strats.
37:55 This goes so quick.
37:56 If you need a lot of wood, this is great.
37:58 Just find yourself a jungle.
38:01 You'll never find yourself a jungle.
38:03 Okay.
38:04 We're gonna have a stack after this.
38:06 Make sure we break all the floating blocks.
38:09 Else we'll just set the jungle on fire.
38:12 Which would also be a funny little thing to do.
38:14 Come on.
38:16 Just get everything already.
38:18 I said get everything.
38:20 Get your bags and get out of here.
38:23 Okay.
38:24 Chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping.
38:27 And chop a little bit more.
38:29 Welcome to Quibblecraft.
38:31 The absolute best Minecraft episode series in the world.
38:35 You can just turn it on and listen in the background.
38:39 Sometimes something crazy happens.
38:41 And we will do so many cool things in the future.
38:45 Oh yes, we will.
38:47 Yes, we will.
38:50 Okay.
38:51 Just chop this.
38:52 Chop that.
38:53 Chop all of it.
38:56 All of it.
38:57 I hope we did not forget.
38:58 Yeah, we've got some stuff.
38:59 Okay.
39:00 Ah, whatever.
39:01 Whatever.
39:02 We'll get back there one day to have to clean it all up.
39:05 You know, that's what we're going to have to do one day.
39:07 Okay, let's grab this.
39:12 Oh, oh, the doggies are freaking out.
39:14 Doggies, it's okay.
39:15 It's okay.
39:16 Don't, please relax.
39:18 Oh no, you got to relax Gizmo.
39:22 He's freaking out.
39:24 Okay, this is nice.
39:26 We got so much wood.
39:27 Perfect to go and build the base.
39:30 We got a diamond already.
39:32 We drop that.
39:33 That's trash.
39:33 Back to the base.
39:35 Gonna make a little base.
39:36 We have enough wool for beds.
39:38 We have 16 wool.
39:40 This is such a pro spot.
39:41 Okay, and then we need to get the right place.
39:46 Just need a little bit of sand to get the windows done.
39:49 Oh yes.
39:50 Make ourselves a little kitchen too.
39:53 I am so stoked.
39:54 Just like that.
39:56 And then right over there.
39:58 Yes.
40:00 That's the spot.
40:00 Oh no, the dogs are both freaking out now.
40:03 Doggies, please.
40:04 Get back here.
40:06 No, they're chasing.
40:08 They're running around me.
40:09 Okay, okay.
40:10 They said they should be fine now.
40:12 Let's see.
40:14 Okay.
40:14 Oh yes.
40:15 So we're gonna make some little pillars right here.
40:18 We're starting off with just a basic foundation like that.
40:22 And then.
40:27 Like we need to make ourselves a good foundation for this house, right?
40:31 So if we go like this.
40:36 I don't want to break that part.
40:39 We gotta leave it, you know?
40:41 Else it's going to collapse.
40:42 Can't have any of that.
40:44 Not in our first episode.
40:46 Oh my goodness.
40:48 Now the other one starts barking.
40:50 Okay.
40:52 This is great.
40:55 This is really guys.
40:57 Really, Baloo?
40:58 Really?
40:59 Really?
41:00 It went so well for so long.
41:04 Okay, we need to make sure we have the right wood.
41:06 Oh, that's the right wood.
41:08 Okay, perfect.
41:09 And then we fill this up.
41:12 There you go.
41:16 We got ourselves a nice little foundation.
41:18 Did I make that spade yet?
41:22 I did not make the spade.
41:23 And I need to make myself a little workbench too.
41:27 Huh.
41:27 So I can make myself a nice iron spade right here.
41:31 Wait, that's how you do it.
41:33 I'm such an idiot.
41:33 It's like this.
41:34 Okay.
41:36 And then we can clear this out a little bit.
41:39 I need to make myself a chest.
41:44 Which we can do because we got ourselves a base in a second.
41:48 Okay.
41:49 And then one, two, three, high.
41:52 One, two, three.
41:54 There's lava down there.
41:55 That's so cool.
41:56 Okay, one, two, three.
41:58 And maybe one, two, three.
42:00 And a one, two, three.
42:03 It's kind of off, but that's fine.
42:05 And go.
42:08 Oh, that's ugly.
42:09 That's very ugly.
42:10 Also requires way too much wood.
42:13 You know what?
42:16 You know what?
42:16 We'll just make it nice and basic for now.
42:19 That's way too claustrophobic.
42:23 But sure, we'll go with it.
42:26 We'll go with it.
42:26 Way too little.
42:30 Okay, there you go.
42:31 Since this is episode one, you know, we can do these things.
42:36 This is our little first stage.
42:39 I like to call this the bunker.
42:41 Oh, ruined that one.
42:43 The bunker.
42:44 That sounds cool.
42:46 I don't know why, but it just sounds cool.
42:48 And then do we make a pro hut?
42:56 Ah, I know what we're going to do.
42:58 We're going to put some slabs down here.
43:00 So this is where we're going to put the doors.
43:02 Like that.
43:04 That could go.
43:05 And then we can make some wooden slabs.
43:08 Pro.
43:10 I'm such a pro.
43:12 Minecraft pro.
43:14 And then it gives us a slightly taller roof.
43:18 Stop.
43:20 Why do I keep doing that?
43:22 A slightly taller roof.
43:25 Close it and put some torches.
43:29 We need some torches.
43:30 Put two torches right down there.
43:34 Did we use all of our torches and all of our coal?
43:39 Are you kidding me?
43:40 Okay, we probably did.
43:42 Hey, for a good reason, right?
43:44 Okay.
43:45 Let me do double chests.
43:51 Yeah, we can do double chests.
43:52 Okay.
43:54 So chest number one, just putting everything in there that we don't need.
44:00 That's nice.
44:02 Ah, this looks so good already.
44:04 And then we can go and grab everything for a furnace.
44:09 Put that little furnace right over here.
44:13 Oh, such an idiot.
44:17 Put the furnace right over here.
44:18 Perfect.
44:19 We need some doors.
44:22 Doors, that would be.
44:23 Oh, yeah, you get three.
44:25 And let's go like this.
44:28 There you go.
44:30 All we need is some torches.
44:36 Oh, yes, this looks so good.
44:38 Make a little cobblestone track right here.
44:42 Let me put this right here.
44:44 Just a little bit of cobblestone right here.
44:47 Like so.
44:50 Oh, yes.
44:51 So cozy.
44:53 So cozy.
44:54 We got a torch.
44:55 This is where I left all my torches.
44:57 Okay.
44:59 Oh, wait, I should put it at the top.
45:02 Yeah, put it at the top.
45:03 That looks cool.
45:03 That looks so cool.
45:07 The bunker.
45:10 We get a good little view of anyone trying to approach us.
45:15 Let's say there would be an invasion of some kind.
45:18 Then we'll be safe right here in the bunker.
45:22 Okay, I'm definitely sorry.
45:24 I just broke.
45:25 I want to make a fence.
45:26 And then I need to make a bed.
45:30 Bed's important.
45:32 I accidentally right click.
45:35 I accidentally right click.
45:37 Okay, some sticks.
45:39 We have some sticks.
45:41 Just need two.
45:42 Okay, or we just need one.
45:48 No, we need two.
45:49 I want two.
45:50 I want two of them.
45:52 Fence.
45:54 Boom, boom.
45:59 Look at.
45:59 How did I misplace it like that?
46:03 Look, and then maybe we can get in there.
46:06 We can get out there.
46:08 Just like that.
46:09 And place a little bit more torches here.
46:11 So everyone knows that you should not mess with the bunker.
46:19 It's safe.
46:19 Okay.
46:20 We have an outside layer.
46:21 We have an inside layer.
46:22 We have dogs who are barking all the time.
46:26 Who love this and they'll protect this with their lives.
46:30 That's great.
46:33 Okay, I think we're good.
46:35 We have a furnace.
46:37 We have that.
46:39 We got this.
46:41 Let me smelt the copper.
46:42 Let's see what happens.
46:47 Let's see what happens.
46:49 It works.
46:50 It works.
46:52 Oh boy.
46:54 And we got full iron and we have a diamond.
46:57 Well, cops, I want to say that that was such a fun little first episode of Quebblecraft.
47:02 If you want to see more, then don't forget to drop a like.
47:05 A one hour long episode is certainly possible.
47:08 So let me see if you guys want to see another one.
47:10 And I'm so excited for the next episode of Quebblecraft.
47:15 Thank you so much.
47:15 This was the real Jordy, not the Quebblecup AI Jordy.
47:18 And you can always tell by the glasses.
47:22 Okay, the real Quebblecup always wears glasses.
47:25 All right.
47:26 Thank you so much.
47:27 And I'll see you in the next one.