Jude and her friends

  • last year

Jude was a twelve-year-old girl who had just moved to a new town. She was excited to start at her new school, but she was also nervous about making new friends. She had always been a bit shy, and she didn't want to be the new kid that everyone ignored.

On her first day, Jude woke up early and put on her best outfit. She wanted to make a good impression. She walked into the school and felt her heart start to race. She looked around and saw all the other kids laughing and talking with their friends. She felt like a fish out of water.

Jude took a deep breath and started walking down the hallway. She saw a group of girls standing together and decided to go talk to them. "Hi," she said shyly. "My name is Jude. I'm new here."

The girls looked at each other and then back at Jude. "Hi, Jude," said one of the girls. "I'm Sarah. This is Emily and Chloe."

"It's nice to meet you all," said Jude.

"Do you want to sit with us at lunch?" asked Sarah.

"Sure," said Jude.

Jude spent the rest of the day with Sarah, Emily, and Chloe. They showed her around the school and introduced her to their other friends. Jude felt so relieved to have finally made some new friends.

Over the next few weeks, Jude became best friends with Sarah, Emily, and Chloe. They did everything together. They went to class together, ate lunch together, and played together after school. Jude was so happy to have finally found her place at her new school.

One day, Jude and her friends were sitting in the cafeteria at lunch when they saw a new girl sitting by herself. Jude remembered how she felt on her first day, so she decided to go talk to her.

"Hi," she said. "My name is Jude. Do you want to sit with us?"

The new girl looked up at Jude and smiled. "Sure," she said. "My name is Maya."

Jude and her friends introduced themselves to Maya and invited her to join them. Maya was shy at first, but she eventually opened up to them. She told them that she was new to the town and that she was looking for friends.

Jude was so happy to have made a new friend. She knew that Maya would feel welcome in their group. She also knew that they would have a lot of fun together.

Jude and her friends continued to be best friends throughout the rest of the school year. They had so many adventures together and made many lasting memories. Jude was so grateful to have found such good friends. She knew that she would cherish their friendship forever.
