Watch moment gang were arrested - Three men guilty of attempted murder after a shooting which left two children injured

  • last year

Three men have been found guilty of attempted murder after a shooting which left two children injured in Wolverhampton.
00:00 Move up, move up, move up and strike, strike, strike.
00:07 Show me your hands! Turn the car off now! Turn the engine off! Do it now!
00:15 Get your belt off now! Get your belt off!
00:19 Move up!
00:20 [Music]
00:23 [Music]
00:26 [Music]
00:33 [Music]
00:40 [Music]
00:51 [Music]
00:54 Shots were fired towards a playground with children at play.
00:56 It was a brutal, arrogant offence committed by those who were determined to cause harm in the most serious of circumstances.
01:03 It was clear from the outset that the investigation was going to be complicated.
01:07 The offenders had taken great steps to disguise the identity of the vehicle and of themselves.
01:14 They quickly disposed of evidence including the firearms and things such as mobile telephones.
01:18 There were no eyewitnesses at the scene who would identify those responsible.
01:23 So it was a technical and painstaking investigation.
01:26 The specialist CCTV investigation team recovered and viewed over 2,000 hours of CCTV footage.
01:31 It was combined with several thousand lines of telecommunications data to identify telephones belonging to those responsible.
01:39 When combined with forensic evidence from some advanced techniques that we employed around the ammunition left at the scene
01:46 and some more traditional witness evidence, it formed a clear picture that those responsible were
01:51 Cian Durning, Martino de Souza and Tyreke McIntosh.
01:54 [Shouting]
02:00 [Shouting]
02:12 Martino de Souza, come to the front door now!
02:16 What's your name?
02:19 Come out! Walk down the stairs!
02:21 Poz ID!
02:24 Come towards me!
02:26 Stay there. Do not turn around.
02:28 Hands behind your back.
02:33 You're under arrest under suspicion of attempted murder.
02:36 You don't have to say anything but it may harm your defence.
02:39 If you do not mention one question, something that is related will be ironed in court.
02:42 Any firearms related crime, firearms discharges, particularly those which cause injury,
02:47 will be dealt with with the utmost seriousness by Westminster Police.
02:51 We have a new structure around our major crime investigation teams
02:54 which allows for the enhanced deployment of resource into those investigations which require it.
02:59 The offenders responsible for this matter have caused devastation to two families.
03:02 They've shocked an entire community.
03:04 Their actions are wholly unacceptable, completely dangerous in a public space and can never be accepted.
03:09 The only solution, I believe, are lengthy prison terms to afford the public the protection they need from these dangerous individuals.
