减肥为何越减越胖? 日本节目找到是这些习惯造成!

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 还在减肥路上奋战的朋友,有时候会减重减到怀疑人生,因为越减越肥!日本有一档电视节目就找到几个关键原因,不是因为管不紧嘴巴,而是一些再日常不过的生活习惯,也是导致肥胖的原因!(主播:梁宝仪、庄文杰)


00:00 Many people who are still struggling to lose weight
00:04 sometimes doubt their lives.
00:07 How to lose weight?
00:09 Losing weight is getting fatter and fatter.
00:13 Recently, a Japanese TV show
00:15 asked an expert about this.
00:17 The result is that the reason for losing weight is
00:22 not only because you can't control your mouth,
00:24 but also because you do something wrong
00:27 and you do something wrong,
00:30 which leads to the blue tiger in the way of losing weight.
00:33 The first habit that will cause the failure of losing weight
00:36 in this Japanese TV show
00:38 is to sleep with the light on.
00:41 Is it really going to make people
00:44 lose weight if they sleep with the light on?
00:47 This show is about a study conducted by
00:49 the National Institute of Health and Human Services in 2019
00:52 that has been tracking women for 5 years.
00:57 The number of women who sleep with the light on
01:01 is 17% more than the number of women
01:04 who sleep with the light on.
01:08 Why is that?
01:10 The study found that sleeping with the light on
01:13 will make our brain think that we are in danger.
01:16 So it will send a signal
01:18 to our body to store energy.
01:21 This signal will lead to fat gain.
01:24 But if you sleep with the light on,
01:28 you can open the curtains in the morning
01:30 and bask in the sun,
01:32 which can help you lose the fat in your body.
01:35 Of course, sleeping with the light on
01:38 is easier for women to gain weight than sleeping with the light off.
01:41 The study only compared the two groups
01:44 as a comparison of the two groups.
01:47 In addition, the Japanese TV show also said that
01:50 the tip of the toes is also a "NG" action.
01:53 The tip of the toes will cause the muscle around the pelvis to shrink
01:57 and cause constipation.
01:59 Constipation will also cause fat gain.
02:02 The same goes for sitting.
02:04 Sitting with gravity will also cause fat gain.
02:07 Instead, sitting in a good position
02:09 can train the muscles at the same time.
02:11 And the show also suggested
02:13 that doing housework is also a good way to lose weight.
02:16 Because in the process of doing housework,
02:18 it is equivalent to doing a small exercise.
02:21 But one thing you need to pay attention to is
02:23 that doing housework is just a small exercise.
02:27 It doesn't replace the effect of exercising.
02:30 But some people think that
02:32 doing housework and adding up the amount of exercise you do all day
02:34 may be more than running a few laps.
02:37 And in the process of exercising,
02:39 it can promote blood circulation.
02:41 After the blood circulation is circulated,
02:43 it can improve the effect of losing weight.
02:45 And in the show,
02:47 it is also recommended that you don't use a large plate to eat.
02:50 Why?
02:52 Because using a large plate to eat means
02:54 that you will eat more
02:56 without realizing it
02:58 or without wanting to waste food.
03:01 But if you dare to use a small plate or small bowl to eat,
03:04 this small movement will become a habit over time.
03:08 Even if you don't eat as much as you used to,
03:11 you can still feel full.
03:13 In short, it's a psychological state.
03:16 Yes. In this show,
03:18 I also gave some tips to friends who don't want to lose weight.
03:21 For example, buy a full-length mirror.
03:24 Put it at your door and walk over every day.
03:26 Look at yourself in the mirror.
03:28 It will definitely improve your motivation to lose weight.
03:30 And take a walk.
03:32 I believe everyone knows this.
03:34 Especially after eating a full meal,
03:36 half an hour to an hour,
03:38 our blood sugar will rise.
03:40 So during this period,
03:42 we can take a walk to help digest sugar,
03:44 reduce fat and gain weight.
03:46 Finally, keep your diet balanced.
03:48 No matter what kind of food you eat,
03:50 the amount of food must be just right.
03:52 And eat on time.
03:54 Don't eat a lot at once and get hungry all at once.
03:56 It's easier to get fat.
03:58 You will get fat.
04:00 (dramatic music)
04:02 you
