Miles Morales, le héros de Brooklyn, enfile à nouveau son costume de Spider-Man pour se rendre dans le Multivers, aux côtés de Gwen Stacy. Sur place, il retrouve sa nouvelle équipe de Spider-Héros, dirigée par Miguel O'Hara, avec laquelle il doit remplir la mission la plus importante de sa vie : sauver tous les univers. L'homme-araignée va devoir se mesurer au méchant le plus puissant qu'il a jamais affronté et doit utiliser toutes ses ressources pour parvenir à le battre. Mais si tous les super-héros ont le même objectif, Miles se retrouve en désaccord avec Miguel sur la manière dont ils doivent appréhender la menace...
00:00 (musique)
00:02 (musique)
00:04 (musique)
00:06 (musique)
00:08 - All right, whatever. - Whatever.
00:09 - Wow! - Whatever?!
00:11 - So, are you, like, a cow or a dalmatian?
00:15 - I am... the spot.
00:17 (rires)
00:18 - That's not funny.
00:19 - Don't-- don't do that.
00:21 (explosion)
00:22 - Miles' grades are pretty good.
00:24 A in AP Physics... - That's my little man!
00:26 - And a B in Spanish. - What?
00:29 - Ooh, okay! - Miles!
00:30 - Mira, eso es imposible!
00:32 - I gotta go, all right? Bye!
00:34 - He's lost!
00:36 - All right, have a good night!
00:38 - He's lying to you, and I think you know it.
00:41 (rock music)
00:43 - ♪ What's up, danger? ♪
00:45 - Miles!
00:46 - Wanna get out of here? - Oh!
00:48 - Win?
00:49 - So wait a minute!
00:50 There's an elite crew with all the best Spider-People in it?
00:53 - Who's the new guy?
00:55 - This is unbelievable.
00:57 - This is the lobby.
00:59 - Miguel O'Hara.
01:01 - The whole thing was his idea.
01:03 - What's a guy gotta do to join this Spider-Team?
01:05 - You can never be part of this.
01:07 - Don't even get me started on Doctor Strange
01:09 and the little nerd back on Earth 1999-99.
01:12 - Come on, go easy on the kid.
01:14 He had a terrible teacher.
01:16 - Peter! - Miles!
01:18 - Mayday! - You have a baby?
01:19 - I have a baby.
01:21 - I'll take it from here.
01:23 (rock music)
01:25 - Miles, being Spider-Man is a sacrifice.
01:27 - ♪ What's up, danger? ♪
01:29 - You have a choice between saving one person
01:33 and saving every world.
01:35 - (grunts)
01:37 - Send me home.
01:39 - I can't do that. - I can do both!
01:41 - Spider-Man always-- - Not always.
01:44 - What about Uncle Ben?
01:45 - If not for Uncle Ben, most of us wouldn't be here.
01:49 - ♪ Can't stop me now ♪
01:52 - You can't run forever, kid.
01:54 - I can't lose one more friend.
01:57 - Miguel, this isn't what we talked about!
01:59 - You knew? - I had no idea!
02:01 - What are you doing?
02:03 - Everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go.
02:08 Nah, I'm gonna do my own thing.
02:11 (rock music)
02:14 - All stations, stop Spider-Man.
02:17 - You? - What, you?
02:19 (rock music)
02:24 - And then I looked at my uncle and--
02:26 - Uh, let me guess. He died?
02:28 (rock music)