Dolce Far Niente (Sweet Doing Nothing) an original drama film, written directed and produced from the award winning Michael Antonio Keane. Officially Selected and earning it's place as finalist for "Best Irish Short" at the BAFTA Qualifying IndieCork International Film Festival.
Irish writer, Aidan who, after experiencing a painful breakup, moves to Italy. There, he discovers the joy of “dolce far niente” – the art of doing nothing.
Keane states "A personal account profoundly dealing with the pain and heartache that I endured after a beautiful relationship of mine came to a not so beautiful end. A journey of healing and growth told through a cinematic format while recognising my strength, creativity and morals as an artist, storyteller, but most importantly, as a high value man, while always reminding myself that there will always be hope, and light at the end of the tunnel. Remember to be you, nobody can take that away from you! As an artist it is my duty to express emotions and tell stories for me to grow further in my learnings of life. Dolce Far Niente is by far my proudest body of work which I have created, resonating with Aidan and everything about it so powerfully. I must acknowledge that while written during a harrowing time for me, I firmly stand by saying that this piece, it's my style, the style of cinema that I have always aspired to make and I am beyond chuffed to call it my own. It is the best and it's me.
Irish writer, Aidan who, after experiencing a painful breakup, moves to Italy. There, he discovers the joy of “dolce far niente” – the art of doing nothing.
Keane states "A personal account profoundly dealing with the pain and heartache that I endured after a beautiful relationship of mine came to a not so beautiful end. A journey of healing and growth told through a cinematic format while recognising my strength, creativity and morals as an artist, storyteller, but most importantly, as a high value man, while always reminding myself that there will always be hope, and light at the end of the tunnel. Remember to be you, nobody can take that away from you! As an artist it is my duty to express emotions and tell stories for me to grow further in my learnings of life. Dolce Far Niente is by far my proudest body of work which I have created, resonating with Aidan and everything about it so powerfully. I must acknowledge that while written during a harrowing time for me, I firmly stand by saying that this piece, it's my style, the style of cinema that I have always aspired to make and I am beyond chuffed to call it my own. It is the best and it's me.
Short film