• 2 years ago
▌懂来做莫 ▌#8 今年马币兑新元跌得“鼻青脸肿”,其实如果当年大马没有退出一项协议,令吉和新元就是一比一等值?

主持 | @Celes美伶

#令吉 #新币 #文莱 #货币等值互换协定
#Ringgit #SGD #CIA1967
#发射热点 #84hotspot #懂来做莫

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00 and the exchange rate of the new yuan is weak this year
00:02 and it lost 3.5 points
00:04 Can you imagine that 50 years ago
00:05 they were once equal to 1 to 1?
00:08 It's okay if you don't understand, it's useless to understand
00:09 What are you doing?
00:10 After the partition of the two countries
00:11 Ma and Xin once exchanged currency equal to 1 to 1
00:15 The story of the partition of Maxin currency goes back to 1967
00:18 Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei
00:20 have issued their own new currencies
00:22 to replace the original Malaya and Isoporo
00:25 However, the three countries signed the currency exchange agreement
00:28 because the three currencies are equal in value
00:30 and are easily used
00:32 Since then, the exchange rate of Ma and Xin has been 1 to 1
00:35 Until May 1973
00:37 the five countries signed the currency exchange agreement with Singapore and Brunei
00:41 After the financial crisis in the late 1990s
00:43 the exchange rate of Maxin currency gradually expanded
00:46 In contrast, the currency exchange agreement between Singapore and Brunei
00:49 is still valid today, half a century later
00:51 The exchange rate remains 1 to 1
00:53 and the exchange rate of Ma and Xin is empty
00:55 (swoosh)
00:58 you
