Begini Roadmap Ekonomi Apindo 2024-2029

  • last year
Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) telah menyusun roadmap perekonomian Indonesia 2024-2029. Dengan adanya roadmap perekonomian, Apindo diharapkan dapat menjadi panduan rekomendasi kebijakan bagi para calon Presiden yang terpilih nantinya selama kepimpinan dalam 5 tahun kedepan.


00:00 Indonesia's Entrepreneurs Association has organized the Indonesia's Economic Roadmap 2024-2029.
00:06 With the existence of the APINDO Economic Roadmap, it is expected to be a guide for policy recommendations
00:12 for the candidates for the president who will be elected for the next five years.
00:18 Indonesia's Entrepreneurs Association has organized the Indonesia's Economic Roadmap 2024-2029.
00:29 This economic roadmap has been arranged with a close approach to issues of wide-ranging economic impact,
00:34 both cross-sector and specific to certain sectors such as infrastructure, property and tourism.
00:42 The Chairperson of the APINDO, Sinta Kamdani, hopes that the APINDO Economic Roadmap
00:47 can be a guide for policy recommendations for the candidates for the president who will be elected
00:52 for the next five years.
00:55 The APINDO Economic Roadmap is also a new guide for the government
00:59 in the agenda of transformation of the economy, structural reform in the sector and cross-sector,
01:05 as well as the response of the business world to the dynamics and economic trends as well as global business.
01:10 Especially policy advocacy, because this is the main thing that we want to control as entrepreneurs
01:18 so that in the future we can collaborate together to achieve the target that Indonesia wants to be
01:28 as a country that can also have a conducive, competitive and sustainable business climate.
01:34 The APINDO believes that collaboration between the government and the business world
01:38 is the key to success in creating strategic and benefiting economic opportunities
01:42 so that Indonesia is more productive and competitive.
01:44 From Jakarta, Rikki Anwar, at IDXJ.
