Myanmar junta under pressure as insurgence gains ground

  • last year

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00:00 These soldiers are from the Karini Army, a predominantly Christian ethnic group from
00:04 the east of Myanmar.
00:06 They seized control of this region from the military regime in November after fierce combat.
00:11 "I'm very happy when I ride along this road.
00:15 This is our land.
00:16 They had to give back our land."
00:18 A land ravaged by war.
00:20 All that's left behind is ruins of homes burned down by the retreating soldiers.
00:25 Amongst these fighters are many young men and women who joined already established ethnic
00:29 armies after the 2021 military coup, including this 22-year-old history student.
00:35 "I didn't want to fight, but I had no choice."
00:43 The fighters seized this police station and with it 13 automatic rifles, both valuable
00:48 prizes.
00:49 Thi Ha, a former school teacher, was part of the rebel unit that led the attack.
00:56 He lost four men in the battle.
00:59 "I was very afraid.
01:02 It was the first time I had to fight so close to the police."
01:07 Here is what remains of the police station prison, a symbol of the regime's brutal power.
01:15 "They were upstairs.
01:19 We had to use mines.
01:22 That's why everything's destroyed."
01:24 Five police officers died and 11 surrendered.
01:28 The same day, five nearby military bases were also taken by insurgents, with an unprecedented
01:33 number of soldiers deserting the army.
01:37 "In our state right now, we're controlling more and more territory, more than the junta
01:46 soldiers.
01:47 So my message to all these soldiers is, you'd better surrender, because we're going to win."
01:55 Thi Ha's confident smile reflects his conviction that he is not only fighting for the Karene
02:00 people, but for everyone in Myanmar.
02:04 "The junta's strong, but we're all united.
02:13 We want a federal democracy.
02:17 We're fighting for the future, for our children, and we'll fight until the military falls."
02:26 The 2021 coup ignited a David and Goliath-style fight in Myanmar.
02:31 On one side, people, mostly defenseless and repressed.
02:34 On the other, a junta, equipped with missiles and planes purchased from Russia and China.
02:40 But since the end of October, and against all odds, this coalition of young rebels
02:44 and ethnic armies is gaining ground.
02:47 The once-invincible junta could very well lose this war.
02:51 (speaks in foreign language)
