ARY News 12 PM Bulletin | | 11th Dec 2023

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ARY News 12 PM Bulletin | | 11th Dec 2023
00:00 Welcome back.
00:04 Modi government has failed to give justice to Indian Supreme Court.
00:08 Indian Supreme Court has issued a decision on the appeal of the accused for the death of Makbooza Kashmir.
00:14 Indian Supreme Court has issued a decision on the appeal of the accused for the death of Makbooza Kashmir.
00:20 Modi government has issued a decision on 5th August, 2019.
00:26 Indian Supreme Court has declared that Makbooza Kashmir is not an internal independent state.
00:32 Article 370 was announced today.
00:35 Court has instructed Election Commission of India to hold elections in Makboozawadi by 30th September, 2024.
00:42 Indian Supreme Court has been very saddened by the decision.
00:45 Makbooza Kashmir's senior politician Ghulam Nabi Azad has declared the decision as disappointing.
00:51 He said that Supreme Court was the last hope.
00:53 Indian Supreme Court has been very saddened by the decision.
00:58 Modi government has been very saddened by the decision.
01:06 Chief Election Commissioner of Sindh has expressed his concern on Election Commission.
01:10 Hijaz Chauhan and Rukun Election Commission have refused to accept the elections.
01:16 Khalid Maqboor Siddiqui says that it is important to be right not to be right at the time of elections.
01:22 Mustafa Kamal said that after the Baldiati elections, Chief Election Commissioner of Sindh should have been arrested.
01:29 Elections are not clear and transparent.
01:35 The government of Sindh is 15 years old.
01:39 Compromised people will not be transparent when they are around you.
01:47 The elections will not be acceptable if Nisar Durrani and Hijaz Chauhan are present.
01:53 I request and warn you.
01:57 It is your responsibility to be right at the time of elections.
02:04 Local government elections have been held.
02:05 Your cameras have shown that dacoits have attacked the polling station.
02:11 They have kidnapped the staff.
02:14 Before the time of elections ends, they leave the polling station.
02:18 People's Party vote is being cast from inside.
02:20 The victory has been announced.
02:21 The Chief Election Commissioner should have been arrested the next day.
02:26 The same person is present at his place.
02:31 There are some reservations about the level playing field.
02:35 Our delegation will meet the Election Commission on this issue.
02:38 People's Party leader Faisal Karim Kundi says that the head of PTI and Nawaz Sharif,
02:42 who was the Prime Minister in the past, tried to target political opponents.
02:48 He did not think of Pakistan.
02:50 Whether it was Imran Khan or Nawaz Sharif,
02:55 they always want to victimize the political opponents.
02:58 They want to target political opponents.
03:01 They are involved in politics and do not think about the people of Pakistan.
03:06 If you make fake cases,
03:10 then you are wasting time.
03:12 Think about Pakistan.
03:13 There is a tradition in Balochistan and Pathans
03:16 that Abu Zardari put his head on the head of Bilawal in the stadium on 20 November.
03:24 This was a message to respect the turban.
03:27 Nawaz Sharif did not understand this.
03:29 When he came to meet Baloch Sardar, he refused to wear the turban.
03:34 The former Minister of Justice, Farooq Naseem, did not take a stand on the £190 million case.
03:41 He spoke to the judges in Islamabad High Court and said that
03:44 Prince Akbar had brought something on the case.
03:46 We will know more about this.
03:48 Hussain Ahmed Chaudhry is with us.
03:50 Please update.
03:51 In Islamabad High Court, Farooq Naseem was in another case.
03:59 When the judges asked him, he said that
04:02 the Ministry of Justice did not give any opinion on the £190 million case.
04:06 Usually, when there is a case, the Ministry of Justice takes a stand.
04:10 Farooq Naseem said that Prince Akbar had brought something on the case.
04:13 We do not remember anything about this.
04:16 The Cabinet agenda included many things.
04:21 We do not remember anything about this.
04:23 He said that he asked Khalid Mardoor Siddiqui.
04:26 He said that he does not remember anything.
04:28 Whatever happens, it is written.
04:30 Nothing is said.
04:31 Farooq Naseem was the Minister of Justice in the Baniye Pitiyee government.
04:35 His reference has been made.
04:37 But no minister has been included in the reference.
04:42 Thank you for updating.
04:45 In the case of the Lahore High Court,
04:47 the Supreme Court of India filed a request for a jail trial.
04:51 The court sent the Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court for a full bench.
04:56 The court said that important and legal points have been raised in the request.
05:00 The court has said that the lawyer will be given all the orders and documents.
05:09 The court has said that the election commission has accepted the request.
05:12 The court has decided to hold a trial in the jail.
05:14 The election commission will hold a further hearing in the jail on 13 December.
05:18 The transparency of the case will be affected by the secret proceedings in the jail.
05:21 The jail trial is against the fundamental rights of the accused.
05:24 The court has submitted a detailed statement of the cases against Bushra Bibi in the Lahore High Court.
05:31 The court has submitted the case of NAB, Anti-Corruption, FIA and Police.
05:36 NAB has said that the case is against Bushra Bibi is Al-Qadir and Toshakhana.
05:41 Anti-Corruption has said that an inquiry is going on against Bushra Bibi.
05:45 Police has said that there is no FIR against Bushra Bibi.
05:49 The court has adjourned for a non-financial period.
05:52 After the adjournment, the lawyer of Bushra Bibi has been asked for evidence.
05:56 We will come back after this break.
06:00 Stay with us.
06:09 The Supreme Court has submitted a request to the Supreme Court for a judicial reference on Zulfiqar Bhutto.
06:16 Raja Mohsin Ijaz is with us. We will get to know more from him.
06:20 The Supreme Court has submitted a request to the Supreme Court of Pakistan for a judicial reference on Zulfiqar Bhutto.
06:34 The request has been submitted by his lawyer Farooq H. Naik.
06:39 The request states that the request was submitted by my father and the former President of Pakistan, Asim Ali Zardari.
06:46 The request is for a judicial reference.
06:50 The request states that Zulfiqar Bhutto has fought for the rule of law for his entire life.
06:56 His views were on food, clothing and housing.
06:58 And he has been hanged once in the entire judicial system.
07:02 To end this injustice, it is important that a judicial reference is shown.
07:08 And the entire country should see the judicial reference so that it is clear.
07:13 Thank you for updating us.
07:15 During the last financial year, the IMF has been assured to increase the levy on petroleum.
07:22 Let's ask Shoaib Nizami for more details.
07:25 The last financial year, the levy was set at Rs. 868 million.
07:30 The IMF is asking for Rs. 918 million.
07:34 The government is trying to stop the smuggling of petroleum.
07:39 So that the use of petroleum can increase.
07:41 And without tax, the levy will increase to Rs. 918 million.
07:47 If this is not achieved, the government can increase the levy by an ordinance.
07:53 However, no decision has been made yet.
07:56 The IMF has promised to set the levy at Rs. 1065 million.
08:04 Thank you very much, Shoaib Nizami.
08:06 The Minister of Interior, Safraz Bugti, is addressing the audience in Islamabad.
08:16 Proxies are being used to weaken Pakistan.
08:21 The Pakistani military, paramilitary forces and police have accepted this challenge with a great sense of sacrifice.
08:34 I think that such examples are very rare in the history of the world.
08:39 Try to understand this challenge.
08:44 Since the time when Pakistan has been in existence, all kinds of conspiracies have been made against it.
08:49 Sometimes, ethnic fault lines have been made.
08:52 Sometimes, it has been said that I am Baloch, someone is Pashtun, someone is Punjabi.
08:56 I will have an identity before 1947.
09:00 From 14th August 1947, I am only Pakistani.
09:04 And I will remain a Pakistani till my last breath.
09:07 I have no identity.
09:09 I am neither Baloch, nor Pathan, nor Punjabi.
09:12 Thank God that today, that division has been ended.
09:17 After the failure of that ethnic fault line, Pakistan has been challenged again.
09:22 Because of which, Pakistan has been tried to weaken.
09:25 Pakistan is the fort of Islam.
09:28 What does Pakistan mean?
09:30 La ilaha illallah.
09:31 It has been challenged that in the name of Islam, which has nothing to do with Islam, a challenge should be created.
09:39 We call it religious terrorism.
09:42 This fight had to be fought with members.
09:45 They challenged that because what unites us all, the Pakistanis, is our strongest relationship, the relationship of Islam, which unites us.
09:55 To weaken that, this war was fought.
09:58 This war was imposed on Pakistan.
10:01 And the bravery with which the Pakistanis have fought this war, is commendable.
10:06 And our heroes, who are not among us today, who have sacrificed for our future, for our children,
10:14 I think that their sacrifice will be written in golden letters till the day of judgement.
10:19 Not only will we celebrate their memories, but the memories in our hearts, the respect in our hearts, the honour in our hearts,
10:28 will remain for the rest of our lives.
10:31 Apart from this, our veterans, our veterans who fought this war, our veterans who have to fight this war,
10:41 you have to fight this war.
10:43 You have to come to the front line and fight this war.
10:46 And God willing, Pakistan will be finished with this terror.
10:52 Where is the problem?
10:54 The problem is only in one place within us, which is called appeasement policy.
10:59 We do not have that consistency.
11:01 We have to fight the war we won again.
11:05 Only because we are not consistent.
11:07 It is not your fault, it is our fault.
11:10 It is the fault of my class.
11:12 We are confused.
11:13 We have to get out of this confusion.
11:15 To get Pakistan out of these challenges, we have to keep our minds clear.
11:21 That the right to violence is exercised only by the state.
11:25 On any basis, for any reason, in any name,
11:29 anyone who chooses the path of violence,
11:31 that hand will have to be cut.
11:34 Do not let that hand reach our poor.
11:39 And that responsibility God has given to the uniformed people.
11:43 And you are very chosen people.
11:46 You have been chosen by God.
11:49 You have been chosen by God.
11:55 The sacrifice you are making for the state of Islam,
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