• 2 years ago
As president of the BNA, Lyn Odgers has helped to revitalise the sport in the area. Video by Laura Smith
00:00 It all started at primary school, early primary school.
00:15 I just fell in love with it.
00:17 The first training run I just thought this is my game, this is what I want to play.
00:22 My passion of coaching started, I played with Lab 10 for a few years and then I moved on to play for my own club with Krista Batt and Deanie Scott.
00:36 It was a break away from the Jet Sets Volleyball Club, so we started the Jet Sets Network.
00:42 I started on the BNA committee when I was 17, I was awarded life membership in 1999.
00:53 I was 32 I think when I got life membership.
00:58 It's a real honour.
01:02 [Music]