Rwanda bill only has ‘narrow exemptions’ for appeal against deportation, Gove says

  • last year
The Rwanda bill only has 'narrow exemptions' for appeal against deportation, Gove said.Source: BBC News


00:00 can all see what's in the bill.
00:01 And we can see that it very clearly points out
00:05 that the only way in which an individual can challenge
00:09 deportation is if there is an immediate risk
00:14 of serious and irreversible harm if they were to be deported.
00:18 And Jonathan's assumption makes it clear
00:20 this is such a narrow exemption.
00:23 And it has absolutely nothing to do with Rwanda itself.
00:26 Rwanda is clearly a safe country.
00:29 The legislation makes sure that people can be deported.
00:32 And it deals with many of the cases and many of the reasons
00:36 which were used beforehand.
00:37 It strikes out human rights legislation in a way
00:41 that some people I know find strong meat.
00:44 And it's because the reaction from those
00:46 who are critical of the bill on one side
00:48 is so clear that I think that we can take it
00:52 that this bill is certainly the robust measure of--
