Deen e Fitrat | Speaker: Shaykh Mufti Tauqeer
Topic: Islam Aur Adal-o-Ahsan
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Topic: Islam Aur Adal-o-Ahsan
#DeeneFitrat #ShaykhMuftiTauqeer #ARYQtv
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00:00 Quran-e-Hakeem, Sirat-ul-Nabi (SAW)
00:04 Ahadith-e-Mubarka, Fiqh-e-Wasa'il-e-Bayan
00:07 and many more, God willing, with the best of scholars.
00:11 Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:26 All praise is due to Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
00:28 Peace be upon His chosen servants.
00:30 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:33 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
00:35 O Allah, send blessings upon our Master, the Prophet Muhammad,
00:38 and upon the family of our Master, and upon our Beloved Muhammad.
00:41 And bless and grant peace.
00:42 There is no power or strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great.
00:45 Allah, the Exalted, has commanded us all to treat others with justice and kindness.
00:53 Allah, the Exalted, has commanded us all to treat others with justice and kindness.
00:58 And to forbid evil and mischief.
01:01 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
01:03 Allah, the Exalted, commands you to treat others with justice and kindness,
01:08 and to give rights to your close relatives.
01:12 Allah, the Exalted, forbids you to do evil, mischief, and wrongdoing.
01:20 And Allah, the Exalted, advises you so that you may understand.
01:25 Justice and kindness are among the most important aspects of Islam.
01:32 Justice means to give rights to others.
01:36 Every human being has a right.
01:39 All of humanity has a right.
01:41 Whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims.
01:44 In fact, not only humanity has a right, but animals have a right as well.
01:49 Trees have a right.
01:51 All of the creatures of Allah have a right.
01:55 If someone is given their right, as they should be given, then it is called justice.
02:02 And if someone fulfills their rights more than their rights, then it is called kindness.
02:08 So, in reality, it is kindness, but in some places, justice is also needed.
02:13 If a thief steals, then he should be punished.
02:19 It is kindness to forgive him.
02:22 Sometimes, a person forgives if it is a personal matter.
02:26 But sometimes, some things are such that they are a cancer of the society.
02:31 And it is necessary to remove the root of the evil from the society.
02:36 And for that, it is necessary to do justice.
02:38 And if you don't give someone their right, then it is a crime.
02:41 The most important thing to do is to be kind to your parents.
02:47 Unfortunately, in our society, parents' rights are not taken care of.
02:56 We talk a lot about this.
02:59 But are we fulfilling the rights of our parents or not?
03:03 Maybe we are not.
03:06 Parents are the ones who are the reason for the birth of a child.
03:12 A small child is not capable of moving or speaking.
03:20 Parents take care of him.
03:23 Mother gives him milk, wakes him up at night, takes care of him.
03:29 When he cries, parents try to decode him.
03:34 Why is he crying? Is he hungry? Is he cold? Is he hot? Is he having a stomach ache?
03:41 Parents try to decode him.
03:43 And it is a miracle of Allah that parents understand why the child is crying.
03:48 And then parents fulfill the needs of the child.
03:53 They take care of him from childhood to adolescence.
04:00 They feed him.
04:02 These are the good deeds that parents do for their children.
04:08 Allah wants us to remember these good deeds and to pay back for them.
04:16 A person is one who remembers the good deeds of others.
04:20 Allah also treats a person with goodness.
04:26 When a person lives a good life, Allah will give him paradise in the hereafter.
04:32 Allah wants us to treat each other with goodness.
04:36 We should not forget the goodness of others.
04:40 This is called Wafaa.
04:42 Wafaa with parents, goodness with parents is a big part of our religion.
04:49 We should try to remember this.
04:53 When our children reach the age of adulthood,
04:59 they forget that they were born like this.
05:05 They forget that they were small children.
05:08 So my dear children, my young children, think about your parents.
05:14 Not only the young people, but all of us who have reached the age of maturity,
05:20 if their parents are alive, then it is a great blessing that they are alive.
05:28 Once the Prophet (PBUH) was taking a group of people to a pulpit.
05:35 He took a step and said "Ameen".
05:41 He said "Ameen" on the second step and "Ameen" on the third step.
05:46 The companions asked him, "O Prophet, why did you say Ameen today?"
05:51 He said, "Jibreel came to me and asked me to say Ameen."
05:58 Jibreel asked for three prayers.
06:01 One of the prayers was that the person should be destroyed.
06:07 The person should be destroyed so that his parents or one of his parents
06:14 can meet him in his life, in his old age, and he can't earn paradise by serving them.
06:20 So if our parents have become old and we are not serving them,
06:25 we are not taking care of them, then it is a very unfortunate thing.
06:30 It is a human's rancor, it is his wretchedness that he doesn't think about his parents.
06:37 Parents, those who are parents, you can understand that the problems of children,
06:46 the worries of children, we find them more important than our own worries and problems.
06:51 In the same way, if our parents are alive, they also think about us.
06:58 This is why I am emphasizing that I know some people who forget their parents.
07:04 I know such people, their mother is old, but they have gone to another country
07:10 and haven't asked for years about their mother, that how is she?
07:17 If a person falls to this extent, then this is not humanity,
07:23 this is not what humanity is. Islam has come to make us a good human being
07:29 and it starts with parents.
07:32 Another thing is that Allah has given respect to women.
07:39 The respect that Islam has given to women in the society,
07:44 no other society has given it, no other philosophy has given it.
07:49 When Prophet (PBUH) was sent, we know and have read the biography that
07:57 in the time of ignorance, if a daughter was born in their house,
08:03 they would bury her alive because they thought that there was an issue in their status
08:12 that a daughter was born in their house.
08:15 Prophet (PBUH) gave respect to women and someone asked a Sahabi (RA)
08:22 that who is the most deserving of my good treatment?
08:31 Prophet (PBUH) said, "Your mother."
08:35 He asked, "After that?" He said, "Your mother."
08:39 He asked, "After that?" He said, "Your mother."
08:42 He mentioned his mother three times.
08:45 Then he said, "Your father."
08:48 Now think, did women get respect in the society that the most deserving of good treatment
08:55 is a woman who is called a mother?
08:59 InshAllah, we will talk about this again.
09:03 But Prophet (PBUH) said, "The best man among you is the one
09:10 who is the best with his wife."
09:13 He said this about daughters and sisters.
09:17 Islam has given respect to women.
09:20 Why are mothers three times more important than fathers?
09:25 A mother carries a child in her womb for nine months.
09:30 It is such a difficult task.
09:32 If we lift a little weight for a short time, we will get tired.
09:38 A mother carries a child in her womb for nine months.
09:44 We all know that pregnancies are difficult.
09:49 It is not an easy task.
09:51 Then delivery, the birth of a child is such a difficult task.
09:56 This is the second thing.
09:58 Sometimes, it is a matter of life and death.
10:01 And the third thing is to give milk to the child.
10:04 If the child is hungry, he cannot eat anything else.
10:08 He drinks milk from his mother.
10:10 And if he is hungry, he will be hungry at 2 or 3 in the night.
10:15 And when the child cries, he will realize that he is hungry.
10:20 He will hug the child and give him milk.
10:23 These are three things that only a mother can do,
10:26 which a father cannot do.
10:28 And these are very big things.
10:30 That is why the mother's position is so high.
10:34 As I said earlier, she cannot sleep at night.
10:37 If there is any need, the child will cry,
10:40 he will have fever, cold, heat.
10:43 The mother will take care of him.
10:45 A father often sleeps.
10:48 He has to go to work in the morning, so he somehow sleeps.
10:52 The mother does not sleep.
10:54 So we should remember all these things about our mother,
10:58 about our father, who showed us kindness,
11:01 he showed us love,
11:04 he taught us religion,
11:07 he taught us morality.
11:10 Allah Almighty said,
11:13 "Give thanks to Allah,
11:16 and give thanks to your parents,
11:19 and then give thanks to your parents,
11:21 say thank you to them,
11:23 remember their kindness,
11:25 what they did for you."
11:28 Allah Almighty said, "First think about my blessings,
11:31 how many blessings I have for you,
11:35 and then on the second number,
11:38 remember the blessings of the people,
11:41 they are your parents."
11:44 Once the Prophet (PBUH) was with the companions,
11:49 he said,
11:51 he was talking calmly,
11:55 "The biggest sin of Al-Kabaa'i Ru' is this."
11:59 He started telling a list.
12:02 He said,
12:04 "To associate anyone with Allah is the biggest sin."
12:09 Then he said,
12:11 "To misbehave with parents
12:16 is the biggest sin."
12:20 Then he moved on.
12:24 Suddenly,
12:26 he said something very important,
12:30 "Wa Shahadatuz Zuhur"
12:35 and in a narration,
12:36 "Wa Qauluz Zuhur"
12:40 he kept repeating,
12:42 "To lie is a big sin."
12:47 The companions said,
12:51 when they saw the pain on the face of the Prophet (PBUH)
12:57 that how painful it is for him to tell this,
13:01 how can a Muslim lie?
13:04 They said,
13:05 "Now, understanding his pain,
13:08 we understand that he wanted to tell us,
13:13 'O Prophet, please do not go through this pain.'
13:17 Because there were signs of pain on his face.
13:20 He repeated this so many times
13:22 so that people understand
13:24 how big a sin it is to lie.
13:27 But here I said,
13:30 this is a blessed hadith,
13:33 that the second sin that the Prophet (PBUH) mentioned
13:38 is to misbehave with parents.
13:42 So, please, all of us should think about our parents.
13:45 Remember their kindness.
13:49 Treat them well.
13:52 InshAllah, we will talk about this in detail
13:55 that their kindness,
13:57 how we can treat them well.
14:01 InshAllah, in the next episode,
14:04 we will talk about this in detail
14:06 that what we can do to make their hearts feel better.
14:14 But at least, we should remember their kindness
14:19 and treat them well.
14:22 Do not misbehave with them.
14:24 Talk to them with respect.
14:26 Treat them with love.
14:28 InshAllah, if a person is kind to his parents,
14:32 Allah will bless him in this world and in the hereafter.
14:37 In a blessed hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) said,
14:40 there are two sins
14:42 that a person gets punished for in this world and in the hereafter.
14:46 Meaning, he gets punished quickly.
14:48 One of them is the rights of parents.
14:51 To misbehave with parents.
14:53 And the second is oppression.
14:55 Arrogance.
14:58 To oppress based on arrogance.
15:00 These are two sins that a person gets punished for in this world and in the hereafter.
15:07 May Allah protect us all.
15:09 InshAllah, we will take a short break.
15:12 After the break, we will be back with your questions.
15:15 You can email your questions.
15:18 The email address is also visible on your screen.
15:25 InshAllah, we will meet after the break.
15:28 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
15:31 Welcome back.
15:32 We are back with your questions after the break.
15:35 You can email your questions.
15:42 Someone asked,
15:45 My mother is very cruel to me.
15:50 She curses me all the time.
15:55 She uses bad words.
15:59 How should I treat her?
16:04 I have bad thoughts about her.
16:10 What should I do with her?
16:13 May Allah bless you.
16:21 There are many young people who don't think about their parents.
16:28 At the end of the day, they are my parents.
16:31 Should I treat them differently?
16:35 If someone uses bad words,
16:43 and if there is criticism,
16:46 you should not sit with them.
16:49 You should try to be friendly with them.
16:53 You should not be close to them.
16:56 But it is obvious that someone is always bad to you.
17:00 You should not come in front of them.
17:02 But this is a matter of parents.
17:05 It is good that you thought about it.
17:08 My answer is in this comment.
17:13 They are your parents.
17:17 Parents do a lot for their children.
17:21 Allah wants us to treat our parents nicely.
17:27 I am aware that
17:32 parents' words hurt us.
17:36 There is no doubt about it.
17:38 At the end of the day, we are all humans.
17:40 We have emotions.
17:42 If someone uses bad words,
17:44 it hurts us.
17:46 There is no doubt about it.
17:48 But as I said, they are our parents.
17:51 We should tolerate their words for the sake of Allah.
17:56 We should ignore them for the sake of Allah.
17:59 Make sure that no one misbehaves with you.
18:03 Make sure that you do not respond to them in the same way.
18:09 Do not do that.
18:12 You should be quiet.
18:14 If you speak badly, you should be quiet.
18:18 You should not say anything.
18:21 How long will they do that?
18:23 For a while.
18:24 It is obvious that everyone is a human being.
18:26 Not everyone speaks like this.
18:28 There is a moment in which we have to tolerate.
18:34 Remember that patience is the promise of Allah.
18:38 Allah is with the patient.
18:43 What is the greater status of patience than this?
18:46 We should not say anything to our parents
18:50 and we should be quiet.
18:54 If you want to clarify something,
18:58 you can do it with love.
19:02 It is not that you do not say anything.
19:04 You can clarify it.
19:06 You can say that it is not true.
19:12 Some people say that if we clarify it,
19:16 they will get angry and speak badly.
19:20 I request my parents to respect their children.
19:28 They are human beings.
19:30 They are our children.
19:32 They are a part of our heart.
19:34 But it does not mean that we should not respect them.
19:37 The Prophet (PBUH) used to treat his children with love and care.
19:44 If we do not care for our children,
19:48 if we do not love them,
19:50 then we are not following the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).
19:54 Please, everyone's respect is necessary.
19:58 Every human being has a right to respect.
20:02 Allah says that He has given respect to Adam's children.
20:08 Everyone has a right to respect.
20:10 Even the children have a right to respect.
20:12 Please take care of your children.
20:14 Please do not do this.
20:16 I request my children to handle the matter wisely.
20:22 But there should not be any misbehavior.
20:26 If you have to answer in any way, then it is fine.
20:30 But no bad words should come out of your mouth.
20:34 Someone else has also asked that my parents are forcing me
20:41 to get married somewhere.
20:43 I have heard that parents cannot disobey their children.
20:48 I do not like that relationship at all.
20:52 But my parents are insisting that I should get married here.
20:58 If I do not get married, then they will get angry.
21:01 They will say that I am not their son.
21:06 Marriage is a very important matter.
21:10 It is a matter of life.
21:13 I have seen many cases where people did not like the place where they got married.
21:20 They were forced to get married.
21:23 They could not get married.
21:26 The matter reached divorce.
21:29 There was no love between husband and wife.
21:35 Marriage should be done with a lot of thought.
21:38 If you do not like this place,
21:41 if you do not like the relationship that your parents are recommending,
21:45 then you should explain to them with a lot of love and respect
21:51 that my heart is not here.
21:54 I do not find compatibility here.
21:57 I want or I want that there should be a girl like this.
22:01 And what you are recommending does not seem appropriate to me.
22:06 You should explain to them with a lot of love.
22:11 Again, there should not be any misbehavior.
22:15 This is not disobedience.
22:18 Disobedience is when they are telling you the right thing and you are not listening.
22:25 This is disobedience.
22:27 If you think that you are getting married in a place where the relationship is not right,
22:35 then there are two things.
22:38 One is disobedience and the other is misbehavior.
22:41 For example, I want to do business.
22:47 My father is giving me such advice that he does not know that he is in the market.
22:52 He is old and does not understand the market trends.
22:56 For example, he gives me advice to do business here.
22:59 I know that this business is not a market trend.
23:02 So, I will not do business because I know that it will not be successful.
23:07 I will explain to my father with a lot of love that this is not the trend of today.
23:15 This is the trend and I think that we should work in this place.
23:21 This is not disobedience.
23:23 We will talk to him with love and explain to him that he may be wrong.
23:27 The same thing should be done here.
23:29 If you think that you do not have compatibility in this marriage,
23:34 then you should explain to him with a lot of love.
23:37 We will not misbehave.
23:39 We will explain to him with love and pray to Allah that his parents will be happy.
23:45 I request my parents again that they should not enforce marriage on their children.
23:52 If they want to facilitate, then you should facilitate and recommend.
24:00 But after that, do not enforce marriage on your children.
24:05 There are a lot of problems in the society where marriages are enforced marriages.
24:10 So, Inshallah Allah, the children should handle the situation with love and respect.
24:20 There should not be any use of such words where I am talking about the choice of words that hurt the parents.
24:28 But keep explaining with love and keep praying to Allah.
24:32 And parents should also understand the concerns of their children.
24:37 Inshallah, if all people understand each other,
24:40 then Inshallah Allah, the environment of the house will be good.
24:43 There will be a atmosphere of love and affection.
24:45 And everyone will be happy.
24:47 May Allah give happiness to everyone's home.
24:51 May Allah give love and affection in all relationships.
24:54 May Allah keep everyone happy.
24:56 Inshallah Allah, we will be back next week with a new episode.
25:01 As I said, you can email your questions to me at
25:07 Until then, I will take leave.
25:10 Wa Akhiru Da'awana Anil Hamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
25:13 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
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