WE ARE WOLVES Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: enix (played by Savannah Mares), a young woman yearning for a sense of belonging and adventure. She leaves her mundane existence to reconnect with her 'chosen family' - a group that thrives on the fringes of society. However, upon her return, she finds herself at the mercy of Needles (Fawn Winters), a menacing figure with a sadistic streak, and Selena (Lauren Kravchenko), the group's formidable matriarch.
As Fenix struggles to prove her loyalty and worth, she is drawn into a web of sinister and deadly games orchestrated by Needles and Selena. 'WE ARE WOLVES' promises to be a gripping narrative that explores the depths of human nature, the concept of family, and the lengths one will go to find their place in the world.
As Fenix struggles to prove her loyalty and worth, she is drawn into a web of sinister and deadly games orchestrated by Needles and Selena. 'WE ARE WOLVES' promises to be a gripping narrative that explores the depths of human nature, the concept of family, and the lengths one will go to find their place in the world.
Short filmTranscript
00:00 I've missed you. I miss being here.
00:07 So, can I come in?
00:10 Hey, the other night, when you said that I wasn't safe here, was that just a part of the game or a warning?
00:27 Both.
00:30 You and Selena are the only peace I've ever known.
00:36 Without you two, I don't think I can exist.
00:41 You need to leave before it's too late.
00:47 [Music]
01:16 We are wolves here. Always and forever.
01:23 Welcome home.
01:27 [Music]