Masterclass - The Art And Science Of Cornering | movie | 2022 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Railing a corner at speed, it's the ultimate exhilaration on a bike! In this action packed adventure pro crit racer and | dG1fSHdDTlUzM0duMnc
00:00 [music]
00:01 Riding in the corner for me is the ultimate exhilaration on a bike.
00:07 [music]
00:08 A bit of a legend in fixed-gear racing is Alec Briggs.
00:13 Combining high speed, skill, and adrenaline, there's nothing like it.
00:21 Leans into the corner and almost rests on the wall.
00:23 He's giving everything.
00:26 Corner into perfection is a thing of beauty.
00:28 When things go wrong, they go wrong fast.
00:31 Corner man straight into the barriers.
00:34 Came into that corner way too hard.
00:41 I'm talking to the best in the business to learn more about this skillful art.
00:46 Every single corner, he knows the perfect line.
00:50 He takes the ultimate risk.
00:51 This year's San Remo was a very special day for me.
00:54 The descent is very, very technical.
00:58 What does it really take to corner safely but at speed?
01:02 [foreign language]
01:03 Is cornering fast something I can perfect or is it just natural instinct?
01:09 Let's show you some corners fast.
01:13 Don't kill me.
01:14 Dead man's corner is an example.
01:16 If the front wheel is in a pothole, you're putting your head in a bush and you're just
01:19 hoping you can come out the other side.
01:25 After learning from the best, I'll take on a challenge that will push my cornering ability
01:29 to the absolute limit.
01:31 This techie is always a little bit of nerves.
01:34 You're not sure how far you can push it.
01:37 [music]
01:44 [music]
01:49 (whooshing)
