• 2 years ago
Credit: SWNS / Jaima Bako

A man was left giddy with excitement and emotional after seeing snow -- for the very first time.

Wholesome video shows Noel Bako, 27, all smiles and prancing through a thin layer of snow after freezing temperatures hit the UK this week.

Noel moved to England in June to be with his wife Jaima, 29, after the pair met in 2019 at a game park in Gweru, Zimbabwe.

"I felt like a baby for the first time ever seeing the snow. I honestly wanted to cry because I was so emotional," said Noel, who had only seen snow on TV before.
00:00 What's happening? Come on! [laughter]
00:07 Come on!
00:09 Come on!
00:15 [laughter]
00:17 [music]
00:43 Come on!
00:45 [laughter]
00:56 (gentle music)
