• 2 years ago
00:00 (suspenseful music)
00:03 - Hello, I'm Tigger.
00:20 That's T-I-double-guh-er, and that's me.
00:23 - Yes, Tigger, you've bounced me before.
00:28 - Yeah, fun, ain't it?
00:30 Say, you wanna go bouncing with me?
00:33 - Oh, I would like to go bouncing with you,
00:35 but today I need to collect lots and lots
00:37 of honey pots for my party.
00:40 - A party, you say?
00:41 - Yes, for all of my friends,
00:44 but I shall need a lot more honey.
00:46 Tigger, would you help me find some honey pots?
00:51 - You bet, buddy old bear.
00:53 (Tigger chuckles)
00:54 Yuck, what do these poo bears like
00:57 about to think it's Tigger's stuff anyway?
00:59 - Well, poo old chum, no time for goofing off.
01:02 I've got honey pots to collect.
01:04 T-T-F-N, ta-ta for now.
01:06 (Tigger chuckles)
01:08 - Woo-hoo!
01:12 (light music)
01:16 (boinging)
01:18 - Hmm, there's a cave simply stacked
01:34 with honey pots under here.
01:38 It's a secret place.
01:41 Just follow me.
01:44 (Tigger shrieks)
01:47 (boinging)
01:56 (Tigger groans)
02:09 (boinging)
02:11 (Tigger groans)
02:22 I say, Tigger old chap, have you noticed
02:29 how these honey pots are arranged to represent an arrow?
02:34 They point to secret areas,
02:36 but you'll need to learn special bounces to reach them.
02:39 (Tigger laughs)
02:42 (boinging)
02:45 (Tigger groans)
03:06 (boinging)
03:08 (boinging)
03:10 (boinging)
03:12 (boinging)
03:16 (boinging)
03:18 (boinging)
03:35 (boinging)
03:37 - Well, hello, rabbit.
04:01 Those rocks look mighty dangerous.
04:04 I need to find a wheel to my wheelbarrow
04:07 so I can harvest all my carrots.
04:09 If I don't pick them today, they'll be ruined.
04:12 Tigger, please bring it back to me.
04:15 (boinging)
04:19 (Tigger gasps)
04:28 (boinging)
04:33 (boinging)
04:35 - Hello there, rabbit.
04:43 I found your wheelie-barrow wheel.
04:45 (Tigger laughs)
04:47 - Hooray!
04:49 Oh, a magnificent job.
04:51 Thank you, Tigger.
04:52 (boinging)
04:55 (boinging)
04:57 (boinging)
05:09 (Tigger screams)
05:22 (boinging)
05:24 (Tigger sighs)
05:29 (boinging)
05:31 (Tigger clears throat)
05:44 - Let's see how many bunny parts
05:46 you've collected thus far on this level.
05:49 I say, Tigger, good show.
05:51 You have collected enough honey pots
05:55 to help Pooh with his party.
05:57 Let's go to the next level.
05:59 (boinging)
06:03 (boinging)
