রাহুল গান্ধীর কোন আচরণ একদম পছন্দ করতেন না প্রণব মুখোপাধ্যায়? জানালেন কন্যা শর্মিষ্ঠা | Oneindia

  • last year
রাহুল গান্ধীর কোন আচরণ একদম পছন্দ করতেন না প্রণব মুখোপাধ্যায়? জানালেন কন্যা শর্মিষ্ঠা


00:00 My father was in politics for more than 50 years.
00:05 So, naturally, if I write about him,
00:09 and quote his diaries and conversations with him,
00:15 then there will be controversy, and it's not a big deal.
00:19 So, there are some topics where there will be controversy.
00:23 Politics is a field where controversies are created very quickly.
00:29 There's a very good story about A.M.P.M.
00:32 One day, Rahul Gandhi came to meet my father.
00:36 My father was taking a walk in the Mughal Garden.
00:40 So, they met.
00:43 Later, I found out that Rahul Gandhi was coming to meet him in the evening.
00:48 So, he told Rahul Gandhi's office to meet him in the morning instead of evening.
00:53 I found out from the ADCs.
00:57 So, when I told my father about this,
01:01 he said sarcastically,
01:04 "If Rahul Gandhi's office doesn't know the difference between A.M. and P.M.,
01:09 then how will he run PMO one day?"
01:13 You have said another thing in this book.
01:16 Manne Poorra Rajpuri ji said that Rahul Gandhi is very cultured and full of questions.
01:22 But he is politically immature. How is that?
01:26 He felt that Rahul Gandhi's statements…
01:29 Obviously, you are media people. You will ask a lot.
01:35 But in his diaries, there is not much about Rahul Gandhi.
01:40 There are a lot of interactions.
01:42 Some were during the time of UPA.
01:44 And when there were some presidents, Rahul Gandhi used to come to meet them.
01:49 So, I told him about his observations about Rahul Gandhi.
01:55 He wrote that Rahul Gandhi is very courteous and asks a lot of questions.
02:00 He liked that he wanted to know.
02:04 He asked a lot of questions.
02:06 But he also felt that Rahul Gandhi answers one question very quickly.
02:11 He answers one subject very quickly.
02:16 So, he felt that he is not understanding or absorbing much.
02:22 He wrote about this observation of my father.
02:27 Pranav Dutt said that you should come to the cabinet and gain some experience.
02:33 Absolutely. He advised Rahul Gandhi that he should come to the cabinet.
02:39 And how to run the administration, it is very important to have hands-on experience.
02:44 Ma'am, the way you have written this whole instance,
02:49 there must have been many instances when there were disagreements with the government.
02:53 What were some of the insights that you gave them?
02:57 Because we only know about this from outside.
02:59 See, those insights are in the book.
03:03 If I tell you everything, then why will the readers read my book?
03:08 So, obviously, see, all these years, the people with whom I have worked,
03:12 who have been in many crucial ministries,
03:15 there must have been many things in it.
03:18 There are many things that my father was very clear about,
03:21 which are under the Official Secrets Act.
03:24 There is no discussion about all that.
03:27 So, when the government declassifies, then it will come in the public domain.
03:34 But my personal interest in this book was that
03:38 the way he has worked with so many leaders, so many prime ministers,
03:42 from Indira Gandhi to Narendra Modi,
03:45 how were their personal relationships with people?
03:48 My focus was on this topic.
03:51 So, I have got many different interesting insights from it,
03:55 which I have written openly in this book.
03:57 Like you said, Pranavda has worked with many ministers and prime ministers.
04:02 Isn't it that he himself wanted to become a prime minister?
04:04 Yes, he wanted to become a prime minister, but he also knew that he wanted to become a prime minister,
04:09 but he would not be able to become one.
04:11 So, he was not in any disillusionment that he would become a prime minister one day.
04:15 But yes, of course, he wanted to become a prime minister.
04:17 I had asked him openly once,
04:20 that do you want to become a prime minister?
04:23 He said, "Absolutely, any serious politician would like to become a prime minister,
04:28 but that does not mean that I will become a prime minister."
04:31 I asked him, "Why did you ask this?"
04:34 He said, "I think Sonia Gandhi ji thought that one day,
04:44 Sonia Gandhi ji's authority might challenge her."
04:49 I asked him, "Do you challenge her?"
04:53 He said, "Whether I challenge her or not, that is not the question."
04:58 But Sonia Gandhi ji said, "Look, this is a cutthroat world of politics.
05:04 Everyone here wants to safeguard their family's interests first."
05:11 So, Sonia ji was safeguarding her family's interests.
05:16 And those who thought that they would not challenge Sonia ji's authority,
05:21 they made her, so there is no point in arguing about it.
