TANPA BATAS (2023) 409

  • last year


00:00 Took the great journey of Noah, the final show, Time to Remember is the last concert of Noah before the 100th.
00:07 No wonder why Noah and his friends are so popular.
00:13 Not to mention President Jokowi Dodo.
00:16 Jokowi is wearing casual clothes, a black long-sleeved shirt.
00:21 Along with her husband, Mrs. Iriana, is wearing a black-white long-sleeved shirt.
00:29 President Jokowi, who came with strict control when the fan press,
00:33 still smiles and wave his hand to the audience that block the Beach City International Stadium.
00:40 Bye bye, Mr. Jokowi!
00:44 The presence of President Jokowi and Mrs. Iriana makes the atmosphere more cheerful
00:54 and makes Ariel and the other Noah personnel more excited
00:58 by bringing their favorite songs.
01:01 By showing the space visualization,
01:04 Noah successfully seduced and impressed the fans,
01:08 including Jokowi and Iriana.
01:11 In fact, they look like they are singing together.
01:15 Moreover, Noah also sang Iriana's favorite song, "Menghapus Jejakmu".
01:21 [Music]
01:31 [Music]
01:42 Ariel is not in the best condition when he performed in the concert held last Saturday night.
01:48 The quality of Ariel's vocals is not as usual when he is on stage.
01:52 His voice when he greeted Jokowi and Iriana is also heard clearly.
01:57 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
01:59 I am President Jokowi, Mrs. Iriana.
02:02 Please welcome the singer,
02:06 the song is called "Menghapus".
02:10 [Music]
02:20 In his concert, Ariel admitted that he was infected with the virus.
02:25 Even Noah wanted to cancel the concert
02:28 because of his condition, it was impossible for Ariel to sing in a long duration.
02:34 But in the end, Ariel chose to show all his limitations.
02:39 He didn't want to make fans who were about to buy tickets disappointed.
02:44 Nevertheless, Noah still showed off with 23 songs in 2 hours.
02:53 Ariel remains energetic, although he asked for the audience's help several times to sing together because his voice was gone.
03:01 [Music]
03:22 This concert in Jakarta turned out to be the pinnacle of the The Great Journey of Noah concert series
03:28 which had previously been held in several cities, namely Bakasar, Medan, Surabaya, and Bandung.
03:34 On several occasions, Noah has indeed announced surprising news.
03:41 Ariel stated that this year would be the last year Noah appeared on stage.
03:47 Ariel and other Noah personnel even for Yatus or stopped professionally in the world of music
03:55 until an uncertain time.
03:58 [Music]
04:05 The personnel feel the need to rest to find new inspiration in their work.
04:11 [Music]
04:19 [Music]
04:22 [Music]
04:25 [Music]
04:31 Not only Noah who decided to take a break from the music stage,
04:35 Iron Man and Tony Stark in the Marvel superhero movies that have been attached to Robert Downey Jr.
04:42 will also end.
04:45 [Music]
04:51 President of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, ensured that Robert Downey Jr. would not return to be Iron Man
04:58 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe saga.
05:01 Kevin Feige stated that the Iron Man version of Downey's fate was really over
05:07 after his death in The Avengers Endgame, which was released in 2019.
05:15 The boss of MCU or the company that produces all the Marvel superhero movies also admitted
05:21 that he did not want to ruin the journey of Tony Stark that has been built for years.
05:26 The statement also refuted the news that Marvel Studios wanted to return the Iron Man version of R.V.G
05:34 and Black Widow version of Scarlett Johansson in the middle of a fierce battle.
05:39 In the Avengers Endgame movie, Tony Stark aka Iron Man died after destroying Thanos and his army.
05:47 He was killed by using the Infinity Gauntlet and pinching his finger to overcome the main villain.
05:54 [Music]
05:56 Iron Man
05:58 [Music]
06:00 And so my journey had reached its end.
06:03 [Music]
06:04 [Music]
06:12 Since then, Robert Downey Jr. has never been involved in the MCU project again.
06:19 He then continued his career by starring in a series of films like Dolittle in 2020 and Oppenheimer in 2023.
06:28 [Music]
06:40 Unlike Robert Downey Jr. who has experience starring in the Marvel movies,
06:44 the beautiful artist who has now professionally embraced the sport of slams
06:49 actually shared his first extraordinary experience when diving.
06:54 The beautiful artist Kirana Larasati recently shared her experience meeting a crocodile
07:00 while diving in the Mangrub area of the Cenote area of Mexico.
07:04 This event was revealed by Kirana in a video that she posted on her Instagram account @kiranalarasati.
07:11 In the video, a crocodile was seen swimming not far from her position.
07:16 At that time, this 36-year-old woman panicked until her heart beat fast.
07:23 When the horrible moment happened, she admitted that she immediately remembered her child at home
07:29 because she was afraid and worried that something unwanted would happen.
07:33 [Music]
07:40 Nevertheless, Kirana also has a little desire to get closer to the crocodile.
07:46 Kirana explained that the place to swim is indeed the Mangrub area which is usually used for snorkeling or open water training.
07:55 In addition, there are also caves where the water can flow directly to the sea.
08:01 However, usually there are very few crocodiles that pass through this water.
08:06 Kirana Larasati herself has had a diving license since 2018.
08:12 She has now officially become a professional diving instructor in 2022.
08:18 [Music]
08:38 Like Kirana Larasati, this one TNI officer also shared her first experience, which also broke the record.
08:47 A achievement achieved by the Refi Pramana government of the Komodo Resort Militer 083, Paladika Jaya, Malang, East Java.
08:56 Not long ago, he broke the record as the first TNI officer in Indonesia
09:01 who climbed and flew from the top of Mount Sumbing at an altitude of 3,371 meters above sea level.
09:10 [Music]
09:16 Hello, good morning, I'm Refi, the first person to fly on Mount Sumbing.
09:23 [Music]
09:29 As we know, on October 28, Refi Pramana's government left the base camp of Mount Sumbing via Butuh,
09:36 crossed the Magelang regency and climbed to the top of Mount Sumbing.
09:42 Refi's government then flew using a parachute for about 23 minutes.
09:48 Refi's government then landed in the village of Polosaren, Wono Sobo regency and was welcomed by the locals.
09:56 [Music]
10:00 Many people ask, how much does a cruise ship cost to enter the Panama Canal?
10:06 So this time I will give you the actual price of a cruise ship crossing the Panama Canal.
10:13 So guys, the cruise ship crosses the Panama Canal, so it costs 344,240 USD.
10:27 [Music]
10:30 An interesting experience is also shared by a survey that shows the price of a cruise ship crossing the Panama Canal is viral on social media.
10:38 [Music]
10:40 In the survey, @risma_sitanggang, a man who works at this cruise ship,
10:46 explains that the cost of each ship crossing the Panama Canal is different.
10:51 Meanwhile, the company's cruise ship must pay as much as US$344,740 or about 5.3 billion rupiah.
11:03 The figure is compared to the facilities provided,
11:08 because crossing the Panama Canal can indeed save time.
11:13 [Music]
11:17 The Panama Canal, which is now managed by the Republic of Panama in Central America,
11:23 connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean through the narrow Panama Gorge.
11:29 Completed in August 1914, this 82-kilometer-long passage is one of the two most strategic waterways in the world,
11:39 in addition to the Suez Canal.
11:41 [Music]
11:44 The Panama Canal makes cruise ships able to shorten their journey.
11:50 The time it should take per day can be reduced to 8 to 10 hours.
11:55 Without the Panama Canal, cruise ships from Europe to America will spend more time because they need to go around the Horn Peak in Chile.
12:07 [Music]
12:09 The tariff to use the Panama Canal is variable based on the size of the ship.
12:14 In fact, a modern cargo ship is estimated to cost more than US$800,000 or about 12.3 billion per transit.
12:26 [Music]
12:33 I don't believe in what is called talent, but I believe in what is called interest, or in the cool language, patience.
12:40 [Music]
12:43 Still in the world of sea ships, an Indonesian man proudly holds a position as a second officer,
12:51 which is the second highest position in a luxury cruise ship from America.
12:56 What surprises him again, the gangster position, he won only in his two-year career.
13:02 From riding a motorcycle, now he rides a cruise ship.
13:06 [Music]
13:09 This is Hariri Sulaiman, an original man from East Java, who is rumored to be the only Asian,
13:16 especially Indonesian, who can compete, holds the position now in the Dang Department.
13:22 [Music]
13:26 Yes, the challenge for this luxury cruise ship is usually recruiting employees only with companies that work together in Europe and America.
13:35 On the other hand, Hariri's struggle is not easy.
13:39 The first time to apply for this cruise ship, he served as a junior seaman, the lowest position.
13:46 At that time, he was responsible for maintaining and conserving decks and buildings on the ship.
13:53 But who would have thought, for his hard work, he is now a promotional result,
13:58 to sit in one of the most important positions on the world's most luxurious cruise ship.
14:04 [Music]
14:07 The second officer himself serves as a navigator, so that he is always on the road that has been paved.
14:15 So the officer works on the bridge, which is the bridge that becomes the command in a ship.
14:21 So all decisions, all orders, all are on the bridge, and it is controlled by the bridge officer.
14:27 [Music]
14:29 Although he graduated from Polytechnic and has the lowest license,
14:33 the company pays various types of licenses for Hariri, in order to support his career.
14:39 [Music]
14:50 [Music]
14:55 Prepare yourself for extraordinary achievements and overcome your limits.
15:01 [Music]
15:04 Stargazer X, Unleash the X in You.
15:08 [Music]
15:10 [Music]
15:25 Welcome to Grab Mega Head On.
15:27 Explore the fun of shopping at GrabMart, save everything.
15:31 Head on in the end of the year in collaboration with the Mega Discount,
15:35 your favorite brand only at Grab Mega Head On.
15:38 [Music]
15:40 Dry lips, swipe all with Lip Eye Sheet Color.
15:43 The color is Magic Color, not pale anymore, following the natural color of your lips.
15:48 Moisturize, nourish and protect.
15:51 Lip Eye Sheet Color, healthy lips.
15:54 [Music]
15:56 This is the new holiday atmosphere.
15:58 [Music]
16:00 How are you?
16:01 As happy as the end of this year.
16:03 Approved, great.
16:04 [Music]
16:06 Still a lot more in Prime Video.
16:08 [Music]
16:10 Are you sure you've washed your face?
16:12 Use Garnier's No. 1 Water Micellar.
16:15 With a missile like a magnet, 99% makeup, even dirt that doesn't show,
16:20 is completely removed.
16:21 Stay soft without feeling drawn, using Garnier's Water Micellar.
16:25 [Music]
16:26 In fact, the sound of a drop of water will not be a song that delivers a sleepy sleep.
16:30 [Music]
16:31 That's why you should choose Aqua Proof for anti-leak coating.
16:35 Aqua Proof and Aqua Proof Pro.
16:37 Aqua Proof, Aqua Proof.
16:39 Something sweet to chill with your hands.
16:41 Fresh and natural dessert collection, spray cologne and body wash.
16:44 Pink cupcake fragrance, so sweet and cheerful.
16:47 The foam is so fluffy and fresh.
16:49 Indulge yourself with Fresh and natural dessert collection.
16:52 Be sweet, be you.
16:54 Wingscare.
16:55 The great thing about Bebelag is the rich phosgos that is clean,
16:58 supports good skin and triple A with higher aloe pH.
17:02 Creative mind stimulation, a little chill.
17:04 Both help build a strong heart.
17:07 Bebelag, all the great things.
17:09 [Music]
17:12 It's time to eat.
17:13 [Music]
17:14 Yum.
17:15 [Music]
17:16 Want to eat?
17:17 [Music]
17:18 Only 2,000, in the nearest store.
17:21 [Music]
17:22 Yum.
17:23 Yum, yum, fun for everyone.
17:24 [Music]
17:28 Stay in good condition.
17:30 [Music]
17:31 Make sure purity accompanies you.
17:34 Drink one can of Bearbrand every day.
17:37 Bearbrand, feel the purity.
17:40 Still chubby, how?
17:43 Use the new Pantene.
17:44 Formula with micro-provitamin that absorbs.
17:47 Stronger hair from the inside to 10 times stronger against chubby.
17:52 [Music]
17:53 New Pantene.
17:54 Nothing is too difficult for the best.
17:57 Sunlight with the formula quickly.
17:59 One drop, clean fat 10 times faster, even on plastic.
18:03 So I can continue to other exciting challenges.
18:06 Sunlight 2,000, buy 5 free 1.
18:09 [Music]
18:12 Don't forget to watch me, Tiara Andini,
18:15 At Hootransmedia 22 Power Up, Friday, 15th of December.
18:20 [Music]
18:25 Fresh, long-lasting with natural strength.
18:27 New Reksoname Natural Fresh, fresher.
18:30 Lime Cool with 3 times the strength of freshness.
18:32 Charcoal Fresh, 3 times against bacteria.
18:35 Fresh, long-lasting and trust yourself, whatever your activity.
18:38 New Reksoname Natural Fresh.
18:40 Black flag appears again.
18:41 New Garnier Vitamin C Serum Morning and Night.
18:44 Every morning, brightens quickly.
18:46 Every night, new 10% pure vitamin C.
18:49 Serum night, display black flag 2 times faster.
18:52 Now available at a higher price.
18:53 Natural at Garnier.
18:55 So nice, get the prize.
18:57 Get 50 N-Max and billions of rupiah.
19:00 Buy So Nice, find unique code, register to WA.
19:05 Then send the code and free photo.
19:08 Let's join.
19:10 Arlo, why?
19:11 The doctor said it's not suitable for cow milk.
19:13 My child too.
19:15 Try it, SGM Explore IsoProsoid.
19:17 New, the right nutrition for cow milk.
19:20 Support small children, optimal body.
19:23 SGM Explore IsoProsoid.
19:25 You will appear today.
19:27 You, no.
19:29 Wow, you smell so good.
19:34 Stainless pocket with slim gel technology.
19:36 Remove bad smell and give lasting fragrance for 30 days.
19:39 PSI, win, definitely win.
19:44 PSI, my party.
19:47 PSI, win, definitely win.
19:52 PSI, my party.
19:54 Ready for the new Funnish Pink challenge?
19:57 Let's clean it.
19:59 How to clean it?
20:01 Use detergent, but must be brushed many times.
20:04 The color is pale, what to do?
20:06 Detergent is not enough.
20:08 Add new Funnish Pink with 3 advantages.
20:10 Remove the smell of dirt without hassle.
20:13 Actively protect the color, the shirt is long.
20:18 Every time you wash, add new Funnish Pink.
20:21 3 advantages, new Funnish Pink.
20:23 Mom, there's a grandma.
20:26 Hi, mom.
20:28 Mom, I'll clean the bathroom first, 5 minutes.
20:30 Cleaning the bathroom can't be fast.
20:33 Using floor cleaner, the brush is long.
20:35 Hard cleaner, the smell is bad.
20:37 Change to Harpik.
20:39 Unlike floor cleaner, Harpik formula is thicker.
20:41 Remove the smell and dirt in 5 minutes.
20:44 10 times cleaner, lasting fragrance.
20:47 Only 5 minutes.
20:48 Smart, your mom.
20:49 Harpik formula is for moms.
20:52 Remember the toilet, remember Harpik.
20:55 Because of Good Day, your body has a lot of taste.
21:01 Good Day makes life more fun.
21:04 Because of it, there are many tastes.
21:08 Divergent is cool in the hand.
21:13 The cheapest, safe shopping money.
21:15 Now there is a pack of 5,000.
21:18 Buy 2, get 1 free.
21:20 Can be for a month.
21:21 Because moms need to be loved.
21:25 Buy daily necessities with quality, only at Transmart.
21:29 Discount 20% every day.
21:32 Guaranteed cheap.
21:34 Starting from fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, non-medical spices,
21:41 medical food, and bakery.
21:44 What are you waiting for?
21:45 Come on, buy daily necessities with quality.
21:48 Discount 20% every day.
21:50 Transmart all over Indonesia.
21:52 Transmart all over Indonesia.
21:55 Great, BB Luck.
21:56 Rich in phosgos that is clear.
21:58 Support good enlightenment and triple A with higher DHA.
22:02 Stimulate the creative mind of the child.
22:04 Both help grow a big heart.
22:07 BB Luck, all the great things start.
22:10 So nice, get the gift.
22:12 Get 50 NMEX and billions of rupiah.
22:15 Buy So Nice, find the unique code, register to WA.
22:20 Then send the code and free photo.
22:23 Come on, join us.
22:25 The usual shampoo, I think it's less sticky.
22:27 But dry.
22:29 Oops.
22:30 Tanti anti-stick with micro-pro-vitamin nourishes hair.
22:34 Bye sticky, bye dry hair.
22:37 Double solution, new Tantin.
22:40 Support Rainer for fast, focus, flexible.
22:43 So you can create various great ideas now and later.
22:47 Give S26 Prokel Gold, formulated by YS Nutrition Expert.
22:51 Be a great child now and later.
22:54 [Music]
22:56 [Music]
22:59 [Music]
23:07 [Music]
23:09 The protest movement against the Aceh people against the hundreds of Rohingya refugees who landed in Aceh is getting bigger.
23:17 [Music]
23:19 The latest on November 29, a number of students who joined the youth care for Aceh.
23:26 Holding a protest in the outskirts of the five cities of Aceh.
23:31 Not only the people of Aceh, almost all Indonesian people also reject the arrival of Rohingya refugees who continuously come.
23:42 Not without reason, because the Indonesian people are afraid of the stigma of negative behavior that is attached to the refugees from Myanmar.
23:54 They are known to like to create honor, even often dare to commit crimes in a number of countries that support it.
24:03 [Music]
24:05 Especially in Malaysia, one of the countries that accommodates more than 1,000 refugees.
24:12 In addition to creating honor and disturbing order, these refugees are getting more and more arrogant.
24:19 Most of them fled from the refugee camp.
24:24 [Music]
24:26 Not only that, there is also news that these refugees even jumped by asking for land in advance to the Malaysian government.
24:36 From the video that circulates, it seems that hundreds of Rohingya people are doing a demonstration and going down the road to demand land for their homes.
24:46 [Music]
24:49 We have contributed to the country's economy, now we have the right to demand our rights.
25:01 We are also human, giving us a land is enough.
25:08 [Music]
25:10 In the media, Rohingya refugees are asking for land in Selayang because in this area, most of them live and work.
25:19 [Music]
25:23 Today is December 22, Rohingya refugees are trapped in Sabang.
25:32 They stand on the children who are confused.
25:36 [Music]
25:38 Since November 2023, there have been 6 Rohingya refugee ships landing in Aceh with a total of more than 1,200 passengers.
25:48 The public suspects that this ship is not only stuck in the waters of Aceh, but these refugees are deliberately landing in Aceh.
25:59 The Rohingya leader, Mr. Deli Warsa, admits that Indonesia is indeed their destination.
26:08 We plan to come to Indonesia, so the media man, he pushed us to Indonesia last night.
26:18 After fishing, they threw us with a speedboat.
26:22 So I will go anywhere if the government of this country is agreeable to us, to keep us, inshallah we will stay here.
26:28 Not only me, but also my sister, my brothers, my uncles, they all stay in Bangladesh, in Indonesia.
26:34 [Music]
26:36 According to the explanation of another refugee from Bangladesh, Muhammad Idris, it is known that there are still 6 ships
26:45 with a total of around 1,000 refugees, sailing in the sea to the end of Aceh.
26:52 [Music]
26:59 The fate of millions of Rohingya refugees who are exiled from Myanmar is indeed a problem for humanity for the international world.
27:08 These refugees have fled to a number of countries, starting from Bangladesh, Malaysia to Indonesia.
27:15 The arrival of the large number of Rohingya refugees has shocked the entire Indonesian community.
27:22 The community hopes that the Indonesian government will firmly reject the refugees and return these refugees back to Bangladesh.
27:30 The reason is that in Bangladesh itself, the government has been fined worth 2.8 trillion rupiah,
27:38 obtained from the international funds of the UN to provide a number of permanent residences for the Rohingya people in 2021.
27:51 As many as 19,000 of the 1.1 million Rohingya refugees in South Bangladesh have been placed on the island of Basancar, located in the Bay of Bengal.
28:01 The plan is that these refugees will be moved to the island gradually.
28:07 However, these refugees are dissatisfied because they consider this island is not worthy of being left because of its remote location
28:15 and lack of public facilities that are convenient and lack of jobs.
28:21 Basancar Island itself is an island that emerged from the sea about 15 years ago.
28:28 This island is located about 60 kilometers from the Bangladesh coast and has a area of ​​40 square kilometers.
28:36 However, the Bangladesh government now states that the island has been developed by spending spectacular funds
28:43 to reach 4.9 trillion rupiah.
28:46 And now the housing area of ​​the house is claimed to have a number of public facilities such as a sea wall, a hospital, a school and a mosque.
29:02 Not only the news about the Rohingya refugee polemic without a limit, it has also included for you an interesting glimpse of the news for you to watch in Top Flash.
29:13 Celebrity and skincare entrepreneur Shaila Soukya received a number of criticisms for her income after using a scooter while praying Umrah.
29:32 The article in her social media account, she posted a video showing herself getting on an electric scooter that can also function as a scooter.
29:44 She sits in the scooter and walks around the mosque, while many other people are walking around her.
29:54 Some netizens think that her actions are not appropriate because she is considered young and healthy, so she should still be able to walk like other people.
30:07 Some netizens also believe that Shaila, who is a crazy rich, whose wealth is abundant, is unable to use her wealth wisely.
30:21 The video clip of the Rohingya refugee protest in Chennai, India
30:26 A riot took place when the trailer of the film "Rio" was shot at a Rohingya cinema in Chennai, India.
30:41 It was broadcast because it was too enthusiastic. After the trailer was shot, the fans of actor Vijay, the actor in this film, suddenly acted brutally by jumping on the cinema chair, causing the chair to break.
30:57 Not only did the chair break, but the location of the cinema also became a mess, full of food waste that was left on the cinema floor.
31:10 The Rohingya refugee protest in New Orleans, USA
31:27 The riot took place at the Southwest Airlines terminal in New Orleans, Atlanta, when it was about to take off at the International Airport, Louis Armstrong, New Orleans, USA, a few days ago.
31:38 The passengers who were sitting on the plane were suddenly asked to get off the plane.
31:47 The passengers were confused and some seemed panicked because they suspected that there was a serious incident that threatened their safety.
31:57 The riot turned out to be a cancellation of the departure of the plane because there was a male passenger who dared to open the emergency door of the plane.
32:12 After opening the emergency door, he climbed on the plane and jumped into the runway of the runway when the plane was about to take off.
32:21 The passenger who made the riot was arrested and secured by the airport staff.
32:30 He was then taken to the hospital for examination. From the results of the examination, it was found that the actor was suffering from mental disorders.
32:40 He is likely not to face charges because of his status as an ODGJ.
32:47 The riot took place at the Southwest Airlines terminal in New Orleans, Atlanta, when it was about to take off at the International Airport, Louis Armstrong, New Orleans, USA, a few days ago.
32:54 The riot took place at the Southwest Airlines terminal in New Orleans, Atlanta, when it was about to take off at the International Airport, Louis Armstrong, New Orleans, USA, a few days ago.
32:59 [Music]
33:03 Sleep with the darkness
33:06 Don't let the smoke and smoke disturb your comfort and sleep.
33:10 Hit Good Night Electric, a refill tool for only Rp 20,000.
33:13 [Music]
33:17 Stay in good condition.
33:19 Make sure purity accompanies you.
33:23 Drink one can of Bear Brand every day.
33:26 Bear Brand, taste its purity.
33:28 This is the new holiday atmosphere.
33:32 What's up?
33:35 As happy as the end of this year.
33:37 Approved, great.
33:38 There's still a lot more in Prime Video.
33:42 Spending a busy day
33:46 is a waste of energy.
33:49 And my hair is tired.
33:54 Shampoo alone may not be enough.
33:56 I add one step.
33:57 Pantene Miracle Supplement Conditioner every day.
34:00 Contains pro-vitamin and piotin.
34:02 Nutrition up to twice more than just shampoo.
34:06 One step for strong hair to charge.
34:10 Pantene Miracle Supplement Conditioner.
34:13 [Music]
34:15 Oh, I'm home in the middle of the night.
34:17 You're going on a vacation, right?
34:18 I'm going to check the date.
34:19 Don't worry, no loss.
34:21 Order with free reservation.
34:23 You can change the additional fee.
34:25 Ma'am, change.
34:27 [Music]
34:28 [Music]
34:32 To stay happy.
34:34 It's time for Pocky.
34:36 With thick chocolate and a super-fine container.
34:39 A bite of Pocky, you're happy.
34:42 Still chubby, how?
34:46 Use new Pantene.
34:48 Formula with micro-pro-vitamin that absorbs.
34:51 Stronger hair from the inside.
34:53 Up to ten times stronger against the scalp.
34:56 New Pantene.
34:58 Are you sure you've washed your face?
35:01 Use Garnier's number one water mist.
35:03 With a mistle like a magnet.
35:05 99% makeup, even dirt that is not visible, is transparent.
35:09 Stay soft without feeling attracted.
35:11 Use Garnier's water mist.
35:13 Team Sunrise is in Bogor.
35:15 Delivering N-Max motor for the city's mother, Farida.
35:18 The winner of the program is Ulyan Sunrise.
35:20 Can't mind the prize.
35:22 Buy Sunrise, get N-Max.
35:24 Can't mind the prize.
35:26 Get Sunrise and the prize.
35:28 Something sweet, 7 items.
35:30 Fresh and natural dessert collection.
35:32 Pre-colon and body wash.
35:33 Pink cupcake, so sweet and cheerful.
35:36 The foam is so fluffy and fresh.
35:38 Indulge yourself with fresh and natural dessert collection.
35:41 Be sweet, be you.
35:43 Wing Scare.
35:44 Indomie Hibabis, the hot one, is viral.
35:47 Hot Kuah, literally viral.
35:49 Crunchy, chewy.
35:52 Hot Geprek and crispy.
35:54 Indomie Hot Gelato and Hot Geprek, the hot one, is viral.
35:58 World-class movie, on your screen.
36:02 The suit, where did this come from?
36:06 A terrifying power.
36:09 Making it the most difficult choice.
36:13 This could be the end of Spider-Man.
36:16 He has to decide which one is the best.
36:19 Spider-Man 3, on air on December 5th, at 9 PM, on TransTV.
36:27 Use the new Raffi Cabian Luxury Collection.
36:30 Smooth-fitting suit with a perfume booster.
36:32 Smooth-fitting suit, with a luxurious fragrance.
36:35 Free of wrinkles, fragrance for 7 days.
36:38 Raffi, straight up, with the new Raffi Cabian Luxury Collection.
36:41 Wing Scare.
36:42 There's a new one.
36:43 K-Natural White, Jeju Lemon.
36:45 With Korean Rice Milk and Jeju Lemon,
36:48 against the bacteria of Agni's body.
36:50 Wow, so pretty.
36:52 Bye to the last.
36:53 K-Natural White, with the fragrance of Jeju Lemon.
36:55 The new K-Natural White, Jeju Lemon.
36:57 Wing Scare.
36:58 Divergent, with the cheapest price.
37:03 Free of charge.
37:04 Now, there's a 5000 Rupiah package.
37:07 Buy two, get one free.
37:09 You can do it for a month.
37:10 Because mothers need to be loved.
37:13 I'm hungry.
37:17 There's a 3-in-1 Quaker.
37:19 Combination of oats, milk, and vitamins.
37:22 The thickness of the oats and the sweetness.
37:25 Try it.
37:26 It's hard.
37:31 Come here, let me show you how.
37:35 One by one with Iron Sea.
37:37 Supporting two times the intake.
37:39 Help the baby grow to the maximum.
37:41 Let me do it.
37:47 I have an idea.
37:48 Come on, let's tie it here.
37:50 Wow, cool.
37:52 Ready to fly.
37:54 Supporting the next generation who thinks fast and bravely.
37:58 We've used the white one, but why is it whiter?
38:06 Oh, the white one.
38:07 We use Funnish White.
38:09 Forget the white one.
38:11 Use Funnish White every time you wash.
38:13 With the innovation of Crystal White,
38:15 the stain is gone.
38:17 Extra white clothes.
38:20 White stain.
38:21 Cool, the stain is gone.
38:24 White stain.
38:25 Forget the white one.
38:27 Use Funnish White.
38:28 But the pancaroba is getting worse.
38:33 It makes many people can't play.
38:35 Except for Adi who practices hard and scores.
38:40 Great, what's the secret, Adi?
38:44 Bathe with detox every day.
38:46 Bathe in pancaroba, affecting children's health.
38:49 Use detox every day.
38:51 The germ defense formula gives protection against 99.99% of germs.
38:55 Detox, sure to be protected every day.
38:58 Adi.
39:00 Good, who is it for?
39:04 For my mom.
39:06 Drink milk first.
39:07 Great, Baby Luck.
39:08 Contains false ghosts that are linked to Linus
39:10 and triple A with higher DHA.
39:12 Support good ennui, creative mind and big heart.
39:15 Happy birthday.
39:16 Happy birthday.
39:18 I don't have a birthday.
39:19 Why do you have to wait for a birthday?
39:21 You can give a present anytime.
39:24 Baby Luck, the beginning of all wonders.
39:44 New, Korean chameleon apple.
39:47 Chameleon and apple combination gives fresh smell of summer in Korea.
39:53 Clean clothes, smell of summer every day.
39:57 I have prepared a series of information to accompany you.
40:01 Don't go anywhere, stay with us only on TransTV.
40:04 Ours together.
40:06 TransTV always accompanies you with the infotainment network that is always waiting.
40:10 Starting from the morning, we are here to inform you about the world of your idol artist.
40:15 Insert morning, every day at 7.30.
40:18 In the afternoon, we have prepared the latest celebrity life update.
40:22 The following image.
40:23 Insert afternoon, now present at the following time.
40:26 Accompany your rest, enjoy various news of artists that are packed differently.
40:32 Insert today, Monday to Friday at 3 pm.
40:35 What is happening in the world of celebrities today, get the information only on Insert Story.
40:41 Monday to Friday at 7.30 pm and Saturday and Sunday at 7 pm.
40:46 A deep analysis of every celebrity problem.
40:50 Insert Investigation, Saturday and Sunday at 3 pm.
40:53 Infotainment update only on TransTV.
40:58 Love...
41:00 The most affordable, safe shopping money.
41:04 Now there is a pack of 5,000.
41:06 Buy two, get one for free.
41:08 You can make a month, because mom needs to be loved.
41:13 Bang Bang Share Eats One Hub Challenge.
41:15 Put it in your mouth in one bite.
41:17 Say Bang Bang Share Eats.
41:19 Bang Bang Share Eats.
41:20 Bang Bang Share Eats.
41:23 The chocolate and caramel melt in your mouth.
41:26 Bang Bang Share Eats.
41:27 It's as good as fun.
41:28 Team So Nice is in Bogor, sending a motorbike N-Max for the city's mother, Farida.
41:32 The winner of the program, Ulyan So Nice.
41:35 Can't mind the prize.
41:37 Buy So Nice, you can get N-Max.
41:39 Can't mind the prize.
41:41 So Nice goods and the prize.
41:43 The great Bebelak, in the rich of the most luxurious Vosgos.
41:47 Support good sanitation and AAA with higher DHA.
41:51 Stimulation of creative mind, C Kecil.
41:53 Both help build a big heart.
41:56 Bebelak, the beginning of all greatness.
41:58 Entering the end of the year, some European countries are entering the cold season.
42:12 One of them is Munich, Germany.
42:15 But there is an unusual view during the cold season in the city.
42:20 It seems that some people are doing a smooth action in the river flow in the middle of the city.
42:28 Yes, the Eisbach River is one of the smoothest rivers, the most popular in Munich, Germany.
42:38 Eisbach is a 2 km long artificial river and its stream is also artificial.
42:47 The Eisbach River, which is 12 m wide, comes from the Isar River.
42:52 During the cold season in Munich, this river has been used as a smooth place since 1972.
42:59 But it was officially allowed in 2010.
43:04 Some people from above the bridge watched the smooth boaters in action to overcome the wave of the Eisbach River.
43:11 This river is actually always used by the smooth boaters all year long, regardless of the season.
43:19 But the river will be more dense if it enters the cold season ahead of the season.
43:25 It's a special place, I come here even if it's -8 degrees outside because it's super unique.
43:32 I can practice my sports in the middle of the city.
43:37 I think there's no other place in the world where you can do this.
43:41 That's why I come here almost every day.
43:44 Not only the local smoother boaters, but also the tourists are challenged to try to swim in the Munich River.
43:53 Another reason why this place is always considered a smooth place is because of their activities.
43:58 It's one of their hobbies, which is difficult to leave because of the access to the city streets, which are closed by snow.
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