Munting Heredera: Full Episode 165 (Stream Together)

  • last year
Desmond (Gabby Eigenmann) attempts to reconnect with his family after finding out that her grandmother will be rich again, but is Anna (Gloria Romero) gullible enough to forgive him?


00:00 [music]
00:07 [news on TV]
00:13 [news on TV]
00:19 [cheering]
00:21 She killed Alan.
00:22 Do you think she did it intentionally?
00:25 [news on TV]
00:28 She's being bothered by her conscience.
00:30 [news on TV]
00:34 [news on TV]
00:36 [news on TV]
00:43 [news on TV]
00:46 [news on TV]
00:51 [music]
00:53 Desmond?
00:54 [music]
00:58 Claire?
00:59 Who's that?
01:00 Uh, grandma, I'm not here.
01:02 Wait a minute.
01:03 [music]
01:07 Why did you bring me here?
01:09 [music]
01:11 Claire,
01:12 Merry Christmas.
01:14 [music]
01:15 It's better if you leave.
01:17 Don't ruin our Christmas.
01:19 [music]
01:21 Claire, I'm here to fix it.
01:23 [music]
01:25 Here, I got a gift from grandma.
01:28 [music]
01:30 We don't need your gift.
01:32 [music]
01:33 So please, leave before grandma sees you.
01:38 Leave.
01:40 [music]
01:46 I miss you guys.
01:48 [music]
01:51 I miss having a family.
01:53 [scoffs]
01:54 What are you saying, Desmond?
01:57 [music]
01:59 And who are you fooling?
02:01 Me?
02:03 So, you think
02:05 I'll believe what you're saying?
02:08 [music]
02:12 I know that, Claire.
02:14 [music]
02:18 I know that it will be your reaction.
02:20 [music]
02:23 I just had to try and come here.
02:26 [music]
02:31 Because if not, I'll just go crazy at home.
02:34 [music]
02:36 I'm eating a concert.
02:38 [music]
02:45 You know how I feel, right?
02:48 [music]
02:50 And you, of all people, should understand what I'm going through.
02:56 [music]
03:10 Dad, what are we going to play?
03:12 You can choose what you want to play.
03:14 I'll just play.
03:16 [chatter]
03:25 Hey, there's a gift for you.
03:28 Hey, hey!
03:29 That's not for you!
03:30 That's for my mom!
03:32 [music]
03:33 I'll get him a car.
03:35 [music]
03:37 So, I can be a good son.
03:39 You can choose what you want to play.
03:42 [music]
03:47 Claire, your neighbor is so annoying.
03:49 She'll just come in and start a fight.
03:53 [music]
03:55 Desmond, what are you doing here?
03:58 Grandma, I was just asking him to leave.
04:02 He's just here to ask for forgiveness.
04:06 Jennifer.
04:10 It's good that you're back.
04:13 Here, I have a gift for you.
04:17 I have a gift for all of you.
04:19 Wait.
04:20 What is that?
04:22 A bomb?
04:23 You're going to kill us?
04:26 I didn't mean it like that, Grandma.
04:30 I just wanted to say Merry Christmas.
04:35 Desmond, it's good that you're leaving.
04:40 You know what, Desmond?
04:42 You're so arrogant!
04:44 What do you think?
04:47 That we'll just accept you here?
04:51 After you took Ana back?
04:55 After you did that to Kaya?
04:58 To KJ?
05:00 What do you think of us?
05:03 Idiots!
05:06 I know you're all mad at me.
05:10 I'm also mad at myself.
05:14 I don't know why I did all of this.
05:21 To my own family.
05:25 I hope you'll forgive me.
05:34 If you're not here,
05:36 I'll be the one to be bad.
05:39 I need all of you
05:42 to guide me.
05:46 To help me change.
05:49 Because if I'm the only one left, I won't be able to do it.
06:01 I'm having a hard time.
06:04 Grandma,
06:06 I'm having a hard time.
06:11 I want to change.
06:15 Grandma, please.
06:18 Help me.
06:21 Save me.
06:23 Uncle Desmond, don't cry.
06:31 Grandma, Uncle Desmond is here to forgive you.
06:35 Jennifer, come here.
06:39 Grandma,
06:44 I'm sorry.
06:47 Do you know who helped you to get this money?
06:55 From Dinet to Simeon, even Indrit and you all worked together to make Grandma Anna fall.
07:02 Tell me, Sandra is wrong.
07:05 All I can say is you underestimated me, Grandma.
07:08 I'm not stupid like you think.
07:11 I'm better than Jacob and I'll show it to you.
07:15 I'll fall for you, but not me.
07:19 Desmond helped you to get this money?
07:22 Desmond, right?
07:23 Who?
07:24 Him! Him! Him!
07:26 Grandma,
07:30 please forgive me.
07:33 Desmond,
07:42 Christmas is a time of forgiveness.
07:47 Who am I to not forgive you?
07:51 Forgive me.
07:52 Thank you, Grandma.
07:59 Thank you so much.
08:02 I'm not done with you, Desmond.
08:08 I can't forgive you because I forgot everything.
08:12 I can forgive, but I cannot forget.
08:15 What do you mean?
08:19 I cannot let you in my house.
08:22 Not until you have proven that you have really changed.
08:26 What?
08:30 You don't need anyone to change.
08:34 If there's a way, there's a will.
08:36 We'll see if you really changed.
08:40 What are you saying?
08:42 You don't believe me?
08:44 How dare you!
08:48 I've been begging you to forgive me.
08:51 But what?
08:53 Is this all I'll get?
08:54 What were you expecting?
08:56 I'll open my house to you right away.
08:59 You just need to kill us all.
09:02 Why? Aren't you happy?
09:05 Because I forgave you.
09:06 Isn't that enough for you?
09:08 You're going to teach me?
09:09 This is all your fault.
09:12 You've always been hard on me.
09:16 You never believed me.
09:19 You never supported me.
09:23 You always block everything I do.
09:28 You never believed in me.
09:30 That's why I'm like this.
09:33 Because of you!
09:34 You have no conscience!
09:36 You never loved me.
09:38 You've always made me feel like I don't belong.
09:44 As if I'm not good enough to be a Monterreal!
09:46 Because you're not a real Monterreal!
09:48 You're not real!
09:50 Ana, what did you say?
09:53 Ana, let's go.
09:55 I don't mean anything by that.
09:57 I don't mean anything by that.
09:59 Lola, what are you saying?
10:00 Desmond, come inside.
10:02 Lola!
10:03 Desmond, what's wrong?
10:04 Lola, what do you mean by that?
10:05 Bro!
10:06 Bro!
10:07 Lola!
10:08 I'm sorry, bro.
10:09 Desmond!
10:10 Don't touch me!
10:11 Lola!
10:12 What do you mean by that?
10:14 Come on, come on.
10:15 Desmond, stop it.
10:16 Lola!
10:18 Let's go.
10:19 Aunt Sandra,
10:22 is it right for Lola Ana to be a Monterreal?
10:26 Uncle Desmond is not a real Monterreal.
10:30 Correct, Tonton.
10:31 You learned something from school.
10:33 Mom, what do you mean by that?
10:37 Nothing.
10:39 Lola Ana was just surprised that she said that.
10:42 Come on, drink your chocolate.
10:44 We have to go.
10:45 I don't want to waste the gifts.
10:47 Uncle Dindo is so clean.
10:49 He didn't leave anything.
10:51 You're so mean, Tonton.
10:53 You're always asking for gifts.
10:54 That's enough.
10:55 That's enough.
10:56 Let's go.
10:57 I don't want to waste the gifts.
10:58 Jemma, Claire, come on.
11:00 Let's finish our food.
11:01 Who wants to eat?
11:02 Me!
11:04 Me!
11:05 Me!
11:07 We're three.
11:09 Three people.
11:10 There's one more.
11:12 One more.
11:14 Jemma, what happened to Claire?
11:17 She said she's feeling guilty.
11:19 She said that feeling is the reason why Uncle Desmond is like that.
11:24 I'm hungry. Let's eat.
11:28 It's hot.
11:30 Be careful. It's hot.
11:33 You might get burned.
11:35 I'm so hungry.
11:36 Bring your gifts.
11:43 Is there a problem?
11:45 What's the problem?
11:47 This is a big tent.
11:50 What's the problem?
11:51 There's no gift.
11:52 I'm so confused.
11:54 What?
11:55 I'm so confused.
11:56 He said he's confused.
11:57 What's the matter with him?
11:59 I'm so confused.
12:01 It's a mess.
12:04 Let's go.
12:05 Let's go.
12:06 Let's go.
12:07 It's Christmas.
12:08 Let's go.
12:09 Let's go.
12:10 Let's go.
12:11 Let's go.
12:12 Let's go.
12:13 I'll give you a ride.
12:15 Let's go.
12:17 I was so surprised, Maria.
12:21 I shouldn't have said that.
12:24 I don't want to get involved in this.
12:30 Ana, it's not your fault.
12:33 But Maria, I promised myself I'll keep this a secret forever.
12:39 I promised myself that I'll keep it a secret.
12:44 Ana, didn't we promise each other about Desmond's true identity?
12:56 And I promised myself that he won't know about it.
13:02 Thank you, Maria.
13:06 No one should know about this.
13:09 Especially Desmond.
13:12 Yes.
13:13 Claire?
13:25 Do you need someone to talk to?
13:28 Claire,
13:35 it's not your fault why Desmond became like that.
13:41 So, don't blame yourself.
13:45 Sandra,
13:48 how can I tell Desmond the truth?
13:52 Maybe he really wants to start a new life.
13:56 Claire,
14:01 it's not that easy to believe him.
14:07 But Sandra, I'm a newbie.
14:10 Maybe he already thought about it.
14:15 Right?
14:19 Claire, maybe you understand why it's not that easy to accept that Desmond has changed.
14:27 But let's just see.
14:31 Let's see what he will do if he really changed.
14:37 You're right, Sandra.
14:40 I don't want to believe him anymore.
14:44 I feel sorry for him and I remember Kyla.
14:49 Claire,
14:50 let's just see.
14:53 Let's just see what he will do if he really changed.
14:58 And I'm sure that Grandma Ana will know about it.
15:02 Grandma Ana rejected my acting.
15:08 It's hard for me to cry.
15:10 Boss, it's Christmas.
15:13 Let Desmond do his acting.
15:17 Let them be quiet.
15:19 That's why I came to you on Christmas.
15:22 It's a strategy.
15:24 The problem is, he's a smart old man.
15:27 But he said something.
15:30 Boss, you can go home now.
15:37 My family is waiting for you.
15:39 Maybe that's what you're thinking.
15:45 Go home and get ready.
15:47 Come back early tomorrow.
15:49 Thank you, Boss.
15:50 Merry Christmas.
15:52 Because you're not a real Monterreal.
15:59 You're not real!
16:02 You're not real!
16:03 Son, tomorrow,
16:17 we will bring your mom and dad.
16:19 We will bring them a lot of food and gifts.
16:23 Mom, how did you know?
16:26 I haven't finished saying it yet.
16:28 Do you know what I want?
16:31 Because you're my son.
16:33 That's why I can feel
16:35 what will make you happy.
16:37 And not only that,
16:39 after we go to your house,
16:41 we will have a massage.
16:43 So, take a rest.
16:45 Jennifer,
16:51 you understand what happened
16:54 to your Uncle Desmond earlier, right?
16:57 Yes, Mom.
17:01 Ton-Ton told me earlier
17:04 that he's the one who's at fault
17:06 that's why you two lost each other.
17:08 Did Ton-Ton hit you?
17:11 No, no, it's not like that, Son.
17:13 And,
17:15 it's not like that anymore.
17:17 Mom, it's Christmas again.
17:21 That's why we should all say goodbye.
17:24 You know what, Son?
17:29 I wish it's that easy.
17:32 But you know,
17:34 it's hard to trust someone like Desmond.
17:38 Ah, I know.
17:42 Grandma ate all the bread.
17:45 Uncle Desmond ate all of it.
17:47 That's right.
17:50 Grandma is running out of patience.
17:53 That's why if Desmond really changed,
17:57 he should have proven it.
17:59 Let's sleep.
18:02 You guys sit here, Stanley.
18:16 Son, we're home.
18:21 Are you going to sleep?
18:24 Yes.
18:26 Let's go home.
18:27 Thank you.
18:29 Dad,
18:43 what's happening to my family?
18:46 Our family.
18:49 Let's go home.
18:50 We'll get through this, Stanley.
18:59 I promise you.
19:00 But only if we start becoming a family again.
19:17 It's mother calling again.
19:19 Eventually, Stanley, we have to talk to her.
19:26 We need to convince her to admit her responsibility
19:31 for what she did.
19:33 Are you still smelling?
19:41 She used the balloon.
19:43 That's why you smell so good.
19:46 I'm your mother.
19:48 I always smell good.
19:49 Mom, are we going to be married?
19:52 If you didn't tell me,
19:54 we're not yet in our mother's womb.
19:56 Here, here.
19:57 You're going to be married.
19:58 Michelle and I have to go.
20:01 Where?
20:02 To Sandra again?
20:04 Yes, Michelle is pregnant.
20:07 Is there a problem?
20:08 Come on.
20:11 Take this.
20:14 Michelle,
20:15 when you get there,
20:18 ask your grandmother for me.
20:20 Okay.
20:21 Boss,
20:29 I brought you food.
20:30 Contact your friend at NSO.
20:33 I need to get my birth certificate.
20:36 Boss,
20:42 her family is in Hong Kong.
20:44 Call them.
20:46 Maybe she has someone here
20:47 who can give her the order.
20:49 Boss,
20:51 what if
20:52 she's alone and smells bad?
20:54 And she'll be mad at me
20:57 if I call her during the wedding.
20:59 I just want to make sure
21:01 that what grandmother said
21:02 means nothing.
21:04 I want you to contact her tomorrow.
21:07 Wait, why is it like
21:11 you're talking so loud?
21:12 Are you getting old?
21:15 You don't want to?
21:17 No, boss.
21:18 Okay,
21:20 clean up the food.
21:21 Yes, sir.
21:22 He's talking so loud.
21:25 Don't tell anyone.
21:37 Yes, dad.
21:38 I know.
21:39 I'll go now.
21:40 Michelle, wait.
21:46 Give this to your mom, Sandra.
21:51 She won't accept it.
21:53 Wait, dad.
21:58 Will my story be ruined
22:01 if you give this to her?
22:04 It's better.
22:08 Give it to her.
22:09 Next time,
22:10 I'll give it to her
22:11 when she's with us.
22:13 Okay.
22:15 Michelle,
22:17 behave yourself.
22:18 Don't be naughty.
22:20 Yes, sir.
22:21 Mom,
22:29 no,
22:30 that's not even.
22:31 This is thicker.
22:34 Is that okay?
22:37 Tin,
22:38 where are they?
22:39 Mom,
22:41 Claire is here.
22:42 She said,
22:44 Sandra will be here soon.
22:45 Good,
22:47 so that you can go to many places.
22:48 Wait,
22:50 you'll take care of the kids,
22:53 okay?
22:54 What if mommy
22:55 has a handsome guy?
22:56 You forgot to take care of the kids.
22:58 Grandma Maria,
22:59 that's what my sister does
23:00 when she's in the mall.
23:01 She's so annoying.
23:02 She forgets us.
23:03 But,
23:05 mom,
23:06 but,
23:07 mom,
23:08 I just want to ask,
23:09 what's the problem
23:10 with Tunya?
23:11 There.
23:12 Wait,
23:16 wait.
23:17 Ton-Ton,
23:18 hurry up,
23:19 you're leaving.
23:20 Fix your tie.
23:22 Ana,
23:26 can you stop thinking about that?
23:30 Everyone celebrates,
23:34 even the bad guys
23:36 like Desmond.
23:37 Maybe,
23:39 no one will bother us.
23:41 And,
23:43 we'll surely rest.
23:45 Okay?
23:46 Let's go.
23:47 Jennifer is here.
23:50 Let's go.
23:52 I'm getting wet.
23:55 By the way,
24:01 I didn't hear
24:02 your kid calling you.
24:04 Maybe, he's dead.
24:05 You know what grandma Ana said?
24:08 That I'm not a real Monterey.
24:10 Don't run!
24:14 Don't run!
24:15 Don't run!
24:16 Michelle?
24:17 Mom?
24:19 Are you hiding something,
24:22 Aunt Claire?
24:23 What did you do?
24:25 I'm the reason
24:27 why I went to Sandra
24:30 to see Mio.
24:32 [Music]
