Kyle Richards Will Spend Christmas With Ex Mauricio Umansky (EXCLUSIVE)(1)

  • last year
Kyle Richards Will Spend Christmas With Ex Mauricio Umansky (EXCLUSIVE)(1)


00:00 - Okay, we're here at Kathy's house.
00:03 As a fan, I loved seeing you, Kathy, and Kim together again.
00:08 What does that mean to you to have you guys all together?
00:11 - Well, I think, you know, for me,
00:13 the most difficult part when my sisters and I
00:15 would have issues were during the holidays,
00:17 because that's when you want to be
00:18 around your family the most.
00:19 So it's great that we're all here together
00:21 and we're kicking off Christmas.
00:23 And my sister, Kathy's home is like the most magical.
00:27 It's like Disneyland at Christmas time.
00:29 - I've heard there's snow in the back.
00:31 There's snow, there's trees, like Nikki basically--
00:34 - I don't know how many trees there are, so many.
00:37 - Nikki basically told me that Mariah Carey's here
00:40 and then Kathy is all the way up.
00:42 - Oh, wait.
00:43 - Good for the queen of Christmas.
00:44 - She really is.
00:44 And I mean, I don't even know if people realize
00:47 how long these decorations stay up for.
00:50 - Maybe like half a year?
00:51 - I'm thinking maybe longer, I don't know.
00:54 I mean, it's a little strange, I'm not gonna lie,
00:56 but it's still great.
00:57 - It's Christmas year round at Kathy's house.
00:59 If you go down to the bottom floor of the house,
01:00 I think it is year round actually.
01:03 - I mean--
01:04 - Don't tell, don't say I said anything.
01:05 - I love it.
01:06 And I love how supportive your sisters have been
01:09 and are being during this tough time for you.
01:11 What did that mean to you?
01:13 - Well, you know, no one knows you like your family does.
01:15 So, you know, they'll send me, you know, text messages
01:18 and I haven't been great about reaching out and sharing
01:21 because I'm someone who kind of like,
01:23 likes to keep to myself when I'm going through a hard time.
01:25 So I don't think that, you know,
01:26 Kim was exactly thrilled about that,
01:28 but they always, you know, let me know
01:29 that they are there for me and support me and they love me.
01:33 So that's all I need to hear.
01:35 - Kim did tell us that she had a dream
01:38 before the news of the separation
01:40 and like a couple of days before.
01:42 And I was like, oh, okay.
01:44 - I didn't even know about this.
01:46 - Had a dream.
01:46 Well, we did see that you and Mo
01:48 spent Thanksgiving together.
01:51 A lot of fans are like, does that mean anything?
01:54 Or is it just, you know, your co-parenting,
01:56 you're family at the end of the day.
01:57 - We are a family and, you know,
01:59 we've always been a very bonded family
02:01 and we don't want to lose that
02:03 regardless of what we're going through.
02:05 So, you know, we're just trying to keep it
02:06 as normal as possible while we're just taking space
02:09 and taking it a day at a time.
02:10 - You guys have plans to spend Christmas together too?
02:14 - We are, we will spend Christmas together actually in Aspen.
02:17 I know, I think it's maybe weird for some people,
02:19 but I don't know, we've never been a couple that fight.
02:23 So, you know, even though this has been a very difficult time
02:27 we are still in a position where we can like
02:30 be under the same roof and get along
02:32 and keep it together for our family.
02:34 - You guys are still living together, right?
02:36 - We do, I know, I know.
02:38 I mean, trust me, even as I say it, it sounds strange to me,
02:40 but I never imagined I'd be in this position
02:42 in a million years after being married so long.
02:44 So, you know, I don't know,
02:47 everything's strange right now, to be honest.
02:49 - We want to do what's best for you.
02:52 At the end of the day, however you navigated it
02:54 and however you guys navigated it together, you gotta do you.
02:57 - Well, you know, we've grown up together.
02:58 We've been together more than half our lives.
03:00 So, you know, it's hard to just lose that, you know?
03:04 So for me, I'm just trying to do the best I can.
03:08 I'm trying to take care of my health physically, mentally,
03:11 and just to be as strong as I can.
03:13 - Which I love, and I love that you're showing that
03:15 on this season of "Beverly Hills."
03:17 I need to ask, because it is Christmas time,
03:19 who was on the naughty list and who was on the nice list
03:22 with the cast this year?
03:23 - Sutton is gonna get the naughty list card.
03:28 And the nice list, I'm looking at Teddy over here.
03:31 I'm waiting for the nice list again.
03:33 Who was the nice list?
03:35 I mean, there was a lot of nice list people,
03:37 but I'm gonna go with Erica.
03:40 Yeah, she's always, you know, had my back
03:42 and just always supported me no matter what,
03:46 even when it was, you know, difficult
03:48 because of what was going on with Kathy and everything.
03:50 So I always remember that.
03:53 - Now, Sutton is allegedly coming tonight.
03:56 So are we gonna like avoid her
03:58 or are we gonna say name 'em?
04:00 Name 'em to her. - Name 'em.
04:01 That was pretty iconic.
04:03 When I was sitting there, I was like,
04:04 I can already see the memes coming.
04:06 I see them now.
04:08 I mean, I was just at my wits end.
04:10 I kept saying, "Let me name them.
04:12 "I'm happy to name them.
04:14 "I'm happy to answer the questions."
04:15 But they actually cut out to me leaving,
04:17 or I was happy to answer all her questions,
04:19 but then it was a whole other situation of,
04:23 I don't know what we call what was going on that night,
04:25 but I didn't really know what,
04:25 I was like, "Okay, I think we're done.
04:27 "I'm gonna peace out."
04:29 But if she were to come here right now,
04:30 I of course would be nice.
04:32 (upbeat music)
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