• last year
Brooke's Powerhouse Business Story! The Bold and the Beautiful
00:00Hey YouTube, hey Bold and the Beautiful fans. So rumor has it there's going to be this big business powerhouse business story
00:07For Brooke Logan. So what can we expect?
00:11Okay. Now it looks like there's going to be a little bit of a you know focus on Brooke in the coming
00:17You know weeks maybe when it comes to some sort of business venture
00:22Maybe this has to do with Brooke and her past and I was thinking maybe this has something to do with the belief formula
00:29Okay, so we'll have to see what that is
00:31But it looks like Brooke could be you know
00:34Venturing into a new business story and then when that's gonna bring her and hope closer together, too
00:39Okay, so that sounds really interesting and you know, we've seen hope to you know
00:45kind of talk about how she doesn't want to repeat some of the mistakes that her mom made and
00:50And maybe that that's one of the reasons why hope didn't want to jump back into a marriage with Thomas. Okay
00:57But you know hope and Thomas now, you know Thomas is in Paris
01:01we don't know when
01:03Matthew Atkinson's gonna return and when Thomas and Thomas is going to return with Douglas and if Thomas will return on his own or if
01:10We'll have someone with him. We thought maybe he returned with Ivy, you know, but obviously we know that's not the case
01:17We'll see if he returns with somebody or if he returns home and win, you know
01:21But it doesn't look like hope and Thomas are gonna be getting back together either
01:26So we'll have to see how the two of them navigate through, you know working together on a daily basis
01:33Of course Thomas isn't with hope for the future anymore. But at some point I'm assuming Thomas will be back at Forrester Creations. Okay
01:41But it looks like Brooke is getting this big powerhouse business story
01:45Okay, and something that kind of you know focuses on her as this legendary icon, okay at Forrester Creations
01:53So I'm thinking this could have something to do with maybe bringing back the belief formula or something similar to that
02:00Or maybe her own line like they had, you know Brooks bedroom or something like that
02:05So we'll have to see you as we learn more what this big story is gonna be but it's gonna be one where it looks
02:10Like hope will be you know, you know growing a bigger bond with with her mom
02:15At Brooke and not that the two of them aren't already close, but there are some issues there, too
02:21but it looks like
02:22This is gonna help them grow together and it's gonna be a focus on Brooke as a legendary character at Forrester Creations
02:30So I have to see what this is gonna be all about, but it's a really cool and intriguing story
02:34So it'll be fun to see Brooke back in the spotlight. So keep it here for updates and we'll see you in the next video
