Visuals from Chennai show cars floating as roads get inundated with water as Michaung Cyclone gears up to hit northern Tamil Nadu on Monday forenoon. Social media users have shared visuals from the waterlogged streets of the state as well as the airport. “Merciless” rain in a span of 12 hours have inundated their residential areas. Some other videos show heavy winds blowing, while some show vast swathes of land under water. .
#CycloneMichaung #TamilNadu #CycloneMichaungTamilNadu #TamilNaduRainsInundated #ChennaiRains #CycloneMichaungDestruction #Michaung #IMD #CyclonicStorm #BayOfBengal #Odisha
#CycloneMichaung #TamilNadu #CycloneMichaungTamilNadu #TamilNaduRainsInundated #ChennaiRains #CycloneMichaungDestruction #Michaung #IMD #CyclonicStorm #BayOfBengal #Odisha
00:00 Visuals from Chennai show cars floating as roads get inundated with water as Michau Cyclone
00:17 gears up to hit northern Tamil Nadu on Monday for noon.
00:21 Social media users have shared visuals from the waterlogged streets of the state as well
00:24 as the airport.
00:25 Merciless rains in a span of 12 hours have inundated the residential areas.
00:30 Some other videos show heavy winds blowing while some show vast swathes of land underwater.
00:35 Cyclone Michau, which is predicted to make landfall in southern Andhra Pradesh on Tuesday,
00:39 has hit northern Tamil Nadu.
00:41 Due to this, the Tamil Nadu government has announced a public holiday on December 4 and
00:46 urged private companies to consider a work-from-home option for its employees.
00:50 As many as 118 trains have been cancelled due to the inclement weather.
00:55 The state government has deployed disaster response force personnel and made arrangements
00:58 with additional inventory such as 3 lakh electricity poles, machinery such as cranes and requisite
01:04 vehicles.
01:06 Many people in the vulnerable areas of the state have been reallocated to relief camps.
01:10 The Tamil Nadu government has housed 685 people from vulnerable areas in 11 relief camps.
01:16 In Chennai alone, 162 relief centres have been readied.
01:21 Control rooms have been set up and 14 state disaster response teams comprising 350 personnel
01:26 and 9 national disaster response force teams of 225 personnel have been stationed in coastal
01:30 regions.
01:32 The government has also released the following helpline numbers.
01:41 Cyclone Michau is expected to move northwards from Haryan and cross south Andhra Pradesh
01:46 coast between Nellore and Machilipatnam tomorrow.
01:49 For more information on the latest news, subscribe to One India channel and never miss an update.