Cardinals Dominate Steelers 24-10 in Arizona-Pittsburgh Clash

  • last year
00:00 Mhm. Got time for one mor
00:04 the break, Arizona Cardin
00:07 Steelers, the Cardinals,
00:10 and again, Joe, like what
00:12 showed up, Kyler Murray w
00:15 back again. They didn't s
00:17 this week winning 24 to 1
00:21 Uh, the Cardinals with wi
00:23 Murray only 145 yards and
00:27 overall Cardinals going o
00:29 the win. What did you tak
00:30 City Joe? Yeah, pretty im
00:34 being able to come out an
00:35 dominating fashion. I did
00:37 Steelers defense would be
00:40 and put a lot more into t
00:43 coming in as the favorite
00:47 and a half in this game.
00:49 them at all. So I did look
00:52 able to keep this one tig
00:54 to get the win. We do kno
00:55 out of Mitch Shabeski cam
00:59 Still, this is a Steelers
01:03 have been able to hold th
01:05 I wasn't impressed with t
01:07 out of them. Mike Tomlin
01:11 record. Could this be his
01:14 season here? Because Drew
01:17 pretty for them right now
01:20 I mean, looking at the re
01:22 Pittsburgh here guys and
01:24 that. I mean, a great coa
01:27 I almost say multiple dec
01:29 sure when he got to Pitts
01:31 at 75 it is in jeopardy.
01:34 defense has played so wel
01:36 away from betting the Ste
01:38 are two in 10 under trend
01:42 you're looking to bet Pitt
01:44 putting up 10 points agai
01:46 something to scratch your
01:48 at the A. S. C. North sta
01:52 and five Browns, seven an
01:55 the nine and three Ravens
01:58 at the bottom playing in
02:00 at five and six. How many
02:03 this A. F. C. North gets
02:06 the A. F. C. I mean for t
02:09 is going to come right do
02:10 there is a lot of teams j
02:14 you think more than one g
02:16 from the north division?
02:19 don't. It's Baltimore Rav
02:22 then looking at these oth
02:24 don't have that much faith
02:26 You look at the Cleveland
02:28 their faith and then I do
02:31 Bengals have a chance the
02:33 right now. So maybe, but
02:37 there. And I think if any
02:39 count on my tumbling to b
02:41 team back around to a win
02:44 there's just not many tea
02:47 seven in the A. F. C. I m
02:50 the jets, the paths and t
02:53 Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah.
