Mechanic Constructs Drivable 'Upside Down Truck' | Ridiculous Rides

  • last year
Rick Sullivan with his upside down truck in Clinton, Illinois. A man has built an incredible upside down truck that looks like a flipped-over vehicle. Rick Sullivan spent six months and $6,000 building the topsy-turvy truck from the parts of two separate vehicles.The road-legal car is created from a 1991 Ford Ranger pickup truck with a 1995 F-150 pickup truck body placed over the top - upside down.
00:00 00:32 COMM: No, your screen hasn't been turned
00:17 upside down.
00:18 This bizarre truck is built to look like it's been flipped.
00:23 00:41 COMM: Mechanic Rick Sullivan spent six months
00:31 building the unusual vehicle in his breakdown garage in Clinton, Illinois.
00:34 00:50 RICK SULLIVAN - People are amazed.
00:35 I mean it's one of those things that when you first see it, it's hard to recognise what
00:39 it is, but when you take the second look then they pull me over and want to look at it closer.
00:44 00:58 COMM: Rick, who runs the garage with his wife
00:47 Kathy, got the design idea when he was called to rescue an overturned Ford Ranger.
00:52 01:06 RICK SULLIVAN - As we were approaching the scene, there was a pick-up truck that
00:56 was rolled over on its top in about ten inches of snow, with all four wheels sticking up
01:01 in the air.
01:02 I said, "Hey, I'll bet you I can recreate that."
01:04 01:19 COMM: Inspired by the concept, Rick set about
01:07 putting his idea into reality.
01:09 01:25 RICK SULLIVAN - We collected parts from a Ford F-150, then on the drive train it is
01:17 a '91 Ford Ranger, and we tore the body off of it and transformed the F-150 upside down
01:26 onto the '91 Ford Ranger.
01:28 The truck cost me $6,000 to build and it took me six months to complete.
01:33 01:42 COMM: The truck is a big hit with Rick's nephews,
01:36 who love being taken out in the attention-grabbing vehicle.
01:39 01:47 RICK SULLIVAN - Hi Brody, hi Brock.
01:41 You ready to go for a ride?
01:42 01:49 BROCK - Yeah.
01:43 RICK SULLIVAN - Want to go to Dairy Queen?
01:44 01:51 BROCK - Sure.
01:45 RICK SULLIVAN - Alright.
01:46 01:53 BROCK - The reason I'm so proud of it is, it's because it's upside down, probably.
01:50 And there's only one of it in the world.
01:53 Our friends are very jealous that we get to ride in these cool cars.
01:57 02.01 COMM: And the upside down creation turns heads
01:59 in town.
02:00 02.06 RICK SULLIVAN - I thought it was a car that had been tipped over, that's what it's
02:03 supposed to represent I think.
02:05 02.14 RICK SULLIVAN - What it looks like is, somebody took the frame of a car and put it
02:11 on there, but you know your first reaction is that something's wrong.
02:15 02.21 RICK SULLIVAN - I would like to have one myself, and simply because of the uniqueness
02:19 in it.
02:20 02.25 BROCK - The amount of pictures from cell phones, I would say is somewhere around
02:24 a thousand pictures a day.
02:25 02.37 COMM: Luckily for Rick, his wife supports his
02:28 crazy building projects, even if he keeps her in the dark about what he's building.
02:33 02.44 BROCK - When I brought home the upside down truck, my wife had no idea.
02:36 02.49 RICK SULLIVAN - I was at work and he called and said, "You need to come outside."
02:42 So I went outside, it was amazing the reaction to, and the people were stopping in the street
02:49 and it was a lot of fun.
02:51 03.01 RICK SULLIVAN - Yes I would say Rick is car crazy, and his mind is always thinking
02:56 about what the next project's going to be.
02:58 03.05 COMM: The truck may have turned his world upside
03:00 down, but Rick is already planning the next exciting build.
03:03 03.07 RICK SULLIVAN - I will keep the truck, I will never sell the truck.
03:07 I do have a car building project for the future, just keep watching the streets because it's
03:11 coming.
03:14 (explosion)
