• 2 years ago
00:00 I'll tell you one thing that I'm really,
00:01 I was just sitting down at my tent
00:02 and I was thinking, I went to,
00:04 I came to COP two years ago,
00:06 and it was my first COP,
00:08 and I was asked to talk at Time 100,
00:10 what time did that, I think it was Time 100.
00:12 As I was sitting talking about why I was there,
00:15 I watched beef getting handed out,
00:17 fish getting handed out,
00:19 and then the vegetarian risotto option,
00:21 and I remember calling it out a little bit,
00:24 and I would like to congratulate you, Time 100,
00:27 for having a plant-based dinner tonight.
00:29 I'm here to talk about the climate
00:34 and how the fashion industry is responsible
00:36 for a lot of damage,
00:37 and I'm mostly here, though,
00:38 and I'd love you all to please come to my installation
00:41 over in the green zone.
00:43 I'm mostly here to provide solutions,
00:46 and I think that's really what I do at Spelling Carney
00:48 with my team, my amazing team,
00:50 that got this award as well.
00:52 So we're here showcasing around 20 incredible innovation
00:58 creators and businesses, and they're all there,
01:01 and it's basically showing all of the solutions
01:03 that we use at Spelling Carney,
01:06 a whole host of things from non-plastic-based
01:09 vegan leathers that are made from rubber
01:12 that are actually scalable, which is super exciting,
01:15 and enzyme breaking down of polyesters.
01:20 We have some bio-leathers that are made out of the waste
01:25 of the champagne industry that basically uses grape skins,
01:29 and they're all there, and I'd love to invite you all to come.
01:31 So that's why I'm here.
01:32 I'm showcasing the solutions,
01:34 and I'm also letting people know
01:35 about the fashion industry's need,
01:38 most of all for policy change and incentives.
01:42 So really, if anyone here can help me change laws
01:45 in my industry, we're pretty unpoliced,
01:48 and I'm here to try and get a seat at the table
01:51 and make some laws that can protect the planet in fashion.
01:54 So thank you for having me.
01:56 (audience applauding)
