中国游客赞大马免签 “来马旅游太方便了!”

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 中国和印度人民入境大马免签证30天措施正式开跑的第一天,移民局也增设柜台,加速为游客们办理入境手续。随着免签入境措施从即日起生效,也有中国游客在受访时表示,不少中国游客都认为免签措施让他们觉得到大马旅游很方便。(主播:颜江瀚、黄宇恒)


00:00 On the first day of December,
00:02 which is also the first day of the official opening of the 30-day visa exemption for Chinese and Indian tourists,
00:08 many media outlets have stationed at the counter of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport Immigration Bureau
00:13 to see the overall situation of the tourist entry.
00:15 Let's take a look at the photo.
00:17 As you can see, on the first day of the visa exemption,
00:20 the counter of the airport immigration bureau is not called a crowd,
00:24 but the immigration bureau still increased the counter
00:26 to speed up the process of entering for these tourists.
00:29 Many Chinese tourists said when they were interviewed that
00:32 the visa exemption made them feel that it was very convenient to travel to Malaysia.
00:37 Another international student who was going to transfer from Australia to Denmark and return to China said
00:43 that he arrived in Kuala Lumpur last night.
00:45 Since his flight was delayed for a day,
00:47 he was very happy to hear that he was exempted from the visa.
00:52 He could take advantage of today's time to visit the city center of Kuala Lumpur.
00:56 In addition, a representative of the Guangdong International Chamber of Commerce also mentioned
01:00 that he was going to come to Denmark a few days ago,
01:03 but after he heard the news of the visa exemption,
01:06 he decided to postpone the date of arrival of the flight for a few days
01:09 and his companions who traveled with him all entered Denmark through visa exemption.
01:13 He also believes that the visa exemption will attract more Chinese tourists and businessmen
01:18 to travel and invest in Denmark.
01:21 Some tourists from China have positive feedback on the visa exemption.
01:27 In order to ensure that foreign tourists can take care of the Danish doorstep
01:31 when entering Denmark,
01:34 the immigration bureau director, Bruce Lin, said that
01:37 the immigration bureau will set up 14 entry counters at the International Airport in Kuala Lumpur
01:42 to deal with the increasing number of tourists.
01:44 He also mentioned that in order to ensure that tourists who have a 30-day visa exemption
01:49 can travel to Denmark, they will be supervised by the immigration bureau.
01:52 The immigration bureau will form a special group of 25 people,
01:56 including the director of the immigration bureau of each state.
01:59 In order to prevent the visa exemption,
02:01 the tourism industry has also been in a good shape for a period of time.
02:06 Liang Weihong, the president of the Danish Tourism Association, said that
02:09 with the implementation of the visa exemption measures in Denmark and China from today,
02:14 he predicts that the number of Chinese tourists coming to Denmark
02:16 will increase significantly in the second half of the year.
02:20 When he was interviewed by the New York Times,
02:22 he said that since the visa exemption measures had just begun,
02:25 many Chinese tourists and people had just received the news.
02:29 Therefore, I believe that this month
02:31 there may not be a large number of Chinese tourists coming to Malaysia.
02:35 Liang Weihong revealed that
02:37 many tourists from China are now talking about
02:41 booking flights to Denmark during the lunar new year.
02:46 But everything is still in the discussion stage.
02:48 He also mentioned that the local tourism industry is also beginning to appear.
02:51 This phenomenon of talent retreat,
02:52 including tour guides, drivers, etc., are gradually returning.
02:55 Not only that,
02:56 he also saw that the local travel agency has started hiring more people.
03:00 I believe it is to deal with the situation of increasing tourist numbers.
03:05 So from these signs,
03:07 he believes that the visa exemption measures will definitely help revitalize the local tourism industry.
03:12 Finally,
03:14 with the visa exemption measures officially in force,
03:17 Danish Ambassador Norman said
03:19 that the Prime Minister of China, Anwar, has invited
03:22 President Xi Jinping to visit Malaysia
03:24 and hopes to increase the number of Chinese tourists to 5 million people a year
03:29 to promote the economic growth of Denmark.
03:31 Norman also said that
03:32 Denmark has the ability to fully receive tourists
03:35 and hopes to increase the number of tourists
03:36 to encourage Chinese investors to come to Denmark to find business opportunities.
03:41 [Music]
