FTS 9:30 30-11: Israel carries out large scale incursion in Palestine

  • last year
FTS 9.30
*Local Mining Company expresses willingness to engage in dialogue in Panama
*COP28 stars in United Arab Emirates
00:00 In Palestine, in the early hours of the day, and within hours of the announcement of another
00:14 date of truce, the Israeli forces seized all points in Gaza.
00:22 And in Panama, in view of the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice, the local mining
00:26 company insisted that it comply with the laws and affirmed that they are open to dialogue.
00:34 The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
00:38 Change started its session in the United Arab Emirates.
00:45 Hello, welcome to From the South.
00:49 I am Anais Razabal from TESTV Studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin with the news.
01:11 On Thursday, in the early hours of the day, and within hours of the announcement of another
01:15 date of truce, Israeli forces seized several points in Gaza.
01:20 The violent incursion on Leib's dead formed dead and arrested people.
01:24 The extension of the truce was announced five minutes before the end of the two days that
01:28 had been previously extended.
01:30 However, early in the morning humanitarian organizations reported that the city of Tul
01:35 Karem and Edfer Fish Camp were invaded by the Zionist forces.
01:39 After causing extensive destruction with bulldozers, they took over the streets and neighborhoods
01:43 in the south and east of the city.
01:46 Bedouin snipers stormed the refugee camp and destroyed residents' private property.
01:51 The assaults provoked a clash with local youth who were shot.
01:55 Also in Jerusalem, only six Palestinian youth were injured.
02:04 Both Hamas and Israel have agreed to extend the humanitarian truce for another day, bringing
02:09 some relief to thousands of Palestinians who have been on their siege for weeks.
02:14 But there is uncertainty in the Gaza Strip as negotiations to reach a new agreement become
02:18 more difficult.
02:19 For more details, I co-correspond with the Gaza Strip.
02:22 No harrassing, bring us to date.
02:26 The truce extended for one more day.
02:29 However, the fact of the delay of the announcement of this truce proves that things and negotiations
02:37 are becoming even more difficult and more harder.
02:41 Today, at 7 a.m. in the morning, it was the time where the truce expires, and at 6.55,
02:48 exactly, both Israel and Hamas announced that they will be extending the truce on the same
02:54 conditions.
02:55 Hamas, from its side, will be releasing eight Israeli hostages and the bodies of three Israelis
03:03 that were killed during Israel's very intensive strikes and shelling on Gaza, while Israel,
03:10 from its side, will be releasing 33 Palestinian prisoners at the same time.
03:21 However, it shows that this brokered truce by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States is
03:28 getting more difficult.
03:30 The reason behind this, apparently, is there is no civilians, no Israeli civilians anymore
03:37 here in Gaza.
03:38 We're talking about bodies now, especially those who were killed during Israel's attacks
03:45 on Gaza.
03:46 And, actually, the Palestinian militant groups have warned of this before, over and over
03:52 again and repeatedly.
03:54 Abu Ubaidah, who is the spokesperson of al-Qassam Brigades, the militant wing of Hamas, said
04:00 that people, that Israeli hostages are being killed because of the crazy, intensive Israeli
04:09 shelling and Israeli strikes on Gaza.
04:13 They said that at least 50 people of them were killed.
04:17 However, looking at what is happening now on the ground, maybe Hamas is putting more
04:22 conditions like for Palestinians here in southern Gaza to go back to northern Gaza, maybe to
04:29 completely lift the siege on the coastal enclave.
04:32 No one really knows, actually, what is happening behind the closed door.
04:36 However, we can say that the negotiations are getting harder.
04:40 Nurhar Rezian, TELESUR, Gaza.
04:44 In Palestine, Islamic resistance group Hamas released civilians of Russian nationality.
04:50 In West, the Russian citizens identified as 50-year-old Yelena Trupanov and 73-year-old
04:56 Irena Tati are under custody of the Red Cross.
04:59 From Gaza, they worked from Frankfurt to Egypt to undergo medical studies.
05:04 The two women will then be handed over to Russian diplomatic personnel.
05:07 The Israeli army claims that the two hostages are accompanied by an elite unit of the Israeli
05:13 defense forces.
05:18 The displaced Palestinians in the Gaza Strip moved towards the north to return to their
05:22 homes and find out the conditions in which they are left, after more than a month and
05:27 a half of Israeli siege.
05:29 According to figures from the United Nations organization, more than 1.7 million Palestinians
05:34 have been displaced within the framework of the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip,
05:39 which started on October 7.
05:42 Local media reports that the ongoing bombings of Tel Aviv is causing citizens to flee north
05:46 in Gaza.
05:48 Sources assured that citizens took advantage of the truce agreed between Israel and Hamas
05:53 to return to their homes and see what they could recover among the rubble.
05:57 Some of the displaced people returned to their homes and ensured that they were there to
06:02 send a message to the world on the Israeli occupation.
06:07 UN Deputy Secretary-General Amin al-Jaymeh Mohammed called for full humanitarian ceasefire
06:14 in Gaza, adding that the UN remains committed to ensuring that Palestinians have a right
06:19 to live in peace and dignity.
06:22 Her remarks come on the international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people,
06:26 which was held on Wednesday in New York.
06:29 In a statement on behalf of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Mohammed said the dialogue
06:34 resulting from the release of hostages must continue.
06:37 For his part, the president of the 78th session of the General Assembly, Denis Francis, said
06:42 that the situation not only remains unresolved but it is deteriorating before our very eyes
06:48 and an alarming rate for innocent civilians, especially women, children and the elderly,
06:53 bearing the brunt of drowning out of violence, deprivation and uncertainty.
06:58 "We mark this annual occasion for the 45th time.
07:03 We must reflect on our collective failure to realize the inalienable rights of the Palestinian
07:08 people and enable them to live in peace and dignity.
07:12 For the past six days, the guns have fallen silent.
07:16 We have seen the release of Israeli and foreign hostages held by Hamas and others since 7th
07:21 of October and the release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails.
07:27 This is a glimmer of hope in the darkness.
07:29 The dialogue that led to this agreement must continue, leading to a full humanitarian ceasefire."
07:35 UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Wednesday called for a decisive and irreversible
07:41 move towards a two-state solution to the conflict between Palestine and Israel.
07:47 On the occasion of the international date of solidarity with the people of the occupied
07:51 territories, the UN chief called for unity and demanded an end to the occupation and
07:57 blockade of Gaza.
07:58 Guterres deplored the death and destruction that engulfed the region following the events
08:03 of October 7th, and extended his condolences to the thousands of families mourning their
08:08 loved ones, including members of the United Nations itself who were killed in Gaza.
08:13 The Secretary-General urged progress towards a two-state solution based on UN resolutions
08:19 and international law, with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security
08:25 with Herzegovina as the capital of both states.
08:31 Intense negotiations are taking place to prolong the truce, which we strongly welcome.
08:37 But we believe we need a true humanitarian ceasefire.
08:42 And we must ensure the people of the region finally have a horizon of hope, by moving
08:48 in a determined and irreversible way towards establishing a two-state solution on the basis
08:55 of United Nations resolutions and international law, with Israel and Palestine living side
09:01 by side in peace and security.
09:03 It is clear that before the pause we witnessed serious violations.
09:09 Beyond the many civilians killed and wounded that I have spoke of, 80% of Gaza's people
09:16 have now been forced from their homes.
09:22 This growing population is being pushed towards an ever smaller area of southern Gaza.
09:28 And of course, nowhere is safe in Gaza.
09:31 Let's take a short break.
09:35 But remember you can join us on TikTok @DalasStudioEnglish, where we'll find you using different formats
09:39 in your days and more.
09:41 Other studies coming up, stay with us.
09:43 Welcome back.
10:06 On Wednesday, in Panama, in the face of Supreme Court decision, the local mining company insisted
10:12 that it was compliant with the law and reiterated that it was open to dialogue.
10:17 The mining company added that it will clarify the issues related to environmental obligations,
10:23 emphasizing that it understands the legal decision and calling for a constructive dialogue.
10:29 On the other hand, the platform Social Trade Union and Indigenous Movements reaffirmed
10:34 the rejection of the mining activity and demanded the immediate departure of the Canadian company
10:39 First Quantum from the country.
10:41 The rejection of the mining in Panama was literally paralyzed.
10:46 Glasses were suspended in search of the measure that the Supreme Court finally decreed on
10:50 November 28th.
10:56 In Ecuador, the National Assembly Parliament forewarned this Wednesday the impeachment
11:00 trial against former President Guillermo Lasso, a case of embezzlement.
11:05 The impeachment trial against Lasso was suspended last May after the former president decreed
11:10 he crossed death, a mechanism with which he dissolved the legislative and called for early
11:15 elections.
11:16 At that time, the debate and vote that would take place five days later was still pending.
11:22 This Wednesday, the judicial process was resumed from that point in the proceedment of that
11:26 session.
11:27 Last May, the Unicameral Parliament of Ecuador initiated the impeachment trial against the
11:32 banker for the crime of embezzlement, for having knowledge of alleged irregularities
11:38 in the contract between the state-owned float up Petrolera Ecuadoriana and the company Amazon
11:44 Stankert, and then having acted as a preventer for the damage to the state.
11:53 Venezuela implements the Plan República, a national strategy to guarantee the distribution
11:58 of electoral material, security and order before the December 3rd referendum voting
12:04 process.
12:05 To learn about the progress of the process and another detail, let's watch the following
12:10 report by correspondent Glais Quezada.
12:15 From Wednesday, November 29th and until December the 4th, Venezuelan authorities enforced Plan
12:20 República, which translates as Republic Plan, a nationwide strategy that guarantees voting
12:27 material distribution, safety and order ahead of every voting process.
12:32 On this occasion, the plan sets the details for the consultative referendum on the Guayana
12:38 and Zequiba region on December the 3rd.
12:45 The men and women of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces are working alongside with the
12:53 National Electoral Council since days ago, and today, one of the key activities of the
13:00 National Bolivarian Armed Forces to enhance democracy as it is the Republic Plan materializes.
13:09 84,000 electoral officers will be at the voting tables.
13:14 55,000 operative assistants will provide guidance and the necessary support for all voters who
13:21 require it.
13:22 Also, there are over 28,000 voting tables in over 15,000 polling centers all over the
13:30 country.
13:31 Over 20,600,000 voters are registered.
13:34 The electoral authorities and the national institutions highlight the unity of all political
13:40 and social sectors facing Sunday's referendum.
13:44 This time, the only program, the only option is to vote five times yes for national sovereignty
13:57 for our homeland and the defense of something that always has been, I would say, a culture
14:03 of our own since we were children in the schools, the defense of the Esquibo, the defense of
14:09 our territory, the defense of our sovereignty.
14:16 We are going to raise an untameable voice against the theft of lawful exploitation and
14:32 illegal the mismanagement that the political elite is carrying on by stealing from the
14:38 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and extracting oil and gas in a territory that has not been
14:45 defined by the instrument that we consider legitimate, the proper one, the Geneva Agreement.
14:58 The Venezuelan people will go to the polls to ratify a stance and a historical claim
15:03 on the Guayana-Esquibo region on December the 3rd, despite the opposition of the government
15:09 of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and the U.S.
15:13 Gladys Quezada, Telus for English, Caracas, Venezuela.
15:19 Argentina's Congress announced far-right Javier Millet as the country's president on Wednesday,
15:24 an informality held before the economy's eco-office on December 10th.
15:28 In a session chaired by the outgoing Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner,
15:33 deputies and senators complied with what was established by the Argentine constitution
15:37 after Millet's victory in the November 19 runoff election.
15:42 According to official results reported by the Legislative Commission during the assembly,
15:47 Millet and his vice president-elect, Vitoria Villarroel, for Libertad y Abanzas, obtained
15:52 14.54 million votes against the ruling Ferenc party led by the Minister of Economy, Zahir
15:58 Masa, with 44.35% of the total.
16:12 Text read is submitted for consideration.
16:14 It is approved consequently.
16:16 The citizen Javier Eduardo Millet is proclaimed President of the Argentine Republic for the
16:21 period from December 10, 2023 to December 10, 2027, and also proclaimed Vice President
16:29 is the citizen Victoria Villarroel for the same period.
16:33 The pertinent communications will be made now.
16:38 We have a second short break coming up.
16:40 Before we invite you to join our website community for our English-speaking audience.
16:45 You can scan the QR code on screen to join directly and share the link to reach more
16:50 people.
16:51 Post the news, coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the rest of the
16:55 world.
16:56 Stay connected and informed with tell us more.
16:59 Final short break, don't go away.
17:19 Welcome back.
17:20 On Thursday, the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention
17:25 on Climate Change, a key meeting for the future of humanity, opened in Dubai, the capital
17:30 of the United Arab Emirates.
17:32 Dozens of help states and governments will be attending this global meeting on the global
17:36 warming emergency to, among other important talks, conduct the first global staking after
17:42 the 2015 Paris Agreement comes into force, from which they will draw up a plan of action
17:48 to drastically reduce emissions and protect lives and livelihoods, a mighty starting point
17:53 for the establishment of the Environmental Laws and Damage Fund.
18:00 Nigeria's president said this Wednesday that economic growth and national security were
18:05 among his main concerns, as he outlined his first budget since coming to power on launching
18:10 an ambitious reform agenda.
18:13 In a speech to lawmakers in the capital of Abuja, President Mbola Ahmed Tinubu said they
18:17 had tried to invest and addressing Nigeria's cost of living crisis were also cornerstones
18:23 of his $27.5 trillion-era, $34.84 billion budget proposal for 2024.
18:31 Nigerians are struggling with a trivial fuel crisis in Haraford Coast after Tinubu ended,
18:36 a fuel subsidy unfloated in Ara currency after taking office earlier this year.
18:41 But he insists the negative impacts will be temporary and have repeated calls for patience,
18:46 saying the move will benefit the country in the long run and attract more foreign investment
18:51 to Africa's largest economy.
18:52 The proposed budget seeks to achieve job-rich economic growth, macroeconomic stability,
18:53 a better investment environment, enhanced super-capital development, as well as property
18:54 growth.
18:55 The proposed budget seeks to achieve job-rich economic growth, macroeconomic stability,
18:56 a better investment environment, enhanced super-capital development, as well as property
18:57 growth.
18:58 The proposed budget seeks to achieve job-rich economic growth, macroeconomic stability,
18:59 a better investment environment, enhanced super-capital development, as well as property
19:00 growth.
19:01 The proposed budget seeks to achieve job-rich economic growth, macroeconomic stability,
19:02 enhanced super-capital development, as well as property growth.
19:03 The proposed budget seeks to achieve job-rich economic growth, macroeconomic stability,
19:04 enhanced super-capital development, as well as property growth.
19:05 The proposed budget seeks to achieve job-rich economic growth, macroeconomic stability,
19:26 enhanced super-capital development, enhanced super-capital development, enhanced super-capital
19:50 development, enhanced super-capital development, enhanced super-capital development, enhanced
20:16 super-capital development, enhanced super-capital development, enhanced super-capital development,
20:43 In Kenya, the death toll rose to 120 due to the floods laid by heavy rainfalls since October.
20:53 Authorities reported that some 36,000 people have been displaced due to the dose rainfalls
20:58 having hit the country.
21:00 They set up temporary camps to assist the affected citizens.
21:03 In this context, officials continue their search and rescue actions.
21:07 In the meantime, they urge the population to keep up the corresponding security measures.
21:13 On Wednesday, Greenpeace revealed that a sharp rise in sales of gas-guzzling sports utility
21:22 vehicles by the world's three largest automakers has wiped out any climate gain from the company's
21:27 transition to electric vehicles.
21:30 The fleet of SUVs produced by Toyota, Volkswagen and Hyundai-Kia have seen sales increase by
21:36 more than 150% over the past decade.
21:39 The companies are therefore moving in the opposite direction of global efforts to curb
21:44 CO2 emissions, Greenpeace reported.
21:47 The analysis dovetails with several research published earlier this month by the Global
21:52 Fuel Economy Initiative Expert Alliance, which found that the trend toward larger tubes is
21:57 preventing emission reductions in the auto sector.
22:00 Greenpeace said it's about 12% more carbon dioxide than sedans.
22:04 And we have come to the end of this brief, but before saying goodbye, we want to thank
22:13 our Caribbean audience, especially the audience of Trinidad and Tobago.
22:17 We are pleased to share our newscast and contribute to provide an alternative news source of the
22:21 latest world events.
22:22 You can find this and many other stories on our website, Batalasur English, down net,
22:28 and join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
22:32 Batalasur English, I'm Ana Rosabal, thank you for watching.
