سيولة أجنبية متوقعة في أسواق المنطقة مع تنفيذ مراجعة MSCI

  • last year


00:00 The markets in the Arab region are expecting a quarterly MSCI review at the end of the 30th of the next November.
00:11 How do the indicators related to the review look like and how has this affected the performance of the stocks since the announcement of the results of this review?
00:20 First, we look at the quarterly review and the companies that were included in the list of small companies.
00:29 Jamjoon Pharma and Al Matahin Al Oula have recently renewed their contract with the Saudi market or the first market.
00:37 They were included in the list of small companies.
00:41 The current foreign equity ratio is 3% and 1.5% for Al Matahin Al Oula.
00:47 The current equity ratio is 2.7% for Al Matahin Al Oula.
00:52 We also talk about the share of Jamjoon Pharma and Al Matahin Al Oula.
00:56 Both shares rose by 10% during the last period after the announcement of the results of this review.
01:04 These shares are rising because there are expectations of the entry of a lot of foreign money that comes after the application of these reviews.
01:14 This is why the share of Al Matahin Al Oula rose on the day of the application of the general review of Saudi stocks in MSCI.
01:21 After the review, the small companies were included in the list of 80 companies and 41 companies on the global index.
01:29 We also look at other companies in other markets that were upgraded or upgraded.
01:34 First, the real estate headquarters of MSCI, which has a foreign equity ratio of 10% for the company during this period.
01:47 Also in Kuwait, there were three companies included in the list of small companies.
01:52 The Arab Qabida Group, Kuwait Real Estate and STC Kuwait. These companies moved, specifically Kuwait Real Estate, moved strongly after the review.
02:05 The result of the review was in November 14.
02:08 The share of Omnivisq in Oman rose by about 17% after the review.
02:14 Not only that, but the White House also has a share in this review by including the Moroccan Bank of Commerce and Industry in the index.
02:23 Why is it the index of the emerging markets?
02:25 In Egypt, there was a different topic related to the changes in the Egyptian markets due to the difficulty of reaching the market,
02:33 despite the strong jumps in the market at the moment to avoid inflation, but they remain local jumps, mainly at this time for Egypt.
02:44 So, the markets are expected to be the result of MSCI during this session or after the end of the 30 sessions of the upcoming November.
