Experts Warn Against Eating Pufferfish After Death in Nantou

  • last year
Experts are warning against the consumption of pufferfish after an improperly prepared meal left one person dead and eight needing hospital treatment in central Taiwan.
00:00 Poisonous pufferfish. It's a delicacy in many parts of Asia.
00:04 But preparing the fish for eating is a rigorous process that takes years to master.
00:08 Pufferfish contain lethal amounts of tetrodotoxin,
00:12 a poison which can cause numbness, dizziness, and death.
00:16 Now, officials in Taiwan are investigating a meal of pufferfish soup and sashimi
00:22 that a restaurant owner in Nantou County shared with eight of his friends.
00:26 The man died and his friends have all ended up seeking hospital treatment.
00:30 Investigators say the restaurant owner was given the pufferfish by a fishing friend in
00:48 the northern port city of Jilong. He then cooked it himself and served it to his friends.
00:54 Officials are trying to identify the origin of the fish and are warning the
00:58 public not to catch or buy pufferfish from unknown sources.
01:02 And there is no antidote for pufferfish poisoning.
01:19 In Taiwan, pufferfish and other food-containing toxins are not allowed to be produced,
01:24 processed, or stored. Their consumption is discouraged, but not illegal.
01:29 And there is no certification process to sell it.
01:32 Should consumption cause food poisoning, restaurants can be fined up to $6 million,
01:36 a small price for the health risks posed by this dangerous delicacy.
01:41 Scott Huang and Tiffany Wong for Taiwan Plus.
