• 2 years ago
Recipe Dessert

A recipe that will sublime your strawberries and will take you to a French pastry chef level!

Crème mousseline :
- 2 cups milk (42 cl)
- 1 vanilla pod
- 4 egg yolks
- 2/3 cup sugar (125 gr)
- 1/2 cup corn starch (60 gr)
- 3/4 cup butter (190 gr)

Sponge cake :
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup flour (60 gr)
- 1/3 cup sugar (60 gr)

Syrup :
- 1/3 cup sugar (60 gr)
- 1/4 cup water (60 ml)

- 1 lb strawberries
- 5 ounces strawberry jam

See recipe on site: https://en.petitchef.com/recipes/dessert/fraisier-cake-the-french-way-to-heaven-fid-1568287