• 2 years ago
The last full sitting week of the parliamentary year in Canberra has ended in fury over the handling of 142 former immigration detainees. Under sustained questioning for most of the month the government tried to turn the tables hurling an accusation against Peter Dutton that he'd voted to protect paedophiles. It was eventually withdrawn but only after bitter complaint from the coalition.


00:00 "We saw the opposition led by the Leader of the Opposition come into the chamber and vote
00:12 to protect pedophiles over children. That's what they did."
00:16 "It is below contempt that the Minister in an attempt to protect herself would throw
00:22 a disgusting smear like that."
00:24 The Home Affairs Minister taking aim at her predecessor, accusing him of refusing tighter
00:28 visa conditions for people recently released from immigration detention in the wake of
00:33 this month's landmark High Court ruling on indefinitely keeping people behind bars.
00:38 "I would ask that you request the Minister to withdraw the reflection that was made."
00:44 "Someone with a glass jaw who can dish it out but can't take it."
00:48 Clare O'Neill's frontbench colleagues backing her in.
00:51 "The Home Affairs Minister has accused Peter Dutton of being a protector of pedophiles.
00:55 Do you agree with that?"
00:56 "Yes."
00:57 "Thank you very much Mr Speaker."
00:59 The opposition insisting the government's twisting the facts. Part of its bungled response
01:03 to the High Court's edict, with the Coalition demanding a political scalp.
01:07 "It calls on the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to resign.
01:12 Or for the Prime Minister to enforce accountability and to sack him."
01:17 In the midst of the fury in the House, rumblings from the government's own backbench were capturing
01:22 the attention of the Treasurer.
01:24 Jim Chalmers sitting down with Labor MPs this afternoon, concerned not enough's being done
01:29 to tackle pressures on Australian households, while the government keeps expensive tax cuts
01:35 on the books.
01:36 "As we've said a heap of times now, we haven't changed our position on the Stage 3 tax cuts."
01:41 From July, anyone earning between $45,000 and $200,000 a year will be taxed at the same
01:47 rate of 30%.
01:49 "It would seem ridiculous, it would seem very tone deaf I think to put these through when
01:54 so many people are struggling."
01:55 While more cost of living relief is unlikely, international forecasts from the OECD are
02:01 suggesting interest rate cuts may be on the way for borrowers.
02:04 They won't arrive in time for Christmas, but will be welcomed by voters and the government
02:09 if they come later next year.
