Running Away (2017)

  • last year
Sisters Maggie and Lizzie move in with mom Peg's new husband. Secrets and lies start immediately. Maggie cannot handle what follows and recruits a friend to help her plan to get out of town with her step father's secrets. When Peg discovers that her daughter has run away, she now has to find Maggie fast but must come to terms with the dark secrets that led to Maggie's fleeing and the secrets about her new husband.
00:00:00 (Dramatic music)
00:00:07 (Dramatic music)
00:00:15 (Dramatic music)
00:00:39 Go!
00:00:40 (Dramatic music)
00:00:59 (Dramatic music)
00:01:28 (Dramatic music)
00:01:38 (Horn honks)
00:01:42 Really? Watch it man!
00:01:45 Yeah, you better keep walking.
00:01:47 Okay, tool.
00:01:49 (Car engine)
00:02:05 (Phone vibrates)
00:02:14 Hello?
00:02:16 Uh, look, I don't have any money to pay you.
00:02:19 I'm sorry. Look, I know what I said last week.
00:02:22 But things are really tight here right now.
00:02:25 Can I just pay you next week?
00:02:27 Mom?
00:02:28 Please?
00:02:29 Hey, hey, listen, I have to go. I'm sorry. Next week.
00:02:32 Hey, Mom.
00:02:34 We need some cash for the pool.
00:02:36 Hey, get out of there and zip me up, please.
00:02:40 Okay, but I still need cash for the pool.
00:02:42 Hey, guy.
00:02:43 I gave you five yesterday.
00:02:45 Yeah, which is enough to get in.
00:02:47 But it's not enough if we want food or drinks.
00:02:50 We could go to the lake.
00:02:51 No.
00:02:52 Because that's free.
00:02:53 No. It's dangerous and unsupervised.
00:02:55 I want some food, Mom. Please?
00:02:58 I'm sorry. I'm out of cash. Eat before you go.
00:03:01 Ah! Sorry.
00:03:04 (Doorbell rings)
00:03:05 That's Richard.
00:03:06 I'll get it.
00:03:07 So?
00:03:12 Or is he sweeping you away due this time?
00:03:14 An afternoon concert at the Philharmonic.
00:03:16 And then dinner tonight. He won't tell me where.
00:03:19 And then next week he's taking us all to a ball game.
00:03:22 Oh. Great.
00:03:26 Look, Maggie, he's really nervous about hanging out with you and your sister,
00:03:30 so he just picked something that he thought you would like.
00:03:33 Baseball's not the problem.
00:03:35 I'm sorry. I know that I haven't been very available for you guys.
00:03:40 But I need this.
00:03:43 I haven't dated in, like, ten years.
00:03:46 What about Justin?
00:03:48 Hardly dating. He was remodeling the house.
00:03:51 Yeah, but you went out with him.
00:03:52 Well, just so he would stop overcharging me.
00:03:56 Can I take the card to the pool?
00:03:58 Yes. No kids in the car.
00:04:01 Of course.
00:04:07 Now this is a limited edition 1984 Roger Clemens rookie card.
00:04:13 Wow.
00:04:14 Yeah. I picked it up at a show yesterday.
00:04:17 Now that's easily worth $500.
00:04:19 And if you hold on to it for, say, I don't know, like ten years,
00:04:22 you're worth triple that. Maybe even five times as much.
00:04:26 Now that's for both of you.
00:04:27 Who's Roger Clemens?
00:04:29 Who's Roger Clemens?
00:04:31 Hey, beautiful.
00:04:32 Hey.
00:04:33 I can't believe your girls don't know who Roger Clemens is.
00:04:35 They're more of a football family.
00:04:37 Oh, Mom, you need to sign my permission slip.
00:04:39 Otherwise they won't let me into the pool.
00:04:41 All right. Hold on a second.
00:04:44 So, you guys going to the pool, huh?
00:04:47 Yeah.
00:04:49 Oh, yeah, 'cause I saw a few of your friends heading towards the lake.
00:04:58 Yeah. It's okay.
00:05:01 I got your back.
00:05:04 You'll tell if you won't.
00:05:07 Okay.
00:05:09 Hey.
00:05:12 See you later.
00:05:15 See ya.
00:05:21 Five bucks is not going to be enough.
00:05:22 No. Really?
00:05:25 We could sell this.
00:05:26 I like that idea.
00:05:31 What a liar.
00:05:33 It's totally worth 500.
00:05:35 Maybe even double that.
00:05:36 Well, how much is it?
00:05:39 A lousy 50 bucks.
00:05:41 Split it.
00:05:48 I have seen so much, and now the memories fade.
00:06:11 If Mom ever finds out that we're not at the pool, we're dead.
00:06:15 All my friends go to the pool.
00:06:16 Yeah, but none of mine do, and I'm kind of sick of hanging out with little kids.
00:06:20 I'm not a little kid.
00:06:21 Besides, you're only here for Tony.
00:06:24 Am not.
00:06:25 Mm-hmm.
00:06:39 You think I'll pop out as fast as you?
00:06:44 Hey.
00:06:46 Hi.
00:06:47 I wish I could -- No, I can't.
00:06:49 Lizzie's here.
00:06:52 I'm serious.
00:06:54 You know I'm not supposed to be dating.
00:06:57 Who says that we're dating?
00:07:02 Cool it.
00:07:04 Hey, Maggie.
00:07:10 Thank you.
00:07:11 You're welcome.
00:07:13 What's her problem?
00:07:16 She's mad at my mom.
00:07:18 This is the first summer we stayed home.
00:07:20 Usually we're camping or traveling or something, but my mom's been all wrapped up in Richard.
00:07:26 Richard?
00:07:27 Who's he?
00:07:28 I don't know.
00:07:29 He's this guy that owns a pawn shop.
00:07:32 But anyways, my mom's been going out with him and leaving his home alone all the time.
00:07:36 And you're not using that to get it on with Tony?
00:07:39 You're nuts.
00:07:40 He's hot.
00:07:42 Shut up.
00:07:43 He's right there.
00:07:46 Hey, guys.
00:07:47 Hey.
00:07:48 Hey.
00:07:57 So, Peg, will you please marry me?
00:08:01 Richard, I --
00:08:04 Was that a yes?
00:08:06 No.
00:08:07 I mean, I'm sorry.
00:08:09 Nobody's ever proposed to me before.
00:08:11 What about the girl's father?
00:08:13 Well, he always promised he would marry me, but he died two weeks after Lizzie was born.
00:08:18 I'm sorry. I just don't talk about him.
00:08:20 I promise to take care of you and your girls.
00:08:26 Come on. Don't leave me hanging down here.
00:08:31 Yes.
00:08:32 Yes?
00:08:33 Yes.
00:08:34 Yes.
00:08:35 All right.
00:08:38 Here we go.
00:08:40 Oh, baby.
00:08:41 It's beautiful.
00:08:45 Oh, what am I gonna tell the girls?
00:08:47 Well, that they have a new daddy.
00:08:49 Yeah, that'll sink faster than the Titanic.
00:08:52 I'm actually more worried about you than them.
00:08:54 How can I not like any child of yours?
00:08:58 Well, you've never been a father.
00:09:00 Oh, and teenagers.
00:09:02 Maggie's starting her senior year, and she's already a handful.
00:09:04 I coach girls softball, so I know all about boy crushes and hormones.
00:09:09 Oh, really?
00:09:10 Mm-hmm.
00:09:11 Well, Maggie plays softball.
00:09:13 See? We already have something in common.
00:09:16 And you won't have to raise the kids alone.
00:09:20 I've always wanted a partner in my life.
00:09:23 Thank you.
00:09:24 I love you.
00:09:26 I love you.
00:09:31 Come on. Let me hug you.
00:09:32 I can't. No, my mom's not home.
00:09:34 It's even better.
00:09:39 Okay. Okay, you really have to go.
00:09:42 Bye.
00:09:44 Bye.
00:09:47 [sigh]
00:09:55 Hey, Maggie, can I borrow your iPad?
00:10:11 Can you believe mom's not home yet?
00:10:13 Yes, she likes him.
00:10:15 Oh, she's being weird.
00:10:17 No, she's not. She's trying to be happy.
00:10:20 What's wrong with that?
00:10:21 Well, it's stupid, you know?
00:10:22 She should be herself, because that's what she's always telling us to do.
00:10:25 Hey, come here.
00:10:27 Oh, good night, sweetie.
00:10:28 Ew.
00:10:29 I love you.
00:10:30 I think I'm going to throw up.
00:10:33 Let's go talk to her.
00:10:35 Mom, we need to...
00:10:38 talk.
00:10:40 Sit down.
00:10:43 You know, I mean, it went really well this afternoon.
00:10:47 Um, this evening.
00:10:49 Tonight.
00:10:51 Dinner. Um...
00:10:54 You girls like Richard, right?
00:10:57 I mean, what's not to like?
00:10:59 I mean, he's handsome, he's well-off.
00:11:03 He's a really good man, and he's well-mannered.
00:11:07 And you know he used to coach girls' softball, right?
00:11:10 He's great, Mom.
00:11:12 [soft music]
00:11:17 What's wrong?
00:11:20 Um...
00:11:22 He proposed to me.
00:11:25 Can you believe it?
00:11:27 And you said yes?
00:11:29 Yes!
00:11:30 He's such a nice guy, and he's going to take such good care of me.
00:11:34 A-a-and you.
00:11:36 All of us.
00:11:37 Well, that's great, Mom.
00:11:38 You know, we had a really good time at the pool.
00:11:41 [soft music]
00:11:47 Mom, are you happy?
00:11:52 Yes, Lizzie.
00:11:54 Very much.
00:11:56 Come here.
00:11:58 [soft music]
00:12:03 Maggie.
00:12:05 Maggie!
00:12:06 What?
00:12:07 Have you ever seen Mom that happy?
00:12:09 She's drunk.
00:12:11 I guess he's not that bad.
00:12:12 And engaged isn't married.
00:12:15 Yeah, but what'll happen if they do get married?
00:12:17 So what?
00:12:18 He works in the city, which is like an hour away.
00:12:20 So we'd hardly even see him.
00:12:22 That's what you think, huh?
00:12:26 Nope.
00:12:27 Either he's moving in with us, or we're going to move in with him.
00:12:31 Because that is the way that marriage works.
00:12:35 [door slams]
00:12:39 Oh, no.
00:12:41 I hope she gets over him soon.
00:12:44 Girls!
00:12:45 Oh, Lizzie, there you are.
00:12:46 Maggie!
00:12:49 What?
00:12:50 I've decided we're going on a camping trip.
00:12:52 Really?
00:12:53 Yes.
00:12:54 So get packing.
00:12:57 [door slams]
00:12:59 [footsteps]
00:13:04 That's the last of it.
00:13:05 Yep.
00:13:06 Time to hit the road.
00:13:08 All right, girls.
00:13:10 Let's go.
00:13:11 I call shotgun.
00:13:13 [footsteps]
00:13:16 [door slams]
00:13:19 [birds chirping]
00:13:33 No, no, no, no.
00:13:34 It goes there.
00:13:35 No, it doesn't.
00:13:36 Maggie, I've done this before.
00:13:38 Yeah, and you do it wrong every time.
00:13:40 And you girls argue every time, and you're both wrong.
00:13:42 It goes right here.
00:13:44 [footsteps]
00:13:47 Help me up.
00:13:50 Hey, I brought dinner for everyone.
00:13:53 [laughs]
00:13:54 Hey, babe.
00:13:55 Hey, babe.
00:13:56 Thank you, but we're making hobo dinners.
00:13:59 Oh, hobo dinners.
00:14:01 What's that?
00:14:02 Dinner cooked in tinfoil.
00:14:03 We always do that when we camp.
00:14:05 Oh, well, all right, then.
00:14:07 Hobo dinners it is.
00:14:09 [laughs]
00:14:11 Okay, what can I do to help?
00:14:13 Well, you can hobo your hiney over to the car
00:14:15 and help me unload.
00:14:16 All right.
00:14:17 Nice tags.
00:14:18 [laughs]
00:14:19 [footsteps]
00:14:25 Oh.
00:14:26 Can you believe this?
00:14:29 Get used to it.
00:14:31 [sighs]
00:14:33 [footsteps]
00:14:35 [footsteps]
00:14:36 [fire crackling]
00:14:41 [sighs]
00:14:45 Um, I gotta go to the outhouse.
00:14:47 Anybody want to go with me?
00:14:48 No.
00:14:50 I'll go.
00:14:51 [laughs]
00:14:52 I'll be fine.
00:14:53 [laughs]
00:14:55 [footsteps]
00:14:57 Hey, you want one?
00:14:59 [footsteps]
00:15:02 Sure.
00:15:04 [laughs]
00:15:06 You're a naughty girl, aren't you?
00:15:09 So, uh, you know, in a week,
00:15:12 school starts in the city.
00:15:14 Actually, school starts in two weeks.
00:15:17 Hey, hey, what are you doing?
00:15:18 Don't do that.
00:15:19 You're gonna burn it.
00:15:20 You ruined it.
00:15:21 I like 'em burnt.
00:15:22 Besides, you aren't our boss.
00:15:24 Oh.
00:15:25 Well, I'll be marrying your mother.
00:15:27 So soon you'll be living in my house
00:15:29 and under my roof, my rules.
00:15:31 Your house?
00:15:33 Yeah, that's right.
00:15:35 What about our house?
00:15:37 The bank is gonna foreclose on your house.
00:15:39 Don't give your mother a hard time.
00:15:41 She's been through enough already.
00:15:43 Either she sells it or the bank takes it away.
00:15:46 We've already called the real estate agent.
00:15:48 That's it.
00:15:49 Now, listen to me.
00:15:50 There are rewards for those who are helpful
00:15:53 and for those who aren't.
00:15:56 [fire crackling]
00:15:59 Don't you push me.
00:16:02 ♪ ♪
00:16:08 Hey.
00:16:09 Oh, marshmallows.
00:16:10 I'll get the chocolate.
00:16:11 Oh, no, let me get the chocolate.
00:16:13 [chuckles]
00:16:14 [fire crackling]
00:16:17 [sighs]
00:16:20 What?
00:16:21 [fire crackling]
00:16:24 [water rushing]
00:16:28 [water running]
00:16:31 [door creaks]
00:16:42 [door creaks]
00:16:51 [door slams]
00:16:53 [sighs]
00:16:56 [sighs]
00:16:58 ♪ ♪
00:17:05 Just a minute.
00:17:07 ♪ ♪
00:17:11 I said just a minute.
00:17:13 ♪ ♪
00:17:19 [door creaks]
00:17:21 [door slams]
00:17:23 ♪ ♪
00:17:25 - No, no, no, no. - Let me go.
00:17:27 Let me go now.
00:17:28 Hey, hey, hey, Maggie, Maggie.
00:17:30 Are you okay?
00:17:31 Someone was watching me in the bathroom.
00:17:32 - What? - No way.
00:17:33 - I saw it. - Okay, I'll go check.
00:17:34 I'm gonna go check right now.
00:17:35 No, I saw it.
00:17:37 - Just be quiet. - We saw it.
00:17:39 Come on, come with me.
00:17:40 Come on, come on.
00:17:41 Come on, girls.
00:17:42 ♪ ♪
00:17:49 [chuckles]
00:17:51 ♪ ♪
00:17:58 [engine rumbling]
00:18:05 ♪ ♪
00:18:12 [door creaks]
00:18:14 [footsteps approaching]
00:18:17 All right, girls, help me unload and, uh...
00:18:20 Okay.
00:18:22 Oh, man.
00:18:24 If we were doing more of this camping,
00:18:25 I'll have to buy us an RV.
00:18:27 I can't sleep on the ground.
00:18:29 It's killing my back, sweetie.
00:18:31 Richard, I should have told them.
00:18:33 I just didn't want them to give you a hard time about it.
00:18:35 Well, it didn't work.
00:18:37 Did they say something?
00:18:38 No, it's--it's just when they don't
00:18:40 is when I worry.
00:18:41 Come on, it'll be okay.
00:18:43 They can't stay mad forever.
00:18:45 I got your back, whatever you need.
00:18:47 Okay?
00:18:49 [kisses]
00:18:50 Okay.
00:18:52 You unload the car, I'm gonna soak in the bath.
00:18:55 [soft music]
00:18:56 Oh.
00:18:58 ♪ ♪
00:19:05 Oh, Maggie.
00:19:08 [sniffles]
00:19:10 Your dad was sure handsome, huh?
00:19:13 He really loved holding you.
00:19:16 You know, he was the only one
00:19:17 that could get you to fall asleep.
00:19:19 He would sing you old Beatles songs.
00:19:22 [sniffles]
00:19:24 I wish I could remember more.
00:19:28 You know, I know that this is hard,
00:19:31 but you're gonna have to get through it.
00:19:34 Maggie, when I was your age, I worked two jobs.
00:19:38 You have it pretty good,
00:19:39 and Richard's got a nice big home.
00:19:41 Richard is a total jerk, and you don't see it.
00:19:44 Don't be rude.
00:19:46 All you care about is Richard.
00:19:49 That kind of disrespect is not acceptable.
00:19:52 Moving is unacceptable!
00:19:54 This engagement is unacceptable!
00:19:56 And Richard is a total scumbag!
00:19:59 [door slams]
00:20:02 [soft music]
00:20:05 ♪ ♪
00:20:11 Ugh.
00:20:12 God, she's been different since he's been around.
00:20:17 Have you seen Tony?
00:20:19 Uh, no.
00:20:21 I mean...
00:20:24 What's going on?
00:20:26 I don't know.
00:20:28 I told you, he didn't put out.
00:20:30 ♪ ♪
00:20:37 Maggie.
00:20:40 Maggie, I'm--I'm sorry, okay?
00:20:42 I just--
00:20:43 [thud]
00:20:44 ♪ ♪
00:20:48 Living room's all packed up.
00:20:51 [clattering]
00:20:53 What's wrong?
00:20:55 Maggie hasn't come home yet.
00:20:57 Uh, just an excuse to avoid work.
00:21:00 No, I--I slapped her.
00:21:03 And in the end, it'll make her stronger.
00:21:05 You'll see. Now give me some plates.
00:21:06 Mom, it's Maggie. Something's wrong.
00:21:08 Where is she?
00:21:09 She's outside.
00:21:10 Oh, man.
00:21:13 It's Maggie. She's been hurt.
00:21:15 Maggie.
00:21:17 Maggie.
00:21:19 Oh, my God, you smell like booze.
00:21:21 All right, let's--let's get her up.
00:21:23 Come on, come on, sweetie.
00:21:24 I'll get you up now.
00:21:25 Come on up.
00:21:27 She beat up Tony and his new girlfriend
00:21:29 hit her on the head with a bottle.
00:21:31 She beat up Tony?
00:21:32 Maggie, who's Tony?
00:21:33 He's a jerk, Mom. He had it coming.
00:21:35 Oh, my God.
00:21:37 Eric, I thank you for bringing her home.
00:21:39 Don't worry about it.
00:21:41 Honey, okay?
00:21:43 You okay, sweetie?
00:21:45 [coughing]
00:21:47 God damn it!
00:21:49 These shoes cost $200!
00:21:51 I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:21:53 I'm sorry.
00:21:55 Maggie, come on.
00:21:57 Come on.
00:21:58 I am so sorry.
00:21:59 Come on, babe.
00:22:00 I'm sorry, baby.
00:22:01 That's all right. I'll just--
00:22:02 I'll just hose them off.
00:22:03 Okay, I'm sorry.
00:22:04 Come on, baby.
00:22:06 God damn it.
00:22:08 [coughing]
00:22:17 How long?
00:22:18 How long have you guys been skipping the pool?
00:22:20 Lizzie, all summer.
00:22:22 Shut up, Lizzie.
00:22:23 No one her age is at the pool.
00:22:25 Has she been drinking all summer long?
00:22:27 There's always people drinking.
00:22:28 I can't believe you two.
00:22:29 And who's Tony?
00:22:31 He's no one.
00:22:33 [coughing]
00:22:37 All right, stay with her until she's done.
00:22:39 I'm gonna go check on Richard.
00:22:41 Lizzie said that they've been going to the creek
00:22:48 all summer long.
00:22:49 Wow, so no supervision.
00:22:51 All summer.
00:22:53 Oh, sorry.
00:22:55 This probably isn't the first time
00:22:57 that she's been drinking either.
00:22:58 Well, first time she got caught.
00:23:00 Probably sex and drugs, too.
00:23:03 You know, she brought this Tony to my house.
00:23:06 She's gonna be a real handful next year.
00:23:09 I'm just glad the high school she's going to is proper.
00:23:12 Hope she fits in.
00:23:15 Yeah.
00:23:18 Me too.
00:23:20 [sighing]
00:23:23 [car driving]
00:23:26 [beeping]
00:23:29 [music playing]
00:23:32 [car driving]
00:23:35 [music playing]
00:23:38 [car driving]
00:23:41 [music playing]
00:23:44 [car driving]
00:23:47 [music playing]
00:23:50 [car driving]
00:23:53 [music playing]
00:23:56 Holy hell.
00:23:58 Lizzie, language.
00:23:59 This place is huge.
00:24:00 Hey, hey, hey.
00:24:02 My family.
00:24:04 My beautiful bride.
00:24:05 Hey, baby.
00:24:06 Hello.
00:24:08 I was just having a little dip in the pool.
00:24:10 There's a pool?
00:24:11 There is.
00:24:12 It's a cool place, Richard.
00:24:14 Thank you.
00:24:15 Oh, I do have some ground rules.
00:24:17 I have some expensive artwork and collectibles,
00:24:20 so please don't touch them.
00:24:22 Also, that's my office in there.
00:24:24 That's off limits.
00:24:25 That's my space.
00:24:26 Can I go check out the pool?
00:24:28 You can.
00:24:29 Go ahead.
00:24:31 I have something cool to show you.
00:24:33 Wait right here.
00:24:34 [music playing]
00:24:38 Now, your mother said that you play softball.
00:24:43 Oh, Babe Ruth.
00:24:45 Yeah, Babe Ruth.
00:24:47 It's been authenticated.
00:24:48 That's his real signature.
00:24:50 Worth a lot?
00:24:51 Oh, some treasures you can't put a price on.
00:24:57 Want to see your room upstairs?
00:24:59 Guess I should.
00:25:00 [laughs]
00:25:02 [music playing]
00:25:05 You're doing so good.
00:25:07 I'm a little nervous.
00:25:09 Don't be nervous.
00:25:10 Am I sweating?
00:25:11 You're sweating a little bit, yeah.
00:25:12 OK.
00:25:13 I think she's going to like her room.
00:25:15 Would you like to see your room?
00:25:17 Mm-hmm.
00:25:19 Let's go on up.
00:25:20 [music playing]
00:25:24 It's pink.
00:25:30 Hey, yeah, it is.
00:25:32 Well, yeah, this was the previous owner's daughter's room.
00:25:35 I just haven't had a chance to repaint or anything.
00:25:37 I'm sorry.
00:25:38 Well, maybe you'll let Maggie repaint it.
00:25:41 You know, she's an artist.
00:25:43 Oh, yeah, sure, whatever you want.
00:25:46 Maybe.
00:25:47 This is your room.
00:25:48 You paint it whatever color you want.
00:25:51 Thank you.
00:25:52 You're welcome.
00:25:53 [sighs]
00:25:54 [school bell rings]
00:25:56 [chatter]
00:25:59 Maggie, I know that change is hard,
00:26:01 but sometimes it's for the best.
00:26:03 [laughs]
00:26:05 Ugh.
00:26:08 Have a nice day.
00:26:10 [car door slams]
00:26:11 Here's the class schedule.
00:26:14 Woodshop.
00:26:16 No, I didn't ask for any of these classes.
00:26:18 They're all we had left.
00:26:20 [door opens]
00:26:21 [chatter]
00:26:24 Hello.
00:26:25 I'm Chip.
00:26:26 I've been forced to be a peer mediator
00:26:28 because I was deemed a recluse by Principal Donnemeyer.
00:26:30 Hello, Chip.
00:26:32 You keep that up, and you will be suspended.
00:26:36 Right, well, Chip, thanks, but no thanks.
00:26:39 Um, it's a big school.
00:26:41 You'll get lost.
00:26:44 [door opens]
00:26:45 Oh, hey, watch it, you ass.
00:26:48 What?
00:26:50 I wouldn't cuss too loud.
00:26:52 Donnemeyer hates that.
00:26:54 [school bell rings]
00:26:55 You're late.
00:26:56 Come on.
00:26:57 Next class is near mine.
00:27:00 [clears throat]
00:27:01 I'm Maggie.
00:27:03 Chip.
00:27:05 Like, microchip.
00:27:08 [laughs]
00:27:13 Maggie.
00:27:14 Oh.
00:27:15 [music]
00:27:22 Hey, Maggie.
00:27:24 Hey, uh, ma-macrochip.
00:27:27 Microchip.
00:27:28 Right.
00:27:29 How was the first day?
00:27:31 Um, it was boring.
00:27:35 I don't suppose you know anything cool to do around here.
00:27:38 Uh, sometimes.
00:27:40 I-I work a lot.
00:27:42 Yeah, where do you work?
00:27:43 My dad's pool company.
00:27:46 Neat.
00:27:50 So there's this thing on Fridays where a bunch of us,
00:27:53 you know, like, listen to music and hack.
00:27:56 Maybe you want to stop in sometime.
00:27:58 It's cool if you don't.
00:27:59 [laughs]
00:28:01 You hack?
00:28:02 Like, computers or like, bank accounts?
00:28:06 Um, no, it's like we practice hacking.
00:28:08 Like, like each other.
00:28:09 Of course.
00:28:10 [horn honks]
00:28:13 That's my ride.
00:28:15 I'll see ya.
00:28:18 Hey, cool.
00:28:19 See you tomorrow.
00:28:21 Our officials are signed by the California State Athletic Commission.
00:28:24 Our physicians and ringsign, Dr. Michael DeLuca, Dr. Mario Peralta.
00:28:29 The nightkeeper at the bell, Aaron Conso.
00:28:32 The judge and the ringsign, John Thomas, Raul Pais,
00:28:37 and Ernie Sanders.
00:28:39 Our referee for our first five-game game, Vince Delgado.
00:28:44 The rules of the California State Athletic Commission,
00:28:46 the referee does not score in the foul.
00:28:50 Here we go this is our first five-game game, middle-eighths,
00:28:53 point round.
00:28:54 [announcer speaking]
00:29:13 I'm going to bed.
00:29:19 Hey, where you going?
00:29:21 Bed.
00:29:23 Okay.
00:29:24 Made a cocktail for you.
00:29:25 Nice.
00:29:26 Fight on tonight, Sanchez versus Diaz, and it's a big deal.
00:29:30 I was hoping for something romantic like the notebook.
00:29:33 Oh.
00:29:34 ♪ ♪
00:29:58 Have a good one, Chip.
00:30:04 Hey, Megs.
00:30:05 I'm going shopping with Lizzie to get school supplies.
00:30:07 You want to come?
00:30:08 It's a Saturday, and I don't really want to do school on Saturdays.
00:30:13 Okay.
00:30:14 Richard is golfing, so you be good.
00:30:17 Okay.
00:30:18 ♪ ♪
00:30:45 [golf ball bouncing]
00:30:50 [golf ball bouncing]
00:30:55 ♪ ♪
00:31:20 [golf ball bouncing]
00:31:25 ♪ ♪
00:31:35 [golf ball bouncing]
00:31:50 ♪ ♪
00:32:15 [golf ball bouncing]
00:32:25 ♪ ♪
00:32:35 [golf ball bouncing]
00:32:50 No, no, 5 G's.
00:32:51 Don't insult me.
00:32:52 Are you crazy?
00:32:53 It's not worth my time.
00:32:54 It's got to be 50 G's or nothing.
00:32:58 Oh, it's crazy.
00:33:00 Now look.
00:33:01 5 G's, that's an insult.
00:33:04 ♪ ♪
00:33:33 [golf ball bouncing]
00:33:36 ♪ ♪
00:33:48 The ball moved, so that's a stroke.
00:33:51 You owe me a grin.
00:33:52 I'm not going to discuss it, so I'll call you later.
00:33:57 Oh, all right.
00:33:59 Let's see what our little girl's been up to.
00:34:04 She...
00:34:10 All right.
00:34:13 ♪ ♪
00:34:24 What the hell?
00:34:27 We all have secrets, Maggie.
00:34:29 You keep mine,
00:34:32 and I'll keep yours.
00:34:34 Now that I've seen you,
00:34:36 you can stop coming on to me in front of your mother.
00:34:40 That's not polite.
00:34:42 Oh, and don't you ever steal from me again.
00:34:48 You understand me?
00:34:50 ♪ ♪
00:35:17 Hi, sweet pea.
00:35:18 Hey.
00:35:19 Did you ask me to go better?
00:35:20 Oh, much.
00:35:21 Thank you.
00:35:22 Maggie give you any trouble?
00:35:24 Nope, not even a little bit.
00:35:25 That's nice.
00:35:26 [knocking]
00:35:28 Who is it?
00:35:30 Hey, babe.
00:35:32 Popcorn?
00:35:33 I'm okay.
00:35:39 Uh, what's going on?
00:35:41 Well, Mama,
00:35:44 I guess I got to tell you something.
00:35:47 What?
00:35:48 I don't really know.
00:35:49 [knocking]
00:35:50 Hey.
00:35:51 Hey.
00:35:52 I'm going to run down to the convenience store
00:35:54 because we're low on beer.
00:35:57 I just bought you a six-pack.
00:35:59 Oh, yeah.
00:36:00 Well, uh, Lauren stopped by.
00:36:02 We had a few.
00:36:04 You just missed him, sweetie.
00:36:05 Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:36:07 So, Maggie, family movie night, 15 minutes.
00:36:09 Everyone downstairs.
00:36:10 Sound good?
00:36:12 Be back in ten.
00:36:14 Okay, babe.
00:36:20 Maggie, what's--what's going on?
00:36:23 Do you mind if I just skip the movie night?
00:36:27 No.
00:36:28 No, baby.
00:36:29 Just feel better, okay?
00:36:33 [door opens]
00:36:43 [music]
00:37:00 Hey, come on.
00:37:02 Hey, come on, give it back.
00:37:03 Come on, guys.
00:37:04 Get off of him!
00:37:06 Hey!
00:37:08 Enough.
00:37:09 You two, come with me.
00:37:12 Mrs. Taylor, we have procedures here.
00:37:15 If someone did touch Maggie,
00:37:17 she should have come directly to me.
00:37:19 We have a zero-tolerance policy towards violent behavior.
00:37:23 I'm afraid she will have to be suspended for three days.
00:37:26 Three days?
00:37:27 Yes, and I would suggest that she review
00:37:30 the dress code guidelines.
00:37:32 We like to give our students the freedom to dress how they want,
00:37:36 but some outfits, they're just overly suggestive.
00:37:39 And while Maggie's suspended,
00:37:41 she's not to be seen on the campus for any reason.
00:37:44 I just don't believe this.
00:37:46 I do.
00:37:47 This place is full of idiots.
00:37:50 Maggie.
00:37:53 I'm sorry.
00:37:59 Chip, get in here.
00:38:03 Maggie.
00:38:05 Maggie!
00:38:06 Hey, hey, wow, what's going on?
00:38:09 Suspended.
00:38:10 Three days.
00:38:11 Wow, she must have really hit that guy hard.
00:38:14 You know, I've never seen her this angry.
00:38:16 I don't know.
00:38:18 Maybe she needs counseling for all the drinking.
00:38:20 And I wasn't paying any attention.
00:38:22 I didn't know what she was wearing.
00:38:24 She's always just been my little Max.
00:38:27 You know, counseling never works unless the person who needs it wants it.
00:38:31 Now that's just my two cents.
00:38:33 Yeah, you're right.
00:38:35 Look, a lot of people are giving up their prep time to cover my classes.
00:38:39 Go, get out.
00:38:40 I'm home, she's fine.
00:38:41 Thank you.
00:38:42 Yeah.
00:38:44 [door opens]
00:38:50 [door closes]
00:38:57 Now, I don't care what vice says they found.
00:38:59 I don't handle the sales ticket.
00:39:01 You pin it on Gary.
00:39:02 That's who's being paid to take the fall, you hear me?
00:39:04 Now get the pawn shop open again.
00:39:06 I got a lot of money to run through there, damn it!
00:39:12 Oh, God.
00:39:17 [sighs]
00:39:18 [music]
00:39:22 Well, well, well.
00:39:24 Will you look at this day.
00:39:26 Just a little vodka.
00:39:28 I figured we would finish off the bottle you were sneaking from last night.
00:39:32 I wasn't.
00:39:34 [laughs]
00:39:36 Come on now, don't lie to me.
00:39:39 Liars are unattractive.
00:39:41 Don't make me call Peg.
00:39:43 [laughs]
00:39:45 Let's get rid of the evidence.
00:39:46 [music]
00:39:54 It's always better to have a drinking buddy.
00:39:57 Buddy.
00:39:58 [laughs]
00:40:00 [moans]
00:40:03 Yeah.
00:40:05 Hits the spot, doesn't it?
00:40:07 [moans]
00:40:08 [laughs]
00:40:10 Did you know my father's favorite drink's the Mai Tai?
00:40:13 No clue.
00:40:15 [laughs]
00:40:18 [moans]
00:40:20 [laughs]
00:40:25 We are having scotch.
00:40:27 [moans]
00:40:32 You are bad.
00:40:36 And you have no idea.
00:40:39 [laughs]
00:40:41 Oh my God.
00:40:43 Can you imagine if Mom walked in right now?
00:40:47 You let me worry about your mother.
00:40:49 You just enjoy that drink.
00:40:51 Oh.
00:40:53 Thank you.
00:40:55 [music]
00:41:04 Mmm.
00:41:06 [music]
00:41:32 Stop that.
00:41:35 Stop it.
00:41:36 I'll tell my mom.
00:41:38 She won't believe you.
00:41:40 Uh-huh.
00:41:42 She won't believe you because you're a drunk and a liar.
00:41:46 And you've been asking for this.
00:41:48 No.
00:41:49 Yes.
00:41:50 And that's why you didn't say anything yesterday.
00:41:52 And now there's no going back.
00:41:55 Oh.
00:41:57 You'll do what I say when I say it.
00:42:00 And you won't ever say a word.
00:42:02 Ever say a word.
00:42:04 Ever.
00:42:05 [laughs]
00:42:07 [moans]
00:42:09 [music]
00:42:27 [music]
00:42:40 [breathes heavily]
00:42:44 [music]
00:42:49 [gunshots]
00:42:51 [music]
00:42:59 [music]
00:43:13 Man, do you have Mom P.O'd.
00:43:17 Hey.
00:43:18 She kept telling me how she can't trust you anymore
00:43:21 and that she doesn't know if a boy really grabbed your butt
00:43:23 or if you just let him because you're kind of a tease.
00:43:26 Did he?
00:43:27 Yeah, he did.
00:43:29 Are you okay?
00:43:31 Yeah.
00:43:32 I'm fine.
00:43:34 Well, Richard talked Mom into letting me babysit the people down the street tonight,
00:43:38 even though it's on a school night.
00:43:41 And I met a cute boy at school.
00:43:42 His name's Adam Roth.
00:43:44 He's into modeling, you know.
00:43:46 Good for you.
00:43:48 You know, I never thought I'd be glad to say that they got married,
00:43:50 but Richard is actually a cool guy.
00:43:52 Stay away from him.
00:43:53 Maggie, why would you say that?
00:43:55 Just be careful.
00:43:57 Okay?
00:43:58 Okay.
00:44:00 I'm gonna go do my homework.
00:44:02 Okay.
00:44:03 [music]
00:44:11 [sigh]
00:44:24 Hey, hey, hey.
00:44:25 Where are you going?
00:44:27 It's getting late, Lizzie.
00:44:28 Lizzie isn't back yet.
00:44:29 I'm getting worried, so I thought I would go down there and grade some papers until she came.
00:44:34 Come on.
00:44:35 You worked enough today.
00:44:37 She's fine.
00:44:39 She's got a key.
00:44:41 Right?
00:44:46 Maggie, what are you doing?
00:44:48 Why are you so late?
00:44:49 They locked their keys in their car.
00:44:51 What are you doing up?
00:44:52 It's a school night.
00:44:54 Not for me.
00:44:55 Remember?
00:44:57 Oh, right.
00:44:59 $200 from Mexico.
00:45:01 Mexico?
00:45:03 Yeah.
00:45:04 It's a summer school trip with Spanish Club.
00:45:06 We moved here too late to sign up, but someone canceled.
00:45:09 Wow.
00:45:11 Mom's letting you go?
00:45:12 Well, I figured I'd save majority of the money up before I asked her, so we have a better chance.
00:45:19 Did you know that Mom ran away when she was 16?
00:45:23 No.
00:45:24 Seriously?
00:45:25 Yeah.
00:45:26 Why?
00:45:27 I don't know.
00:45:28 But she said that she had the time of her life, and it's where she met Dad.
00:45:31 Really?
00:45:32 I thought she met him at a movie theater.
00:45:34 No, she made it up.
00:45:36 He worked in a restaurant.
00:45:41 Tell me again what he was like.
00:45:48 He'd come home from construction.
00:45:50 He'd be wearing this dirty blue shirt, and it had Jason written in cursive.
00:45:55 I remember I'd untie his laces, and I'd take off his boots.
00:46:01 And Mom would get so mad because there'd be sand everywhere.
00:46:06 But I didn't care, because it meant that he was home, and I was on top of the world.
00:46:18 Sometimes I feel like he's watching me from heaven.
00:46:25 Me too.
00:46:31 Hi.
00:46:34 Hi.
00:46:35 Hi.
00:46:36 I never got to thank you earlier, so thank you.
00:46:39 No problem.
00:46:42 Are you okay?
00:46:43 I mean, your suspension?
00:46:45 I'm sure it wasn't all that bad.
00:46:47 Oh, it really sucked.
00:46:49 Hey, what's wrong?
00:46:51 You look miserable.
00:46:53 It's Lily.
00:46:59 Ow.
00:47:05 What are you doing?
00:47:06 I'm not looking for someone to come and save me, Chip.
00:47:09 Maggie.
00:47:11 My cousin killed herself cutting.
00:47:14 You know, it's always something else.
00:47:16 That's what they taught us in peer mediation.
00:47:18 It's something else.
00:47:19 So what is it?
00:47:22 I can't.
00:47:24 He will hurt me, or he will hurt my sister.
00:47:27 Where's your dad?
00:47:28 He's dead.
00:47:29 I'm sorry.
00:47:30 So you get yourself out of the situation.
00:47:32 Child protective services can help you.
00:47:34 That's just going to get my mother into trouble.
00:47:37 Besides, I have no proof, okay?
00:47:40 No one's going to believe me.
00:47:41 And why not?
00:47:44 Because he's rich.
00:47:47 I'm 18 in a few months.
00:47:49 I'll be fine until then.
00:47:52 In mediation, they tell us that the abuse won't stop
00:47:56 until you get yourself out, or until you're dead.
00:48:01 You have to get yourself out, and if you need any help,
00:48:06 I will do everything I can to help you.
00:48:08 Thanks, Chip.
00:48:10 [indistinct chatter]
00:48:13 ♪ ♪
00:48:20 ♪ ♪
00:48:27 ♪ ♪
00:48:34 ♪ ♪
00:48:41 Maggie, I just made $100.
00:49:00 Babysitting?
00:49:01 Yeah, I'm close to $200.
00:49:03 You sure you're good?
00:49:04 Oh, yeah, Mom wants us to help put dinner on.
00:49:07 I'm going to run away.
00:49:16 Maggie, that'll only bring more problems.
00:49:18 He hurt me.
00:49:20 Again.
00:49:22 Last night.
00:49:24 I'm leaving.
00:49:26 There's this little town my dad grew up in,
00:49:29 and you know, my mom actually met him there
00:49:31 when I ran away, so...
00:49:34 I thought I'd check it out.
00:49:36 You're not even done with high school,
00:49:37 and when they find out you're only 17...
00:49:39 So I will get a fake ID, Chip.
00:49:42 But you were right, you know?
00:49:46 I can't stay.
00:49:48 Or I...
00:49:51 I do need your help.
00:49:54 Running away?
00:49:55 No.
00:50:00 Kyle, Kyle, you are the man.
00:50:05 Ha ha ha, yeah, screw those vice bastards.
00:50:08 They could choke on one of my baseball bats.
00:50:11 Make sure John Carly gets you some cash next week,
00:50:13 all right?
00:50:14 Yeah, business as usual.
00:50:16 Nothing changes, but more importantly, Kyle,
00:50:19 I don't change.
00:50:21 Ha ha ha ha!
00:50:24 Whew.
00:50:27 Whew.
00:50:30 It's a beautiful day for a baseball game.
00:50:34 Ha ha.
00:50:36 Yeah, only if I didn't have all these papers to grade.
00:50:39 You're not ready?
00:50:40 We gotta leave in 15 minutes.
00:50:41 The game starts in an hour.
00:50:43 I'm assuming that's not your first.
00:50:45 No, it's not.
00:50:46 It's a holiday weekend.
00:50:47 It's a big game.
00:50:48 You know, I just wanted it to be a family weekend.
00:50:51 Well, Lizzie's babysitting.
00:50:52 Good for her.
00:50:53 She's a hard worker.
00:50:54 Good for Lizzie.
00:50:55 And Maggie's been invited by a friend's family to go camping.
00:50:58 And she leaves tonight.
00:51:00 You're gonna let her spend the weekend with her boyfriend?
00:51:03 I mean, what are you thinking?
00:51:04 He's not my boyfriend.
00:51:07 Look, Maggie's been working really, really hard,
00:51:10 and her grades are up.
00:51:12 You know, if I think it's okay, then I'll--
00:51:14 I'll agree for her to go.
00:51:17 Okay.
00:51:18 Well, don't come to me when she gets pregnant
00:51:21 for money or any help.
00:51:23 I'm serious.
00:51:24 Really?
00:51:26 [doorbell rings]
00:51:28 Oh, it's Chip.
00:51:30 Come on in, Chip.
00:51:39 Hey, Chip.
00:51:41 What's going on with the pool?
00:51:42 Seems to be a lot of algae in it.
00:51:44 You're not using enough chlorine?
00:51:46 Ooh, a lot of algae in the pool, right?
00:51:48 Stop that.
00:51:51 Hi, I'm Ms. Taylor.
00:51:53 Hi, Mrs. Taylor.
00:51:54 Um, so when do you guys leave?
00:51:56 In a couple hours.
00:51:57 Oh, okay, and where are you going?
00:52:00 Cedar Falls.
00:52:01 Oh, we love that place.
00:52:02 Yeah.
00:52:03 Um, okay, Maggie, I want you to answer your cell phone
00:52:05 no matter what time I call, understand?
00:52:08 And just have fun.
00:52:09 So...I can go?
00:52:11 I say yes.
00:52:13 Thank you.
00:52:14 Mm-hmm.
00:52:17 I'm gonna go get my stuff.
00:52:20 Hey, Chip.
00:52:22 So, uh, you're gonna keep your hands to yourself, aren't you?
00:52:25 Right?
00:52:26 Yes, sir.
00:52:27 Good boy.
00:52:29 Hey, we gotta go.
00:52:30 We're running late.
00:52:34 Have a good night, guys.
00:52:38 [door slams]
00:52:41 [exhales]
00:52:44 Let's do this.
00:52:50 [door slams]
00:52:52 Whoa, is that--?
00:52:53 Yeah, it says "prized possession, Babe Ruth" signed it.
00:52:57 Come on, I think it's over here.
00:53:01 Give me the camera.
00:53:03 Okay.
00:53:05 It's empty.
00:53:10 No, no.
00:53:12 No, it can't be.
00:53:13 He used this one.
00:53:15 What about that?
00:53:17 That has a password.
00:53:20 Give me a minute.
00:53:28 Okay, I've just gotta grab some stuff.
00:53:31 [keyboard clacking]
00:53:34 I'm sorry, sis.
00:53:52 [keyboard clacking]
00:53:54 How much longer is it gonna be?
00:53:56 They're almost home.
00:53:57 I almost have it.
00:53:59 The first five letters are O-L-Y-M-P.
00:54:03 And?
00:54:05 Olympus Pond.
00:54:07 Wow, we're in.
00:54:13 All right, let's get the pictures and let's go.
00:54:17 Look at this.
00:54:20 He's been spying on your family.
00:54:24 [sighs]
00:54:28 [camera shutter clicks]
00:54:30 And there's a log here.
00:54:32 Okay.
00:54:34 [camera shutter clicks]
00:54:41 [sighs]
00:54:43 [camera shutter clicks]
00:54:47 [sighs]
00:54:49 Okay.
00:54:51 Okay.
00:54:53 That's it, Chip.
00:54:55 Let's go.
00:54:58 [door opens]
00:55:00 [soft music]
00:55:03 ♪ ♪
00:55:10 [car engine rumbles]
00:55:15 ♪ ♪
00:55:22 Keep your cell phone off.
00:55:24 I can use it to track you.
00:55:27 I can't.
00:55:32 Please?
00:55:34 Thank you for all of your help.
00:55:41 And make sure he gets the message tomorrow night.
00:55:45 Yeah, he'll get it.
00:55:47 ♪ ♪
00:55:54 [soft music]
00:55:57 ♪ ♪
00:56:04 [car engine rumbles]
00:56:07 ♪ ♪
00:56:14 [car engine rumbles]
00:56:17 ♪ ♪
00:56:24 [soft music]
00:56:27 ♪ ♪
00:56:34 Watch out.
00:56:45 ♪ ♪
00:56:48 Most call me Charlie. Friends call me Chuck.
00:56:51 [sighs]
00:56:53 I'm Maggie.
00:56:55 Come on, let's go.
00:57:00 [car engine rumbles]
00:57:03 ♪ ♪
00:57:10 [sirens wail]
00:57:13 ♪ ♪
00:57:20 Cool notebook.
00:57:26 I used to do that back in school with the eraser.
00:57:29 Yeah, it's my mom's from when she was my age.
00:57:32 That's nice.
00:57:34 I never knew my mom.
00:57:36 She took off when I was five.
00:57:38 I'm sorry.
00:57:40 Yeah, I'm not.
00:57:42 Ever been to Anita Rosa?
00:57:44 You?
00:57:46 Yeah, I got a place downtown.
00:57:48 It's nothing special. I'm a mechanic by day.
00:57:50 And by night?
00:57:52 Other stuff.
00:57:54 Oh.
00:57:56 That's cool.
00:58:00 ♪ ♪
00:58:07 [sirens wail]
00:58:10 ♪ ♪
00:58:17 Oh, are you military?
00:58:33 No, I just went up here that way.
00:58:35 Oh.
00:58:37 It was good talking to you.
00:58:38 You too.
00:58:40 [indistinct chatter]
00:58:43 ♪ ♪
00:58:50 [car door slams]
00:58:52 [sniffles]
00:58:54 ♪ ♪
00:59:02 [traffic hums]
00:59:04 Hey.
00:59:09 Oh.
00:59:11 Hey, sorry.
00:59:13 Got allergies.
00:59:15 Yeah, okay.
00:59:17 Look, I was on the street once,
00:59:20 and it sucks.
00:59:22 I got a room.
00:59:24 Not with me, a spare room.
00:59:26 It's not the Hilton, but it's better than a bench.
00:59:29 Yeah.
00:59:31 Maybe just for the night.
00:59:33 Sure. Come on.
00:59:35 ♪ ♪
00:59:42 It's my latest project.
00:59:54 Come on.
00:59:59 [door slams]
01:00:01 What the hell? Who's this?
01:00:03 She needs a place to stay for a few days.
01:00:05 You're letting her stay here?
01:00:06 I let you stay here.
01:00:08 I didn't know she's been a cop.
01:00:10 I said she's staying.
01:00:12 All right.
01:00:14 ♪ ♪
01:00:22 [footsteps]
01:00:24 ♪ ♪
01:00:30 Whose room is this?
01:00:32 Nobody's.
01:00:34 Stay as long as you need to.
01:00:36 You want a knock, are you?
01:00:38 No.
01:00:40 I got two rules.
01:00:42 Rule one, don't screw me over.
01:00:46 [chuckles]
01:00:48 Don't go in the basement.
01:00:50 Cool.
01:00:52 I'm just gonna be here until I can find a job.
01:00:54 Got ID says you're 18?
01:00:56 I am 18.
01:00:58 [chuckles]
01:01:00 No.
01:01:02 Do you know where I could find one?
01:01:06 Yeah.
01:01:08 I'll hook you up.
01:01:10 Good night.
01:01:12 [door slams]
01:01:14 [sighs]
01:01:16 ♪ ♪
01:01:23 [sighs]
01:01:40 ♪ ♪
01:01:47 [distant sirens]
01:01:53 ♪ ♪
01:01:57 [indistinct whispering]
01:02:00 ♪ ♪
01:02:08 [sighs]
01:02:10 Maggie.
01:02:16 I'm Crystal.
01:02:18 ♪ ♪
01:02:23 Damn it.
01:02:25 [sighs]
01:02:27 They shut my service off.
01:02:29 Uh, you don't have a phone, do you?
01:02:31 No.
01:02:33 ♪ ♪
01:02:35 [sighs]
01:02:37 All right, look, um, I gotta go.
01:02:40 So, uh...
01:02:42 Watch him.
01:02:44 Okay, I guess.
01:02:46 What's his name?
01:02:48 [door slams]
01:02:50 For how long?
01:02:52 [indistinct whispering]
01:02:54 For how long?
01:02:56 Okay.
01:02:58 What's your name?
01:03:00 [indistinct whispering]
01:03:02 [door slams]
01:03:04 [door slams]
01:03:06 Hi, hon.
01:03:07 Hey, Mom.
01:03:08 Um, did Mr. Peterson walk you home?
01:03:10 He just walked from their house.
01:03:11 And he could see you?
01:03:13 Yeah, well, he didn't go anti-wave to him.
01:03:14 Hey, I just made 50 bucks.
01:03:16 Oh, good job, honey.
01:03:18 I know.
01:03:32 [sobs]
01:03:34 Hey.
01:03:36 You want a spoon?
01:03:38 [chuckles]
01:03:40 You are a spooky kid.
01:03:44 Come on.
01:03:49 One more bite, and then I'm gonna give you a bath.
01:03:52 What?
01:04:01 Mom, my money's gone!
01:04:03 What?
01:04:07 $320 is gone.
01:04:09 Oh, Maggie asked me for money, and I gave her 20.
01:04:11 I'm calling her.
01:04:13 You know Maggie hates me.
01:04:18 Oh, stop it. She doesn't hate you.
01:04:20 She does.
01:04:22 And I've been wanting to--to tell you something.
01:04:25 What?
01:04:28 I feel like she's trying to set me up.
01:04:31 She's been very suggestive with me.
01:04:33 Whenever you're not looking.
01:04:35 And it started when you guys first got here.
01:04:37 Why wouldn't you tell me something like that?
01:04:39 Because I'm afraid she might tell lies.
01:04:41 The way she told lies about the boys at school and accused me.
01:04:44 Accused you of what?
01:04:46 She hasn't done it yet, but she's threatened to.
01:04:48 So I-I-I'm afraid to make her mad.
01:04:50 I just hide in my office until she leaves.
01:04:53 I-I-I can't believe this.
01:04:54 I-I-I thought things were going so well.
01:04:56 And I'm also missing a bottle of tequila.
01:04:59 Oh, great.
01:05:01 Lizzie, we're going to the campground.
01:05:04 Sorry. I'll be back.
01:05:07 Yeah.
01:05:08 [baby crying]
01:05:23 [baby crying]
01:05:26 Where's Crystal?
01:05:30 She went out. She hasn't come back.
01:05:32 You didn't let anyone in, did you?
01:05:33 No. No one came by.
01:05:35 Let's go.
01:05:37 Hey, I'm CJ.
01:05:39 Hey.
01:05:40 Let's go.
01:05:42 All right, man. Chill.
01:05:44 It's nice to meet you.
01:05:46 [baby crying]
01:05:49 [phone ringing]
01:05:50 Ha-ha-ha. It's crazy.
01:05:52 Maggie's disappeared with Lizzie's money.
01:05:55 Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.
01:05:56 I totally planted the seed.
01:05:58 Yup. I totally set the whole thing up.
01:06:01 Yeah. Even Peg.
01:06:03 So Peg thinks Maggie's coming on to me.
01:06:06 Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.
01:06:08 Oh, shoot. I got a text. Hold on.
01:06:11 What?
01:06:21 Let me call you right back.
01:06:23 Damn it!
01:06:40 Kyle, I need you to get a tap on Maggie's phone.
01:06:49 I don't care what it costs. Get it done.
01:06:51 We're in a lot of trouble. She got into my home computer.
01:06:54 Any answer?
01:07:00 No. Nothing. It's straight to voicemail.
01:07:03 Maggie?
01:07:05 Hey. Uh, is your mom there?
01:07:08 Okay. You're on speaker.
01:07:09 Hey, Peg. Uh, hey, something crazy's come up at work.
01:07:12 I, uh, I'm not gonna be able to make it.
01:07:14 I don't know when I'll be back.
01:07:16 That's okay, babe. Most likely we'll find her drunk at the campground.
01:07:19 All right. Well, make sure you call me if you do.
01:07:21 'Cause I'm worried.
01:07:22 All right. Thank you.
01:07:25 [door closes]
01:07:27 [punching sounds]
01:07:38 [punching sounds]
01:07:49 [punching sounds]
01:07:52 Just drove it in yesterday. It's the best stuff on the market.
01:08:08 Yeah, it better be for the price.
01:08:10 Okay. Okay.
01:08:13 See you around, okay?
01:08:18 Yeah, sure.
01:08:19 Do it.
01:08:28 What are you thinking, going out like that?
01:08:31 It's business.
01:08:32 BS.
01:08:33 I'll see you around, bud. Thanks, man. Thank you.
01:08:37 Wow.
01:08:39 Look at you. Mom of the year.
01:08:43 I just washed him.
01:08:44 I am so tired of sitting here while you hook up with other chicks.
01:08:48 Slut.
01:08:53 Hey!
01:08:56 [car engine]
01:08:59 [gunshot]
01:09:13 [gunshot]
01:09:17 [music]
01:09:20 What are you doing here?
01:09:40 I'm applying for a job.
01:09:42 Look, I buy a little weed from Charlie every once in a while, okay?
01:09:46 But I gotta tell you, that place is not safe.
01:09:49 I know.
01:09:50 And I'm only gonna be there for a little bit until I can get a job.
01:09:54 CJ?
01:09:55 We have customers.
01:09:59 I know, Joe. This is Maggie.
01:10:01 She's applying for a job here.
01:10:03 Hi.
01:10:05 You're 18?
01:10:06 Yes, sir.
01:10:08 Yeah, I don't have my ID, but I am.
01:10:13 Well, that's for her.
01:10:14 Of course. She's a good friend of mine from school.
01:10:17 If you vouch, then it's good.
01:10:22 8.50 an hour, we all split the tips. When can you start?
01:10:25 Right now.
01:10:26 Tomorrow you bring your ID.
01:10:29 Yes, sir.
01:10:30 Good for me?
01:10:32 Right.
01:10:33 [laughs]
01:10:35 [water running]
01:10:40 [water running]
01:10:43 You little son of a bitch. Messing around in my office.
01:10:53 Get over here.
01:10:54 Come here. Come here.
01:10:56 You're gonna tell me where to find Maggie.
01:10:57 I... I... I...
01:10:58 Come here!
01:10:59 I... I... I...
01:11:00 I... I... I...
01:11:01 [sobs]
01:11:02 Hey, you're gonna tell me where to find Maggie right now.
01:11:08 This pool's gonna need a whole lot more than chlorine to clean it.
01:11:11 You understand me?
01:11:14 [sobs]
01:11:15 Huh? Do you understand me?
01:11:17 Let's see what's in here.
01:11:23 It's okay, babe. I'm just looking for...
01:11:27 Oh.
01:11:29 Well, Miss Maggie was holding out.
01:11:34 [sobs]
01:11:36 [sobs]
01:11:38 Stupid.
01:11:39 Thank you so much.
01:11:44 Thank you.
01:11:45 Ah, you did a great job, Maggie.
01:11:49 Oh.
01:11:50 Now, here are your tips.
01:11:53 Thank you.
01:11:56 Um...
01:12:04 I was wondering if maybe you can remember a John and Peg Taylor that worked here.
01:12:10 It's about 18 years ago.
01:12:12 I bought this place five years ago, and the owner before me passed, so I don't know.
01:12:17 Well, it was a long shot.
01:12:20 Mm-hmm. Sorry.
01:12:21 CJ.
01:12:22 Yeah, Joe.
01:12:25 Walk Maggie home.
01:12:26 Okay.
01:12:27 And then get back here for dinner, okay?
01:12:28 Sure.
01:12:29 11 o'clock tomorrow. That's the start of the lunch shift, all right?
01:12:33 Be on time.
01:12:34 Yes.
01:12:36 Oh, and don't forget your ID.
01:12:39 ID.
01:12:40 All right, put that stuff away, and we'll head home.
01:12:44 Okay.
01:12:45 All right.
01:12:46 Thanks for walking me back.
01:12:49 Hey, no problem.
01:12:50 Look, if you want me to stop in later, 'cause this place is kind of...
01:12:54 Sure.
01:12:55 Yeah.
01:12:56 See you later, then.
01:12:57 I'd like that.
01:12:58 All right. Bye.
01:12:59 Bye.
01:13:01 [sighs]
01:13:02 Okay.
01:13:08 Time to go. Bye-bye.
01:13:11 Shit!
01:13:24 Oh, no you don't.
01:13:27 I know you're in on this.
01:13:29 Camping? Really, Chip? You lied to me!
01:13:32 Where's Maggie?
01:13:33 What happened to you?
01:13:34 I... I can't say.
01:13:36 She will kill me.
01:13:38 Listen, if Maggie's in trouble, you need to tell me where she is.
01:13:42 Tell me where she is!
01:13:44 Screw him.
01:13:49 He's just a bully.
01:13:51 I gotta show you something about Maggie.
01:13:55 At your house.
01:13:58 At your house?
01:13:59 Let's go.
01:14:01 You look exactly like it, with shorter hair.
01:14:06 Shawna McLachlan.
01:14:09 Okay.
01:14:11 This could work.
01:14:13 I mean, people's driver's licenses don't usually look like them anyways.
01:14:17 The height and eye color match. That's the most important part.
01:14:20 And I got her Social Security card.
01:14:22 Okay.
01:14:24 Um...
01:14:26 Where'd you get them?
01:14:27 Where'd you get them?
01:14:28 Where's the kid?
01:14:32 He's asleep.
01:14:35 I just want to make sure that if I use these I'm not gonna get arrested.
01:14:39 The address is in Pittsburgh. Don't use it there.
01:14:42 Okay. Um, how much?
01:14:44 For you?
01:14:46 175.
01:14:49 I mean, a Social Security card costs that much itself.
01:14:52 Better have it for 150.
01:14:54 [indistinct chatter]
01:14:56 Where are the guns? Where are the guns? Where are the guns?
01:15:03 [gunshot]
01:15:04 [screams]
01:15:05 Where are they?
01:15:07 Screw off.
01:15:09 Tell me.
01:15:19 They're in the basement.
01:15:21 Shut the hell up.
01:15:22 You.
01:15:23 Show me.
01:15:24 Go.
01:15:27 You. On the couch.
01:15:29 You. On the chair.
01:15:30 Now!
01:15:32 Get the hell back here!
01:15:33 Sit your ass down.
01:15:35 [gunshot]
01:15:38 Oh no.
01:15:47 You smashed Richard's computer?
01:15:49 No.
01:15:50 Chip, I need you to start talking to me right now.
01:15:52 You got it.
01:15:53 What?
01:15:55 We need to go to the police right now.
01:15:58 They're the only ones that can get the data off this drive.
01:16:00 What?
01:16:01 What?
01:16:02 Miss Taylor.
01:16:03 Your husband was abusing Maggie.
01:16:06 No.
01:16:07 I have the proof right here.
01:16:08 No. No, that can't be true. That can't be true.
01:16:11 I'm sorry, but she ran away before he killed her.
01:16:15 Where? Where did she go?
01:16:19 Anita Rosa.
01:16:21 Anita Rosa?
01:16:22 Anita Rosa?
01:16:24 Oh my God.
01:16:25 What? What? Mom!
01:16:26 Wait! Where are you going?
01:16:29 I'm going to Anita Rosa. I know where she went.
01:16:33 Chip, you take Lizzie and that disc to the police right now.
01:16:36 Okay.
01:16:37 Mom, what if Richard hurt Maggie? He could hurt you too.
01:16:39 Oh, that's not gonna happen.
01:16:41 I'm gonna go get Maggie. You do as you're told.
01:16:44 What?
01:16:45 You got a hit. Where?
01:16:47 Anita Rosa.
01:16:49 You gotta get somebody to go to my house. Clean up my computer.
01:16:54 Hey, hey, hey. You did a good job.
01:16:56 Good job, buddy.
01:16:58 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:01 Okay.
01:17:02 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:03 Okay.
01:17:04 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:05 Okay.
01:17:06 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:07 Okay.
01:17:08 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:09 Okay.
01:17:10 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:11 Okay.
01:17:12 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:13 Okay.
01:17:14 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:15 Okay.
01:17:16 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:17 Okay.
01:17:18 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:19 Okay.
01:17:20 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:21 Okay.
01:17:22 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:23 Okay.
01:17:24 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:25 Okay.
01:17:26 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:27 Okay.
01:17:28 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:29 Okay.
01:17:30 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:31 Okay.
01:17:32 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:33 Okay.
01:17:34 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:35 Okay.
01:17:36 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:37 Okay.
01:17:38 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:39 Okay.
01:17:40 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:41 Okay.
01:17:42 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:43 Okay.
01:17:44 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:45 Okay.
01:17:46 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:47 Okay.
01:17:48 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:49 Okay.
01:17:50 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:51 Okay.
01:17:52 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:53 Okay.
01:17:54 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:55 Okay.
01:17:56 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:57 Okay.
01:17:58 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:17:59 Okay.
01:18:00 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:01 Okay.
01:18:02 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:03 Okay.
01:18:04 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:05 Okay.
01:18:06 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:07 Okay.
01:18:08 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:09 Okay.
01:18:10 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:11 Okay.
01:18:12 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:13 Okay.
01:18:14 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:15 Okay.
01:18:16 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:17 Okay.
01:18:18 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:19 Okay.
01:18:20 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:21 Okay.
01:18:22 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:23 Okay.
01:18:24 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:25 Okay.
01:18:26 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:27 Okay.
01:18:28 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:29 Okay.
01:18:30 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:31 Okay.
01:18:32 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:33 Okay.
01:18:34 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:35 Okay.
01:18:36 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:37 Okay.
01:18:38 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:39 Okay.
01:18:40 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:41 Okay.
01:18:42 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:43 Okay.
01:18:44 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:45 Okay.
01:18:46 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:47 Okay.
01:18:48 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:49 Okay.
01:18:50 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:51 Okay.
01:18:52 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:53 Okay.
01:18:54 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:55 Okay.
01:18:56 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:57 Okay.
01:18:58 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:18:59 Okay.
01:19:00 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:01 Okay.
01:19:02 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:03 Okay.
01:19:04 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:05 Okay.
01:19:06 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:07 Okay.
01:19:08 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:09 Okay.
01:19:10 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:11 Okay.
01:19:12 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:13 Okay.
01:19:14 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:15 Okay.
01:19:16 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:17 Okay.
01:19:18 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:19 Okay.
01:19:20 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:21 Okay.
01:19:22 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:23 Okay.
01:19:24 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:25 Okay.
01:19:26 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:27 Okay.
01:19:28 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:29 Okay.
01:19:30 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:31 Okay.
01:19:32 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:33 Okay.
01:19:34 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:35 Okay.
01:19:36 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:37 Okay.
01:19:38 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:39 Okay.
01:19:40 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:41 Okay.
01:19:42 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:43 Okay.
01:19:44 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:45 Okay.
01:19:46 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:47 Okay.
01:19:48 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:49 Okay.
01:19:50 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:51 Okay.
01:19:52 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:53 Okay.
01:19:54 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:55 Okay.
01:19:56 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:57 Okay.
01:19:58 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:19:59 Okay.
01:20:00 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:01 Okay.
01:20:02 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:03 Okay.
01:20:04 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:05 Okay.
01:20:06 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:07 Okay.
01:20:08 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:09 Okay.
01:20:10 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:11 Okay.
01:20:12 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:13 Okay.
01:20:14 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:15 Okay.
01:20:16 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:17 Okay.
01:20:18 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:19 Okay.
01:20:20 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:21 Okay.
01:20:22 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:23 Okay.
01:20:24 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:25 Okay.
01:20:26 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:27 Okay.
01:20:28 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:29 Okay.
01:20:30 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:31 Okay.
01:20:32 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:33 Okay.
01:20:34 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:35 Okay.
01:20:36 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:37 Okay.
01:20:38 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:39 Okay.
01:20:40 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:41 Okay.
01:20:42 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:43 Okay.
01:20:44 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:45 Okay.
01:20:46 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:47 Okay.
01:20:48 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:49 Okay.
01:20:50 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:51 Okay.
01:20:52 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:53 Okay.
01:20:54 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:55 Okay.
01:20:56 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:57 Okay.
01:20:58 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:20:59 Okay.
01:21:00 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:01 Okay.
01:21:02 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:03 Okay.
01:21:04 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:05 Okay.
01:21:06 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:07 Okay.
01:21:08 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:09 Okay.
01:21:10 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:11 Okay.
01:21:12 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:13 Okay.
01:21:14 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:15 Okay.
01:21:16 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:17 Okay.
01:21:18 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:19 Okay.
01:21:20 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:21 Okay.
01:21:22 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:23 Okay.
01:21:24 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:25 Okay.
01:21:26 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:27 Okay.
01:21:28 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:29 Okay.
01:21:30 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:31 Okay.
01:21:32 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:33 Okay.
01:21:34 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:35 Okay.
01:21:36 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:37 Okay.
01:21:38 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:39 Okay.
01:21:40 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:41 Okay.
01:21:42 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:43 Okay.
01:21:44 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:45 Okay.
01:21:46 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:47 Okay.
01:21:48 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:49 Okay.
01:21:50 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:51 Okay.
01:21:52 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:53 Okay.
01:21:54 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:55 Okay.
01:21:56 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:57 Okay.
01:21:58 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:21:59 Okay.
01:22:00 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:01 Okay.
01:22:02 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:03 Okay.
01:22:04 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:05 Okay.
01:22:06 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:07 Okay.
01:22:08 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:09 Okay.
01:22:10 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:11 Okay.
01:22:12 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:13 Okay.
01:22:14 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:15 Okay.
01:22:16 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:17 Okay.
01:22:18 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:19 Okay.
01:22:20 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:21 Okay.
01:22:22 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:23 Okay.
01:22:24 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:25 Okay.
01:22:26 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:27 Okay.
01:22:28 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:29 Okay.
01:22:30 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:31 Okay.
01:22:32 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:33 Okay.
01:22:34 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:35 Okay.
01:22:36 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:37 Okay.
01:22:38 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:39 Okay.
01:22:40 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:41 Okay.
01:22:42 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:43 Okay.
01:22:44 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:45 Okay.
01:22:46 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:47 Okay.
01:22:48 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:49 Okay.
01:22:50 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:51 Okay.
01:22:52 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:53 Okay.
01:22:54 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:55 Okay.
01:22:56 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:57 Okay.
01:22:58 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:22:59 Okay.
01:23:00 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:01 Okay.
01:23:02 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:03 Okay.
01:23:04 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:05 Okay.
01:23:06 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:07 Okay.
01:23:08 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:09 Okay.
01:23:10 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:11 Okay.
01:23:12 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:13 Okay.
01:23:14 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:15 Okay.
01:23:16 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:17 Okay.
01:23:18 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:19 Okay.
01:23:20 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:21 Okay.
01:23:22 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:23 Okay.
01:23:24 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:25 Okay.
01:23:26 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:27 Okay.
01:23:28 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:29 Okay.
01:23:30 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:31 Okay.
01:23:32 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:33 Okay.
01:23:34 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:35 Okay.
01:23:36 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:37 Okay.
01:23:38 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:39 Okay.
01:23:40 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:41 Okay.
01:23:42 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:43 Okay.
01:23:44 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:45 Okay.
01:23:46 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:47 Okay.
01:23:48 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:49 Okay.
01:23:50 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:51 Okay.
01:23:52 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:53 Okay.
01:23:54 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:55 Okay.
01:23:56 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:57 Okay.
01:23:58 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:23:59 Okay.
01:24:00 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:01 Okay.
01:24:02 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:03 Okay.
01:24:04 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:05 Okay.
01:24:06 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:07 Okay.
01:24:08 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:09 Okay.
01:24:10 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:11 Okay.
01:24:12 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:13 Okay.
01:24:14 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:15 Okay.
01:24:16 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:17 Okay.
01:24:18 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:19 Okay.
01:24:20 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:21 Okay.
01:24:22 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:23 Okay.
01:24:24 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:25 Okay.
01:24:26 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:27 Okay.
01:24:28 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:29 Okay.
01:24:30 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:31 Okay.
01:24:32 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:33 Okay.
01:24:34 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:35 Okay.
01:24:36 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:37 Okay.
01:24:38 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:39 Okay.
01:24:40 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:41 Okay.
01:24:42 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:43 Okay.
01:24:44 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:45 Okay.
01:24:46 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:47 Okay.
01:24:48 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:49 Okay.
01:24:50 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:51 Okay.
01:24:52 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:53 Okay.
01:24:54 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:55 Okay.
01:24:56 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:57 Okay.
01:24:58 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:24:59 Okay.
01:25:00 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:01 Okay.
01:25:02 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:03 Okay.
01:25:04 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:05 Okay.
01:25:06 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:07 Okay.
01:25:08 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:09 Okay.
01:25:10 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:11 Okay.
01:25:12 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:13 Okay.
01:25:14 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:15 Okay.
01:25:16 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:17 Okay.
01:25:18 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:19 Okay.
01:25:20 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:21 Okay.
01:25:22 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:23 Okay.
01:25:24 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:25 Okay.
01:25:26 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:27 Okay.
01:25:28 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:29 Okay.
01:25:30 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:31 Okay.
01:25:32 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:33 Okay.
01:25:34 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:35 Okay.
01:25:36 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:37 Okay.
01:25:38 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:39 Okay.
01:25:40 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:41 Okay.
01:25:42 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:43 Okay.
01:25:44 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:45 Okay.
01:25:46 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:47 Okay.
01:25:48 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:49 Okay.
01:25:50 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:51 Okay.
01:25:52 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:53 Okay.
01:25:54 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:55 Okay.
01:25:56 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:57 Okay.
01:25:58 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:25:59 Okay.
01:26:00 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:01 Okay.
01:26:02 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:03 Okay.
01:26:04 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:05 Okay.
01:26:06 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:07 Okay.
01:26:08 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:09 Okay.
01:26:10 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:11 Okay.
01:26:12 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:13 Okay.
01:26:14 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:15 Okay.
01:26:16 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:17 Okay.
01:26:18 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:19 Okay.
01:26:20 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:21 Okay.
01:26:22 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:23 Okay.
01:26:24 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:25 Okay.
01:26:26 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:27 Okay.
01:26:28 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:29 Okay.
01:26:30 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:31 Okay.
01:26:32 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:33 Okay.
01:26:34 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:35 Okay.
01:26:36 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:37 Okay.
01:26:38 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:39 Okay.
01:26:40 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:41 Okay.
01:26:42 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:43 Okay.
01:26:44 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:45 Okay.
01:26:46 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:47 Okay.
01:26:48 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:49 Okay.
01:26:50 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:51 Okay.
01:26:52 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:53 Okay.
01:26:54 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:55 Okay.
01:26:56 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:57 Okay.
01:26:58 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:26:59 Okay.
01:27:00 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:01 Okay.
01:27:02 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:03 Okay.
01:27:04 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:05 Okay.
01:27:06 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:07 Okay.
01:27:08 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:09 Okay.
01:27:10 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:11 Okay.
01:27:12 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:13 Okay.
01:27:14 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:15 Okay.
01:27:16 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:17 Okay.
01:27:18 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:19 Okay.
01:27:20 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:21 Okay.
01:27:22 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:23 Okay.
01:27:24 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:25 Okay.
01:27:26 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:27 Okay.
01:27:28 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:29 Okay.
01:27:30 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:31 Okay.
01:27:32 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:33 Okay.
01:27:34 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:35 Okay.
01:27:36 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:37 Okay.
01:27:38 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:39 Okay.
01:27:40 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:41 Okay.
01:27:42 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:43 Okay.
01:27:44 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:45 Okay.
01:27:46 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:47 Okay.
01:27:48 I'm gonna go get Maggie.
01:27:49 Okay.
01:27:50 I think that we're gonna be going back there.
01:27:51 We're moving again?
01:27:52 We're moving again?
01:27:53 Yeah, why?
01:27:54 I mean, you own that house now, right?
01:27:55 Yeah, why?
01:27:56 I mean, you own that house now, right?
01:27:57 And, I mean, it is pretty sweet, and it's got its own pool.
01:27:58 And, I mean, it is pretty sweet, and it's got its own pool.
01:27:59 Besides, this new job, it pays better than your old one, right?
01:28:00 Besides, this new job, it pays better than your old one, right?
01:28:01 Besides, this new job, it pays better than your old one, right?
01:28:02 Besides, this new job, it pays better than your old one, right?
01:28:03 Besides, this new job, it pays better than your old one, right?
01:28:04 Besides, this new job, it pays better than your old one, right?
01:28:05 Well, technically, yes.
01:28:22 I second that vote.
01:28:25 Third.
01:28:27 Okay.
01:28:29 Yes.
01:28:31 We'll stay.
01:28:34 (laughing)
01:28:37 - So, can I get ice cream?
01:28:39 - Yes, you can get ice cream.
01:28:41 I think it's--
01:28:42 - Is this called ice?
01:28:44 - What happened to your eye?
01:28:45 - Oh, it's, it'll heal.
01:28:48 - Yeah, but what happened?
01:28:51 - Punched.
01:28:52 Maybe ice cream on it would help?
01:28:54 - Who punched you?
01:28:55 - My date.
01:28:56 - Oh.
01:28:57 Yeah, we can get some ice cream on her.
01:28:59 What flavor do you want?
01:29:00 - Chocolate.
01:29:01 - What flavor do you want?
01:29:02 - I'm fine with chocolate.
01:29:03 - What flavor do you want?
01:29:04 - Chardonnay.
01:29:05 - Yeah.
01:29:06 (laughing)
01:29:07 (upbeat music)
01:29:09 ♪ Sugar don't slide down your throat like honey ♪
01:29:21 ♪ When you can't keep your eyes on the prize and the money ♪
01:29:24 ♪ When your that broke, your that broke ♪
01:29:26 ♪ Talking 'bout your that broke, your that broke ♪
01:29:30 ♪ First hand whistle when the wheels are running high ♪
01:29:32 ♪ When you're suffering sin and you don't know why ♪
01:29:35 ♪ When your that stoned, your that stoned ♪
01:29:38 ♪ Talking 'bout your that stoned, your that stoned ♪
01:29:42 ♪ Hey, hey, what you gonna do ♪
01:29:44 ♪ When they come around the corner ♪
01:29:46 ♪ And they're looking for you ♪
01:29:47 ♪ Hey, hey, what you gonna do ♪
01:29:50 ♪ When they come around the corner ♪
01:29:51 ♪ And they're looking for you ♪
01:29:53 ♪ Come around the corner and they're looking for you ♪
01:29:58 (upbeat music)
01:30:01 ♪ Standing on the bottom with a fish don't swim ♪
01:30:11 ♪ Gonna find yourself a treasure ♪
01:30:12 ♪ When you're gonna get rich ♪
01:30:13 ♪ When your that gone, your that gone ♪
01:30:16 ♪ Talking 'bout your that gone, your that gone ♪
01:30:20 ♪ Leave it all together while you keep it inside ♪
01:30:22 ♪ When you're kissing all the dead ♪
01:30:23 ♪ The life keeps passing you by ♪
01:30:25 ♪ 'Cause your that don't, your that don't ♪
01:30:28 ♪ Talking 'bout your that gone, your that gone ♪
01:30:31 ♪ Hey, hey, what you gonna do ♪
01:30:34 ♪ When they come around the corner ♪
01:30:35 ♪ And they're looking for you ♪
01:30:37 ♪ Hey, hey, what you gonna do ♪
01:30:40 ♪ When they come around the corner ♪
01:30:41 ♪ And they're looking for you ♪
01:30:43 ♪ Hey, hey, what you gonna do ♪
01:30:46 ♪ When they come around the corner ♪
01:30:47 ♪ And they're looking for you ♪
01:30:49 ♪ Hey, hey, what you gonna do ♪
01:30:51 ♪ When they come around the corner ♪
01:30:53 ♪ And they're looking for you ♪
01:30:55 ♪ When they come around the corner ♪
01:30:56 ♪ And they're looking for you ♪
01:30:58 ♪ When they come around the corner ♪
01:30:59 [BLANK_AUDIO]
