Low Emission Zone signs in place in Edinburgh with six months to go

  • last year
Low Emission Zone signs in place in Edinburgh with six months to go.

Official road signs are being installed on the boundary of Edinburgh’s Low Emission Zone (LEZ), with six months until enforcement begins.

The signs, which are being used in the four Scottish cities with city centre LEZs, will inform drivers they are driving within the zone. In Edinburgh, additional ‘warning signs’ will tell drivers that Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) will not be issued until 1 June 2024 and only to the most polluting vehicles.

On Wednesday, Transport and Environment Convener Councillor Scott Arthur met contractors installing some of the first signs and urged drivers to prepare for the changes coming into force from 1 June 2024.

Some households and small businesses may be eligible for the Low Emission Zone Support Fund, funded by Transport Scotland and administered by Energy Saving Trust. This offers successful applicants grants, to dispose of non-compliant vehicles and to help households invest in more sustainable forms of transport, including public transport or bike hire schemes.

utomatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras, which support enforcement, will be installed in late 2023/early 2024 and a mobile enforcement vehicle will be active from June 2024 onwards.

In early 2024 there will also be changes made to some street layouts and signals around the LEZ boundary to cut congestion and improve safety for everyone. Full details of the changes can be found on the Council website.

Independent market research carried out in June indicates that a majority of drivers in Edinburgh continue to support the LEZ and think protecting public health is important. Data analysed by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) earlier this year also revealed that overall compliance with Edinburgh’s LEZ emissions standards had increased from 48% to 78% over the last six years.

A city centre LEZ was introduced in Edinburgh on 31 May 2022, along with LEZs in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee, restricting the most polluting vehicles only and benefiting everyone’s health. In Edinburgh, a two-year grace period is in place, meaning no PCN charges will be issued during this time.

LEZ restrictions will apply to motor vehicles, except motorcycles and mopeds. Vehicles must meet the minimum emissions standards to drive within the zone, though national exemptions apply including for blue badge holders and emergency vehicles.

Edinburgh’s LEZ will issue PCNs, or fines, in line with Scottish regulations, from 1 June 2024. Full details on LEZ penalties are available online.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 So what we're doing today is installing our LEZ signs ahead of the enforcement start in next June.
00:10 And really this is just about raising public awareness that this is where the boundary of the LEZ will be.
00:16 So air quality in Edinburgh over the last few years has been improving.
00:21 The most recent day is confused, if that's the word, by the Covid pandemic.
00:26 And we're looking forward to getting the next batch of data issued which should really tell us what's happening.
00:31 So by and large Edinburgh meets the legal minimums for air quality,
00:36 but we're nowhere near the guidelines set by the World Health Organisation.
00:40 So bringing in the LEZ next year will be a massive step in the right direction.
00:45 And most of us won't notice the improvement in air quality, but if you have a respiratory problem, you certainly will.
00:50 There's a lot of information on the website. There's also a checker which allows you to put your registration number in
00:55 and it will tell you whether or not your vehicle is complying.
00:58 The main focus just now is diesel vehicles which are older than 2016.
01:03 [Music]
